From patchwork Fri Mar 8 16:25:13 2024 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Frank Li X-Patchwork-Id: 13587037 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id A5357C5475B for ; Fri, 8 Mar 2024 16:26:24 +0000 (UTC) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=bombadil.20210309; h=Sender: Content-Transfer-Encoding:Content-Type:List-Subscribe:List-Help:List-Post: List-Archive:List-Unsubscribe:List-Id:MIME-Version:References:In-Reply-To: Message-Id:Date:Subject:Cc:To:From:Reply-To:Content-ID:Content-Description: Resent-Date:Resent-From:Resent-Sender:Resent-To:Resent-Cc:Resent-Message-ID: List-Owner; bh=K4VuZJqGGkLJxiZkuAU1rnYFmZ9Ex0tkKle+teKuXDg=; b=Z/juL15peb3pD3 NF7L3/4ylvc3/9cEMmecWO3wfr4DfxK2zuu+ip9OEg6mHMwsu0uZI+AUHs2uxMn6a6cpJbPok3AbX 6Bf7+VeBL9toEQp7fjFYuMMDRp5tGD+8XYCelKopg13OwPBHOJQ5q1fj83V2TsYZi6HuFjFmi84zZ LLiUhDsnmV3+OMEm6h5UD09U8Se/67b6EMhocDl4mlVXkZB1u5ff7NlE4SbCQNGzGZEjM24pncFPo Uayu4BeBb9BxsVD1Hbg4pkroUAWVC82y4oaXgiEw/ZVKMsR5AyuDJw7NIrDDncWpVxpmTRZympNHg YRT+vQQfrv4UoYw01slA==; Received: from localhost ([::1] by with esmtp (Exim 4.97.1 #2 (Red Hat Linux)) id 1rid3A-0000000AA1M-1T3V; Fri, 08 Mar 2024 16:26:24 +0000 Received: from ([2a01:111:f403:2611::600] by with esmtps (Exim 4.97.1 #2 (Red Hat Linux)) id 1rid36-0000000A9uQ-3dff for; Fri, 08 Mar 2024 16:26:22 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=JRvKdhE51srAjOaoNpavufs25F75W1/9e3EIi5l0b3UyCeZkzr704SLQv/8U15c/5THPj1ioHF54R9Se13xZtjfJHjVaKE2B13Vvz2AKjxyj3tAHq0FT6oRnv7tEGmt8m+k8vjh15YX2xWPAsPC6IlbLOSkru0aHMruk02aUtO0OE4Kr3W0u8TiecpEEeYptIizo5eBNZIuzTIFK5m/paL9dokURFosQM9v19sA7po/qsHRzNwvWtOiDawBcV+/aAvxMRlopePBOsfYdN0kEm+36MvibLcFwj5hhdz2h5Vwmlhi3DstFzOAJbwkm2azMkjMG+GPj7yG5uUgrRWnvXA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=NcAD7n5DFC8zY5SMsqG6DN1S/Q3hAt3IaNHuvXjxowM=; b=fMy6rQsIce4xUCMCDoRlw/HUpAxjpnxevBjcUuocXGB89BWWFAhcTxw5SwFX+Rncd7d6JrPYj61bD0FxJcFXJ2jNDBqq6sdMGtTa15dhmMCa4vf8FZ6L1cMrKxOJ6Q18M45TxWz8zjq83gh7A8IPv2X38b8VAtP51P4OjQmDvH2zRT7E/DcxMo7+nGIX2NylcTB4qojMWA8W9XA56xKpF7Rm+RXOAwt2QrmDAdIVUSNWmXqss97Sk4YfH1tL5UCmQpBDyt2GKE6URYOP/+x9I2qe1utTuD+JGXMT/0wE3Jtl1t0diNTgqhbxqtIiTUT4i//y5M7/gPu4nzNSF2q1wQ== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=NcAD7n5DFC8zY5SMsqG6DN1S/Q3hAt3IaNHuvXjxowM=; b=H4zZvl/qHOKjiv1KJfmpSJmDs5Om5X1N0fjJga49JvAofoFrN20aDcz7fVMhkaU9TpQ4yTjjjmjp0mN6Ah+KF8/AY5qGIcCACaxjPpmsMubcJ0QB4U7TPJGKKKVxAOmpc2PvDHo9+gKGds+ZDOjQvQau74GRCRd4UHGGEshZFJc= Authentication-Results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10a6:102:240::14) by (2603:10a6:102:390::17) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.7362.26; Fri, 8 Mar 2024 16:26:12 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::3168:91:27c6:edf6]) by ([fe80::3168:91:27c6:edf6%3]) with mapi id 15.20.7362.024; Fri, 8 Mar 2024 16:26:12 +0000 From: Frank Li To:, Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: [PATCH v9 3/8] Documentation: i3c: Add I3C target mode controller and function Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 11:25:13 -0500 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.34.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10b6:a03:2c6::22) To (2603:10a6:102:240::14) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: PAXPR04MB9642:EE_|PAWPR04MB9864:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 75023823-4c36-4c9a-3da0-08dc3f8c77cf X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;;PTR:;CAT:NONE;SFS:(13230031)(1800799015)(376005)(52116005)(7416005)(38350700005);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101; 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Signed-off-by: Frank Li --- Documentation/driver-api/i3c/index.rst | 1 + .../driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-target-cfs.rst | 109 ++++++++++ .../driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-target.rst | 189 ++++++++++++++++++ .../driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-tty-howto.rst | 109 ++++++++++ Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/index.rst | 13 ++ 5 files changed, 421 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-target-cfs.rst create mode 100644 Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-target.rst create mode 100644 Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-tty-howto.rst create mode 100644 Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/index.rst diff --git a/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/index.rst b/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/index.rst index 783d6dad054b6..345a43c9f61b0 100644 --- a/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/index.rst +++ b/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/index.rst @@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ I3C subsystem protocol device-driver-api master-driver-api + target/index diff --git a/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-target-cfs.rst b/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-target-cfs.