diff mbox

[TRIVIAL] Improve the btrfsctl help

Message ID 200912131239.06192.kreijack@libero.it (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Goffredo Baroncelli Dec. 13, 2009, 11:38 a.m. UTC
diff mbox


diff --git a/btrfsctl.c b/btrfsctl.c
index 66c4e89..6f6e8e6 100644
--- a/btrfsctl.c
+++ b/btrfsctl.c
@@ -45,17 +45,18 @@  static inline int ioctl(int fd, int define, void *arg) { 
return 0; }
 static void print_usage(void)
-	printf("usage: btrfsctl [ -d file|dir] [ -s snap_name subvol|tree ]\n");
-	printf("                [-r size] [-A device] [-a] [-c] [-D dir .]\n");
+	printf("usage: btrfsctl [-d file|dir] [-s snap_name subvol]\n");
+	printf("                [-S vol_name dir] [-a] [-r size subvol]\n");
+	printf("                [-A device] [-c subvol] [-D name subvol]\n");
 	printf("\t-d filename: defragments one file\n");
 	printf("\t-d directory: defragments the entire Btree\n");
-	printf("\t-s snap_name dir: creates a new snapshot of dir\n");
-	printf("\t-S subvol_name dir: creates a new subvolume\n");
-	printf("\t-r [+-]size[gkm]: resize the FS by size amount\n");
-	printf("\t-A device: scans the device file for a Btrfs filesystem\n");
+	printf("\t-s snap_name subvol: creates a new snapshot of subvol\n");
+	printf("\t-S subvol_name dir: creates a new subvolume in dir\n");
 	printf("\t-a: scans all devices for Btrfs filesystems\n");
-	printf("\t-c: forces a single FS sync\n");
-	printf("\t-D: delete snapshot\n");
+	printf("\t-r [+-]size[gkm] subvol: resize the FS by size amount\n");
+	printf("\t-A device: scans the device file for a Btrfs filesystem\n");
+	printf("\t-c subvol: forces a single FS sync\n");
+	printf("\t-D name dir: delete a snapshot or subvolume in dir\n");
 	printf("%s\n", BTRFS_BUILD_VERSION);