diff mbox series

[v1,02/14] media: qcom: camss: Start to move to module compat matched resources

Message ID 20230814162907.3878421-3-bryan.odonoghue@linaro.org (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Headers show
Series media: qcom: camss: Add parameter passing to remove several outstanding bugs | expand

Commit Message

Bryan O'Donoghue Aug. 14, 2023, 4:28 p.m. UTC
There is a lot of unnecessary if/elsing in this code that arguably
should never have made it upstream when adding a second let alone
subsequent SoC.

I'm guilty of not fixing the mess myself when adding in the sm8250.
Before adding in any new SoCs or resources lets take the time to cleanup
the resource passing.

First step is to pass the generic struct camss_resources as a parameter
per the compatible list.

Subsequent patches will address the other somewhat dispirate strutures
which we are also doing if/else on and assigning statically.

Signed-off-by: Bryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@linaro.org>
 drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.c | 93 ++++++++++++-----------
 drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.h |  8 ++
 2 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)


Konrad Dybcio Aug. 16, 2023, 5:10 p.m. UTC | #1
On 14.08.2023 18:28, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:
> There is a lot of unnecessary if/elsing in this code that arguably
> should never have made it upstream when adding a second let alone
> subsequent SoC.
> I'm guilty of not fixing the mess myself when adding in the sm8250.
> Before adding in any new SoCs or resources lets take the time to cleanup
> the resource passing.
> First step is to pass the generic struct camss_resources as a parameter
> per the compatible list.
> Subsequent patches will address the other somewhat dispirate strutures
> which we are also doing if/else on and assigning statically.
> Signed-off-by: Bryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@linaro.org>
> ---

> -
>  	for (i = 0; i < camss->csiphy_num; i++) {
>  		ret = msm_csiphy_subdev_init(camss, &camss->csiphy[i],
> -					     &csiphy_res[i], i);
> +					     &camss->res->csiphy_res[i], i);
&camss->res is used quite extensively, so I think it may be a good
idea to keep the variable there, just make it point to the correct
new thing.

Bryan O'Donoghue Aug. 16, 2023, 7:02 p.m. UTC | #2
On 16/08/2023 18:10, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
> On 14.08.2023 18:28, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:
>> There is a lot of unnecessary if/elsing in this code that arguably
>> should never have made it upstream when adding a second let alone
>> subsequent SoC.
>> I'm guilty of not fixing the mess myself when adding in the sm8250.
>> Before adding in any new SoCs or resources lets take the time to cleanup
>> the resource passing.
>> First step is to pass the generic struct camss_resources as a parameter
>> per the compatible list.
>> Subsequent patches will address the other somewhat dispirate strutures
>> which we are also doing if/else on and assigning statically.
>> Signed-off-by: Bryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@linaro.org>
>> ---
> [...]
>> -
>>   	for (i = 0; i < camss->csiphy_num; i++) {
>>   		ret = msm_csiphy_subdev_init(camss, &camss->csiphy[i],
>> -					     &csiphy_res[i], i);
>> +					     &camss->res->csiphy_res[i], i);
> &camss->res is used quite extensively, so I think it may be a good
> idea to keep the variable there, just make it point to the correct
> new thing.
> Konrad

