From patchwork Mon Jun 19 20:37:43 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Jakob Hauser X-Patchwork-Id: 13284939 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 08DEEEB64DA for ; Mon, 19 Jun 2023 20:38:21 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S229688AbjFSUiU (ORCPT ); Mon, 19 Jun 2023 16:38:20 -0400 Received: from ([]:39288 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S229597AbjFSUiT (ORCPT ); Mon, 19 Jun 2023 16:38:19 -0400 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D7A14E63 for ; Mon, 19 Jun 2023 13:38:16 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s2048; t=1687207095; bh=FLcBbpnv0153QnbGpmedSSyW79E6oM8A7Pdaxys+PpA=; h=From:To:Cc:Subject:Date:References:From:Subject:Reply-To; b=Re7BB47B1pAVF1UFcS4WmfwGWeJBQRejgu6LSR9guwoO4EudRqMyNYyTOxDb/WdJeJGHZBGEiBBTYvxACxXagoBekVV0CfvMDuH5WOM9TtGLoDQIgQ8vyzIVzuIf2R+/3BtRy/8lVH14VfDNkhLyyukT8IdEDfm/wO+X9TbZrasCXrdkJg0f9tUGf9zEy4GhJnpUByQLcTQJ+ExK2DAqoHv3iqYuYe0Rj5geiRRBOlEmjVVCeB0/my8uBZrDQWBdIS0TQTl1Szoz8H80xKYjwEvzKCcEfbr2AE6NgEmB8t43wkY4WP7ISRSx/qF2mzjaMqgNHtapM5+vDaBxunavFQ== X-SONIC-DKIM-SIGN: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s2048; t=1687207095; bh=F1vhItBNgkCiUH2/rOdOZECKFsK1CinDzNu92CWu2ZU=; h=X-Sonic-MF:From:To:Subject:Date:From:Subject; b=qX8kJhsDZiqeRzm+aacTxpBkfuwW/Vddu7Kn4Y39kKnB8KKbTaNMNL2OpPsSnQpGiRYzTrlFk9H9XmsXuWDFpy1s+quF0onnCcams3Q9EHndbCEjs4jO55r35MUUNu2oRgzSmlgzHpq+iIjiA7+j4azmYmUJz1+Rf1KzqL2TUpcFFznGdyFQ9XFAzNrhB8r+Q3b4T65A3oU175uUkljgw/oPwvgoQXEmoDxwN81NiwYXRcE63R9bkBOula/BSFMqDPl8FFivgfU1oUlNpo44ZYW5JVJfGMy4CIpo5d3LjLUyPfKp3OCcjc0Ar7hJbe7E3sYI73GL83PePU+HIdZpUw== X-YMail-OSG: sYd2DjEVM1ngnvrXRC68RMrKkNJsvc3sAkND7CqBEBYH1zhCLGe8N3PSLft7tJ5 lYh8KqcPXW0vfnnk9.HQqS17X_2DIEK5xUv_tAHjhItxHtzGAUPqfWH5XMZ02PDR3678l8CuHhKs drrcmGphcnmEYdbztGC4iqPf1x2zsBLhWXa13RbLwEJTgOxO0mWI3LL_ul7RSdA6O8NP5Ms6eUt5 ay_B8IXGYnpcK1_Wqod4.Lk0jVT5opMe6mcem6eQCKglGt0b6Sz3wv2MkAOf_4_TMeAAUW8d4QsF r2Kw1cRlXzdDeSMCltkunc1sfwYe6dJ0hE840M9d.buf54JfHSK.2d9FKOrlmL548cDZg1zIKf7Q 9oRJfIZJo14KpdHRRfo3Z94FiRwPclm0HYBu3R3Ic2SkzdIk.FVzoB6dN.xAD7BM777FWGyiXzRY uMNRkY8y2yTPikXIEpvHRr_f7aeg8hhb1BsQgxLPnG1.UTUBaShvKPAGBZ6Imt_COUqz.eMsPesr mtOK4xfMP_0GMHwH5X6GSyVBLaEFVVRTaq3bRZlVXh6BkG4yw.yAFl7UFbY7R0sBIgUjRFCdpf3C CD0pP74xldhsftl7txXymwaWJvUd9XcokqyzkzQPS4ogSfpU9J29tDcPIYXsKiQ2zQmtR_A9XLGy j5TypJmmABPmb3hV7hZaGDhmOfwjvuisPB5HHsm.AlhWyWSxwZAGdGLzJQkOpflN6i6iRCuSM3y5 E3PB_NQ6S46XKzZTH8tD_GRjY.ni3NAsB0kxdccx06dGkWDPCK.x0fZNIXPLLoWkWXt27uvb5KZB R6gllhb78Q75ZrTdeYTnSyTTtx26G6XP3TZRRZxy71T__xhAhNrTjA8Dx03NkwVLYCRzUDWssv.E rUyeZ5ZcnP4xmC9UDZZpFviT1EmLNc0NGIf3XNqaojT_UnGJ3wmGFRifdQykvQPr2cTCPcsCgBgF TG_rHG1Lr7VLKyieuy_aNkScCbJ9rr.o2IWZu4bRLpDjWbh1wNDeN6QrKQEky.T1zJlsr9srk_Yc Ek38qraJ_lXicEE_0jPw2R5DTpA19hAeeVUEtRjaPLWz8.S3fF7eJ0ASdIBCsJ3qlBKMEEZhlxwn 1ogur3JFQQzhOHOoH7Oc3ZFzGoTFtWJyqcNR6hqNjq.RL1uTqRLlzWcGNPIcXj.5ZuN0pPxAWKRA tsmR1fEkSM9lPo4zabV5tvGJIXw5NOr8LnQSuZQgbk1b_tp4j_CQ8t47_.4qsKbeeL4caDpG53l7 _7mxxZ.4fen789179G4GSOoQgeH9dS6u.nwuYEAW7OWfhgnL9fNobYb9TdbhL4LnznYW.4d1qPWd fgMI8F0ifScEkx4H1K8v0RbIl1Ti6G9paT8absie9CGYvmk0TacVeucrWwku.OBZOqd5hr0SZjan JUwJzdWDtQNvG3chxnjQpkXZ0yX411duLoedSYIRFEvYUH8_R_up2EJhx8p7D_QHCVTiFTDpRloL