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[v2,1/2] arm64: dts: exynos: Enable USB in Exynos850

Message ID 20230825215445.28309-2-semen.protsenko@linaro.org (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series arm64: dts: exynos: Enable USB for E850-96 board | expand

Commit Message

Sam Protsenko Aug. 25, 2023, 9:54 p.m. UTC
Add USB controller and USB PHY controller nodes for Exynos850 SoC.

The USB controller has next features:
  - Dual Role Device (DRD) controller
  - DWC3 compatible
  - Supports USB 2.0 host and USB 2.0 device interfaces
  - Supports  full-speed (12 Mbps) and high-speed (480 Mbps) modes with
    USB device 2.0 interface
  - Supports on-chip USB PHY transceiver
  - Supports up to 16 bi-directional endpoints (that includes control
    endpoint 0)
  - Complies with xHCI 1.00 specification

Only USB 2.0 is supported in Exynos850, so only UTMI+ PHY interface is
specified in "phys" property (index 0) and PIPE3 is omitted (index 1).

Signed-off-by: Sam Protsenko <semen.protsenko@linaro.org>
Changes in v2:
  - Put ranges after compatible in usbdrd node

 arch/arm64/boot/dts/exynos/exynos850.dtsi | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/exynos/exynos850.dtsi b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/exynos/exynos850.dtsi
index aa077008b3be..53104e65b9c6 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/exynos/exynos850.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/exynos/exynos850.dtsi
@@ -570,6 +570,36 @@  sysreg_cmgp: syscon@11c20000 {
 			clocks = <&cmu_cmgp CLK_GOUT_SYSREG_CMGP_PCLK>;
+		usbdrd: usb@13600000 {
+			compatible = "samsung,exynos850-dwusb3";
+			ranges = <0x0 0x13600000 0x10000>;
+			clocks = <&cmu_hsi CLK_GOUT_USB_BUS_EARLY_CLK>,
+				 <&cmu_hsi CLK_GOUT_USB_REF_CLK>;
+			clock-names = "bus_early", "ref";
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <1>;
+			status = "disabled";
+			usbdrd_dwc3: usb@0 {
+				compatible = "snps,dwc3";
+				reg = <0x0 0x10000>;
+				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 137 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+				phys = <&usbdrd_phy 0>;
+				phy-names = "usb2-phy";
+			};
+		};
+		usbdrd_phy: phy@135d0000 {
+			compatible = "samsung,exynos850-usbdrd-phy";
+			reg = <0x135d0000 0x100>;
+			clocks = <&cmu_hsi CLK_GOUT_USB_PHY_ACLK>,
+				 <&cmu_hsi CLK_GOUT_USB_PHY_REF_CLK>;
+			clock-names = "phy", "ref";
+			samsung,pmu-syscon = <&pmu_system_controller>;
+			#phy-cells = <1>;
+			status = "disabled";
+		};
 		usi_uart: usi@138200c0 {
 			compatible = "samsung,exynos850-usi";
 			reg = <0x138200c0 0x20>;