diff mbox series

[v2,1/2] dt-bindings: regulator: qcom,rpmh: add pm660 and pm660l pmics

Message ID 20220920223331.150635-2-mailingradian@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State Not Applicable, archived
Headers show
Series RPMh Support for PM660 and PM660L | expand

Commit Message

Richard Acayan Sept. 20, 2022, 10:33 p.m. UTC
The SDM670 uses RPMh for managing the PM660 and PM660L. Document RPMh
support for the PMIC.

Link: https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/msm/+/58064f13c0a436a82c35f2e3b5a122d874ae5846%5E%21/#F0
Signed-off-by: Richard Acayan <mailingradian@gmail.com>
 .../regulator/qcom,rpmh-regulator.yaml        | 36 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+)


Krzysztof Kozlowski Sept. 21, 2022, 7:38 a.m. UTC | #1
On 21/09/2022 00:33, Richard Acayan wrote:
> The SDM670 uses RPMh for managing the PM660 and PM660L. Document RPMh
> support for the PMIC.
> Link: https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/msm/+/58064f13c0a436a82c35f2e3b5a122d874ae5846%5E%21/#F0
> Signed-off-by: Richard Acayan <mailingradian@gmail.com>
> ---

Reviewed-by: Krzysztof Kozlowski <krzysztof.kozlowski@linaro.org>

Best regards,
Mark Brown Sept. 23, 2022, 1:14 p.m. UTC | #2
On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 06:33:30PM -0400, Richard Acayan wrote:
> The SDM670 uses RPMh for managing the PM660 and PM660L. Document RPMh
> support for the PMIC.

Please submit patches using subject lines reflecting the style for the
subsystem, this makes it easier for people to identify relevant patches.
Look at what existing commits in the area you're changing are doing and
make sure your subject lines visually resemble what they're doing.
There's no need to resubmit to fix this alone.
diff mbox series


diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/regulator/qcom,rpmh-regulator.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/regulator/qcom,rpmh-regulator.yaml
index 92ff4d59ba20..90c3bda31c23 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/regulator/qcom,rpmh-regulator.yaml
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/regulator/qcom,rpmh-regulator.yaml
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@  description: |
       For PM6150, smps1 - smps5, ldo1 - ldo19
       For PM6150L, smps1 - smps8, ldo1 - ldo11, bob
       For PM6350, smps1 - smps5, ldo1 - ldo22
+      For PM660, smps1 - smps6, ldo1 - ldo3, ldo5 - ldo19
+      For PM660L, smps1 - smps3, smps5, ldo1 - ldo8, bob
       For PM7325, smps1 - smps8, ldo1 - ldo19
       For PM8005, smps1 - smps4
       For PM8009, smps1 - smps2, ldo1 - ldo7
@@ -57,6 +59,8 @@  properties:
       - qcom,pm6150-rpmh-regulators
       - qcom,pm6150l-rpmh-regulators
       - qcom,pm6350-rpmh-regulators
+      - qcom,pm660-rpmh-regulators
+      - qcom,pm660l-rpmh-regulators
       - qcom,pm7325-rpmh-regulators
       - qcom,pm8005-rpmh-regulators
       - qcom,pm8009-rpmh-regulators
@@ -148,6 +152,38 @@  allOf:
         "^vdd-s[1-8]-supply$": true
+  - if:
+      properties:
+        compatible:
+          enum:
+            - qcom,pm660-rpmh-regulators
+    then:
+      properties:
+        vdd-l1-l6-l7-supply: true
+        vdd-l2-l3-supply: true
+        vdd-l5-supply: true
+        vdd-l8-l9-l10-l11-l12-l13-l14-supply: true
+        vdd-l15-l16-l17-l18-l19-supply: true
+      patternProperties:
+        "^vdd-s[1-6]-supply$": true
+  - if:
+      properties:
+        compatible:
+          enum:
+            - qcom,pm660l-rpmh-regulators
+    then:
+      properties:
+        vdd-bob-supply:
+          description: BOB regulator parent supply phandle.
+        vdd-l1-l9-l10-supply: true
+        vdd-l2-supply: true
+        vdd-l3-l5-l7-l8-supply: true
+        vdd-l4-l6-supply: true
+        vdd-s3-s4-supply: true
+      patternProperties:
+        "^vdd-s[125]-supply$": true
   - if: