From patchwork Tue Jul 27 03:20:54 2021 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ming Qian X-Patchwork-Id: 12401377 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-14.7 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIMWL_WL_HIGH, DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID,HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS,INCLUDES_CR_TRAILER, INCLUDES_PATCH,MAILING_LIST_MULTI,MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER,SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS,UNWANTED_LANGUAGE_BODY,URIBL_BLOCKED,USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1224FC4338F for ; Tue, 27 Jul 2021 03:35:10 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id C360261009 for ; Tue, 27 Jul 2021 03:35:09 +0000 (UTC) DMARC-Filter: OpenDMARC Filter v1.4.1 C360261009 Authentication-Results:; dmarc=fail (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=bombadil.20210309; h=Sender: Content-Transfer-Encoding:Content-Type:List-Subscribe:List-Help:List-Post: List-Archive:List-Unsubscribe:List-Id:MIME-Version:References:In-Reply-To: Message-Id:Date:Subject:Cc:To:From:Reply-To:Content-ID:Content-Description: Resent-Date:Resent-From:Resent-Sender:Resent-To:Resent-Cc:Resent-Message-ID: List-Owner; bh=L1+lLMLrL0nKWD76cMJNAD1nwl2Yumpjp1l5PSJIstI=; b=oLvS2q3tsqn9Ke sganQxNcyrwPY/EP7puScMdNY8YeBd+7TNc0YlSOoZ1CiNV8SH0DzP7zCmpVAXcvWq2vWfBjijiFv yRPxZH782dyJvK7YH0jdySjsNhvTtI4gMjNe2sdIUwOwdg1xHD9YOVw+kG3dx/QZCyyoN3FEPG1/2 r88l6IIprUTsY9OKGhwM8R1z9WRUEqe+IZcA+72sxpuiIxh/jnRRrFXSq/L9IGBXISY/fD4Wc4D8m fMTAd5TYGI9ygUPMgRFUQ33UMTOo35vJ/VDIlKVMdlGGJfm+rQ4E4p+/eaMJ1Emw22AUL23sDtmzt JiCLv2/3o5FvlQEKMFcg==; Received: from localhost ([::1] by with esmtp (Exim 4.94.2 #2 (Red Hat Linux)) id 1m8DoK-00CzyG-OU; Tue, 27 Jul 2021 03:31:18 +0000 Received: from ([] by with esmtps (Exim 4.94.2 #2 (Red Hat Linux)) id 1m8Dfp-00CwTb-Iq for; Tue, 27 Jul 2021 03:22:34 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=CbkgfakBAWrnX1mJy1uEvj3T3VD4r0eacZgiOdTrwLcSbTySl2Mb9ZwrPCPQz7mx8YU6GvIdMPD0bH2NRZL8KSTe/GZnCbpjuzpJLKwbKlI5Lr9OyPgkKF3fq8E3MXKMwAgNS/e+LXHiiQ0UYet10d7jSFagEYtDI3/9PG/jmIgSYVJgvc0OiVK1hYi0PbfPz4f3ZjhC3dSp0KVkRa5+mmcZITVdOjNIgdNnGrLWOULx2HWMKgx9hzbi2prsl//GHvqSpi0pMqmtRKA1Ei4nX2qKnkxlrBaO0h2YCxW0R0T7pxa7BB1lMJY6xR1xDidCKRXVnKEsTYyMySXtkC391g== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=a4CTDfH+V+Smsyvjnqlvuva4AaeIxaLfHfQP2etiEpI=; b=EAem/oE7ge9mYW3Fnzo/1WBDzwNl0lcO0+C0MTbkbKsMF96ALYPQKCLC/rjT9g0fU6j8SZZMEQoez7PwdtbBzmFXRVyNWdXmkV0cpib4I57UufEFKqjZxYsnQ5NdeL69u3y3gGNcyAtUSvmEeMJOXJwNiHyhW4+5CC1Bo1jEpxtEV75jHea34BaQpVYvHB26rJUrBVklFZZUf9jsT0kFiMBRXSLj/Q0AB6en/Kmam1oX/NoJbRDVEGeRib4B6EyuHgNlOEksaKQQpt6q8ApzmxRUV1xFc8Qe4zfjOEPHcmqZWSBc+mu7sH9b2j7eg7OPAnOe8+UFLx3qfsvsYhxZbA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=a4CTDfH+V+Smsyvjnqlvuva4AaeIxaLfHfQP2etiEpI=; b=oJQPSLKc96WBdgsnzdqQRlH8V7ciLzmtXuJ35+zQB+qgII536exx9QZcqlIrx4K0g+jZylUKocv0tqWWCSeqAR5NQRYEcH6vIgcCYYBCiOKSpwo7PK5UtH0l9vRK7ZbVkP2xrReLINSC82txuhhZwah2dBk2zhPCIVsquQfKG5I= Authentication-Results:; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10a6:20b:d8::14) by (2603:10a6:203:3a::14) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4352.29; Tue, 27 Jul 2021 03:22:11 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::81e3:1e06:83ee:5db8]) by ([fe80::81e3:1e06:83ee:5db8%3]) with mapi id 15.20.4352.031; Tue, 27 Jul 2021 03:22:11 +0000 From: Ming Qian To:,,, Cc:,,,,,,,, Subject: [PATCH v5 11/14] media: imx: imx8q: implement malone decoder rpc interface Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2021 11:20:54 +0800 Message-Id: X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.32.0 In-Reply-To: References: X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:1096:4:1::31) To (2603:10a6:20b:d8::14) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from ( by (2603:1096:4:1::31) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4352.25 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 27 Jul 2021 03:22:07 +0000 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: d6c5793e-ee20-4c8f-5f29-08d950adb90a X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: AM5PR0401MB2660: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:184; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; 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Signed-off-by: Ming Qian Signed-off-by: Shijie Qin Signed-off-by: Zhou Peng --- .../media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.c | 1696 +++++++++++++++++ .../media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.h | 42 + 2 files changed, 1738 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.h diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.c b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..247f7fc8b920 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.c @@ -0,0 +1,1696 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +#define TAG "MALONE" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_defs.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" +#include "vpu_cmds.h" +#include "vpu_log.h" +#include "vpu_imx8q.h" +#include "vpu_malone.h" + +#define CMD_SIZE 25600 +#define MSG_SIZE 25600 +#define CODEC_SIZE 0x1000 +#define JPEG_SIZE 0x1000 +#define SEQ_SIZE 0x1000 +#define GOP_SIZE 0x1000 +#define PIC_SIZE 0x1000 +#define QMETER_SIZE 0x1000 +#define DBGLOG_SIZE 0x10000 +#define DEBUG_SIZE 0x80000 +#define ENG_SIZE 0x1000 +#define MALONE_SKIPPED_FRAME_ID 0x555 + +#define MALONE_TILE_W 8 +#define MALONE_TILE_H 128 +#define MALONE_ALIGN_W (MALONE_TILE_W * 1) +#define MALONE_ALIGN_H (MALONE_TILE_H * 2) +#define MALONE_ALIGN_LINE (256) +#define MALONE_ALIGN_MBI 0x800 +#define MALONE_DCP_CHUNK_BIT 16 +#define MALONE_DCP_SIZE_MAX 0x3000000 +#define MALONE_DCP_SIZE_MIN 0x100000 +#define MALONE_DCP_FIXED_MB_ALLOC 250 + +#define CONFIG_SET(val, cfg, pos, mask) \ + (*(cfg) |= (((val) << (pos)) & (mask))) +//x means source data , y means destination data +#define STREAM_CONFIG_FORMAT_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 0, 0x0000000F) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_STRBUFIDX_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 8, 0x00000300) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_NOSEQ_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 10, 0x00000400) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_DEBLOCK_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 11, 0x00000800) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_DERING_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 12, 0x00001000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_IBWAIT_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 13, 0x00002000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_FBC_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 14, 0x00004000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_PLAY_MODE_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 16, 0x00030000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_ENABLE_DCP_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 20, 0x00100000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_NUM_STR_BUF_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 