From patchwork Tue Jun 29 08:21:09 2021 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ming Qian X-Patchwork-Id: 12349509 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-14.4 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIMWL_WL_HIGH, DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID,HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS,INCLUDES_CR_TRAILER, INCLUDES_PATCH,MAILING_LIST_MULTI,MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER,SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS,UNWANTED_LANGUAGE_BODY,USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9ACB7C11F66 for ; Tue, 29 Jun 2021 08:29:04 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 6186C61D72 for ; Tue, 29 Jun 2021 08:29:04 +0000 (UTC) DMARC-Filter: OpenDMARC Filter v1.3.2 6186C61D72 Authentication-Results:; dmarc=fail (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=bombadil.20210309; h=Sender: Content-Transfer-Encoding:Content-Type:List-Subscribe:List-Help:List-Post: List-Archive:List-Unsubscribe:List-Id:MIME-Version:References:In-Reply-To: Message-Id:Date:Subject:Cc:To:From:Reply-To:Content-ID:Content-Description: Resent-Date:Resent-From:Resent-Sender:Resent-To:Resent-Cc:Resent-Message-ID: List-Owner; bh=ZVbwRzEyD14p9dAolPmrcz6Lkw/40q45i8LNbezn1K8=; b=ajWG6l/VgW5/Vk +1euOwnrcnI9MSQOcg1iQIT7/ctyieeQ9Az+rodvTvM1fjq+zWfxa9TA5l1AOJgM7Kg78UJK88qs9 CvvMXAhqC6IIDSIojJicduHmozwpeI/ZTGRzR8W/y8KX94xil0mUhnlbXrlQKg6KaoCfzKZ75KDpu SpWlQLBqVLWWFAwqB0Jo44C8aA1k66I2RBBiHSWm7oTy6lpfR2OzPQE5KTzlxdpEnhsDmnGk2/XI3 QjcTMSvxhd3sy8SJZojuBteR/zxHmBdzuMrlDtVk6Vh8quRMKpzlzcbOYotr0Z0EaHlCK09VSc3Fq j2yYDWNer7jPY2z6z/cg==; Received: from localhost ([::1] by with esmtp (Exim 4.94.2 #2 (Red Hat Linux)) id 1ly951-00AArT-3L; Tue, 29 Jun 2021 08:26:52 +0000 Received: from ([] by with esmtps (Exim 4.94.2 #2 (Red Hat Linux)) id 1ly90h-00A9CD-8O for; Tue, 29 Jun 2021 08:22:32 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=iwn5Mjps5z5yN32LkxeMxtXDh9AbExFygzmt4OuB9Q1z/UoIZsMHb36oNljOfsAj8kISA8Wey7PwlQsNcOx+LMZlLrkVpeR3pOHO5v7Zz4tiylC/9v1YCTJlX/g3Ke/7Xqy58YZQKk1444cFl6J4/HImT+sQTk0IZHkqgL1nI/XANB79NW9UL/9jp5l4+3U2bhVPbZFktAKRq7iPDJr9iL3MJujH6vex3ijwetnlNNiAQqV3PZbRzlxHAih547G2qHiyveRVXD/R1EcKnId7IEI5s4p+IKj4Nak4Em5gAySuiF2696aTO1VA9nu+xLmRlKvDxC9dy37afEAy2afiyg== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=6S8feg5h21YhaUUr2AWx/9hdLfyNIPUqa9SAJPkPYp8=; b=Agf37jtpkZHAfY5GoDiXetZnJlqZHTs6mw4hEeQBI0HxoRBosgWy/HL3HQUDVkWJN2zGk/kzQQoRpIiYO0N5aoLYsJj+2gXB/TTJTKLhSw9NmsfJDQ7pIVPpxiGAHaVKg89lqj1D7TXXbFoG3R3d/MbUJjPqISo9YVqhPtOiKrEDT1Bla2rmBYaI1uqa5IQLkiNrENXuHTyQCNGIghyXO3PXx+DgbOG932pzgzLAhN9xPhzg0W9QqPzw3/HDFgCaq5lj7kJpS06pCfZ0IjWm/1dqZ2CkB4jjiAUvKkAHJF9z9jhx1KszbdRySNAUES+H7khtBHMl7E8SIUuGXXE8kQ== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=6S8feg5h21YhaUUr2AWx/9hdLfyNIPUqa9SAJPkPYp8=; b=MbzqLV6BxNLI1E25HunOyEwfbuyNPvjwCwgOxMedJkI0JESevkij+j5vzRNv1O+K+LXrWI32TW6uF/bmJgUXnA8UxfQut99Y+riaw2Ru0oNksWNgbXXzOVfpMEnxTjGBJlwkg7EbCwe3xw0ds9JqwGW0F3omqkQqHJCo9Rqvj5k= Authentication-Results:; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10a6:20b:d8::14) by (2603:10a6:20b:11c::15) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4264.18; Tue, 29 Jun 2021 08:22:12 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::f91a:68d6:ffb8:1642]) by ([fe80::f91a:68d6:ffb8:1642%3]) with mapi id 15.20.4264.026; Tue, 29 Jun 2021 08:22:11 +0000 From: Ming Qian To:,,, Cc:,,,,,,,, Subject: [PATCH v3 08/13] media: imx: imx8q: add v4l2 m2m vpu decoder stateful driver Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2021 16:21:09 +0800 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.31.1 In-Reply-To: References: X-Originating-IP: [] X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:1096:1:1e::14) To (2603:10a6:20b:d8::14) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from ( by (2603:1096:1:1e::14) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4264.19 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 29 Jun 2021 08:22:08 +0000 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: a4cdc7ec-286d-4405-aff1-08d93ad6fe74 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: AM7PR04MB7191: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:590; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM;; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(4636009)(136003)(366004)(396003)(346002)(376002)(39850400004)(86362001)(7696005)(52116002)(7416002)(38350700002)(5660300002)(66946007)(966005)(44832011)(8936002)(4326008)(6486002)(478600001)(66476007)(30864003)(2616005)(316002)(38100700002)(8676002)(956004)(66556008)(36756003)(83380400001)(2906002)(26005)(16526019)(186003)(32563001)(579004); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: a4cdc7ec-286d-4405-aff1-08d93ad6fe74 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 29 Jun 2021 08:22:11.8626 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 686ea1d3-bc2b-4c6f-a92c-d99c5c301635 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: h0WzzSckd5Rr0/TytDA7He4MzsiS6LXk1zwW0L5xDeMUQVvwfjDmuqKxW2ENZ1utinxCVIaJF8b5ulf6ne+hbA== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: AM7PR04MB7191 X-CRM114-Version: 20100106-BlameMichelson ( TRE 0.8.0 (BSD) ) MR-646709E3 X-CRM114-CacheID: sfid-20210629_012223_386399_CC0085B9 X-CRM114-Status: GOOD ( 18.59 ) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.34 Precedence: list List-Id: List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Sender: "linux-arm-kernel" Errors-To: This consists of video decoder implementation plus decoder controls. Signed-off-by: Ming Qian Signed-off-by: Shijie Qin Signed-off-by: Zhou Peng --- drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vdec.c | 1783 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1783 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vdec.c diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vdec.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vdec.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7231e2554a76 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vdec.c @@ -0,0 +1,1783 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +/* + * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public + * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License + * Version 2 or later at the following locations: + * + * + * + */ +#define TAG "DEC" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_defs.h" +#include "vpu_core.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" +#include "vpu_v4l2.h" +#include "vpu_cmds.