From patchwork Mon Dec 17 12:23:39 2018 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Stefan Popa X-Patchwork-Id: 10733283 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7477B13AD for ; Mon, 17 Dec 2018 12:27:50 +0000 (UTC) Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6078329D76 for ; Mon, 17 Dec 2018 12:27:50 +0000 (UTC) Received: by (Postfix, from userid 486) id 53DBF29D96; Mon, 17 Dec 2018 12:27:50 +0000 (UTC) X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.3.1 (2010-03-16) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-7.9 required=2.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID,MAILING_LIST_MULTI,RCVD_IN_DNSWL_HI autolearn=ham version=3.3.1 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8D39C29D95 for ; Mon, 17 Dec 2018 12:27:47 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S1726436AbeLQM1q (ORCPT ); Mon, 17 Dec 2018 07:27:46 -0500 Received: from ([]:18762 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S1726938AbeLQM1q (ORCPT ); Mon, 17 Dec 2018 07:27:46 -0500 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector1-analog-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=5J2euVfYvogJ9rk2LM3EysI3aCz0xMeP+G0wAOlD1No=; b=EFIt14RUFrp4HIpXpp0XA5vvWTmWbSoxn1zeUN57tSRZw2Uis1SLfCENR9XQVIQXIcVnVe3soY4h5+HXUAR8XXDUmkmgkXg33+oChposm3mS3rxnEZ9gfiHzXL/d1M26y7cDZt3h6fqkmtnzy3e2A/Q//1xkIVPqwWrCyMC3GQU= Received: from (2603:10b6:301:3b::34) by (2603:10b6:5:ac::14) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.1425.18; Mon, 17 Dec 2018 12:26:26 +0000 Received: from (2a01:111:f400:7c10::1:194) by (2603:10b6:301:3b::34) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.1425.19 via Frontend Transport; Mon, 17 Dec 2018 12:26:26 +0000 Authentication-Results: spf=pass (sender IP is;; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=bestguesspass action=none; Received-SPF: Pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); client-ip=;; Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_0, cipher=TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA) id 15.20.1446.11 via Frontend Transport; Mon, 17 Dec 2018 12:26:25 +0000 Received: from ( []) by (8.13.8/8.13.8) with ESMTP id wBHCQPdj016802 (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=AES256-SHA bits=256 verify=OK); Mon, 17 Dec 2018 04:26:25 -0800 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id 14.3.408.0; Mon, 17 Dec 2018 07:26:24 -0500 From: Stefan Popa To: , , CC: Stefan Popa , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v2 5/6] staging: iio: adc: ad7606: Move out of staging Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 14:23:39 +0200 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.7.4 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-ADIRoutedOnPrem: True X-EOPAttributedMessage: 0 X-MS-Office365-Filtering-HT: Tenant X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;IPV:NLI;CTRY:US;EFV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;SFS:(10009020)(396003)(39860400002)(346002)(376002)(136003)(2980300002)(3190300001)(199004)(189003)(246002)(126002)(11346002)(446003)(36756003)(116002)(2906002)(486006)(48376002)(44832011)(2616005)(51416003)(26005)(14444005)(106466001)(476003)(336012)(7696005)(426003)(186003)(50466002)(72206003)(5660300001)(966005)(6666004)(7416002)(53416004)(50226002)(77096007)(53946003)(356004)(8936002)(4744004)(6306002)(478600001)(305945005)(47776003)(16586007)(54906003)(110136005)(106002)(4326008)(7636002)(8676002)(316002)(76176011)(579004)(559001);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101;SCL:1;SRVR:DM6PR03MB3721;;FPR:;SPF:Pass;LANG:en;;A:1;MX:1; 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Signed-off-by: Stefan Popa --- MAINTAINERS | 7 + drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig | 27 ++ drivers/iio/adc/Makefile | 3 + drivers/iio/adc/ad7606.c | 583 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/iio/adc/ad7606.h | 99 ++++++ drivers/iio/adc/ad7606_par.c | 105 +++++++ drivers/iio/adc/ad7606_spi.c | 82 +++++ drivers/staging/iio/adc/Kconfig | 27 -- drivers/staging/iio/adc/Makefile | 4 - drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606.c | 583 ----------------------------------- drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606.h | 99 ------ drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606_par.c | 105 ------- drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606_spi.c | 82 ----- 13 files changed, 906 insertions(+), 900 deletions(-) create mode 100644 drivers/iio/adc/ad7606.c create mode 100644 drivers/iio/adc/ad7606.h create mode 100644 drivers/iio/adc/ad7606_par.c create mode 100644 drivers/iio/adc/ad7606_spi.c delete mode 100644 drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606.c delete mode 100644 drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606.h delete mode 100644 drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606_par.c delete mode 100644 drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606_spi.c diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index db9fcf2..bc9f816 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -854,6 +854,13 @@ S: Supported F: drivers/iio/adc/ad7124.c F: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/iio/adc/adi,ad7124.txt +ANALOG DEVICES INC AD7606 DRIVER +M: Stefan Popa +L: +W: +S: Supported +F: drivers/iio/adc/ad7606.c + ANALOG DEVICES INC AD9389B DRIVER M: Hans Verkuil L: diff --git a/drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig b/drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig index 7a3ca4e..f3cc7a3 100644 --- a/drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig @@ -69,6 +69,33 @@ config AD7476 To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module will be called ad7476. +config AD7606 + tristate + select IIO_BUFFER + select IIO_TRIGGERED_BUFFER + +config AD7606_IFACE_PARALLEL + tristate "Analog Devices AD7606 ADC driver with parallel interface support" + depends on HAS_IOMEM + select AD7606 + help + Say yes here to build parallel interface support for Analog Devices: + ad7605-4, ad7606, ad7606-6, ad7606-4 analog to digital converters (ADC). + + To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the + module will be called ad7606_parallel. + +config AD7606_IFACE_SPI + tristate "Analog Devices AD7606 ADC driver with spi interface support" + depends on SPI + select AD7606 + help + Say yes here to build spi interface support for Analog Devices: + ad7605-4, ad7606, ad7606-6, ad7606-4 analog to digital converters (ADC). + + To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the + module will be called ad7606_spi. + config AD7766 tristate "Analog Devices AD7766/AD7767 ADC driver" depends on SPI_MASTER diff --git a/drivers/iio/adc/Makefile b/drivers/iio/adc/Makefile index 07df37f..ea50313 100644 --- a/drivers/iio/adc/Makefile +++ b/drivers/iio/adc/Makefile @@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_AD7291) += ad7291.o obj-$(CONFIG_AD7298) += ad7298.o obj-$(CONFIG_AD7923) += ad7923.o obj-$(CONFIG_AD7476) += ad7476.o +obj-$(CONFIG_AD7606_IFACE_PARALLEL) += ad7606_par.o +obj-$(CONFIG_AD7606_IFACE_SPI) += ad7606_spi.o +obj-$(CONFIG_AD7606) += ad7606.o obj-$(CONFIG_AD7766) += ad7766.o obj-$(CONFIG_AD7791) += ad7791.o obj-$(CONFIG_AD7793) += ad7793.o diff --git a/drivers/iio/adc/ad7606.c b/drivers/iio/adc/ad7606.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32854f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/iio/adc/ad7606.c @@ -0,0 +1,583 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * AD7606 SPI ADC driver + * + * Copyright 2011 Analog Devices Inc. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "ad7606.h" + +/* + * Scales are computed as 5000/32768 and 10000/32768 respectively, + * so that when applied to the raw values they provide mV values + */ +static const unsigned int scale_avail[2] = { + 152588, 305176 +}; + +static const unsigned int ad7606_oversampling_avail[7] = { + 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, +}; + +static int ad7606_reset(struct ad7606_state *st) +{ + if (st->gpio_reset) { + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_reset, 1); + ndelay(100); /* t_reset >= 100ns */ + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_reset, 0); + return 0; + } + + return -ENODEV; +} + +static int ad7606_read_samples(struct ad7606_state *st) +{ + unsigned int num = st->chip_info->num_channels; + u16 *data = st->data; + int ret; + + /* + * The frstdata signal is set to high while and after reading the sample + * of the first channel and low for all other channels. This can be used + * to check that the incoming data is correctly aligned. During normal + * operation the data should never become unaligned, but some glitch or + * electrostatic discharge might cause an extra read or clock cycle. + * Monitoring the frstdata signal allows to recover from such failure + * situations. + */ + + if (st->gpio_frstdata) { + ret = st->bops->read_block(st->dev, 1, data); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (!gpiod_get_value(st->gpio_frstdata)) { + ad7606_reset(st); + return -EIO; + } + + data++; + num--; + } + + return st->bops->read_block(st->dev, num, data); +} + +static irqreturn_t ad7606_trigger_handler(int irq, void *p) +{ + struct iio_poll_func *pf = p; + struct iio_dev *indio_dev = pf->indio_dev; + struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + int ret; + + mutex_lock(&st->lock); + + ret = ad7606_read_samples(st); + if (ret == 0) + iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp(indio_dev, st->data, + iio_get_time_ns(indio_dev)); + + iio_trigger_notify_done(indio_dev->trig); + /* The rising edge of the CONVST signal starts a new conversion. */ + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_convst, 1); + + mutex_unlock(&st->lock); + + return IRQ_HANDLED; +} + +static int ad7606_scan_direct(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, unsigned int ch) +{ + struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + int ret; + + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_convst, 1); + ret = wait_for_completion_timeout(&st->completion, + msecs_to_jiffies(1000)); + if (!ret) { + ret = -ETIMEDOUT; + goto error_ret; + } + + ret = ad7606_read_samples(st); + if (ret == 0) + ret = st->data[ch]; + +error_ret: + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_convst, 0); + + return ret; +} + +static int ad7606_read_raw(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, + struct iio_chan_spec const *chan, + int *val, + int *val2, + long m) +{ + int ret; + struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + + switch (m) { + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW: + ret = iio_device_claim_direct_mode(indio_dev); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = ad7606_scan_direct(indio_dev, chan->address); + iio_device_release_direct_mode(indio_dev); + + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + *val = (short)ret; + return IIO_VAL_INT; + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE: + *val = 0; + *val2 = scale_avail[st->range]; + return IIO_VAL_INT_PLUS_MICRO; + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO: + *val = st->oversampling; + return IIO_VAL_INT; + } + return -EINVAL; +} + +static ssize_t in_voltage_scale_available_show(struct device *dev, + struct device_attribute *attr, + char *buf) +{ + int i, len = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(scale_avail); i++) + len += scnprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE - len, "0.