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1fcf829dc4ae2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-target-cfs.rst @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 + +======================================= +Configuring I3C Target Using CONFIGFS +======================================= + +:Author: Frank Li + +The I3C Target Core exposes configfs entry (i3c_target) to configure the I3C +target function and to bind the target function with the target controller. +(For introducing other mechanisms to configure the I3C Target Function refer to +[1]). + +Mounting configfs +================= + +The I3C Target Core layer creates i3c_target directory in the mounted configfs +directory. configfs can be mounted using the following command:: + + mount -t configfs none /sys/kernel/config + +Directory Structure +=================== + +The i3c_target configfs has two directories at its root: controllers and +functions. Every Controller device present in the system will have an entry in +the *controllers* directory and every Function driver present in the system will +have an entry in the *functions* directory. +:: + + /sys/kernel/config/i3c_target/ + .. controllers/ + .. functions/ + +Creating Function Device +=================== + +Every registered Function driver will be listed in controllers directory. The +entries corresponding to Function driver will be created by the Function core. +:: + + /sys/kernel/config/i3c_target/functions/ + .. / + ... / + ... / + ... / + .. / + ... / + ... / + +In order to create a of the type probed by , +the user has to create a directory inside . + +Every directory consists of the following entries that can be +used to configure the standard configuration header of the target function. +(These entries are created by the framework when any new is +created) +:: + + .. / + ... / + ... vendor_id + ... part_id + ... bcr + ... dcr + ... ext_id + ... instance_id + ... max_read_len + ... max_write_len + ... vendor_info + +Controller Device +========== + +Every registered Controller device will be listed in controllers directory. The +entries corresponding to Controller device will be created by the Controller +core. +:: + + /sys/kernel/config/i3c_target/controllers/ + .. / + ... / + .. / + ... / + +The directory will have a list of symbolic links to +. These symbolic links should be created by the user to +represent the functions present in the target device. Only +that represents a physical function can be linked to a Controller device. + +:: + + | controllers/ + | / + | + | functions/ + | / + | / + | vendor_id + | part_id + | bcr + | dcr + | ext_id + | instance_id + | max_read_len + | max_write_len + | vendor_info + +[1] Documentation/I3C/target/pci-target.rst diff --git a/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-target.rst b/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-target.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..09ae26b1f311a --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-target.rst @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 + +:Author: Frank Li + +This document is a guide to use the I3C Target Framework in order to create +target controller driver, target function driver, and using configfs interface +to bind the function driver to the controller driver. + +Introduction +============ + +Linux has a comprehensive I3C subsystem to support I3C controllers that +operates in master mode. The subsystem has capability to scan I3C bus,assign +i3c device address, load I3C driver (based on Manufacturer ID, part ID), +support other services like hot-join, In-Band Interrupt(IBI). + +However the I3C controller IP integrated in some SoCs is capable of operating +either in Master mode or Target mode. I3C Target Framework will add target mode +support in Linux. This will help to run Linux in an target system which can +have a wide variety of use cases from testing or validation, co-processor +accelerator, etc. + +I3C Target Core +================= + +The I3C Target Core layer comprises 3 components: the Target Controller +library, the Target Function library, and the configfs layer to bind the target +function with the target controller. + +I3C Target Controller Library +------------------------------------ + +The Controller library provides APIs to be used by the