21, 0x00600000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_MALONE_USAGE_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 23, 0x01800000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_MULTI_VID_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 25, 0x02000000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_OBFUSC_EN_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 26, 0x04000000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_RC4_EN_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 27, 0x08000000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_MCX_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 28, 0x10000000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_PES_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 29, 0x20000000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_NUM_DBE_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 30, 0x40000000) +#define STREAM_CONFIG_FS_CTRL_MODE_SET(x, y) CONFIG_SET(x, y, 31, 0x80000000) + +enum vpu_malone_stream_input_mode { + INVALID_MODE = 0, + FRAME_LVL, + NON_FRAME_LVL +}; + +enum vpu_malone_format { + MALONE_FMT_NULL = 0x0, + MALONE_FMT_AVC = 0x1, + MALONE_FMT_MP2 = 0x2, + MALONE_FMT_VC1 = 0x3, + MALONE_FMT_AVS = 0x4, + MALONE_FMT_ASP = 0x5, + MALONE_FMT_JPG = 0x6, + MALONE_FMT_RV = 0x7, + MALONE_FMT_VP6 = 0x8, + MALONE_FMT_SPK = 0x9, + MALONE_FMT_VP8 = 0xA, + MALONE_FMT_HEVC = 0xB, + MALONE_FMT_LAST = MALONE_FMT_HEVC +}; + +enum { + VID_API_CMD_NULL = 0x00, + VID_API_CMD_PARSE_NEXT_SEQ = 0x01, + VID_API_CMD_PARSE_NEXT_I = 0x02, + VID_API_CMD_PARSE_NEXT_IP = 0x03, + VID_API_CMD_PARSE_NEXT_ANY = 0x04, + VID_API_CMD_DEC_PIC = 0x05, + VID_API_CMD_UPDATE_ES_WR_PTR = 0x06, + VID_API_CMD_UPDATE_ES_RD_PTR = 0x07, + VID_API_CMD_UPDATE_UDATA = 0x08, + VID_API_CMD_GET_FSINFO = 0x09, + VID_API_CMD_SKIP_PIC = 0x0a, + VID_API_CMD_DEC_CHUNK = 0x0b, + VID_API_CMD_START = 0x10, + VID_API_CMD_STOP = 0x11, + VID_API_CMD_ABORT = 0x12, + VID_API_CMD_RST_BUF = 0x13, + VID_API_CMD_FS_RELEASE = 0x15, + VID_API_CMD_MEM_REGION_ATTACH = 0x16, + VID_API_CMD_MEM_REGION_DETACH = 0x17, + VID_API_CMD_MVC_VIEW_SELECT = 0x18, + VID_API_CMD_FS_ALLOC = 0x19, + VID_API_CMD_DBG_GET_STATUS = 0x1C, + VID_API_CMD_DBG_START_LOG = 0x1D, + VID_API_CMD_DBG_STOP_LOG = 0x1E, + VID_API_CMD_DBG_DUMP_LOG = 0x1F, + VID_API_CMD_YUV_READY = 0x20, + VID_API_CMD_TS = 0x21, + + VID_API_CMD_FIRM_RESET = 0x40, + + VID_API_CMD_SNAPSHOT = 0xAA, + VID_API_CMD_ROLL_SNAPSHOT = 0xAB, + VID_API_CMD_LOCK_SCHEDULER = 0xAC, + VID_API_CMD_UNLOCK_SCHEDULER = 0xAD, + VID_API_CMD_CQ_FIFO_DUMP = 0xAE, + VID_API_CMD_DBG_FIFO_DUMP = 0xAF, + VID_API_CMD_SVC_ILP = 0xBB, + VID_API_CMD_FW_STATUS = 0xF0, + VID_API_CMD_INVALID = 0xFF +}; + +enum { + VID_API_EVENT_NULL = 0x00, + VID_API_EVENT_RESET_DONE = 0x01, + VID_API_EVENT_SEQ_HDR_FOUND = 0x02, + VID_API_EVENT_PIC_HDR_FOUND = 0x03, + VID_API_EVENT_PIC_DECODED = 0x04, + VID_API_EVENT_FIFO_LOW = 0x05, + VID_API_EVENT_FIFO_HIGH = 0x06, + VID_API_EVENT_FIFO_EMPTY = 0x07, + VID_API_EVENT_FIFO_FULL = 0x08, + VID_API_EVENT_BS_ERROR = 0x09, + VID_API_EVENT_UDATA_FIFO_UPTD = 0x0A, + VID_API_EVENT_RES_CHANGE = 0x0B, + VID_API_EVENT_FIFO_OVF = 0x0C, + VID_API_EVENT_CHUNK_DECODED = 0x0D, + VID_API_EVENT_REQ_FRAME_BUFF = 0x10, + VID_API_EVENT_FRAME_BUFF_RDY = 0x11, + VID_API_EVENT_REL_FRAME_BUFF = 0x12, + VID_API_EVENT_STR_BUF_RST = 0x13, + VID_API_EVENT_RET_PING = 0x14, + VID_API_EVENT_QMETER = 0x15, + VID_API_EVENT_STR_FMT_CHANGE = 0x16, + VID_API_EVENT_FIRMWARE_XCPT = 0x17, + VID_API_EVENT_START_DONE = 0x18, + VID_API_EVENT_STOPPED = 0x19, + VID_API_EVENT_ABORT_DONE = 0x1A, + VID_API_EVENT_FINISHED = 0x1B, + VID_API_EVENT_DBG_STAT_UPDATE = 0x1C, + VID_API_EVENT_DBG_LOG_STARTED = 0x1D, + VID_API_EVENT_DBG_LOG_STOPPED = 0x1E, + VID_API_EVENT_DBG_LOG_UPDATED = 0x1F, + VID_API_EVENT_DBG_MSG_DEC = 0x20, + VID_API_EVENT_DEC_SC_ERR = 0x21, + VID_API_EVENT_CQ_FIFO_DUMP = 0x22, + VID_API_EVENT_DBG_FIFO_DUMP = 0x23, + VID_API_EVENT_DEC_CHECK_RES = 0x24, + VID_API_EVENT_DEC_CFG_INFO = 0x25, + VID_API_EVENT_UNSUPPORTED_STREAM = 0x26, + VID_API_EVENT_STR_SUSPENDED = 0x30, + VID_API_EVENT_SNAPSHOT_DONE = 0x40, + VID_API_EVENT_FW_STATUS = 0xF0, + VID_API_EVENT_INVALID = 0xFF +}; + +struct vpu_malone_buffer_desc { + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc buffer; + u32 low; + u32 high; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_str_buffer { + u32 wptr; + u32 rptr; + u32 start; + u32 end; + u32 lwm; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_picth_info { + u32 frame_pitch; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_table_desc { + u32 array_base; + u32 size; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_dbglog_desc { + u32 addr; + u32 size; + u32 level; + u32 reserved; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_frame_buffer { + u32 addr; + u32 size; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_udata { + u32 base; + u32 total_size; + u32 slot_size; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_buffer_info { + u32 stream_input_mode; + u32 stream_pic_input_count; + u32 stream_pic_parsed_count; + u32 stream_buffer_threshold; + u32 stream_pic_end_flag; +}; + +struct vpu_malone_encrypt_info { + u32 rec4key[8]; + u32 obfusc; +}; + +struct malone_iface { + u32 exec_base_addr; + u32 exec_area_size; + struct vpu_malone_buffer_desc cmd_buffer_desc; + struct vpu_malone_buffer_desc msg_buffer_desc; + u32 cmd_int_enable[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + struct vpu_malone_picth_info stream_pitch_info[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + u32 stream_config[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + struct vpu_malone_table_desc codec_param_tab_desc; + struct vpu_malone_table_desc jpeg_param_tab_desc; + u32 stream_buffer_desc[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS][VID_API_MAX_BUF_PER_STR]; + struct vpu_malone_table_desc seq_info_tab_desc; + struct vpu_malone_table_desc pic_info_tab_desc; + struct vpu_malone_table_desc gop_info_tab_desc; + struct vpu_malone_table_desc qmeter_info_tab_desc; + u32 stream_error[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + u32 fw_version; + u32 fw_offset; + u32 max_streams; + struct vpu_malone_dbglog_desc dbglog_desc; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc api_cmd_buffer_desc[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + struct vpu_malone_udata udata_buffer[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + struct vpu_malone_buffer_desc debug_buffer_desc; + struct vpu_malone_buffer_desc eng_access_buff_desc[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + u32 encrypt_info[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + struct vpu_rpc_system_config system_cfg; + u32 api_version; + struct vpu_malone_buffer_info stream_buff_info[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; +}; + +struct malone_jpg_params { + u32 rotation_angle; + u32 horiz_scale_factor; + u32 vert_scale_factor; + u32 rotation_mode; + u32 rgb_mode; + u32 chunk_mode; /* 0 ~ 1 */ + u32 last_chunk; /* 0 ~ 1 */ + u32 chunk_rows; /* 0 ~ 255 */ + u32 num_bytes; + u32 