%06u ", + scale_avail[i]); + + buf[len - 1] = '\n'; + + return len; +} + +static IIO_DEVICE_ATTR_RO(in_voltage_scale_available, 0); + +static int ad7606_write_raw(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, + struct iio_chan_spec const *chan, + int val, + int val2, + long mask) +{ + struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + DECLARE_BITMAP(values, 3); + int i; + + switch (mask) { + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE: + mutex_lock(&st->lock); + i = find_closest(val2, scale_avail, ARRAY_SIZE(scale_avail)); + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_range, i); + st->range = i; + mutex_unlock(&st->lock); + + return 0; + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO: + if (val2) + return -EINVAL; + i = find_closest(val, ad7606_oversampling_avail, + ARRAY_SIZE(ad7606_oversampling_avail)); + + values[0] = i; + + mutex_lock(&st->lock); + gpiod_set_array_value(ARRAY_SIZE(values), st->gpio_os->desc, + st->gpio_os->info, values); + st->oversampling = ad7606_oversampling_avail[i]; + mutex_unlock(&st->lock); + + return 0; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } +} + +static IIO_CONST_ATTR(oversampling_ratio_available, "1 2 4 8 16 32 64"); + +static struct attribute *ad7606_attributes_os_and_range[] = { + &iio_dev_attr_in_voltage_scale_available.dev_attr.attr, + &iio_const_attr_oversampling_ratio_available.dev_attr.attr, + NULL, +}; + +static const struct attribute_group ad7606_attribute_group_os_and_range = { + .attrs = ad7606_attributes_os_and_range, +}; + +static struct attribute *ad7606_attributes_os[] = { + &iio_const_attr_oversampling_ratio_available.dev_attr.attr, + NULL, +}; + +static const struct attribute_group ad7606_attribute_group_os = { + .attrs = ad7606_attributes_os, +}; + +static struct attribute *ad7606_attributes_range[] = { + &iio_dev_attr_in_voltage_scale_available.dev_attr.attr, + NULL, +}; + +static const struct attribute_group ad7606_attribute_group_range = { + .attrs = ad7606_attributes_range, +}; + +#define AD760X_CHANNEL(num, mask) { \ + .type = IIO_VOLTAGE, \ + .indexed = 1, \ + .channel = num, \ + .address = num, \ + .info_mask_separate = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW), \ + .info_mask_shared_by_type = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE),\ + .info_mask_shared_by_all = mask, \ + .scan_index = num, \ + .scan_type = { \ + .sign = 's', \ + .realbits = 16, \ + .storagebits = 16, \ + .endianness = IIO_CPU, \ + }, \ +} + +#define AD7605_CHANNEL(num) \ + AD760X_CHANNEL(num, 0) + +#define AD7606_CHANNEL(num) \ + AD760X_CHANNEL(num, BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO)) + +static const struct iio_chan_spec ad7605_channels[] = { + IIO_CHAN_SOFT_TIMESTAMP(4), + AD7605_CHANNEL(0), + AD7605_CHANNEL(1), + AD7605_CHANNEL(2), + AD7605_CHANNEL(3), +}; + +static const struct iio_chan_spec ad7606_channels[] = { + IIO_CHAN_SOFT_TIMESTAMP(8), + AD7606_CHANNEL(0), + AD7606_CHANNEL(1), + AD7606_CHANNEL(2), + AD7606_CHANNEL(3), + AD7606_CHANNEL(4), + AD7606_CHANNEL(5), + AD7606_CHANNEL(6), + AD7606_CHANNEL(7), +}; + +static const struct ad7606_chip_info ad7606_chip_info_tbl[] = { + /* More devices added in future */ + [ID_AD7605_4] = { + .channels = ad7605_channels, + .num_channels = 5, + }, + [ID_AD7606_8] = { + .channels = ad7606_channels, + .num_channels = 9, + .has_oversampling = true, + }, + [ID_AD7606_6] = { + .channels = ad7606_channels, + .num_channels = 7, + .has_oversampling = true, + }, + [ID_AD7606_4] = { + .channels = ad7606_channels, + .num_channels = 5, + .has_oversampling = true, + }, +}; + +static int ad7606_request_gpios(struct ad7606_state *st) +{ + struct device *dev = st->dev; + + st->gpio_convst = devm_gpiod_get(dev, "adi,conversion-start", + GPIOD_OUT_LOW); + if (IS_ERR(st->gpio_convst)) + return PTR_ERR(st->gpio_convst); + + st->gpio_reset = devm_gpiod_get_optional(dev, "reset", GPIOD_OUT_LOW); + if (IS_ERR(st->gpio_reset)) + return PTR_ERR(st->gpio_reset); + + st->gpio_range = devm_gpiod_get_optional(dev, "adi,range", + GPIOD_OUT_LOW); + if (IS_ERR(st->gpio_range)) + return PTR_ERR(st->gpio_range); + + st->gpio_standby = devm_gpiod_get_optional(dev, "standby", + GPIOD_OUT_HIGH); + if (IS_ERR(st->gpio_standby)) + return PTR_ERR(st->gpio_standby); + + st->gpio_frstdata = devm_gpiod_get_optional(dev, "adi,first-data", + GPIOD_IN); + if (IS_ERR(st->gpio_frstdata)) + return PTR_ERR(st->gpio_frstdata); + + if (!st->chip_info->has_oversampling) + return 0; + + st->gpio_os = devm_gpiod_get_array_optional(dev, + "adi,oversampling-ratio", + GPIOD_OUT_LOW); + return PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO(st->gpio_os); +} + +/* + * The BUSY signal indicates when conversions are in progress, so when a rising + * edge of CONVST is applied, BUSY goes logic high and transitions low at the + * end of the entire conversion process. The falling edge of the BUSY signal + * triggers this interrupt. + */ +static irqreturn_t ad7606_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) +{ + struct iio_dev *indio_dev = dev_id; + struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + + if (iio_buffer_enabled(indio_dev)) { + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_convst, 0); + iio_trigger_poll_chained(st->trig); + } else { + complete(&st->completion); + } + + return IRQ_HANDLED; +}; + +static int