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" + +#define VDEC_FRAME_DEPTH 256 + +struct vdec_fs_info { + char name[8]; + u32 type; + u32 max_count; + u32 req_count; + u32 count; + u32 index; + u32 size; + struct vpu_buffer buffer[32]; + u32 tag; +}; + +struct vdec_t { + u32 seq_hdr_found; + struct vpu_buffer udata; + struct vpu_decode_params params; + struct vpu_dec_codec_info codec_info; + enum vpu_codec_state state; + + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *slots[VB2_MAX_FRAME]; + u32 req_frame_count; + struct vdec_fs_info mbi; + struct vdec_fs_info dcp; + u32 seq_tag; + + u32 decoded_frame_count; + u32 display_frame_count; + u32 eos_received; + u32 eos_subscribed; + u32 source_change; + u32 drain; + u32 ts_pre_count; + u32 frame_depth; + s64 ts_start; + s64 ts_input; + s64 timestamp; +}; + +static const struct vpu_format vdec_formats[] = { + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12, + .num_planes = 2, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE, + }, + { + .name = "NXP Tiled NV12 Format", + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NT8, + .num_planes = 2, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE, + }, + { + .name = "NXP Tiled 10bit Format", + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NT10, + .num_planes = 2, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE, + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264_MVC, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_HEVC, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_L, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .name = "AVS", + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_AVS, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_XVID, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_JPEG, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .name = "VP6", + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP6, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .name = "SPK", + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPK, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + { + .pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H263, + .num_planes = 1, + .type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE, + .flags = V4L2_FMT_FLAG_COMPRESSED + }, + {0, 0, 0, 0}, +}; + +static int vdec_op_s_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = ctrl_to_inst(ctrl); + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + switch (ctrl->id) { + case V4L2_CID_DIS_REORDER: + vdec->params.b_dis_reorder = ctrl->val; + break; + case V4L2_CID_NON_FRAME: + vdec->params.b_non_frame = ctrl->val; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static const struct v4l2_ctrl_ops vdec_ctrl_ops = { + .s_ctrl = vdec_op_s_ctrl, + .g_volatile_ctrl = vpu_helper_g_volatile_ctrl, +}; + +static struct v4l2_ctrl_config vdec_custom_cfg[] = { + { + .id = V4L2_CID_DIS_REORDER, + .name = "frame disable reoder ctrl", + .ops = &vdec_ctrl_ops, + .type = V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, + .min = 0, + .max = 1, + .step = 1, + .def = 0, + }, + { + .id = V4L2_CID_NON_FRAME, + .name = "stream input mode, is non frame or not", + .ops = &vdec_ctrl_ops, + .type = V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, + .min = 0, + .max = 1, + .step = 1, + .def = 0, + }, + {0, 0, 0, 0}, +}; + +static int vdec_ctrl_init(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl; + int i; + int ret; + + ret = v4l2_ctrl_handler_init(&inst->ctrl_handler, 20); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ctrl = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &vdec_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MIN_BUFFERS_FOR_CAPTURE, 1, 32, 1, 2); + if (ctrl) + ctrl->flags |= V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_VOLATILE; + + ctrl = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(&inst->ctrl_handler, &vdec_ctrl_ops, + V4L2_CID_MIN_BUFFERS_FOR_OUTPUT, 1, 32, 1, 2); + if (ctrl) + ctrl->flags |= V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_VOLATILE; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vdec_custom_cfg); i++) + ctrl = v4l2_ctrl_new_custom(&inst->ctrl_handler, + &vdec_custom_cfg[i], NULL); + + ret = v4l2_ctrl_handler_setup(&inst->ctrl_handler); + if (ret) { + inst_err(inst, "setup ctrls fail, ret = %d\n", ret); + v4l2_ctrl_handler_free(&inst->ctrl_handler); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_handle_eos(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vb2_queue *dst_q = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + + if (!vdec->eos_received) + return 0; + + if (!vdec->eos_subscribed) + return 0; + + if (!list_empty(&dst_q->done_list)) + return 0; + + dst_q->last_buffer_dequeued = true; + vpu_notify_eos(inst); + vdec->eos_received--; + + return 0; +} + +static void vdec_handle_resolution_change(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vb2_queue *q; + + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + return; + if (!vdec->source_change) + return; + + q = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + if (!list_empty(&q->done_list)) + return; + + vdec->source_change--; + vpu_notify_source_change(inst); +} + +static int vdec_update_state(struct vpu_inst *inst, + enum vpu_codec_state state, u32 force) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + enum vpu_codec_state pre_state = inst->state; + + if (state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_SEEK) { + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + vdec->state = inst->state; + else + vdec->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_ACTIVE; + } + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_SEEK || force) + inst->state = state; + else if (state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + vdec->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "state : %d -> %d\n", pre_state, inst->state); + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + vdec_handle_resolution_change(inst); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_querycap(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_capability *cap) +{ + strscpy(cap->driver, "vpu B0", sizeof(cap->driver)); + strscpy(cap->card, "imx vpu decoder", sizeof(cap->card)); + strscpy(cap->bus_info, "platform: imx8q-vpu", sizeof(cap->bus_info)); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_enum_fmt(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_fmtdesc *f) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + const struct vpu_format *fmt; + const char *descr = NULL; + int ret = -EINVAL; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + if (!V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(f->type) && vdec->seq_hdr_found) { + if (f->index == 0) { + f->pixelformat = inst->cap_format.pixfmt; + f->flags = inst->cap_format.flags; + descr = inst->; + ret = 0; + } + } else { + fmt = vpu_helper_enum_format(inst, f->type, f->index); + memset(f->reserved, 0, sizeof(f->reserved)); + if (!fmt) + goto exit; + + f->pixelformat = fmt->pixfmt; + f->flags = fmt->flags; + descr = fmt->name; + ret = 0; + } + if (descr && strlen(descr)) + strscpy(f->description, descr, sizeof(f->description)); + +exit: + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + return ret; +} + +static int vdec_g_fmt(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct v4l2_pix_format_mplane *pixmp = &f->fmt.pix_mp; + struct vpu_format *cur_fmt; + int i; + + cur_fmt = vpu_get_format(inst, f->type); + + pixmp->pixelformat = cur_fmt->pixfmt; + pixmp->num_planes = cur_fmt->num_planes; + pixmp->width = cur_fmt->width; + pixmp->height = cur_fmt->height; + pixmp->field = cur_fmt->field; + pixmp->flags = cur_fmt->flags; + for (i = 0; i < pixmp->num_planes; i++) { + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline = cur_fmt->bytesperline[i]; + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage = cur_fmt->sizeimage[i]; + } + + f->fmt.pix_mp.colorspace = vdec->codec_info.color_primaries; + f->fmt.pix_mp.xfer_func = vdec->codec_info.transfer_chars; + f->fmt.pix_mp.ycbcr_enc = vdec->codec_info.matrix_coeffs; + f->fmt.pix_mp.quantization = vdec->codec_info.full_range; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "%s g_fmt: %c%c%c%c %dx%d %d,%d, %d,%d\n", + vpu_type_name(f->type), + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat, + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat >> 8, + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat >> 16, + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat >> 24, + f->fmt.pix_mp.width, + f->fmt.pix_mp.height, + pixmp->plane_fmt[0].sizeimage, + pixmp->plane_fmt[1].sizeimage, + pixmp->plane_fmt[0].bytesperline, + pixmp->plane_fmt[1].bytesperline); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_try_fmt(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + vpu_try_fmt_common(inst, f); + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + if (vdec->seq_hdr_found) { + f->fmt.pix_mp.colorspace = vdec->codec_info.color_primaries; + f->fmt.pix_mp.xfer_func = vdec->codec_info.transfer_chars; + f->fmt.pix_mp.ycbcr_enc = vdec->codec_info.matrix_coeffs; + f->fmt.pix_mp.quantization = vdec->codec_info.full_range; + } else { + f->fmt.pix_mp.colorspace = V4L2_COLORSPACE_DEFAULT; + f->fmt.pix_mp.xfer_func = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_DEFAULT; + f->fmt.pix_mp.ycbcr_enc = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_DEFAULT; + f->fmt.pix_mp.quantization = V4L2_QUANTIZATION_DEFAULT; + } + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_s_fmt(struct file *file, void *fh, struct v4l2_format *f) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct v4l2_pix_format_mplane *pixmp = &f->fmt.pix_mp; + const struct vpu_format *fmt; + struct vpu_format *cur_fmt; + struct vb2_queue *q; + struct vdec_t *vdec; + int i; + + vdec = inst->priv; + q = v4l2_m2m_get_vq(inst->m2m_ctx, f->type); + if (!q) + return -EINVAL; + if (vb2_is_streaming(q)) + return -EBUSY; + + fmt = vpu_try_fmt_common(inst, f); + if (!fmt) + return -EINVAL; + + cur_fmt = vpu_get_format(inst, f->type); + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + cur_fmt->pixfmt = fmt->pixfmt; + cur_fmt->type = fmt->type; + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(f->type) || vdec->seq_hdr_found <= 0) { + cur_fmt->num_planes = fmt->num_planes; + cur_fmt->flags = fmt->flags; + cur_fmt->width = pixmp->width; + cur_fmt->height = pixmp->height; + for (i = 0; i < fmt->num_planes; i++) { + cur_fmt->sizeimage[i] = pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage; + cur_fmt->bytesperline[i] = pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline; + } + if (pixmp->field != V4L2_FIELD_ANY) + cur_fmt->field = pixmp->field; + } else { + pixmp->num_planes = cur_fmt->num_planes; + pixmp->width = cur_fmt->width; + pixmp->height = cur_fmt->height; + for (i = 0; i < pixmp->num_planes; i++) { + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline = cur_fmt->bytesperline[i]; + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage = cur_fmt->sizeimage[i]; + } + pixmp->field = cur_fmt->field; + } + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(f->type)) + vdec->params.codec_format = cur_fmt->pixfmt; + else + vdec->params.output_format = cur_fmt->pixfmt; + + if (!vdec->seq_hdr_found) { + vdec->codec_info.color_primaries = f->fmt.pix_mp.colorspace; + vdec->codec_info.transfer_chars = f->fmt.pix_mp.xfer_func; + vdec->codec_info.matrix_coeffs = f->fmt.pix_mp.ycbcr_enc; + vdec->codec_info.full_range = f->fmt.pix_mp.quantization; + + inst->crop.left = 0; + inst-> = 0; + inst->crop.width = cur_fmt->width; + inst->crop.height = cur_fmt->height; + } else { + f->fmt.pix_mp.colorspace = vdec->codec_info.color_primaries; + f->fmt.pix_mp.xfer_func = vdec->codec_info.transfer_chars; + f->fmt.pix_mp.ycbcr_enc = vdec->codec_info.matrix_coeffs; + f->fmt.pix_mp.quantization = vdec->codec_info.full_range; + } + + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "%s s_fmt: %c%c%c%c %dx%d %u,%u, %u,%u\n", + vpu_type_name(f->type), + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat, + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat >> 8, + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat >> 16, + f->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat >> 24, + f->fmt.pix_mp.width, + f->fmt.pix_mp.height, + pixmp->plane_fmt[0].sizeimage, + pixmp->plane_fmt[1].sizeimage, + pixmp->plane_fmt[0].bytesperline, + pixmp->plane_fmt[1].bytesperline); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_g_selection(struct file *file, void *fh, + struct v4l2_selection *s) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + + if (s->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT && + s->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE && + s->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE && + s->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (s->target) { + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_BOUNDS: + if (!V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(s->type)) + return -EINVAL; + s->r.left = 0; + s-> = 0; + s->r.width = inst->out_format.width; + s->r.height = inst->out_format.height; + break; + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP: + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_DEFAULT: + if (!V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(s->type)) + return -EINVAL; + s->r = inst->crop; + break; + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE: + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_DEFAULT: + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_PADDED: + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(s->type)) + return -EINVAL; + s->r = inst->crop; + break; + case V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_BOUNDS: + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(s->type)) + return -EINVAL; + s->r.left = 0; + s-> = 0; + s->r.width = inst->cap_format.width; + s->r.height = inst->cap_format.height; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_drain(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + if (!vdec->drain) + return 0; + + if (v4l2_m2m_num_src_bufs_ready(inst->m2m_ctx)) + return 0; + + if (!vdec->params.frame_count) { + vpu_notify_eos(inst); + return 0; + } + + vpu_iface_add_scode(inst, SCODE_PADDING_EOS); + vdec->params.end_flag = 1; + vpu_iface_set_decode_params(inst, &vdec->params, 1); + vdec->drain = 0; + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "append eos\n"); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_cmd_stop(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "stop cmd\n"); + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) { + vpu_notify_eos(inst); + } else { + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec->drain = 1; + vdec_drain(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_cmd_reset(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "reset cmd\n"); + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + return 0; + + if (vb2_is_streaming(v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->m2m_ctx))) + return -EINVAL; + if (vb2_is_streaming(v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx))) + return -EINVAL; + vpu_session_stop(inst); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_decoder_cmd(struct file *file, + void *fh, + struct v4l2_decoder_cmd *cmd) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + int ret; + + ret = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_try_decoder_cmd(file, fh, cmd); + if (ret) + return ret; + + switch (cmd->cmd) { + case V4L2_DEC_CMD_STOP: + vdec_cmd_stop(inst); + break; + case V4L2_DEC_CMD_RESET: + vdec_cmd_reset(inst); + break; + default: + break; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_subscribe_event(struct v4l2_fh *fh, + const struct v4l2_event_subscription *sub) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = container_of(fh, struct vpu_inst, fh); + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + switch (sub->type) { + case V4L2_EVENT_EOS: + vdec->eos_subscribed = true; + return v4l2_event_subscribe(fh, sub, 0, NULL); + case V4L2_EVENT_SOURCE_CHANGE: + return v4l2_src_change_event_subscribe(fh, sub); + case V4L2_EVENT_CTRL: + return v4l2_ctrl_subscribe_event(fh, sub); + case V4L2_EVENT_SKIP: + case V4L2_EVENT_CODEC_ERROR: + return v4l2_event_subscribe(fh, sub, 0, NULL); + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_unsubscribe_event(struct v4l2_fh *fh, + const struct v4l2_event_subscription *sub) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = container_of(fh, struct vpu_inst, fh); + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + int ret; + + ret = v4l2_event_unsubscribe(fh, sub); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (sub->type == V4L2_EVENT_EOS) + vdec->eos_subscribed = false; + + return 0; +} + +static const struct v4l2_ioctl_ops vdec_ioctl_ops = { + .vidioc_querycap = vdec_querycap, + .vidioc_enum_fmt_vid_cap = vdec_enum_fmt, + .vidioc_enum_fmt_vid_out = vdec_enum_fmt, + .vidioc_g_fmt_vid_cap_mplane = vdec_g_fmt, + .vidioc_g_fmt_vid_out_mplane = vdec_g_fmt, + .vidioc_try_fmt_vid_cap_mplane = vdec_try_fmt, + .vidioc_try_fmt_vid_out_mplane = vdec_try_fmt, + .vidioc_s_fmt_vid_cap_mplane = vdec_s_fmt, + .vidioc_s_fmt_vid_out_mplane = vdec_s_fmt, + .vidioc_g_selection = vdec_g_selection, + .vidioc_try_decoder_cmd = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_try_decoder_cmd, + .vidioc_decoder_cmd = vdec_decoder_cmd, + .vidioc_subscribe_event = vdec_subscribe_event, + .vidioc_unsubscribe_event = vdec_unsubscribe_event, + .vidioc_reqbufs = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_reqbufs, + .vidioc_create_bufs = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_create_bufs, + .vidioc_prepare_buf = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_prepare_buf, + .vidioc_querybuf = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_querybuf, + .vidioc_qbuf = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_qbuf, + .vidioc_expbuf = v4l2_m2m_ioctl_expbuf, + .vidioc_dqbuf = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_dqbuf, + .vidioc_streamon = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_streamon, + .vidioc_streamoff = vpu_v4l2_ioctl_streamoff, +}; + +static bool vdec_check_ready(struct vpu_inst *inst, unsigned int type) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + if (vdec->ts_pre_count >= vdec->frame_depth) + return false; + return true; + } + + if (vdec->req_frame_count || vdec->eos_received) + return true; + + return false; +} + +static int vdec_frame_decoded(struct vpu_inst *inst, void *arg) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_dec_pic_info *info = arg; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + int ret = 0; + + if (!info || info->id >= ARRAY_SIZE(vdec->slots)) + return -EINVAL; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vpu_buf = vdec->slots[info->id]; + if (!vpu_buf) { + inst_err(inst, "decoded invalid frame[%d]\n", info->id); + ret = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + if (vpu_buf->state == VPU_BUF_STATE_DECODED) + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_INFO, "buf[%d] has been decoded\n", info->id); + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_DECODED; + vdec->decoded_frame_count++; + if (vdec->ts_pre_count >= info->consumed_count) + vdec->ts_pre_count -= info->consumed_count; + else + vdec->ts_pre_count = 0; +exit: + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + return ret; +} + +static struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vdec_find_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 luma) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vdec->slots); i++) { + if (!vdec->slots[i]) + continue; + if (luma == vdec->slots[i]->luma) + return vdec->slots[i]; + } + + return NULL; +} + +static void