controller that can +operate in target mode. It also provides APIs to be used by function +driver/library in order to implement a particular target function. + +APIs for the I3C Target controller Driver +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This section lists the APIs that the I3C Target core provides to be used by the +I3C controller driver. + +* devm_i3c_target_ctrl_create()/i3c_target_ctrl_create() + + The I3C controller driver should implement the following ops: + + * set_config: ops to set i3c configuration + * enable: ops to enable controller + * disable: ops to disable controller + * raise_ibi: ops to raise IBI to master controller + * alloc_request: ops to alloc a transfer request + * free_request: ops to free a transfer request + * queue: ops to queue a request to transfer queue + * dequeue: ops to dequeue a request from transfer queue + * cancel_all_reqs: ops to cancel all request from transfer queue + * fifo_status: ops to get fifo status + * fifo_flush: ops to flush hardware fifo + * get_features: ops to get controller supported features + + The I3C controller driver can then create a new Controller device by + invoking devm_i3c_target_ctrl_create()/i3c_target_ctrl_create(). + +* devm_i3c_target_ctrl_destroy()/i3c_target_ctrl_destroy() + + The I3C controller driver can destroy the Controller device created by + either devm_i3c_target_ctrl_create() or i3c_target_ctrl_create() using + devm_i3c_target_ctrl_destroy() or i3c_target_ctrl_destroy(). + +I3C Target Controller APIs for the I3C Target Function Driver +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This section lists the APIs that the I3C Target core provides to be used by the +I3C target function driver. + +* i3c_target_ctrl_set_config() + + The I3C target function driver should use i3c_target_ctrl_set_config() to + write i3c configuration to the target controller. + +* i3c_target_ctrl_enable()/i3c_target_ctrl_disable() + + The I3C target function driver should use i3c_target_ctrl_enable()/ + i3c_target_ctrl_disable() to enable/disable i3c target controller. + +* i3c_target_ctrl_alloc_request()/i3c_target_ctrl_free_request() + + The I3C target function driver should usei3c_target_ctrl_alloc_request() / + i3c_target_ctrl_free_request() to alloc/free a i3c request. + +* i3c_target_ctrl_raise_ibi() + + The I3C target function driver should use i3c_target_ctrl_raise_ibi() to + raise IBI. + +* i3c_target_ctrl_queue()/i3c_target_ctrl_dequeue() + + The I3C target function driver should use i3c_target_ctrl_queue()/ + i3c_target_ctrl_dequeue(), to queue/dequeue I3C transfer to/from transfer + queue. + +* i3c_target_ctrl_get_features() + + The I3C target function driver should use i3c_target_ctrl_get_features() to + get I3C target controller supported features. + +Other I3C Target Controller APIs +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +There are other APIs provided by the Controller library. These are used for +binding the I3C Target Function device with Controlller device. i3c-cfs.c can +be used as reference for using these APIs. + +* i3c_target_ctrl_get() + + Get a reference to the I3C target controller based on the device name of + the controller. + +* i3c_target_ctrl_put() + + Release the reference to the I3C target controller obtained using + i3c_target_ctrl_get() + +* i3c_target_ctrl_add_func() + + Add a I3C target function to a I3C target controller. + +* i3c_target_ctrl_remove_func() + + Remove the I3C target function from I3C target controller. + +I3C Target Function Library +---------------------------------- + +The I3C Target Function library provides APIs to be used by the function driver +and the Controller library to provide target mode functionality. + +I3C Target Function APIs for the I3C Target Function Driver +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This section lists the APIs that the I3C Target core provides to be used +by the I3C target function driver. + +* i3c_target_func_register_driver() + + The I3C Target Function driver should implement the following ops: + * bind: ops to perform when a Controller device has been bound to + Function device + * unbind: ops to perform when a binding has been lost between a + Controller device and Function device + + The I3C Function driver can then register the I3C Function driver by using + i3c_target_func_register_driver(). + +* i3c_target_func_unregister_driver() + + The I3C Function driver can unregister the I3C Function driver by using + i3c_epf_unregister_driver(). + +APIs for the I3C Target Controller Library +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This section lists the APIs that the I3C Target