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[RFC,v4,10/13] perf metricgroup: Split up metricgroup__print()

Message ID 1602152121-240367-11-git-send-email-john.garry@huawei.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series perf pmu-events: Support event aliasing for system PMUs | expand

Commit Message

John Garry Oct. 8, 2020, 10:15 a.m. UTC
To aid supporting system event metric groups, break up the function
metricgroup__print() into a part which iterates metrics and a part which
actually "prints" the metric.

No functional change intended.

Signed-off-by: John Garry <john.garry@huawei.com>
 tools/perf/util/metricgroup.c | 124 +++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 70 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.c b/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.c
index 82ba3638f48c..1102391cafeb 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.c
@@ -491,6 +491,72 @@  static void metricgroup__print_strlist(struct strlist *metrics, bool raw)
+static int metricgroup__print_pmu_event(struct pmu_event *pe,
+                                        bool metricgroups, char *filter,
+                                        bool raw, bool details,
+                                        struct rblist *groups,
+                                        struct strlist *metriclist)
+	const char *g;
+	char *omg, *mg;
+	g = pe->metric_group;
+	if (!g && pe->metric_name) {
+		if (pe->name)
+			return 0;
+		g = "No_group";
+	}
+	if (!g)
+		return 0;
+	mg = strdup(g);
+	if (!mg)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	omg = mg;
+	while ((g = strsep(&mg, ";")) != NULL) {
+		struct mep *me;
+		char *s;
+		g = skip_spaces(g);
+		if (*g == 0)
+			g = "No_group";
+		if (filter && !strstr(g, filter))
+			continue;
+		if (raw)
+			s = (char *)pe->metric_name;
+		else {
+			if (asprintf(&s, "%s\n%*s%s]",
+				     pe->metric_name, 8, "[", pe->desc) < 0)
+				return -1;
+			if (details) {
+				if (asprintf(&s, "%s\n%*s%s]",
+					     s, 8, "[", pe->metric_expr) < 0)
+					return -1;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!s)
+			continue;
+		if (!metricgroups) {
+			strlist__add(metriclist, s);
+		} else {
+			me = mep_lookup(groups, g);
+			if (!me)
+				continue;
+			strlist__add(me->metrics, s);
+		}
+		if (!raw)
+			free(s);
+	}
+	free(omg);
+	return 0;
 void metricgroup__print(bool metrics, bool metricgroups, char *filter,
 			bool raw, bool details)
@@ -515,66 +581,16 @@  void metricgroup__print(bool metrics, bool metricgroups, char *filter,
 	groups.node_cmp = mep_cmp;
 	groups.node_delete = mep_delete;
 	for (i = 0; ; i++) {
-		const char *g;
 		pe = &map->table[i];
 		if (!pe->name && !pe->metric_group && !pe->metric_name)
 		if (!pe->metric_expr)
-		g = pe->metric_group;
-		if (!g && pe->metric_name) {
-			if (pe->name)
-				continue;
-			g = "No_group";
-		}
-		if (g) {
-			char *omg;
-			char *mg = strdup(g);
-			if (!mg)
-				return;
-			omg = mg;
-			while ((g = strsep(&mg, ";")) != NULL) {
-				struct mep *me;
-				char *s;
-				g = skip_spaces(g);
-				if (*g == 0)
-					g = "No_group";
-				if (filter && !strstr(g, filter))
-					continue;
-				if (raw)
-					s = (char *)pe->metric_name;
-				else {
-					if (asprintf(&s, "%s\n%*s%s]",
-						     pe->metric_name, 8, "[", pe->desc) < 0)
-						return;
-					if (details) {
-						if (asprintf(&s, "%s\n%*s%s]",
-							     s, 8, "[", pe->metric_expr) < 0)
-							return;
-					}
-				}
-				if (!s)
-					continue;
-				if (!metricgroups) {
-					strlist__add(metriclist, s);
-				} else {
-					me = mep_lookup(&groups, g);
-					if (!me)
-						continue;
-					strlist__add(me->metrics, s);
-				}
-				if (!raw)
-					free(s);
-			}
-			free(omg);
-		}
+		if (metricgroup__print_pmu_event(pe, metricgroups, filter,
+						 raw, details, &groups,
+						 metriclist) < 0)
+			return;
 	if (metricgroups && !raw)