jpg_crop_x; + u32 jpg_crop_y; + u32 jpg_crop_width; + u32 jpg_crop_height; + u32 jpg_mjpeg_mode; + u32 jpg_mjpeg_interlaced; +}; + +struct malone_codec_params { + u32 disp_imm; + u32 fourcc; + u32 codec_version; + u32 frame_rate; + u32 dbglog_enable; + u32 bsdma_lwm; + u32 bbd_coring; + u32 bbd_s_thr_row; + u32 bbd_p_thr_row; + u32 bbd_s_thr_logo_row; + u32 bbd_p_thr_logo_row; + u32 bbd_s_thr_col; + u32 bbd_p_thr_col; + u32 bbd_chr_thr_row; + u32 bbd_chr_thr_col; + u32 bbd_uv_mid_level; + u32 bbd_excl_win_mb_left; + u32 bbd_excl_win_mb_right; +}; + +struct malone_padding_scode { + u32 scode_type; + u32 pixelformat; + u32 data[2]; +}; + +struct malone_fmt_mapping { + u32 pixelformat; + enum vpu_malone_format malone_format; +}; + +struct malone_scode_t { + struct vpu_inst *inst; + struct vb2_buffer *vb; + u32 wptr; + u32 need_data; +}; + +struct malone_scode_handler { + u32 pixelformat; + int (*insert_scode_seq)(struct malone_scode_t *scode); + int (*insert_scode_pic)(struct malone_scode_t *scode); +}; + +struct vpu_dec_ctrl { + struct malone_codec_params *codec_param; + struct malone_jpg_params *jpg; + void *seq_mem; + void *pic_mem; + void *gop_mem; + void *qmeter_mem; + void *dbglog_mem; + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; + u32 buf_addr[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS]; +}; + +u32 vpu_malone_get_data_size(void) +{ + return sizeof(struct vpu_dec_ctrl); +} + +void vpu_malone_init_rpc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *rpc, dma_addr_t boot_addr) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + unsigned long base_phy_addr; + unsigned long phy_addr; + unsigned long offset; + unsigned int i; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->priv); + WARN_ON(!rpc || !rpc->phys || !rpc->length || rpc->phys < boot_addr); + + iface = rpc->virt; + base_phy_addr = rpc->phys - boot_addr; + hc = shared->priv; + + shared->iface = iface; + shared->boot_addr = boot_addr; + + iface->exec_base_addr = base_phy_addr; + iface->exec_area_size = rpc->length; + + offset = sizeof(struct malone_iface); + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + shared->cmd_desc = &iface->cmd_buffer_desc.buffer; + shared->cmd_mem_vir = rpc->virt + offset; + iface->cmd_buffer_desc.buffer.start = + iface->cmd_buffer_desc.buffer.rptr = + iface->cmd_buffer_desc.buffer.wptr = phy_addr; + iface->cmd_buffer_desc.buffer.end = iface->cmd_buffer_desc.buffer.start + CMD_SIZE; + offset += CMD_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + shared->msg_desc = &iface->msg_buffer_desc.buffer; + shared->msg_mem_vir = rpc->virt + offset; + iface->msg_buffer_desc.buffer.start = + iface->msg_buffer_desc.buffer.wptr = + iface->msg_buffer_desc.buffer.rptr = phy_addr; + iface->msg_buffer_desc.buffer.end = iface->msg_buffer_desc.buffer.start + MSG_SIZE; + offset += MSG_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->codec_param_tab_desc.array_base = phy_addr; + hc->codec_param = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += CODEC_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->jpeg_param_tab_desc.array_base = phy_addr; + hc->jpg = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += JPEG_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->seq_info_tab_desc.array_base = phy_addr; + hc->seq_mem = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += SEQ_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->pic_info_tab_desc.array_base = phy_addr; + hc->pic_mem = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += PIC_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->gop_info_tab_desc.array_base = phy_addr; + hc->gop_mem = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += GOP_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->qmeter_info_tab_desc.array_base = phy_addr; + hc->qmeter_mem = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += QMETER_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + iface->dbglog_desc.addr = phy_addr; + iface->dbglog_desc.size = DBGLOG_SIZE; + hc->dbglog_mem = rpc->virt + offset; + offset += DBGLOG_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + + for (i = 0; i < VID_API_NUM_STREAMS; i++) { + iface->eng_access_buff_desc[i].buffer.start = + iface->eng_access_buff_desc[i].buffer.wptr = + iface->eng_access_buff_desc[i].buffer.rptr = phy_addr; + iface->eng_access_buff_desc[i].buffer.end = + iface->eng_access_buff_desc[i].buffer.start + ENG_SIZE; + offset += ENG_SIZE; + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + } + + for (i = 0; i < VID_API_NUM_STREAMS; i++) { + iface->encrypt_info[i] = phy_addr; + offset += sizeof(struct vpu_malone_encrypt_info); + phy_addr = base_phy_addr + offset; + } + + rpc->bytesused = offset; +} + +void vpu_malone_set_log_buf(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *log) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !log || !log->phys); + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "set log area <0x%llx, 0x%x> (0x%lx)\n", + log->phys, log->length, shared->boot_addr); + iface = shared->iface; + iface->debug_buffer_desc.buffer.start = + iface->debug_buffer_desc.buffer.wptr = + iface->debug_buffer_desc.buffer.rptr = log->phys - shared->boot_addr; + iface->debug_buffer_desc.buffer.end = iface->debug_buffer_desc.buffer.start + log->length; +} + +static u32 get_str_buffer_offset(u32 instance) +{ + return DEC_MFD_XREG_SLV_BASE + MFD_MCX + MFD_MCX_OFF * instance; +} + +void vpu_malone_set_system_cfg(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 regs_base, void __iomem *regs, u32 core_id) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_rpc_system_config *config; + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + int i; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface || !shared->core || !shared->priv); + + iface = shared->iface; + config = &iface->system_cfg; + hc = shared->priv; + + vpu_imx8q_set_system_cfg_common(config, regs_base, core_id); + for (i = 0; i < VID_API_NUM_STREAMS; i++) { + u32 offset = get_str_buffer_offset(i); + + hc->buf_addr[i] = regs_base + offset; + hc->str_buf[i] = regs + offset; + } +} + +u32 vpu_malone_get_version(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface); + + iface = shared->iface; + return iface->fw_version; +} + +int vpu_malone_get_stream_buffer_size(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) +{ + return 0xc00000; +} + +int vpu_malone_config_stream_buffer(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface || !shared->core || !shared->priv); + + iface = shared->iface; + hc = shared->priv; + str_buf = hc->str_buf[instance]; + str_buf->wptr = str_buf->rptr = str_buf->start = buf->phys; + str_buf->end = buf->phys + buf->length; + str_buf->lwm = 0x1; + + iface->stream_buffer_desc[instance][0] = hc->buf_addr[instance]; + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_malone_get_stream_buffer_desc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc) +{ + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface || !shared->core || !shared->priv); + + hc = shared->priv; + str_buf = hc->str_buf[instance]; + + if (desc) { + desc->wptr = str_buf->wptr; + desc->rptr = str_buf->rptr; + desc->start = str_buf->start; + desc->end = str_buf->end; + } + + return 0; +} + +static void vpu_malone_update_wptr(struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf, + u32 wptr) +{ + u32 size = str_buf->end - str_buf->start; + u32 space = (str_buf->rptr + size - str_buf->wptr) % size; + u32 step = (wptr + size - str_buf->wptr) % size; + + if (space && step > space) + vpu_err("update wptr from 0x%x to 0x%x, cross over rptr 0x%x\n", + str_buf->wptr, wptr, str_buf->rptr); + + /*update wptr after data is written*/ + mb(); + str_buf->wptr = wptr; +} + +static void vpu_malone_update_rptr(struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf, + u32 rptr) +{ + u32 size = str_buf->end - str_buf->start; + u32 space = (str_buf->wptr + size - str_buf->rptr) % size; + u32 step = (rptr + size - str_buf->rptr) % size; + + if (step > space) + vpu_err("update rptr from 0x%x to 0x%x, cross over wptr 0x%x\n", + str_buf->rptr, rptr, str_buf->wptr); + /*update rptr after data is read*/ + mb(); + str_buf->rptr = rptr; +} + +int vpu_malone_update_stream_buffer(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, u32 ptr, bool write) +{ + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface || !shared->core || !shared->priv); + + hc = shared->priv; + str_buf = hc->str_buf[instance]; + + if (write) + vpu_malone_update_wptr(str_buf, ptr); + else + vpu_malone_update_rptr(str_buf, ptr); + + return 0; +} + +static struct malone_fmt_mapping fmt_mappings[] = { + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264, MALONE_FMT_AVC}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264_MVC, MALONE_FMT_AVC}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_HEVC, MALONE_FMT_HEVC}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G, MALONE_FMT_VC1}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_L, MALONE_FMT_VC1}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2, MALONE_FMT_MP2}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4, MALONE_FMT_ASP}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_XVID, MALONE_FMT_ASP}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_H263, MALONE_FMT_ASP}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_JPEG, MALONE_FMT_JPG}, + {V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8, MALONE_FMT_VP8}, +}; + +static enum vpu_malone_format vpu_malone_format_remap(u32 pixelformat) +{ + u32 i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fmt_mappings); i++) { + if (pixelformat == fmt_mappings[i].pixelformat) + return fmt_mappings[i].malone_format; + } + + return MALONE_FMT_NULL; +} + +static void vpu_malone_set_stream_cfg(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, enum vpu_malone_format malone_format) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + u32 *curr_str_cfg; + + iface = shared->iface; + curr_str_cfg = &iface->stream_config[instance]; + + *curr_str_cfg = 0; + STREAM_CONFIG_FORMAT_SET(malone_format, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_STRBUFIDX_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_NOSEQ_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_DEBLOCK_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_DERING_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_PLAY_MODE_SET(0x3, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_FS_CTRL_MODE_SET(0x1, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_ENABLE_DCP_SET(1, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_NUM_STR_BUF_SET(1, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_MALONE_USAGE_SET(1, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_MULTI_VID_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_OBFUSC_EN_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_RC4_EN_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_MCX_SET(1, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_PES_SET(0, curr_str_cfg); + STREAM_CONFIG_NUM_DBE_SET(1, curr_str_cfg); +} + +static int vpu_malone_set_params(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_decode_params *params) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + enum vpu_malone_format malone_format; + + iface = shared->iface; + hc = shared->priv; + malone_format = vpu_malone_format_remap(params->codec_format); + iface->udata_buffer[instance].base = params->udata.base; + iface->udata_buffer[instance].slot_size = params->udata.size; + + vpu_malone_set_stream_cfg(shared, instance, malone_format); + + if (malone_format == MALONE_FMT_JPG) { + //1:JPGD_MJPEG_MODE_A; 2:JPGD_MJPEG_MODE_B + hc->jpg[instance].jpg_mjpeg_mode = 1; + //0: JPGD_MJPEG_PROGRESSIVE + hc->jpg[instance].jpg_mjpeg_interlaced = 0; + } + + hc->codec_param[instance].disp_imm = params->b_dis_reorder ? 1 : 0; + hc->codec_param[instance].dbglog_enable = 0; + iface->dbglog_desc.level = 0; + + if (params->b_non_frame) + iface->stream_buff_info[instance].stream_input_mode = NON_FRAME_LVL; + else + iface->stream_buff_info[instance].stream_input_mode = FRAME_LVL; + iface->stream_buff_info[instance].stream_buffer_threshold = 0; + iface->stream_buff_info[instance].stream_pic_input_count = 0; + + return 0; +} + +static bool vpu_malone_is_non_frame_mode(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + + iface = shared->iface; + if (iface->stream_buff_info[instance].stream_input_mode == NON_FRAME_LVL) + return true; + + return false; +} + +static int vpu_malone_update_params(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_decode_params *params) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + + iface = shared->iface; + + if (params->end_flag) + iface->stream_buff_info[instance].stream_pic_end_flag = params->end_flag; + params->end_flag = 0; + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_malone_set_decode_params(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_decode_params *params, u32 update) +{ + if (!params) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!update) + return vpu_malone_set_params(shared, instance, params); + else + return vpu_malone_update_params(shared, instance, params); +} + +static struct vpu_pair malone_cmds[] = { + {VPU_CMD_ID_START, VID_API_CMD_START}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_STOP, VID_API_CMD_STOP}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_ABORT, VID_API_CMD_ABORT}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_RST_BUF, VID_API_CMD_RST_BUF}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_SNAPSHOT, VID_API_CMD_SNAPSHOT}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_FIRM_RESET, VID_API_CMD_FIRM_RESET}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_FS_ALLOC, VID_API_CMD_FS_ALLOC}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_FS_RELEASE, VID_API_CMD_FS_RELEASE}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_TIMESTAMP, VID_API_CMD_TS}, + {VPU_CMD_ID_DEBUG, VID_API_CMD_FW_STATUS}, +}; + +static struct vpu_pair