ad7606_validate_trigger(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, + struct iio_trigger *trig) +{ + struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + + if (st->trig != trig) + return -EINVAL; + + return 0; +} + +static int ad7606_buffer_postenable(struct iio_dev *indio_dev) +{ + struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + + iio_triggered_buffer_postenable(indio_dev); + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_convst, 1); + + return 0; +} + +static int ad7606_buffer_predisable(struct iio_dev *indio_dev) +{ + struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_convst, 0); + + return iio_triggered_buffer_predisable(indio_dev); +} + +static const struct iio_buffer_setup_ops ad7606_buffer_ops = { + .postenable = &ad7606_buffer_postenable, + .predisable = &ad7606_buffer_predisable, +}; + +static const struct iio_info ad7606_info_no_os_or_range = { + .read_raw = &ad7606_read_raw, + .validate_trigger = &ad7606_validate_trigger, +}; + +static const struct iio_info ad7606_info_os_and_range = { + .read_raw = &ad7606_read_raw, + .write_raw = &ad7606_write_raw, + .attrs = &ad7606_attribute_group_os_and_range, + .validate_trigger = &ad7606_validate_trigger, +}; + +static const struct iio_info ad7606_info_os = { + .read_raw = &ad7606_read_raw, + .write_raw = &ad7606_write_raw, + .attrs = &ad7606_attribute_group_os, + .validate_trigger = &ad7606_validate_trigger, +}; + +static const struct iio_info ad7606_info_range = { + .read_raw = &ad7606_read_raw, + .write_raw = &ad7606_write_raw, + .attrs = &ad7606_attribute_group_range, + .validate_trigger = &ad7606_validate_trigger, +}; + +static const struct iio_trigger_ops ad7606_trigger_ops = { + .validate_device = iio_trigger_validate_own_device, +}; + +static void ad7606_regulator_disable(void *data) +{ + struct ad7606_state *st = data; + + regulator_disable(st->reg); +} + +int ad7606_probe(struct device *dev, int irq, void __iomem *base_address, + const char *name, unsigned int id, + const struct ad7606_bus_ops *bops) +{ + struct ad7606_state *st; + int ret; + struct iio_dev *indio_dev; + + indio_dev = devm_iio_device_alloc(dev, sizeof(*st)); + if (!indio_dev) + return -ENOMEM; + + st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + dev_set_drvdata(dev, indio_dev); + + st->dev = dev; + mutex_init(&st->lock); + st->bops = bops; + st->base_address = base_address; + /* tied to logic low, analog input range is +/- 5V */ + st->range = 0; + st->oversampling = 1; + + st->reg = devm_regulator_get(dev, "avcc"); + if (IS_ERR(st->reg)) + return PTR_ERR(st->reg); + + ret = regulator_enable(st->reg); + if (ret) { + dev_err(dev, "Failed to enable specified AVcc supply\n"); + return ret; + } + + ret = devm_add_action_or_reset(dev, ad7606_regulator_disable, st); + if (ret) + return ret; + + st->chip_info = &ad7606_chip_info_tbl[id]; + + ret = ad7606_request_gpios(st); + if (ret) + return ret; + + indio_dev->dev.parent = dev; + if (st->gpio_os) { + if (st->gpio_range) + indio_dev->info = &ad7606_info_os_and_range; + else + indio_dev->info = &ad7606_info_os; + } else { + if (st->gpio_range) + indio_dev->info = &ad7606_info_range; + else + indio_dev->info = &ad7606_info_no_os_or_range; + } + indio_dev->modes = INDIO_DIRECT_MODE; + indio_dev->name = name; + indio_dev->channels = st->chip_info->channels; + indio_dev->num_channels = st->chip_info->num_channels; + + init_completion(&st->completion); + + ret = ad7606_reset(st); + if (ret) + dev_warn(st->dev, "failed to RESET: no RESET GPIO specified\n"); + + st->trig = devm_iio_trigger_alloc(dev, "%s-dev%d", + indio_dev->name, indio_dev->id); + if (!st->trig) + return -ENOMEM; + + st->trig->ops = &ad7606_trigger_ops; + st->trig->dev.parent = dev; + iio_trigger_set_drvdata(st->trig, indio_dev); + ret = devm_iio_trigger_register(dev, st->trig); + if (ret) + return ret; + + indio_dev->trig = iio_trigger_get(st->trig); + + ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(dev, irq, + NULL, + &ad7606_interrupt, + IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING | IRQF_ONESHOT, + name, indio_dev); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = devm_iio_triggered_buffer_setup(dev, indio_dev, + &iio_pollfunc_store_time, + &ad7606_trigger_handler, + &ad7606_buffer_ops); + if (ret) + return ret; + + return devm_iio_device_register(dev, indio_dev); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ad7606_probe); + +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP + +static int ad7606_suspend(struct device *dev) +{ + struct iio_dev *indio_dev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + + if (st->gpio_standby) { + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_range, 1); + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_standby, 0); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int ad7606_resume(struct device *dev) +{ + struct iio_dev *indio_dev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + + if (st->gpio_standby) { + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_range, st->range); + gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_standby, 1); + ad7606_reset(st); + } + + return 0; +} + +SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(ad7606_pm_ops, ad7606_suspend, ad7606_resume); +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ad7606_pm_ops); + +#endif + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Michael Hennerich "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Analog Devices AD7606 ADC"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/iio/adc/ad7606.h b/drivers/iio/adc/ad7606.