sUaxf_mChkzUdH23Tos_tz5fPC9UWbcrS5aQExx59oC220_d8T5rjWCDY2siTtlFP4Mc3i4Qqnrl sfHXZj3.QdIptGjU8CYbFGj.aFlBxwvxZTwjeL8dw3wXB7MTA0Jpo7i6nCuXVoJJS.sTiQgcL33y pYHmO_LDb3F.2O.8X_aIJnaOfaHuU2EwfpfMYLcOal5yZiZemyqZHWgjWRZqJktLeejMgwPOaxsm 1.V.jbAMu0D8.rR9p0043bMin5ZFCTLxXc9O3gVSjm4mamAM.FEgV2tDCiAlHwjHnINoFh0R.IRv cBRV3dFmqqqp.G.cHslsZuneqVjIzPsDpM.4kAVA_mY96IglrSpz1YPoDdLqHfLlpYUmhZqsxNa1 7ws_OrhTngY_mK7l4mLUNexixAL.qSJzxRakQaP97dH0Wm0pQac95IcbGVdA67sDJU8MvmYOwkA0 0u7oTdEVNTs2Y1eADVs8hbPYT3LB_H3kdT6foNTKFL062SFQyFFMXtY9dIFO9y2C6D6y1FcSh5AS 28hxcY_WedbRJx5emNjRIKzT1JG115aLc.GQgwzN0_l9aEVS7FuplrtNvzlb7jvpsdMYCIBoeBXk siwZ4lduQowlwcWFaEMKU6UE9sdrtUzhUnOkaX2Kaw35OPwyQbzrtuD96KW8pn8zkHyETt9CovFc Lmyd_CrnVvot.9plme9TP7qbjRThRNHBiE6WnIuTrKHf2s4c06Mw.MFVFZk_kkV4F9eDFBRKkMcq OLcfk8xDIgfyJHkWVQXvBfIudawSU7EDdWAzc2I2uryAZMQ.BRI1bTet5Mzx7dEBukNPY3ojQ4la MXbMhJQlXYnu.pDdWkzSmW2R3l0X8ifzLvb87A3s- X-Sonic-MF: X-Sonic-ID: 25f0eead-2110-4286-a647-62625e7b1c2f Received: from by with HTTP; Mon, 19 Jun 2023 20:38:15 +0000 Received: by hermes--production-ir2-7867f454fc-mmctx (Yahoo Inc. Hermes SMTP Server) with ESMTPA ID 1045102266187eb9e3901f7e3860658d; Mon, 19 Jun 2023 20:38:12 +0000 (UTC) From: Jakob Hauser To: Andy Gross , Bjorn Andersson , Konrad Dybcio Cc: Sebastian Reichel , Lee Jones , Stephan Gerhold , Raymond Hackley , Henrik Grimler ,,,, ~postmarketos/, Jakob Hauser Subject: [PATCH v2] arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916-samsung-serranove: Add RT5033 PMIC with charger Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 22:37:43 +0200 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.39.2 MIME-Version: 1.0 References: <> Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: For the regulators, apply the same settings as in the downstream devicetree [1], including the "regulator-always-on" for the SAFE_LDO. For the voltage of SAFE_LDO, however, there is only one voltage of 4.9 V available in the mainline driver [2][3]. The values of the battery data evolve from following sources: - precharge current: 450 mA corresponds to the default value of the chip. It doesn't get changed by the downstream Android driver. Therefore let's stick to this value. - constant charge current: The 1000 mA are taken from the downstream devicetree of the serranove battery. It's not easy to spot. The value is in the line "input_current_limit" [4]. The rows are according to the power supply type, the 4th value stands for "main supply" [5]. That's the value used by the Android driver when a charging cable is plugged into the device. - charge termination current: In the downstream devicetree of the battery that's the line "full_check_current_1st", which contains the 150 mA [6]. - precharge voltage: This one doesn't get set in the downstream Android driver. The chip's default is 2.8 V. That seemed too low to have a notable effect of handling the battery gentle. The chosen value of 3.5 V is a bit arbitrary and possibly rather high. As the device is already several years old and therefore most batteries too, a value on the safe side seems reasonable. - constant charge voltage: The value of 4.35 V is set in the line "chg_float_voltage" of the downstream battery devicetree [7]. The "connector" sub-node in the extcon node, the "battery" node in the general section and the line "power-supplies" in the fuel-gauge node result from the way of implementation documented in the dt-bindings of rt5033-charger [8] and mfd rt5033 [9]. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8],rt5033-charger.yaml?h=next-20230616 [9],rt5033.yaml?h=next-20230616 Signed-off-by: Jakob Hauser --- The patch is based on linux-next "next-20230616". The driver rt5033-charger was just recently added to linux-next. Changes in v2: - Removed "regulator-name"s and changed regulator phandle labels as suggested by Stephan. v1: .../dts/qcom/msm8916-samsung-serranove.dts | 64 ++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/msm8916-samsung-serranove.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/msm8916-samsung-serranove.dts index 15dc246e84e2..cbda25f2ad19 100644 --- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/msm8916-samsung-serranove.dts +++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/msm8916-samsung-serranove.dts @@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ muic: extcon@14 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&muic_irq_default>; + + usb_con: connector { + compatible = "usb-b-connector"; + label = "micro-USB"; + type = "micro"; + }; }; }; @@ -199,6 +205,15 @@ nfc@2b { pinctrl-0 = <&nfc_default>; }; }; + + battery: battery { + compatible = "simple-battery"; + precharge-current-microamp = <450000>; + constant-charge-current-max-microamp = <1000000>; + charge-term-current-microamp = <150000>; + precharge-upper-limit-microvolt = <3500000>; + constant-charge-voltage-max-microvolt = <4350000>; + }; }; &blsp_i2c2 { @@ -228,7 +243,7 @@ magnetometer@2e { &blsp_i2c4 { status = "okay"; - battery@35 { + fuel-gauge@35 { compatible = "richtek,rt5033-battery"; reg = <0x35>; @@ -237,6 +252,8 @@ battery@35 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&fg_alert_default>; + + power-supplies = <&rt5033_charger>; }; }; @@ -261,6 +278,43 @@ touchscreen@20 { }; }; +&blsp_i2c6 { + status = "okay"; + + pmic@34 { + compatible = "richtek,rt5033"; + reg = <0x34>; + + interrupt-parent = <&tlmm>; + interrupts = <62 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>; + + pinctrl-names = "default"; + pinctrl-0 = <&pmic_int_default>; + + regulators { + rt5033_reg_safe_ldo: SAFE_LDO { + regulator-min-microvolt = <4900000>; + regulator-max-microvolt = <4900000>; + regulator-always-on; + }; + rt5033_reg_ldo: LDO { + regulator-min-microvolt = <2800000>; + regulator-max-microvolt = <2800000>; + }; + rt5033_reg_buck: BUCK { + regulator-min-microvolt = <1200000>; + regulator-max-microvolt = <1200000>; + }; + }; + + rt5033_charger: charger { + compatible = "richtek,rt5033-charger"; + monitored-battery = <&battery>; + richtek,usb-connector = <&usb_con>; + }; + }; +}; + &blsp_uart2 { status = "okay"; }; @@ -387,6 +441,14 @@ nfc_i2c_default: nfc-i2c-default-state { bias-disable; }; + pmic_int_default: pmic-int-default-state { + pins = "gpio62"; + function = "gpio"; + + drive-strength = <2>; + bias-disable; + }; + tkey_default: tkey-default-state { pins = "gpio98"; function = "gpio";