vdec_buf_done(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_frame_info *frame) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + + if (!frame) + return; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vpu_buf = vdec_find_buffer(inst, frame->luma); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + if (!vpu_buf) { + inst_err(inst, "can't find buffer, id = %d, addr = 0x%x\n", + frame->id, frame->luma); + return; + } + if (frame->skipped) { + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "frame skip\n"); + vpu_notify_skip(inst); + return; + } + + vbuf = &vpu_buf->m2m_buf.vb; + if (vbuf->vb2_buf.index != frame->id) + inst_err(inst, "buffer id(%d, %d) dismatch\n", + vbuf->vb2_buf.index, frame->id); + + if (vpu_buf->state != VPU_BUF_STATE_DECODED) + inst_err(inst, "buffer(%d) ready without decoded\n", frame->id); + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_READY; + vb2_set_plane_payload(&vbuf->vb2_buf, 0, inst->cap_format.sizeimage[0]); + vb2_set_plane_payload(&vbuf->vb2_buf, 1, inst->cap_format.sizeimage[1]); + vbuf->vb2_buf.timestamp = frame->timestamp; + vbuf->field = inst->cap_format.field; + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_TS, "[OUTPUT TS]%32lld\n", frame->timestamp); + + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(vbuf, VB2_BUF_STATE_DONE); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec->timestamp = frame->timestamp; + vdec->display_frame_count++; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "decoded : %d, display : %d\n", + vdec->decoded_frame_count, vdec->display_frame_count); +} + +static void vdec_stop_done(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT, 0); + vdec->seq_hdr_found = 0; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_init_fmt(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + inst->out_format.width = vdec->codec_info.decoded_width; + inst->out_format.height = vdec->codec_info.decoded_height; + inst->cap_format.width = vdec->codec_info.decoded_width; + inst->cap_format.height = vdec->codec_info.decoded_height; + inst->cap_format.pixfmt = vdec->codec_info.pixfmt; + inst->cap_format.bytesperline[0] = vdec->codec_info.bytesperline[0]; + inst->cap_format.bytesperline[1] = vdec->codec_info.bytesperline[1]; + inst->cap_format.sizeimage[0] = vdec->codec_info.sizeimage[0]; + inst->cap_format.sizeimage[1] = vdec->codec_info.sizeimage[1]; + if (vdec-> + inst->cap_format.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; + else + inst->cap_format.field = V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED; + if (vdec->codec_info.color_primaries == V4L2_COLORSPACE_DEFAULT) + vdec->codec_info.color_primaries = V4L2_COLORSPACE_REC709; + if (vdec->codec_info.transfer_chars == V4L2_XFER_FUNC_DEFAULT) + vdec->codec_info.transfer_chars = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709; + if (vdec->codec_info.matrix_coeffs == V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_DEFAULT) + vdec->codec_info.matrix_coeffs = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_709; + if (vdec->codec_info.full_range == V4L2_QUANTIZATION_DEFAULT) + vdec->codec_info.full_range = V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE; +} + +static void vdec_init_crop(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + inst->crop.left = vdec->codec_info.offset_x; + inst-> = vdec->codec_info.offset_y; + inst->crop.width = vdec->codec_info.width; + inst->crop.height = vdec->codec_info.height; +} + +static void vdec_init_mbi(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + vdec->mbi.size = vdec->codec_info.mbi_size; + vdec->mbi.max_count = ARRAY_SIZE(vdec->mbi.buffer); + scnprintf(vdec->, sizeof(vdec->, "mbi"); + vdec->mbi.type = MEM_RES_MBI; + vdec->mbi.tag = vdec->seq_tag; +} + +static void vdec_init_dcp(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + vdec->dcp.size = vdec->codec_info.dcp_size; + vdec->dcp.max_count = ARRAY_SIZE(vdec->dcp.buffer); + scnprintf(vdec->, sizeof(vdec->, "dcp"); + vdec->dcp.type = MEM_RES_DCP; + vdec->dcp.tag = vdec->seq_tag; +} + +static void vdec_request_one_fs(struct vdec_fs_info *fs) +{ + WARN_ON(!fs); + + fs->req_count++; + if (fs->req_count > fs->max_count) { + vpu_err("error:request %s over %d\n", fs->name, fs->max_count); + fs->req_count = fs->max_count; + } +} + +static int vdec_alloc_fs_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vdec_fs_info *fs) +{ + struct vpu_buffer *buffer; + + if (!inst || !fs || !fs->size) + return -EINVAL; + + if (fs->count >= fs->req_count) + return -EINVAL; + + buffer = &fs->buffer[fs->count]; + if (buffer->virt && buffer->length >= fs->size) + return 0; + + vpu_free_dma(buffer); + buffer->length = fs->size; + return vpu_alloc_dma(inst->core, buffer); +} + +static void vdec_alloc_fs(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vdec_fs_info *fs) +{ + int ret; + + while (fs->count < fs->req_count) { + ret = vdec_alloc_fs_buffer(inst, fs); + if (ret) + break; + fs->count++; + } +} + +static void vdec_clear_fs(struct vdec_fs_info *fs) +{ + u32 i; + + if (!fs) + return; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fs->buffer); i++) + vpu_free_dma(&fs->buffer[i]); + memset(fs, 0, sizeof(*fs)); +} + +static int vdec_response_fs(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vdec_fs_info *fs) +{ + struct vpu_fs_info info; + int ret; + + if (fs->index >= fs->count) + return 0; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + = fs->index; + info.type = fs->type; + info.tag = fs->tag; + info.luma_addr = fs->buffer[fs->index].phys; + info.luma_size = fs->buffer[fs->index].length; + ret = vpu_session_alloc_fs(inst, &info); + if (ret) + return ret; + + fs->index++; + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_response_frame_abnormal(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_fs_info info; + + if (!vdec->req_frame_count) + return 0; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.type = MEM_RES_FRAME; + info.tag = vdec->seq_tag + 0xf0; + vpu_session_alloc_fs(inst, &info); + vdec->req_frame_count--; + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_response_frame(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + struct vpu_fs_info info; + int ret; + + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_ACTIVE) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!vdec->req_frame_count) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!vbuf) + return -EINVAL; + + if (vdec->slots[vbuf->vb2_buf.index]) { + inst_err(inst, "repeat alloc fs %d\n", vbuf->vb2_buf.index); + return -EINVAL; + } + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "inst->state = %d, alloc fs %d, tag = 0x%x\n", + inst->state, vbuf->vb2_buf.index, vdec->seq_tag); + vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + = vbuf->vb2_buf.index; + info.type = MEM_RES_FRAME; + info.tag = vdec->seq_tag; + info.luma_addr = vpu_get_vb_phy_addr(&vbuf->vb2_buf, 0); + info.luma_size = inst->cap_format.sizeimage[0]; + info.chroma_addr = vpu_get_vb_phy_addr(&vbuf->vb2_buf, 1); + info.chromau_size = inst->cap_format.sizeimage[1]; + info.bytesperline = inst->cap_format.bytesperline[0]; + ret = vpu_session_alloc_fs(inst, &info); + if (ret) + return ret; + + vpu_buf->tag = info.tag; + vpu_buf->luma = info.luma_addr; + vpu_buf->chroma_u = info.chromau_size; + vpu_buf->chroma_v = 0; + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_INUSE; + vdec->slots[] = vpu_buf; + vdec->req_frame_count--; + + return 0; +} + +static void vdec_response_fs_request(struct vpu_inst *inst, bool force) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + int i; + int ret; + + if (force) { + for (i = vdec->req_frame_count; i > 0; i--) + vdec_response_frame_abnormal(inst); + return; + } + + for (i = vdec->req_frame_count; i > 0; i--) { + ret = vpu_process_capture_buffer(inst); + if (ret) + break; + if (vdec->eos_received) + break; + } + + for (i = vdec->mbi.index; i < vdec->mbi.count; i++) { + if (vdec_response_fs(inst, &vdec->mbi)) + break; + if (vdec->eos_received) + break; + } + for (i = vdec->dcp.index; i < vdec->dcp.count; i++) { + if (vdec_response_fs(inst, &vdec->dcp)) + break; + if (vdec->eos_received) + break; + } +} + +static void vdec_response_fs_release(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 id, u32 tag) +{ + struct vpu_fs_info info; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + = id; + info.tag = tag; + vpu_session_release_fs(inst, &info); +} + +static void vdec_recycle_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf) +{ + if (!inst || !vbuf) + return; + + if (vbuf->vb2_buf.state != VB2_BUF_STATE_ACTIVE) + return; + if (vpu_find_buf_by_idx(inst, vbuf->vb2_buf.type, vbuf->vb2_buf.index)) + return; + v4l2_m2m_buf_queue(inst->m2m_ctx, vbuf); +} + +static void vdec_clear_slots(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vdec->slots); i++) { + if (!vdec->slots[i]) + continue; + + vpu_buf = vdec->slots[i]; + vbuf = &vpu_buf->m2m_buf.vb; + if (vpu_buf->tag == vdec->seq_tag) + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_WARN, "clear slot[%d], %d, %d\n", + i, + vdec->slots[i]->state, + vbuf->vb2_buf.state); + + vdec_response_fs_release(inst, i, vpu_buf->tag); + vdec_recycle_buffer(inst, vbuf); + vdec->slots[i]->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE; + vdec->slots[i] = NULL; + } +} + +static void vdec_event_seq_hdr(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct vpu_dec_codec_info *hdr) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + memcpy(&vdec->codec_info, hdr, sizeof(vdec->codec_info)); + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "%d x %d, crop : (%d, %d) %d x %d\n", + vdec->codec_info.decoded_width, + vdec->codec_info.decoded_height, + vdec->codec_info.offset_x, + vdec->codec_info.offset_y, + vdec->codec_info.width, + vdec->codec_info.height); + vdec_init_fmt(inst); + vdec_init_crop(inst); + inst->min_buffer_cap = hdr->num_ref_frms + hdr->num_dpb_frms; + vdec_init_mbi(inst); + vdec_init_dcp(inst); + if (!vdec->seq_hdr_found) { + vdec->seq_tag = vdec->codec_info.tag; + vpu_notify_source_change(inst); + } + if (vdec->seq_tag != vdec->codec_info.tag) { + vdec_response_fs_request(inst, true); + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "seq tag change: %d -> %d\n", + vdec->seq_tag, vdec->codec_info.tag); + } + vdec->seq_hdr_found++; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_event_resolution_change(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "resolution change\n"); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec->seq_tag = vdec->codec_info.tag; + vdec_clear_fs(&vdec->mbi); + vdec_clear_fs(&vdec->dcp); + vdec_clear_slots(inst); + vdec_init_mbi(inst); + vdec_init_dcp(inst); + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE, 0); + vdec->source_change++; + vdec_handle_resolution_change(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_event_req_fs(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_fs_info *fs) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + if (!fs) + return; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + + switch (fs->type) { + case MEM_RES_FRAME: + vdec->req_frame_count++; + break; + case MEM_RES_MBI: + vdec_request_one_fs(&vdec->mbi); + break; + case MEM_RES_DCP: + vdec_request_one_fs(&vdec->dcp); + break; + default: + break; + } + + vdec_alloc_fs(inst, &vdec->mbi); + vdec_alloc_fs(inst, &vdec->dcp); + + vdec_response_fs_request(inst, false); + + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_evnet_rel_fs(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vpu_fs_info *fs) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + + if (!fs || fs->id >= ARRAY_SIZE(vdec->slots)) + return; + if (fs->type != MEM_RES_FRAME) + return; + + if (fs->id >= vpu_get_num_buffers(inst, inst->cap_format.type)) { + inst_err(inst, "invalid fs(%d) to release\n", fs->id); + return; + } + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vpu_buf = vdec->slots[fs->id]; + vdec->slots[fs->id] = NULL; + + if (!vpu_buf) { + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "fs[%d] has bee released\n", fs->id); + goto exit; + } + + if (vpu_buf->state == VPU_BUF_STATE_DECODED) { + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "this frame is skipped\n"); + vpu_notify_skip(inst); + } + + vdec_response_fs_release(inst, fs->id, vpu_buf->tag); + vbuf = &vpu_buf->m2m_buf.vb; + if (vpu_buf->state != VPU_BUF_STATE_READY) + vdec_recycle_buffer(inst, vbuf); + + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE; + vpu_process_capture_buffer(inst); + +exit: + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_event_eos(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "eos\n"); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec->eos_received++; + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_DRAIN, 0); + vpu_process_capture_buffer(inst); + vdec_handle_eos(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_event_notify(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 event, void *data) +{ + switch (event) { + case VPU_MSG_ID_SEQ_HDR_FOUND: + vdec_event_seq_hdr(inst, data); + break; + case VPU_MSG_ID_RES_CHANGE: + vdec_event_resolution_change(inst); + break; + case VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_REQ: + vdec_event_req_fs(inst, data); + break; + case VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_RELEASE: + vdec_evnet_rel_fs(inst, data); + break; + case VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_EOS: + vdec_event_eos(inst); + break; + default: + break; + } +} + +static int vdec_process_output(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc desc; + s64 timestamp; + u32 free_space; + int ret; + + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_DEBUG, "dec output [%d] %d : %ld\n", + vbuf->sequence, vb->index, vb2_get_plane_payload(vb, 0)); + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + return -EINVAL; + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_STARTED) + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_ACTIVE, 0); + + ret = vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_desc(inst, &desc); + if (ret) + return ret; + + free_space = vpu_helper_get_free_space(inst); + if (free_space < vb2_get_plane_payload(vb, 0) + 0x40000) + return -ENOMEM; + + timestamp = vb->timestamp; + if (timestamp >= 0 && vdec->ts_start < 0) + vdec->ts_start = timestamp; + if (vdec->ts_input < timestamp) + vdec->ts_input = timestamp; + + ret = vpu_iface_input_frame(inst, vb); + if (ret < 0) + return -ENOMEM; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_TS, "[INPUT TS]%32lld\n", vb->timestamp); + vdec->ts_pre_count++; + vdec->params.frame_count++; + + v4l2_m2m_src_buf_remove_by_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, vbuf); + vpu_buf->state = VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE; + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(vbuf, VB2_BUF_STATE_DONE); + + if (vdec->drain) + vdec_drain(inst); + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_process_capture(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + int ret; + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + return -EINVAL; + + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + + if (vdec->eos_received) { + if (vdec->eos_subscribed) { + vdec_handle_eos(inst); + } else { + vb2_set_plane_payload(vb, 0, 0); + vb2_set_plane_payload(vb, 1, 0); + vbuf->flags |= V4L2_BUF_FLAG_LAST; + v4l2_m2m_dst_buf_remove_by_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, vbuf); + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(vbuf, VB2_BUF_STATE_DONE); + vdec->eos_received--; + } + return 0; + } + + ret = vdec_response_frame(inst, vbuf); + if (ret) + return ret; + v4l2_m2m_dst_buf_remove_by_buf(inst->m2m_ctx, vbuf); + return 0; +} + +static void vdec_on_queue_emtpy(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) + return; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec_handle_resolution_change(inst); + vdec_handle_eos(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_abort(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc desc; + int ret; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "abort, inst->state = %d\n", inst->state); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vpu_iface_add_scode(inst, SCODE_PADDING_ABORT); + vdec->params.end_flag = 1; + vpu_iface_set_decode_params(inst, &vdec->params, 1); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + vpu_session_abort(inst); + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + ret = vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_desc(inst, &desc); + if (!ret) + vpu_iface_update_stream_buffer(inst, desc.rptr, 1); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + vpu_session_rst_buf(inst); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "input : %d, decoded : %d, display : %d\n", + vdec->params.frame_count, + vdec->decoded_frame_count, + vdec->display_frame_count); + vdec->params.end_flag = 0; + vdec->drain = 0; + vdec->ts_pre_count = 0; + vdec->timestamp = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + vdec->ts_start = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + vdec->ts_input = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + vdec->params.frame_count = 0; + vdec->decoded_frame_count = 0; + vdec->display_frame_count = 0; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_release(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "release\n"); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec_clear_slots(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + vpu_session_stop(inst); + vdec_clear_fs(&vdec->mbi); + vdec_clear_fs(&vdec->dcp); + vpu_free_dma(&vdec->udata); + vpu_free_dma(&inst->stream_buffer); + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT, 1); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +static void vdec_cleanup(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec; + + if (!inst) + return; + + vdec = inst->priv; + if (vdec) + vfree(vdec); + inst->priv = NULL; + vfree(inst); +} + +static void vdec_init_params(struct vdec_t *vdec) +{ + vdec->params.frame_count = 0; + vdec->params.end_flag = 0; +} + +static int vdec_start(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + int stream_buffer_size; + int ret; + + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + return 0; + + inst_dbg(inst, LVL_FLOW, "start\n"); + vdec->udata.length = 0x1000; + ret = vpu_alloc_dma(inst->core, &vdec->udata); + if (ret) { + inst_err(inst, "alloc udata fail\n"); + goto error; + } + + vpu_iface_init_instance(inst); + stream_buffer_size = vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_size(inst->core); + if (stream_buffer_size > 0) { + inst->stream_buffer.length = stream_buffer_size; + ret = vpu_alloc_dma(inst->core, &inst->stream_buffer); + if (ret) { + inst_err(inst, "alloc stream buffer fail\n"); + goto error; + } + inst->use_stream_buffer = true; + vpu_iface_config_stream_buffer(inst, &inst->stream_buffer); + } + + vdec->params.udata.base = vdec->udata.phys; + vdec->params.udata.size = vdec->udata.length; + ret = vpu_iface_set_decode_params(inst, &vdec->params, 0); + if (ret) { + inst_err(inst, "set decode params fail\n"); + goto error; + } + + vdec_init_params(vdec); + ret = vpu_session_start(inst); + if (ret) { + inst_err(inst, "start fail\n"); + goto error; + } + + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_STARTED, 0); + + return 0; +error: + vpu_free_dma(&vdec->udata); + vpu_free_dma(&inst->stream_buffer); + return ret; +} + +static int vdec_start_session(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + int ret = 0; + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) { + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + ret = vdec_start(inst); + if (ret) + goto exit; + } + } + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_SEEK) + vdec_update_state(inst, vdec->state, 