diff mbox series

[v15,6/9] usb: dwc3: qcom: Add helper function to request wakeup interrupts

Message ID 20240216005756.762712-7-quic_kriskura@quicinc.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Headers show
Series Add multiport support for DWC3 controllers | expand

Commit Message

Krishna Kurapati Feb. 16, 2024, 12:57 a.m. UTC
The logic for requesting interrupts is duplicated for each interrupt. In
the upcoming patches that introduces support for multiport, it would be
better to clean up the duplication before reading mulitport related

Refactor interrupt setup call by adding a new helper function for
requesting the wakeup interrupts. To simplify implementation, make
the display name same as the interrupt name expected in DT.

Signed-off-by: Krishna Kurapati <quic_kriskura@quicinc.com>
Reviewed-by: Bjorn Andersson <andersson@kernel.org>
Acked-by: Thinh Nguyen <Thinh.Nguyen@synopsys.com>
 drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-qcom.c | 53 ++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-qcom.c b/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-qcom.c
index dbd6a5b2b289..08df29584366 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-qcom.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-qcom.c
@@ -535,6 +535,22 @@  static int dwc3_qcom_get_irq(struct platform_device *pdev,
 	return ret;
+static int dwc3_qcom_request_irq(struct dwc3_qcom *qcom, int irq,
+				 const char *name)
+	int ret;
+	/* Keep wakeup interrupts disabled until suspend */
+	ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(qcom->dev, irq, NULL,
+					qcom_dwc3_resume_irq,
+					name, qcom);
+	if (ret)
+		dev_err(qcom->dev, "failed to request irq %s: %d\n", name, ret);
+	return ret;
 static int dwc3_qcom_setup_irq(struct platform_device *pdev)
 	struct dwc3_qcom *qcom = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
@@ -545,57 +561,36 @@  static int dwc3_qcom_setup_irq(struct platform_device *pdev)
 	irq = dwc3_qcom_get_irq(pdev, "qusb2_phy",
 				pdata ? pdata->qusb2_phy_irq_index : -1);
 	if (irq > 0) {
-		/* Keep wakeup interrupts disabled until suspend */
-		ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(qcom->dev, irq, NULL,
-					qcom_dwc3_resume_irq,
-					"qcom_dwc3 QUSB2", qcom);
-		if (ret) {
-			dev_err(qcom->dev, "qusb2_phy_irq failed: %d\n", ret);
+		ret = dwc3_qcom_request_irq(qcom, irq, "hs_phy_irq");
+		if (ret)
 			return ret;
-		}
 		qcom->qusb2_phy_irq = irq;
 	irq = dwc3_qcom_get_irq(pdev, "dp_hs_phy_irq",
 				pdata ? pdata->dp_hs_phy_irq_index : -1);
 	if (irq > 0) {
-		ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(qcom->dev, irq, NULL,
-					qcom_dwc3_resume_irq,
-					"qcom_dwc3 DP_HS", qcom);
-		if (ret) {
-			dev_err(qcom->dev, "dp_hs_phy_irq failed: %d\n", ret);
+		ret = dwc3_qcom_request_irq(qcom, irq, "dp_hs_phy_irq");
+		if (ret)
 			return ret;
-		}
 		qcom->dp_hs_phy_irq = irq;
 	irq = dwc3_qcom_get_irq(pdev, "dm_hs_phy_irq",
 				pdata ? pdata->dm_hs_phy_irq_index : -1);
 	if (irq > 0) {
-		ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(qcom->dev, irq, NULL,
-					qcom_dwc3_resume_irq,
-					"qcom_dwc3 DM_HS", qcom);
-		if (ret) {
-			dev_err(qcom->dev, "dm_hs_phy_irq failed: %d\n", ret);
+		ret = dwc3_qcom_request_irq(qcom, irq, "dm_hs_phy_irq");
+		if (ret)
 			return ret;
-		}
 		qcom->dm_hs_phy_irq = irq;
 	irq = dwc3_qcom_get_irq(pdev, "ss_phy_irq",
 				pdata ? pdata->ss_phy_irq_index : -1);
 	if (irq > 0) {
-		ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(qcom->dev, irq, NULL,
-					qcom_dwc3_resume_irq,
-					"qcom_dwc3 SS", qcom);
-		if (ret) {
-			dev_err(qcom->dev, "ss_phy_irq failed: %d\n", ret);
+		ret = dwc3_qcom_request_irq(qcom, irq, "ss_phy_irq");
+		if (ret)
 			return ret;
-		}
 		qcom->ss_phy_irq = irq;