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d12410 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/iio/adc/ad7606.h @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * AD7606 ADC driver + * + * Copyright 2011 Analog Devices Inc. + */ + +#ifndef IIO_ADC_AD7606_H_ +#define IIO_ADC_AD7606_H_ + +/** + * struct ad7606_chip_info - chip specific information + * @channels: channel specification + * @num_channels: number of channels + * @has_oversampling: whether the device has oversampling support + */ +struct ad7606_chip_info { + const struct iio_chan_spec *channels; + unsigned int num_channels; + bool has_oversampling; +}; + +/** + * struct ad7606_state - driver instance specific data + * @dev pointer to kernel device + * @chip_info entry in the table of chips that describes this device + * @reg regulator info for the the power supply of the device + * @bops bus operations (SPI or parallel) + * @range voltage range selection, selects which scale to apply + * @oversampling oversampling selection + * @base_address address from where to read data in parallel operation + * @lock protect sensor state from concurrent accesses to GPIOs + * @gpio_convst GPIO descriptor for conversion start signal (CONVST) + * @gpio_reset GPIO descriptor for device hard-reset + * @gpio_range GPIO descriptor for range selection + * @gpio_standby GPIO descriptor for stand-by signal (STBY), + * controls power-down mode of device + * @gpio_frstdata GPIO descriptor for reading from device when data + * is being read on the first channel + * @gpio_os GPIO descriptors to control oversampling on the device + * @complete completion to indicate end of conversion + * @trig The IIO trigger associated with the device. + * @data buffer for reading data from the device + */ +struct ad7606_state { + struct device *dev; + const struct ad7606_chip_info *chip_info; + struct regulator *reg; + const struct ad7606_bus_ops *bops; + unsigned int range; + unsigned int oversampling; + void __iomem *base_address; + + struct mutex lock; /* protect sensor state */ + struct gpio_desc *gpio_convst; + struct gpio_desc *gpio_reset; + struct gpio_desc *gpio_range; + struct gpio_desc *gpio_standby; + struct gpio_desc *gpio_frstdata; + struct gpio_descs *gpio_os; + struct iio_trigger *trig; + struct completion completion; + + /* + * DMA (thus cache coherency maintenance) requires the + * transfer buffers to live in their own cache lines. + * 8 * 16-bit samples + 64-bit timestamp + */ + unsigned short data[12] ____cacheline_aligned; +}; + +/** + * struct ad7606_bus_ops - driver bus operations + * @read_block function pointer for reading blocks of data + */ +struct ad7606_bus_ops { + /* more methods added in future? */ + int (*read_block)(struct device *dev, int num, void *data); +}; + +int ad7606_probe(struct device *dev, int irq, void __iomem *base_address, + const char *name, unsigned int id, + const struct ad7606_bus_ops *bops); + +enum ad7606_supported_device_ids { + ID_AD7605_4, + ID_AD7606_8, + ID_AD7606_6, + ID_AD7606_4 +}; + +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP +extern const struct dev_pm_ops ad7606_pm_ops; +#define AD7606_PM_OPS (&ad7606_pm_ops) +#else +#define AD7606_PM_OPS NULL +#endif + +#endif /* IIO_ADC_AD7606_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/iio/adc/ad7606_par.c b/drivers/iio/adc/ad7606_par.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df607c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/iio/adc/ad7606_par.c @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * AD7606 Parallel Interface ADC driver + * + * Copyright 2011 Analog Devices Inc. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include "ad7606.h" + +static int ad7606_par16_read_block(struct device *dev, + int count, void *buf) +{ + struct iio_dev *indio_dev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + + insw((unsigned long)st->base_address, buf, count); + + return 0; +} + +static const struct ad7606_bus_ops ad7606_par16_bops = { + .read_block = ad7606_par16_read_block, +}; + +static int ad7606_par8_read_block(struct device *dev, + int count, void *buf) +{ + struct iio_dev *indio_dev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); + + insb((unsigned long)st->base_address, buf, count * 2); + + return 0; +} + +static const struct ad7606_bus_ops ad7606_par8_bops = { + .read_block = ad7606_par8_read_block, +}; + +static int ad7606_par_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + const struct platform_device_id *id = platform_get_device_id(pdev); + struct resource *res; + void __iomem *addr; + resource_size_t remap_size; + int irq; + + irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0); + if (irq < 0) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no irq: %d\n", irq); + return irq; + } + + res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); + addr = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, res); + if (IS_ERR(addr)) + return PTR_ERR(addr); + + remap_size = resource_size(res); + + return ad7606_probe(&pdev->dev, irq, addr, + id->name, id->driver_data, + remap_size > 1 ? &ad7606_par16_bops : + &ad7606_par8_bops); +} + +static const struct platform_device_id ad7606_driver_ids[] = { + { .name = "ad7605-4", .driver_data = ID_AD7605_4, }, + { .name = "ad7606-4", .driver_data = ID_AD7606_4, }, + { .name = "ad7606-6", .driver_data = ID_AD7606_6, }, + { .name = "ad7606-8", .driver_data = ID_AD7606_8, }, + { } +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(platform, ad7606_driver_ids); + +static const struct of_device_id ad7606_of_match[] = { + { .compatible = "adi,ad7605-4" }, + { .compatible = "adi,ad7606-4" }, + { .compatible = "adi,ad7606-6" }, + { .compatible = "adi,ad7606-8" }, + { }, +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, ad7606_of_match); + +static struct platform_driver ad7606_driver = { + .probe = ad7606_par_probe, + .id_table = ad7606_driver_ids, + .driver = { + .name = "ad7606", + .pm = AD7606_PM_OPS, + .of_match_table = ad7606_of_match, + }, +}; +module_platform_driver(ad7606_driver); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Michael Hennerich "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Analog Devices AD7606 ADC"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/iio/adc/ad7606_spi.c b/drivers/iio/adc/ad7606_spi.