malone_msgs[] = { + {VPU_MSG_ID_RESET_DONE, VID_API_EVENT_RESET_DONE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_START_DONE, VID_API_EVENT_START_DONE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_STOP_DONE, VID_API_EVENT_STOPPED}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_ABORT_DONE, VID_API_EVENT_ABORT_DONE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_BUF_RST, VID_API_EVENT_STR_BUF_RST}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_EOS, VID_API_EVENT_FINISHED}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_SEQ_HDR_FOUND, VID_API_EVENT_SEQ_HDR_FOUND}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_RES_CHANGE, VID_API_EVENT_RES_CHANGE}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_HDR_FOUND, VID_API_EVENT_PIC_HDR_FOUND}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_PIC_DECODED, VID_API_EVENT_PIC_DECODED}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_DEC_DONE, VID_API_EVENT_FRAME_BUFF_RDY}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_REQ, VID_API_EVENT_REQ_FRAME_BUFF}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FRAME_RELEASE, VID_API_EVENT_REL_FRAME_BUFF}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FIFO_LOW, VID_API_EVENT_FIFO_LOW}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_BS_ERROR, VID_API_EVENT_BS_ERROR}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_UNSUPPORTED, VID_API_EVENT_UNSUPPORTED_STREAM}, + {VPU_MSG_ID_FIRMWARE_XCPT, VID_API_EVENT_FIRMWARE_XCPT}, +}; + +static void vpu_malone_pack_fs_alloc(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_fs_info *fs) +{ + const u32 fs_type[] = { + [MEM_RES_FRAME] = 0, + [MEM_RES_MBI] = 1, + [MEM_RES_DCP] = 2, + }; + + pkt->hdr.num = 7; + pkt->data[0] = fs->id | (fs->tag << 24); + pkt->data[1] = fs->luma_addr; + if (fs->type == MEM_RES_FRAME) { + /* + * if luma_addr equal to chroma_addr, + * means luma(plane[0]) and chromau(plane[1]) used the + * same fd -- usage of NXP codec2. Need to manually + * offset chroma addr. + */ + if (fs->luma_addr == fs->chroma_addr) + fs->chroma_addr = fs->luma_addr + fs->luma_size; + pkt->data[2] = fs->luma_addr + fs->luma_size / 2; + pkt->data[3] = fs->chroma_addr; + pkt->data[4] = fs->chroma_addr + fs->chromau_size / 2; + pkt->data[5] = fs->bytesperline; + } else { + pkt->data[2] = fs->luma_size; + pkt->data[3] = 0; + pkt->data[4] = 0; + pkt->data[5] = 0; + } + pkt->data[6] = fs_type[fs->type]; +} + +static void vpu_malone_pack_fs_release(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_fs_info *fs) +{ + pkt->hdr.num = 1; + pkt->data[0] = fs->id | (fs->tag << 24); +} + +static void vpu_malone_pack_timestamp(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_ts_info *info) +{ + pkt->hdr.num = 3; + if (info->timestamp < 0) { + pkt->data[0] = (u32)-1; + pkt->data[1] = 0; + } else { + pkt->data[0] = info->timestamp / NSEC_PER_SEC; + pkt->data[1] = info->timestamp % NSEC_PER_SEC; + } + pkt->data[2] = info->size; +} + +int vpu_malone_pack_cmd(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, u32 index, u32 id, void *data) +{ + int ret; + + WARN_ON(!pkt); + + ret = vpu_find_dst_by_src(malone_cmds, ARRAY_SIZE(malone_cmds), id); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + pkt-> = ret; + pkt->hdr.num = 0; + pkt->hdr.index = index; + + switch (id) { + case VPU_CMD_ID_FS_ALLOC: + vpu_malone_pack_fs_alloc(pkt, data); + break; + case VPU_CMD_ID_FS_RELEASE: + vpu_malone_pack_fs_release(pkt, data); + break; + case VPU_CMD_ID_TIMESTAMP: + vpu_malone_pack_timestamp(pkt, data); + break; + } + + pkt->hdr.index = index; + return 0; +} + +int vpu_malone_convert_msg_id(u32 id) +{ + return vpu_find_src_by_dst(malone_msgs, ARRAY_SIZE(malone_msgs), id); +} + +void vpu_malone_init_seq_hdr(struct vpu_dec_codec_info *info) +{ + const u32 align_width = MALONE_ALIGN_W; + const u32 align_height = MALONE_ALIGN_H; + u32 width; + u32 height; + u32 bytesperline; + u32 chunks = info->num_dfe_area >> MALONE_DCP_CHUNK_BIT; + + width = ALIGN(info->decoded_width, align_width); + height = ALIGN(info->decoded_height, align_height); + if (!info->progressive) + height = ALIGN(info->decoded_height, align_height * 2); + + bytesperline = DIV_ROUND_UP((width * info->bit_depth_luma), BITS_PER_BYTE); + bytesperline = ALIGN(bytesperline, MALONE_ALIGN_LINE); + + info->bytesperline[0] = bytesperline; + info->bytesperline[1] = bytesperline; + info->sizeimage[0] = bytesperline * height; + info->sizeimage[1] = (bytesperline * height) >> 1; + info->mbi_size = (info->sizeimage[0] + info->sizeimage[1]) >> 2; + info->mbi_size = ALIGN(info->mbi_size, MALONE_ALIGN_MBI); + + info->dcp_size = MALONE_DCP_SIZE_MAX; + if (chunks) { + u32 mb_num; + u32 mb_w; + u32 mb_h; + + mb_w = DIV_ROUND_UP(info->decoded_width, 16); + mb_h = DIV_ROUND_UP(info->decoded_height, 16); + mb_num = mb_w * mb_h; + info->dcp_size = mb_num * MALONE_DCP_FIXED_MB_ALLOC * chunks; + info->dcp_size = clamp_t(u32, info->dcp_size, + MALONE_DCP_SIZE_MIN, MALONE_DCP_SIZE_MAX); + } + + info->decoded_width = width; + info->decoded_height = height; +} + +static void vpu_malone_unpack_seq_hdr(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_dec_codec_info *info) +{ + info->num_ref_frms = pkt->data[0]; + info->num_dpb_frms = pkt->data[1]; + info->num_dfe_area = pkt->data[2]; + info->progressive = pkt->data[3]; + info->width = pkt->data[5]; + info->height = pkt->data[4]; + info->decoded_width = pkt->data[12]; + info->decoded_height = pkt->data[11]; + info->frame_rate = pkt->data[8]; + info->dsp_asp_ratio = pkt->data[9]; + info->level_idc = pkt->data[10]; + info->bit_depth_luma = pkt->data[13]; + info->bit_depth_chroma = pkt->data[14]; + info->chroma_fmt = pkt->data[15]; + info->color_primaries = vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_i2v(pkt->data[16]); + info->transfer_chars = vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_i2v(pkt->data[17]); + info->matrix_coeffs = vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_i2v(pkt->data[18]); + info->full_range = vpu_color_cvrt_full_range_i2v(pkt->data[19]); + info->vui_present = pkt->data[20]; + info->mvc_num_views = pkt->data[21]; + info->offset_x = pkt->data[23]; + info->offset_y = pkt->data[25]; + info->tag = pkt->data[27]; + if (info->bit_depth_luma > 8) + info->pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NT10; + else /* fix me: should set to V4L2_PIX_FMT_NT8 for NXP Tiled NV12 Format in future*/ + info->pixfmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12; + vpu_malone_init_seq_hdr(info); +} + +static void vpu_malone_unpack_pic_info(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_dec_pic_info *info) +{ + info->id = pkt->data[7]; + info->luma = pkt->data[0]; + info->start = pkt->data[10]; + info->end = pkt->data[12]; + info->pic_size = pkt->data[11]; + info->stride = pkt->data[5]; + info->consumed_count = pkt->data[13]; + if (info->id == MALONE_SKIPPED_FRAME_ID) + info->skipped = 1; + else + info->skipped = 0; +} + +static void vpu_malone_unpack_req_frame(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_fs_info *info) +{ + info->type = pkt->data[1]; +} + +static void vpu_malone_unpack_rel_frame(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_fs_info *info) +{ + info->id = pkt->data[0]; + info->type = pkt->data[1]; + info->not_displayed = pkt->data[2]; +} + +static void vpu_malone_unpack_buff_rdy(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + struct vpu_dec_pic_info *info) +{ + info->id = pkt->data[0]; + info->luma = pkt->data[1]; + info->stride = pkt->data[3]; + if (info->id == MALONE_SKIPPED_FRAME_ID) + info->skipped = 1; + else + info->skipped = 0; + info->timestamp = MAKE_TIMESTAMP(pkt->data[9], pkt->data[10]); +} + +int vpu_malone_unpack_msg_data(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, void *data) +{ + if (!pkt || !data) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (pkt-> { + case VID_API_EVENT_SEQ_HDR_FOUND: + vpu_malone_unpack_seq_hdr(pkt, data); + break; + case VID_API_EVENT_PIC_DECODED: + vpu_malone_unpack_pic_info(pkt, data); + break; + case VID_API_EVENT_REQ_FRAME_BUFF: + vpu_malone_unpack_req_frame(pkt, data); + break; + case VID_API_EVENT_REL_FRAME_BUFF: + vpu_malone_unpack_rel_frame(pkt, data); + break; + case VID_API_EVENT_FRAME_BUFF_RDY: + vpu_malone_unpack_buff_rdy(pkt, data); + break; + } + + return 0; +} + +static const struct malone_padding_scode padding_scodes[] = { + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264, {0x0B010000, 0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264_MVC, {0x0B010000, 0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_HEVC, {0x4A010000, 0x20}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G, {0x0a010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_L, {0x0a010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2, {0xCC010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_XVID, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H263, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8, {0x34010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_JPEG, {0xefff0000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264, {0x0B010000, 0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264_MVC, {0x0B010000, 0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_HEVC, {0x4A010000, 0x20}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G, {0x0a010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_L, {0x0a010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2, {0xb7010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_XVID, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H263, {0xb1010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_ABORT, V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8, {0x34010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_EOS, V4L2_PIX_FMT_JPEG, {0x0, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_BUFFLUSH, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264, {0x15010000, 0x0}}, + {SCODE_PADDING_BUFFLUSH, V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264_MVC, {0x15010000, 0x0}}, +}; +static const struct malone_padding_scode padding_scode_dft = {0x0, 0x0}; + +static const struct malone_padding_scode *get_padding_scode(u32 type, u32 fmt) +{ + const struct malone_padding_scode *s; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(padding_scodes); i++) { + s = &padding_scodes[i]; + + if (s->scode_type == type && s->pixelformat == fmt) + return s; + } + + if (type != SCODE_PADDING_BUFFLUSH) + return &padding_scode_dft; + + return NULL; +} + +static int vpu_malone_add_padding_scode(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf, + u32 pixelformat, u32 scode_type) +{ + u32 wptr; + u32 size; + u32 total_size = 0; + const struct malone_padding_scode *ps; + const u32 padding_size = 4096; + int ret; + + ps = get_padding_scode(scode_type, pixelformat); + if (!ps) + return -EINVAL; + + wptr = str_buf->wptr; + size = ALIGN(wptr, 4) - wptr; + if (size) + vpu_helper_memset_stream_buffer(stream_buffer, &wptr, 0, size); + total_size += size; + + size = sizeof(ps->data); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(stream_buffer, &wptr, size, (void *)ps->data); + if (ret < size) + return -EINVAL; + total_size += size; + + size = padding_size - sizeof(ps->data); + vpu_helper_memset_stream_buffer(stream_buffer, &wptr, 0, size); + total_size += size; + + vpu_malone_update_wptr(str_buf, wptr); + return total_size; +} + +int vpu_malone_add_scode(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 pixelformat, + u32 scode_type) +{ + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf; + int ret = -EINVAL; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface || !shared->core || !shared->priv); + + hc = shared->priv; + str_buf = hc->str_buf[instance]; + + switch (scode_type) { + case SCODE_PADDING_EOS: + case SCODE_PADDING_ABORT: + case SCODE_PADDING_BUFFLUSH: + ret = vpu_malone_add_padding_scode(stream_buffer, + str_buf, pixelformat, scode_type); + break; + default: + break; + } + + return ret; +} + +#define MALONE_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE 16 +#define MALONE_CODEC_VERSION_ID 0x1 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_VC1_SIMPLE 0x10 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_VC1_MAIN 0x11 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_ARV8 0x28 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_ARV9 0x29 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_VP6 0x36 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_VP8 0x36 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_DIVX3 0x38 +#define MALONE_CODEC_ID_SPK 0x39 + +#define MALONE_VP8_IVF_SEQ_HEADER_LEN 32 +#define MALONE_VP8_IVF_FRAME_HEADER_LEN 8 + +#define MALONE_VC1_RCV_CODEC_V1_VERSION 0x85 +#define MALONE_VC1_RCV_CODEC_V2_VERSION 0xC5 +#define MALONE_VC1_RCV_NUM_FRAMES 0xFF +#define MALONE_VC1_RCV_SEQ_EXT_DATA_SIZE 4 +#define MALONE_VC1_RCV_SEQ_HEADER_LEN 20 +#define MALONE_VC1_RCV_PIC_HEADER_LEN 4 +#define MALONE_VC1_NAL_HEADER_LEN 4 +#define MALONE_VC1_CONTAIN_NAL(data) ((data & 0x00FFFFFF) == 0x00010000) + + +static void set_payload_hdr(u8 *dst, u32 scd_type, u32 codec_id, + u32 buffer_size, u32 width, u32 height) +{ + unsigned int payload_size; + /* payload_size = buffer_size + itself_size(16) - start_code(4) */ + payload_size = buffer_size + 12; + + dst[0] = 0x00; + dst[1] = 0x00; + dst[2] = 0x01; + dst[3] = scd_type; + + /* length */ + dst[4] = ((payload_size>>16)&0xff); + dst[5] = ((payload_size>>8)&0xff); + dst[6] = 0x4e; + dst[7] = ((payload_size>>0)&0xff); + + /* Codec ID and Version */ + dst[8] = codec_id; + dst[9] = MALONE_CODEC_VERSION_ID; + + /* width */ + dst[10] = ((width>>8)&0xff); + dst[11] = ((width>>0)&0xff); + dst[12] = 0x58; + + /* height */ + dst[13] = ((height>>8)&0xff); + dst[14] = ((height>>0)&0xff); + dst[15] = 0x50; +} + +static void set_vp8_ivf_seqhdr(u8 *dst, u32 width, u32 height) +{ + /* 0-3byte signature "DKIF" */ + dst[0] = 0x44; + dst[1] = 0x4b; + dst[2] = 0x49; + dst[3] = 0x46; + /* 4-5byte version: should be 0*/ + dst[4] = 0x00; + dst[5] = 0x00; + /* 6-7 length of Header */ + dst[6] = MALONE_VP8_IVF_SEQ_HEADER_LEN; + dst[7] = MALONE_VP8_IVF_SEQ_HEADER_LEN >> 8; + /* 8-11 VP8 fourcc */ + dst[8] = 0x56; + dst[9] = 0x50; + dst[10] = 0x38; + dst[11] = 0x30; + /* 12-13 width in pixels */ + dst[12] = width; + dst[13] = width >> 8; + /* 14-15 height in pixels */ + dst[14] = height; + dst[15] = height >> 8; + /* 16-19 frame rate */ + dst[16] = 0xe8; + dst[17] = 0x03; + dst[18] = 0x00; + dst[19] = 0x00; + /* 20-23 time scale */ + dst[20] = 0x01; + dst[21] = 0x00; + dst[22] = 0x00; + dst[23] = 0x00; + /* 24-27 number frames */ + dst[24] = 