Sure that makes sense

diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.c b/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.c
index de39dc987444f..d9e1672b74bd7 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.c
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ 
 #include <linux/module.h>
 #include <linux/platform_device.h>
 #include <linux/of.h>
+#include <linux/of_device.h>
 #include <linux/of_graph.h>
 #include <linux/pm_runtime.h>
 #include <linux/pm_domain.h>
@@ -1120,47 +1121,12 @@  static int camss_of_parse_ports(struct camss *camss)
 static int camss_init_subdevices(struct camss *camss)
-	const struct resources *csiphy_res;
-	const struct resources *csid_res;
-	const struct resources *ispif_res;
-	const struct resources *vfe_res;
 	unsigned int i;
 	int ret;
-	if (camss->version == CAMSS_8x16) {
-		csiphy_res = csiphy_res_8x16;
-		csid_res = csid_res_8x16;
-		ispif_res = &ispif_res_8x16;
-		vfe_res = vfe_res_8x16;
-	} else if (camss->version == CAMSS_8x96) {
-		csiphy_res = csiphy_res_8x96;
-		csid_res = csid_res_8x96;
-		ispif_res = &ispif_res_8x96;
-		vfe_res = vfe_res_8x96;
-	} else if (camss->version == CAMSS_660) {
-		csiphy_res = csiphy_res_660;
-		csid_res = csid_res_660;
-		ispif_res = &ispif_res_660;
-		vfe_res = vfe_res_660;
-	}  else if (camss->version == CAMSS_845) {
-		csiphy_res = csiphy_res_845;
-		csid_res = csid_res_845;
-		/* Titan VFEs don't have an ISPIF  */
-		ispif_res = NULL;
-		vfe_res = vfe_res_845;
-	} else if (camss->version == CAMSS_8250) {
-		csiphy_res = csiphy_res_8250;
-		csid_res = csid_res_8250;
-		/* Titan VFEs don't have an ISPIF  */
-		ispif_res = NULL;
-		vfe_res = vfe_res_8250;
-	} else {
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
 	for (i = 0; i < camss->csiphy_num; i++) {
 		ret = msm_csiphy_subdev_init(camss, &camss->csiphy[i],
-					     &csiphy_res[i], i);
+					     &camss->res->csiphy_res[i], i);
 		if (ret < 0) {
 				"Failed to init csiphy%d sub-device: %d\n",
@@ -1172,7 +1138,7 @@  static int camss_init_subdevices(struct camss *camss)
 	/* note: SM8250 requires VFE to be initialized before CSID */
 	for (i = 0; i < camss->vfe_num + camss->vfe_lite_num; i++) {
 		ret = msm_vfe_subdev_init(camss, &camss->vfe[i],
-					  &vfe_res[i], i);
+					  &camss->res->vfe_res[i], i);
 		if (ret < 0) {
 				"Fail to init vfe%d sub-device: %d\n", i, ret);
@@ -1182,7 +1148,7 @@  static int camss_init_subdevices(struct camss *camss)
 	for (i = 0; i < camss->csid_num; i++) {
 		ret = msm_csid_subdev_init(camss, &camss->csid[i],
-					   &csid_res[i], i);
+					   &camss->res->csid_res[i], i);
 		if (ret < 0) {
 				"Failed to init csid%d sub-device: %d\n",
@@ -1191,7 +1157,7 @@  static int camss_init_subdevices(struct camss *camss)
-	ret = msm_ispif_subdev_init(camss, ispif_res);
+	ret = msm_ispif_subdev_init(camss, camss->res->ispif_res);
 	if (ret < 0) {
 		dev_err(camss->dev, "Failed to init ispif sub-device: %d\n",
@@ -1554,6 +1520,10 @@  static int camss_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
 	if (!camss)
 		return -ENOMEM;
+	camss->res = of_device_get_match_data(dev);
+	if (!camss->res)
+		return -ENODEV;
 	atomic_set(&camss->ref_count, 0);
 	camss->dev = dev;
 	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, camss);
@@ -1735,12 +1705,47 @@  static void camss_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+static const struct camss_resources msm8916_resources = {
+	.csiphy_res = csiphy_res_8x16,
+	.csid_res = csid_res_8x16,
+	.ispif_res = &ispif_res_8x16,
+	.vfe_res = vfe_res_8x16,
+static const struct camss_resources msm8996_resources = {
+	.csiphy_res = csiphy_res_8x96,
+	.csid_res = csid_res_8x96,
+	.ispif_res = &ispif_res_8x96,
+	.vfe_res = vfe_res_8x96,
+static const struct camss_resources sdm660_resources = {
+	.csiphy_res = csiphy_res_660,
+	.csid_res = csid_res_660,
+	.ispif_res = &ispif_res_660,
+	.vfe_res = vfe_res_660,
+static const struct camss_resources sdm845_resources = {
+	.csiphy_res = csiphy_res_845,
+	.csid_res = csid_res_845,
+	.ispif_res = NULL,
+	.vfe_res = vfe_res_845,
+static const struct camss_resources sm8250_resources = {
+	.csiphy_res = csiphy_res_8250,
+	.csid_res = csid_res_8250,
+	.ispif_res = NULL,
+	.vfe_res = vfe_res_8250,
 static const struct of_device_id camss_dt_match[] = {
-	{ .compatible = "qcom,msm8916-camss" },
-	{ .compatible = "qcom,msm8996-camss" },
-	{ .compatible = "qcom,sdm660-camss" },
-	{ .compatible = "qcom,sdm845-camss" },
-	{ .compatible = "qcom,sm8250-camss" },
+	{ .compatible = "qcom,msm8916-camss", .data = &msm8916_resources },
+	{ .compatible = "qcom,msm8996-camss", .data = &msm8996_resources },
+	{ .compatible = "qcom,sdm660-camss", .data = &sdm660_resources },
+	{ .compatible = "qcom,sdm845-camss", .data = &sdm845_resources },
+	{ .compatible = "qcom,sm8250-camss", .data = &sm8250_resources },
 	{ }
diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.h b/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.h
index e95211cdb1fd6..f632ee49ad83e 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.h
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/camss.h
@@ -79,6 +79,13 @@  enum icc_count {
 	ICC_SM8250_COUNT = 4,
+struct camss_resources {
+	const struct resources *csiphy_res;
+	const struct resources *csid_res;
+	const struct resources *ispif_res;
+	const struct resources *vfe_res;
 struct camss {
 	enum camss_version version;
 	struct v4l2_device v4l2_dev;
@@ -99,6 +106,7 @@  struct camss {
 	struct device_link **genpd_link;
 	struct icc_path *icc_path[ICC_SM8250_COUNT];
 	struct icc_bw_tbl icc_bw_tbl[ICC_SM8250_COUNT];
+	const struct camss_resources *res;
 struct camss_camera_interface {