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f842eba --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/iio/adc/ad7606_spi.c @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * AD7606 SPI ADC driver + * + * Copyright 2011 Analog Devices Inc. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include "ad7606.h" + +#define MAX_SPI_FREQ_HZ 23500000 /* VDRIVE above 4.75 V */ + +static int ad7606_spi_read_block(struct device *dev, + int count, void *buf) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(dev); + int i, ret; + unsigned short *data = buf; + __be16 *bdata = buf; + + ret = spi_read(spi, buf, count * 2); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "SPI read error\n"); + return ret; + } + + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + data[i] = be16_to_cpu(bdata[i]); + + return 0; +} + +static const struct ad7606_bus_ops ad7606_spi_bops = { + .read_block = ad7606_spi_read_block, +}; + +static int ad7606_spi_probe(struct spi_device *spi) +{ + const struct spi_device_id *id = spi_get_device_id(spi); + + return ad7606_probe(&spi->dev, spi->irq, NULL, + id->name, id->driver_data, + &ad7606_spi_bops); +} + +static const struct spi_device_id ad7606_id_table[] = { + { "ad7605-4", ID_AD7605_4 }, + { "ad7606-4", ID_AD7606_4 }, + { "ad7606-6", ID_AD7606_6 }, + { "ad7606-8", ID_AD7606_8 }, + {} +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(spi, ad7606_id_table); + +static const struct of_device_id ad7606_of_match[] = { + { .compatible = "adi,ad7605-4" }, + { .compatible = "adi,ad7606-4" }, + { .compatible = "adi,ad7606-6" }, + { .compatible = "adi,ad7606-8" }, + { }, +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, ad7606_of_match); + +static struct spi_driver ad7606_driver = { + .driver = { + .name = "ad7606", + .of_match_table = ad7606_of_match, + .pm = AD7606_PM_OPS, + }, + .probe = ad7606_spi_probe, + .id_table = ad7606_id_table, +}; +module_spi_driver(ad7606_driver); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Michael Hennerich "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Analog Devices AD7606 ADC"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/staging/iio/adc/Kconfig b/drivers/staging/iio/adc/Kconfig index 302639a..7a93d3a 100644 --- a/drivers/staging/iio/adc/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/staging/iio/adc/Kconfig @@ -3,33 +3,6 @@ # menu "Analog to digital converters" -config AD7606 - tristate - select IIO_BUFFER - select IIO_TRIGGERED_BUFFER - -config AD7606_IFACE_PARALLEL - tristate "Analog Devices AD7606 ADC driver with parallel interface support" - depends on HAS_IOMEM - select AD7606 - help - Say yes here to build parallel interface support for Analog Devices: - ad7605-4, ad7606, ad7606-6, ad7606-4 analog to digital converters (ADC). - - To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the - module will be called ad7606_parallel. - -config AD7606_IFACE_SPI - tristate "Analog Devices AD7606 ADC driver with spi interface support" - depends on SPI - select AD7606 - help - Say yes here to build spi interface support for Analog Devices: - ad7605-4, ad7606, ad7606-6, ad7606-4 analog to digital converters (ADC). - - To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the - module will be called ad7606_spi. - config AD7780 tristate "Analog Devices AD7780 and similar ADCs driver" depends on SPI diff --git a/drivers/staging/iio/adc/Makefile b/drivers/staging/iio/adc/Makefile index ebe83c1..7a42108 100644 --- a/drivers/staging/iio/adc/Makefile +++ b/drivers/staging/iio/adc/Makefile @@ -3,10 +3,6 @@ # Makefile for industrial I/O ADC drivers # -obj-$(CONFIG_AD7606_IFACE_PARALLEL) += ad7606_par.o -obj-$(CONFIG_AD7606_IFACE_SPI) += ad7606_spi.o -obj-$(CONFIG_AD7606) += ad7606.o - obj-$(CONFIG_AD7780) += ad7780.o obj-$(CONFIG_AD7816) += ad7816.o obj-$(CONFIG_AD7192) += ad7192.o diff --git a/drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606.c b/drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606.c deleted file mode 100644 index 32854f1..0000000 --- a/drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,583 +0,0 @@ -// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 -/* - * AD7606 SPI ADC driver - * - * Copyright 2011 Analog Devices Inc. - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "ad7606.h" - -/* - * Scales are computed as 5000/32768 and 10000/32768 respectively, - * so that when applied to the raw values they provide mV values - */ -static const unsigned int scale_avail[2] = { - 152588, 305176 -}; - -static const unsigned int ad7606_oversampling_avail[7] = { - 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, -}; - -static int ad7606_reset(struct ad7606_state *st) -{ - if (st->gpio_reset) { - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_reset, 1); - ndelay(100); /* t_reset >= 100ns */ - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_reset, 0); - return 0; - } - - return -ENODEV; -} - -static int ad7606_read_samples(struct ad7606_state *st) -{ - unsigned int num = st->chip_info->num_channels; - u16 *data = st->data; - int ret; - - /* - * The frstdata signal is set to high while and after reading the sample - * of the first channel and low for all other channels. This can be used - * to check that the incoming data is correctly aligned. During normal - * operation the data should never become unaligned, but some glitch or - * electrostatic discharge might cause an extra read or clock cycle. - * Monitoring the frstdata signal allows to recover from such failure - * situations. - */ - - if (st->gpio_frstdata) { - ret = st->bops->read_block(st->dev, 1, data); - if (ret) - return ret; - - if (!gpiod_get_value(st->gpio_frstdata)) { - ad7606_reset(st); - return -EIO; - } - - data++; - num--; - } - - return st->bops->read_block(st->dev, num, data); -} - -static irqreturn_t ad7606_trigger_handler(int irq, void *p) -{ - struct iio_poll_func *pf = p; - struct iio_dev *indio_dev = pf->indio_dev; - struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - int ret; - - mutex_lock(&st->lock); - - ret = ad7606_read_samples(st); - if (ret == 0) - iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp(indio_dev, st->data, - iio_get_time_ns(indio_dev)); - - iio_trigger_notify_done(indio_dev->trig); - /* The rising edge of the CONVST signal starts a new conversion. */ - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_convst, 1); - - mutex_unlock(&st->lock); - - return IRQ_HANDLED; -} - -static int ad7606_scan_direct(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, unsigned int ch) -{ - struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - int ret; - - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_convst, 1); - ret = wait_for_completion_timeout(&st->completion, - msecs_to_jiffies(1000)); - if (!ret) { - ret = -ETIMEDOUT; - goto error_ret; - } - - ret = ad7606_read_samples(st); - if (ret == 0) - ret = st->data[ch]; - -error_ret: - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_convst, 0); - - return ret; -} - -static int ad7606_read_raw(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, - struct iio_chan_spec const *chan, - int *val, - int *val2, - long m) -{ - int ret; - struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - - switch (m) { - case IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW: - ret = iio_device_claim_direct_mode(indio_dev); - if (ret) - return ret; - - ret = ad7606_scan_direct(indio_dev, chan->address); - iio_device_release_direct_mode(indio_dev); - - if (ret < 0) - return ret; - *val = (short)ret; - return IIO_VAL_INT; - case IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE: - *val = 0; - *val2 = scale_avail[st->range]; - return IIO_VAL_INT_PLUS_MICRO; - case IIO_CHAN_INFO_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO: - *val = st->oversampling; - return IIO_VAL_INT; - } - return -EINVAL; -} - -static ssize_t in_voltage_scale_available_show(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, - char *buf) -{ - int i, len = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(scale_avail); i++) - len += scnprintf(buf + len, PAGE_SIZE - len, "0.%06u ", - scale_avail[i]); - - buf[len - 1] = '\n'; - - return len; -} - -static IIO_DEVICE_ATTR_RO(in_voltage_scale_available, 0); - -static int ad7606_write_raw(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, - struct iio_chan_spec const *chan, - int val, - int val2, - long mask) -{ - struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - DECLARE_BITMAP(values, 3); - int i; - - switch (mask) { - case IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE: - mutex_lock(&st->lock); - i = find_closest(val2, scale_avail, ARRAY_SIZE(scale_avail)); - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_range, i); - st->range = i; - mutex_unlock(&st->lock); - - return 0; - case IIO_CHAN_INFO_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO: - if (val2) - return -EINVAL; - i = find_closest(val, ad7606_oversampling_avail, - ARRAY_SIZE(ad7606_oversampling_avail)); - - values[0] = i; - - mutex_lock(&st->lock); - gpiod_set_array_value(ARRAY_SIZE(values), st->gpio_os->desc, - st->gpio_os->info, values); - st->oversampling = ad7606_oversampling_avail[i]; - mutex_unlock(&st->lock); - - return 0; - default: - return -EINVAL; - } -} - -static IIO_CONST_ATTR(oversampling_ratio_available, "1 2 4 8 16 32 64"); - -static struct attribute *ad7606_attributes_os_and_range[] = { - &iio_dev_attr_in_voltage_scale_available.dev_attr.attr, - &iio_const_attr_oversampling_ratio_available.dev_attr.attr, - NULL, -}; - -static const struct attribute_group ad7606_attribute_group_os_and_range = { - .attrs = ad7606_attributes_os_and_range, -}; - -static struct attribute *ad7606_attributes_os[] = { - &iio_const_attr_oversampling_ratio_available.dev_attr.attr, - NULL, -}; - -static const struct attribute_group ad7606_attribute_group_os = { - .attrs = ad7606_attributes_os, -}; - -static struct attribute *ad7606_attributes_range[] = { - &iio_dev_attr_in_voltage_scale_available.dev_attr.attr, - NULL, -}; - -static const struct attribute_group ad7606_attribute_group_range = { - .attrs = ad7606_attributes_range, -}; - -#define AD760X_CHANNEL(num, mask) { \ - .type = IIO_VOLTAGE, \ - .indexed = 1, \ - .channel = num, \ - .address = num, \ - .info_mask_separate = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW), \ - .info_mask_shared_by_type = BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE),\ - .info_mask_shared_by_all = mask, \ - .scan_index = num, \ - .scan_type = { \ - .sign = 's', \ - .realbits = 16, \ - .storagebits = 16, \ - .endianness = IIO_CPU, \ - }, \ -} - -#define AD7605_CHANNEL(num) \ - AD760X_CHANNEL(num, 