1); + vdec->eos_received = 0; + vpu_process_output_buffer(inst); + } else { + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_ACTIVE, 0); + vpu_process_capture_buffer(inst); + } + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_ACTIVE) + vdec_response_fs_request(inst, false); + +exit: + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + + return ret; +} + +static int vdec_stop_session(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT) + return 0; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec_update_state(inst, VPU_CODEC_STATE_SEEK, 0); + vdec->drain = 0; + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + } else { + if (inst->state != VPU_CODEC_STATE_DYAMIC_RESOLUTION_CHANGE) + vdec_abort(inst); + + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); + vdec->eos_received = 0; + vdec_clear_slots(inst); + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vdec_get_debug_info(struct vpu_inst *inst, char *str, u32 size, u32 i) +{ + struct vdec_t *vdec = inst->priv; + int num = -1; + + switch (i) { + case 0: + num = scnprintf(str, size, + "req_frame_count = %d\ninterlaced = %d\n", + vdec->req_frame_count, + vdec-> ? 0 : 1); + break; + case 1: + num = scnprintf(str, size, + "mbi: size = 0x%x request = %d, alloc = %d, response = %d\n", + vdec->mbi.size, + vdec->mbi.req_count, + vdec->mbi.count, + vdec->mbi.index); + break; + case 2: + num = scnprintf(str, size, + "dcp: size = 0x%x request = %d, alloc = %d, response = %d\n", + vdec->dcp.size, + vdec->dcp.req_count, + vdec->dcp.count, + vdec->dcp.index); + break; + case 3: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "input_frame_count = %d\n", vdec->params.frame_count); + break; + case 4: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "decoded_frame_count = %d\n", vdec->decoded_frame_count); + break; + case 5: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "display_frame_count = %d\n", vdec->display_frame_count); + break; + case 6: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "drain = %d, eos = %d, source_change = %d\n", + vdec->drain, vdec->eos_received, vdec->source_change); + break; + case 7: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "ts_pre_count = %d, frame_depth = %d\n", + vdec->ts_pre_count, vdec->frame_depth); + break; + case 8: + num = scnprintf(str, size, "b_dis_reorder = %d, b_non_frame = %d\n", + vdec->params.b_dis_reorder, + vdec->params.b_non_frame); + break; + case 9: + { + s64 timestamp = vdec->timestamp; + s64 ts_start = vdec->ts_start; + s64 ts_input = vdec->ts_input; + + num = scnprintf(str, size, "timestamp = %9lld.%09lld(%9lld.%09lld, %9lld.%09lld)\n", + timestamp / NSEC_PER_SEC, + timestamp % NSEC_PER_SEC, + ts_start / NSEC_PER_SEC, + ts_start % NSEC_PER_SEC, + ts_input / NSEC_PER_SEC, + ts_input % NSEC_PER_SEC); + } + break; + default: + break; + } + + return num; +} + +static struct vpu_inst_ops vdec_inst_ops = { + .ctrl_init = vdec_ctrl_init, + .check_ready = vdec_check_ready, + .buf_done = vdec_buf_done, + .get_one_frame = vdec_frame_decoded, + .stop_done = vdec_stop_done, + .event_notify = vdec_event_notify, + .release = vdec_release, + .cleanup = vdec_cleanup, + .start = vdec_start_session, + .stop = vdec_stop_session, + .process_output = vdec_process_output, + .process_capture = vdec_process_capture, + .on_queue_empty = vdec_on_queue_emtpy, + .get_debug_info = vdec_get_debug_info, +}; + +static void vdec_init(struct file *file) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct vdec_t *vdec; + struct v4l2_format f; + + vdec = inst->priv; + vdec->frame_depth = VDEC_FRAME_DEPTH; + vdec->timestamp = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + vdec->ts_start = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + vdec->ts_input = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + + memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); + f.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE; + f.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264; + f.fmt.pix_mp.width = 1280; + f.fmt.pix_mp.height = 720; + f.fmt.pix_mp.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; + vdec_s_fmt(file, &inst->fh, &f); + + memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); + f.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; + f.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12; + f.fmt.pix_mp.width = 1280; + f.fmt.pix_mp.height = 720; + f.fmt.pix_mp.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; + vdec_s_fmt(file, &inst->fh, &f); +} + +int vdec_open(struct file *file) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst; + struct vdec_t *vdec; + int ret; + + inst = vzalloc(sizeof(*inst)); + if (!inst) + return -ENOMEM; + + vdec = vzalloc(sizeof(*vdec)); + if (!vdec) { + vfree(inst); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + inst->ops = &vdec_inst_ops; + inst->formats = vdec_formats; + inst->type = VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC; + inst->priv = vdec; + + ret = vpu_v4l2_open(file, inst); + if (ret) { + vdec_cleanup(inst); + return ret; + } + + vdec_init(file); + + return 0; +} + +__poll_t vdec_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + struct vb2_queue *src_q, *dst_q; + __poll_t ret; + + ret = v4l2_m2m_fop_poll(file, wait); + src_q = v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + dst_q = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->m2m_ctx); + if (vb2_is_streaming(src_q) && !vb2_is_streaming(dst_q)) + ret &= (~EPOLLERR); + + return ret; +} + +static const struct v4l2_file_operations vdec_fops = { + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .open = vdec_open, + .release = vpu_v4l2_close, + .unlocked_ioctl = video_ioctl2, + .poll = vdec_poll, + .mmap = v4l2_m2m_fop_mmap, +}; + +int vdec_create_video_device(struct vpu_dev *vpu) +{ + struct video_device *vdec; + int ret; + + if (!vpu) + return -EINVAL; + + if (vpu->vdev_dec) + return 0; + + vdec = video_device_alloc(); + if (!vdec) { + vpu_err("alloc vpu decoder video device fail\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + strscpy(vdec->name, "imx-vpu-decoder", sizeof(vdec->name)); + vdec->release = video_device_release; + vdec->fops = &vdec_fops; + vdec->ioctl_ops = &vdec_ioctl_ops; + vdec->vfl_dir = VFL_DIR_M2M; + vdec->v4l2_dev = &vpu->v4l2_dev; + vdec->device_caps = V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_M2M_MPLANE | V4L2_CAP_STREAMING; + + ret = video_register_device(vdec, VFL_TYPE_VIDEO, -1); + if (ret) { + video_device_release(vdec); + return ret; + } + video_set_drvdata(vdec, vpu); + vpu->vdev_dec = vdec; + + return 0; +}