0xdf; + dst[25] = 0xf9; + dst[26] = 0x09; + dst[27] = 0x00; + /* 28-31 reserved */ +} + +static void set_vp8_ivf_pichdr(u8 *dst, u32 frame_size) +{ + /* + * firmware just parse 64-bit timestamp(8 bytes). + * As not transfer timestamp to firmware, use default value(ZERO). + * No need to do anything here + */ +} + +static void set_vc1_rcv_seqhdr(u8 *dst, u8 *src, u32 width, u32 height) +{ + u32 frames = MALONE_VC1_RCV_NUM_FRAMES; + u32 ext_data_size = MALONE_VC1_RCV_SEQ_EXT_DATA_SIZE; + + /* 0-2 Number of frames, used default value 0xFF */ + dst[0] = frames; + dst[1] = frames >> 8; + dst[2] = frames >> 16; + + /* 3 RCV version, used V1 */ + dst[3] = MALONE_VC1_RCV_CODEC_V1_VERSION; + + /* 4-7 extension data size */ + dst[4] = ext_data_size; + dst[5] = ext_data_size >> 8; + dst[6] = ext_data_size >> 16; + dst[7] = ext_data_size >> 24; + /* 8-11 extension data */ + dst[8] = src[0]; + dst[9] = src[1]; + dst[10] = src[2]; + dst[11] = src[3]; + + /* height */ + dst[12] = height; + dst[13] = (height >> 8) & 0xff; + dst[14] = (height >> 16) & 0xff; + dst[15] = (height >> 24) & 0xff; + /* width */ + dst[16] = width; + dst[17] = (width >> 8) & 0xff; + dst[18] = (width >> 16) & 0xff; + dst[19] = (width >> 24) & 0xff; +} + +static void set_vc1_rcv_pichdr(u8 *dst, u32 buffer_size) +{ + dst[0] = buffer_size; + dst[1] = buffer_size >> 8; + dst[2] = buffer_size >> 16; + dst[3] = buffer_size >> 24; +} + +static void create_vc1_nal_pichdr(u8 *dst) +{ + /* need insert nal header: special ID */ + dst[0] = 0x0; + dst[1] = 0x0; + dst[2] = 0x01; + dst[3] = 0x0D; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_seq(struct malone_scode_t *scode, u32 codec_id, u32 ext_size) +{ + u8 hdr[MALONE_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE]; + int ret; + + set_payload_hdr(hdr, + SCODE_SEQUENCE, + codec_id, + ext_size, + scode->inst->out_format.width, + scode->inst->out_format.height); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(hdr), + hdr); + return ret; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_pic(struct malone_scode_t *scode, u32 codec_id, u32 ext_size) +{ + u8 hdr[MALONE_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE]; + int ret; + + set_payload_hdr(hdr, + SCODE_PICTURE, + codec_id, + ext_size + vb2_get_plane_payload(scode->vb, 0), + scode->inst->out_format.width, + scode->inst->out_format.height); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(hdr), + hdr); + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_vc1_g_pic(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + u8 nal_hdr[MALONE_VC1_NAL_HEADER_LEN]; + u32 *data = NULL; + + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(scode->vb); + data = vb2_plane_vaddr(scode->vb, 0); + + if (vbuf->sequence == 0 || (vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_CODECCONFIG)) + return 0; + if (MALONE_VC1_CONTAIN_NAL(*data)) + return 0; + + create_vc1_nal_pichdr(nal_hdr); + return vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(nal_hdr), + nal_hdr); +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_vc1_l_seq(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + int ret; + int size = 0; + u8 rcv_seqhdr[MALONE_VC1_RCV_SEQ_HEADER_LEN]; + + scode->need_data = 0; + + ret = vpu_malone_insert_scode_seq(scode, MALONE_CODEC_ID_VC1_SIMPLE, + sizeof(rcv_seqhdr)); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size = ret; + + set_vc1_rcv_seqhdr(rcv_seqhdr, + vb2_plane_vaddr(scode->vb, 0), + scode->inst->out_format.width, + scode->inst->out_format.height); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(rcv_seqhdr), + rcv_seqhdr); + + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size += ret; + return size; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_vc1_l_pic(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + int ret; + int size = 0; + u8 rcv_pichdr[MALONE_VC1_RCV_PIC_HEADER_LEN]; + + ret = vpu_malone_insert_scode_pic(scode, MALONE_CODEC_ID_VC1_SIMPLE, + sizeof(rcv_pichdr)); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size = ret; + + set_vc1_rcv_pichdr(rcv_pichdr, vb2_get_plane_payload(scode->vb, 0)); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(rcv_pichdr), + rcv_pichdr); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size += ret; + return size; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_vp8_seq(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + int ret; + int size = 0; + u8 ivf_hdr[MALONE_VP8_IVF_SEQ_HEADER_LEN]; + + ret = vpu_malone_insert_scode_seq(scode, MALONE_CODEC_ID_VP8, sizeof(ivf_hdr)); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size = ret; + + set_vp8_ivf_seqhdr(ivf_hdr, + scode->inst->out_format.width, + scode->inst->out_format.height); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(ivf_hdr), + ivf_hdr); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size += ret; + + return size; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode_vp8_pic(struct malone_scode_t *scode) +{ + int ret; + int size = 0; + u8 ivf_hdr[MALONE_VP8_IVF_FRAME_HEADER_LEN] = {0}; + + ret = vpu_malone_insert_scode_pic(scode, MALONE_CODEC_ID_VP8, sizeof(ivf_hdr)); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size = ret; + + set_vp8_ivf_pichdr(ivf_hdr, vb2_get_plane_payload(scode->vb, 0)); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&scode->inst->stream_buffer, + &scode->wptr, + sizeof(ivf_hdr), + ivf_hdr); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size += ret; + + return size; +} + +static const struct malone_scode_handler scode_handlers[] = { + { + /* fix me, need to swap return operation after gstreamer swap */ + .pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_L, + .insert_scode_seq = vpu_malone_insert_scode_vc1_l_seq, + .insert_scode_pic = vpu_malone_insert_scode_vc1_l_pic, + }, + { + .pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G, + .insert_scode_pic = vpu_malone_insert_scode_vc1_g_pic, + }, + { + .pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8, + .insert_scode_seq = vpu_malone_insert_scode_vp8_seq, + .insert_scode_pic = vpu_malone_insert_scode_vp8_pic, + }, +}; + +const struct malone_scode_handler *get_scode_handler(u32 pixelformat) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(scode_handlers); i++) { + if (scode_handlers[i].pixelformat == pixelformat) + return &scode_handlers[i]; + } + + return NULL; +} + +static int vpu_malone_insert_scode(struct malone_scode_t *scode, u32 type) +{ + const struct malone_scode_handler *handler; + int ret = 0; + + if (!scode || !scode->inst || !scode->vb) + return 0; + + scode->need_data = 1; + handler = get_scode_handler(scode->inst->out_format.pixfmt); + if (!handler) + return 0; + + switch (type) { + case SCODE_SEQUENCE: + if (handler->insert_scode_seq) + ret = handler->insert_scode_seq(scode); + break; + case SCODE_PICTURE: + if (handler->insert_scode_pic) + ret = handler->insert_scode_pic(scode); + break; + default: + break; + } + + return ret; +} + +static int vpu_malone_input_frame_data(struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf, + struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb, + u32 disp_imm) +{ + struct malone_scode_t scode; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + u32 wptr; + int size = 0; + int ret = 0; + + wptr = str_buf->wptr; + + /*add scode: SCODE_SEQUENCE, SCODE_PICTURE, SCODE_SLICE*/ + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + scode.inst = inst; + scode.vb = vb; + scode.wptr = wptr; + scode.need_data = 1; + if (vbuf->sequence == 0 || (vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_CODECCONFIG)) + ret = vpu_malone_insert_scode(&scode, SCODE_SEQUENCE); + + if (ret < 0) + return -ENOMEM; + size += ret; + wptr = scode.wptr; + if (!scode.need_data) { + vpu_malone_update_wptr(str_buf, wptr); + return size; + } + + ret = vpu_malone_insert_scode(&scode, SCODE_PICTURE); + if (ret < 0) + return -ENOMEM; + size += ret; + wptr = scode.wptr; + + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&inst->stream_buffer, + &wptr, + vb2_get_plane_payload(vb, 0), + vb2_plane_vaddr(vb, 0)); + if (ret < vb2_get_plane_payload(vb, 0)) + return -ENOMEM; + size += ret; + + vpu_malone_update_wptr(str_buf, wptr); + + if (disp_imm && !(vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_CODECCONFIG)) { + ret = vpu_malone_add_scode(inst->core->iface, + inst->id, + &inst->stream_buffer, + inst->out_format.pixfmt, + SCODE_PADDING_BUFFLUSH); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size += ret; + } + + return size; +} + +static int vpu_malone_input_stream_data(struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf, + struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + u32 wptr; + int ret = 0; + + wptr = str_buf->wptr; + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + ret = vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(&inst->stream_buffer, + &wptr, + vb2_get_plane_payload(vb, 0), + vb2_plane_vaddr(vb, 0)); + if (ret < vb2_get_plane_payload(vb, 0)) + return -ENOMEM; + + vpu_malone_update_wptr(str_buf, wptr); + + return ret; +} + +static int vpu_malone_input_ts(struct vpu_inst *inst, s64 timestamp, u32 size) +{ + struct vpu_ts_info info; + + memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); + info.timestamp = timestamp; + info.size = size; + + return vpu_session_fill_timestamp(inst, &info); +} + +int vpu_malone_input_frame(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vpu_dec_ctrl *hc; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf; + struct vpu_malone_str_buffer *str_buf; + u32 disp_imm = 0; + u32 size; + int ret; + + WARN_ON(!shared || !shared->iface || !shared->core || !shared->priv); + hc = shared->priv; + str_buf = hc->str_buf[inst->id]; + disp_imm = hc->codec_param[inst->id].disp_imm; + + if (vpu_malone_is_non_frame_mode(shared, inst->id)) + ret = vpu_malone_input_stream_data(str_buf, inst, vb); + else + ret = vpu_malone_input_frame_data(str_buf, inst, vb, disp_imm); + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + size = ret; + + /* + * if buffer only contain codec data, and the timestamp is invalid, + * don't put the invalid timestamp to resync + * merge the data to next frame + */ + vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + if ((vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_CODECCONFIG) && (s64)vb->timestamp < 0) { + inst->extra_size += size; + return 0; + } + if (inst->extra_size) { + size += inst->extra_size; + inst->extra_size = 0; + } + + ret = vpu_malone_input_ts(inst, vb->timestamp, size); + if (ret) + return ret; + + return 0; +} + +static bool vpu_malone_check_ready(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + u32 size; + u32 rptr; + u32 wptr; + u32 used; + + iface = shared->iface; + desc = &iface->api_cmd_buffer_desc[instance]; + size = desc->end - desc->start; + rptr = desc->rptr; + wptr = desc->wptr; + used = (wptr + size - rptr) % size; + if (!size || used < size / 2) + return true; + + vpu_dbg(LVL_DEBUG, "[%d]api cmd used = %d/%d\n", instance, used, size); + + return false; +} + +bool vpu_malone_is_ready(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance) +{ + u32 cnt = 0; + + while (!vpu_malone_check_ready(shared, instance)) { + if (cnt > 30) + return false; + mdelay(1); + cnt++; + } + return true; +} + +int vpu_malone_pre_cmd(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance) +{ + if (!vpu_malone_is_ready(shared, instance)) { + vpu_err("[%d] is not ready\n", instance); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_malone_post_cmd(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + + iface = shared->iface; + desc = &iface->api_cmd_buffer_desc[instance]; + desc->wptr++; + if (desc->wptr == desc->end) + desc->wptr = desc->start; + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_malone_init_instance(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + + iface = shared->iface; + desc = &iface->api_cmd_buffer_desc[instance]; + desc->wptr = desc->rptr; + if (desc->wptr == desc->end) + desc->wptr = desc->start; + + return 0; +} + +u32 vpu_malone_get_max_instance_count(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) +{ + struct malone_iface *iface = shared->iface; + + return iface->max_streams; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.h b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..22c834a030a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/imx/vpu-8q/vpu_malone.h @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +#ifndef _IMX_VPU_MALONE_H +#define _IMX_VPU_MALONE_H + +u32 vpu_malone_get_data_size(void); +void vpu_malone_init_rpc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *rpc, dma_addr_t boot_addr); +void vpu_malone_set_log_buf(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *log); +void vpu_malone_set_system_cfg(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 regs_base, void __iomem *regs, u32 core_id); +u32 vpu_malone_get_version(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); +int vpu_malone_get_stream_buffer_size(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); +int vpu_malone_config_stream_buffer(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_buffer *buf); +int vpu_malone_get_stream_buffer_desc(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc); +int vpu_malone_update_stream_buffer(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, u32 ptr, bool write); +int vpu_malone_set_decode_params(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, struct vpu_decode_params *params, u32 update); +int vpu_malone_pack_cmd(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, u32 index, u32 id, void *data); +int vpu_malone_convert_msg_id(u32 msg_id); +int vpu_malone_unpack_msg_data(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, void *data); +int vpu_malone_add_scode(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 pixelformat, + u32 scode_type); +int vpu_malone_input_frame(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb); +bool vpu_malone_is_ready(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); +int vpu_malone_pre_cmd(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); +int vpu_malone_post_cmd(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); +int vpu_malone_init_instance(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); +u32 vpu_malone_get_max_instance_count(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); + +#endif