core provides to be used by the +I3C target controller library. + +Other I3C Target APIs +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +There are other APIs provided by the Function library. These are used to notify +the function driver when the Function device is bound to the EPC device. +i3c-cfs.c can be used as reference for using these APIs. + +* i3c_target_func_create() + + Create a new I3C Function device by passing the name of the I3C EPF device. + This name will be used to bind the Function device to a Function driver. + +* i3c_target_func_destroy() + + Destroy the created I3C Function device. + +* i3c_target_func_bind() + + i3c_target_func_bind() should be invoked when the EPF device has been bound + to a Controller device. + +* i3c_target_func_unbind() + + i3c_target_func_unbind() should be invoked when the binding between EPC + device and function device is lost. diff --git a/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-tty-howto.rst b/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-tty-howto.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..43a129b18e938 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/i3c-tty-howto.rst @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 + +=================== +I3C TTY User Guide +=================== + +:Author: Frank Li + +This document is a guide to help users use i3c-target-tty function driver and +i3ctty master driver for testing I3C. The list of steps to be followed in the +master side and target side is given below. + +Endpoint Device +=============== + +Endpoint Controller Devices +--------------------------- + +To find the list of target controller devices in the system:: + + # ls /sys/class/i3c_target/ + 44330000.i3c-target + +If CONFIG_I3C_SLAVE_CONFIGFS is enabled:: + + # ls /sys/kernel/config/i3c_target/controllers/ + 44330000.i3c-target + + +Endpoint Function Drivers +------------------------- + +To find the list of target function drivers in the system:: + + # ls /sys/bus/i3c_target_func/drivers + tty + +If CONFIG_I3C_SLAVE_CONFIGFS is enabled:: + + # ls /sys/kernel/config/i3c_target/functions + tty + + +Creating i3c-target-tty Device +---------------------------- + +I3C target function device can be created using the configfs. To create +i3c-target-tty device, the following commands can be used:: + + # mount -t configfs none /sys/kernel/config + # cd /sys/kernel/config/i3c_target/ + # mkdir functions/tty/func1 + +The "mkdir func1" above creates the i3c-target-tty function device that will +be probed by i3c tty driver. + +The I3C target framework populates the directory with the following +configurable fields:: + + # ls functions/tty/func1 + bcr dcr ext_id instance_id max_read_len max_write_len + part_id vendor_id vendor_info + +The I3C target function driver populates these entries with default values when +the device is bound to the driver. The i3c-target-tty driver populates vendorid +with 0xffff and interrupt_pin with 0x0001:: + + # cat functions/tty/func1/vendor_id + 0x0 + +Configuring i3c-target-tty Device +------------------------------- + +The user can configure the i3c-target-tty device using configfs entry. In order +to change the vendorid, the following commands can be used:: + + # echo 0x011b > functions/tty/func1/vendor_id + # echo 0x1000 > functions/tty/func1/part_id + # echo 0x6 > functions/tty/t/bcr + +Binding i3c-target-tty Device to target Controller +------------------------------------------------ + +In order for the target function device to be useful, it has to be bound to a +I3C target controller driver. Use the configfs to bind the function device to +one of the controller driver present in the system:: + + # ln -s functions/tty/func1 controllers/44330000.i3c-target/ + +I3C Master Device +================ + +Check I3C tty device is probed + + # ls /sys/bus/i3c/devices/0-23610000000 + 0-23610000000:0 bcr dcr driver dynamic_address hdrcap + modalias pid power subsystem tty uevent + +Using Target TTY function Device +----------------------------------- + +Host side: + cat /dev/ttyI3C0 +Target side + echo abc >/dev/ttyI3C0 + +You will see "abc" show at console. + +You can use other tty tool to test I3C target tty device. diff --git a/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/index.rst b/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..56eabfae83aa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/driver-api/i3c/target/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 + +====================== +I3C Target Framework +====================== + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + i3c-target + i3c-target-cfs + i3c-tty-howto +