0) - -#define AD7606_CHANNEL(num) \ - AD760X_CHANNEL(num, BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO)) - -static const struct iio_chan_spec ad7605_channels[] = { - IIO_CHAN_SOFT_TIMESTAMP(4), - AD7605_CHANNEL(0), - AD7605_CHANNEL(1), - AD7605_CHANNEL(2), - AD7605_CHANNEL(3), -}; - -static const struct iio_chan_spec ad7606_channels[] = { - IIO_CHAN_SOFT_TIMESTAMP(8), - AD7606_CHANNEL(0), - AD7606_CHANNEL(1), - AD7606_CHANNEL(2), - AD7606_CHANNEL(3), - AD7606_CHANNEL(4), - AD7606_CHANNEL(5), - AD7606_CHANNEL(6), - AD7606_CHANNEL(7), -}; - -static const struct ad7606_chip_info ad7606_chip_info_tbl[] = { - /* More devices added in future */ - [ID_AD7605_4] = { - .channels = ad7605_channels, - .num_channels = 5, - }, - [ID_AD7606_8] = { - .channels = ad7606_channels, - .num_channels = 9, - .has_oversampling = true, - }, - [ID_AD7606_6] = { - .channels = ad7606_channels, - .num_channels = 7, - .has_oversampling = true, - }, - [ID_AD7606_4] = { - .channels = ad7606_channels, - .num_channels = 5, - .has_oversampling = true, - }, -}; - -static int ad7606_request_gpios(struct ad7606_state *st) -{ - struct device *dev = st->dev; - - st->gpio_convst = devm_gpiod_get(dev, "adi,conversion-start", - GPIOD_OUT_LOW); - if (IS_ERR(st->gpio_convst)) - return PTR_ERR(st->gpio_convst); - - st->gpio_reset = devm_gpiod_get_optional(dev, "reset", GPIOD_OUT_LOW); - if (IS_ERR(st->gpio_reset)) - return PTR_ERR(st->gpio_reset); - - st->gpio_range = devm_gpiod_get_optional(dev, "adi,range", - GPIOD_OUT_LOW); - if (IS_ERR(st->gpio_range)) - return PTR_ERR(st->gpio_range); - - st->gpio_standby = devm_gpiod_get_optional(dev, "standby", - GPIOD_OUT_HIGH); - if (IS_ERR(st->gpio_standby)) - return PTR_ERR(st->gpio_standby); - - st->gpio_frstdata = devm_gpiod_get_optional(dev, "adi,first-data", - GPIOD_IN); - if (IS_ERR(st->gpio_frstdata)) - return PTR_ERR(st->gpio_frstdata); - - if (!st->chip_info->has_oversampling) - return 0; - - st->gpio_os = devm_gpiod_get_array_optional(dev, - "adi,oversampling-ratio", - GPIOD_OUT_LOW); - return PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO(st->gpio_os); -} - -/* - * The BUSY signal indicates when conversions are in progress, so when a rising - * edge of CONVST is applied, BUSY goes logic high and transitions low at the - * end of the entire conversion process. The falling edge of the BUSY signal - * triggers this interrupt. - */ -static irqreturn_t ad7606_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) -{ - struct iio_dev *indio_dev = dev_id; - struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - - if (iio_buffer_enabled(indio_dev)) { - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_convst, 0); - iio_trigger_poll_chained(st->trig); - } else { - complete(&st->completion); - } - - return IRQ_HANDLED; -}; - -static int ad7606_validate_trigger(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, - struct iio_trigger *trig) -{ - struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - - if (st->trig != trig) - return -EINVAL; - - return 0; -} - -static int ad7606_buffer_postenable(struct iio_dev *indio_dev) -{ - struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - - iio_triggered_buffer_postenable(indio_dev); - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_convst, 1); - - return 0; -} - -static int ad7606_buffer_predisable(struct iio_dev *indio_dev) -{ - struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_convst, 0); - - return iio_triggered_buffer_predisable(indio_dev); -} - -static const struct iio_buffer_setup_ops ad7606_buffer_ops = { - .postenable = &ad7606_buffer_postenable, - .predisable = &ad7606_buffer_predisable, -}; - -static const struct iio_info ad7606_info_no_os_or_range = { - .read_raw = &ad7606_read_raw, - .validate_trigger = &ad7606_validate_trigger, -}; - -static const struct iio_info ad7606_info_os_and_range = { - .read_raw = &ad7606_read_raw, - .write_raw = &ad7606_write_raw, - .attrs = &ad7606_attribute_group_os_and_range, - .validate_trigger = &ad7606_validate_trigger, -}; - -static const struct iio_info ad7606_info_os = { - .read_raw = &ad7606_read_raw, - .write_raw = &ad7606_write_raw, - .attrs = &ad7606_attribute_group_os, - .validate_trigger = &ad7606_validate_trigger, -}; - -static const struct iio_info ad7606_info_range = { - .read_raw = &ad7606_read_raw, - .write_raw = &ad7606_write_raw, - .attrs = &ad7606_attribute_group_range, - .validate_trigger = &ad7606_validate_trigger, -}; - -static const struct iio_trigger_ops ad7606_trigger_ops = { - .validate_device = iio_trigger_validate_own_device, -}; - -static void ad7606_regulator_disable(void *data) -{ - struct ad7606_state *st = data; - - regulator_disable(st->reg); -} - -int ad7606_probe(struct device *dev, int irq, void __iomem *base_address, - const char *name, unsigned int id, - const struct ad7606_bus_ops *bops) -{ - struct ad7606_state *st; - int ret; - struct iio_dev *indio_dev; - - indio_dev = devm_iio_device_alloc(dev, sizeof(*st)); - if (!indio_dev) - return -ENOMEM; - - st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - dev_set_drvdata(dev, indio_dev); - - st->dev = dev; - mutex_init(&st->lock); - st->bops = bops; - st->base_address = base_address; - /* tied to logic low, analog input range is +/- 5V */ - st->range = 0; - st->oversampling = 1; - - st->reg = devm_regulator_get(dev, "avcc"); - if (IS_ERR(st->reg)) - return PTR_ERR(st->reg); - - ret = regulator_enable(st->reg); - if (ret) { - dev_err(dev, "Failed to enable specified AVcc supply\n"); - return ret; - } - - ret = devm_add_action_or_reset(dev, ad7606_regulator_disable, st); - if (ret) - return ret; - - st->chip_info = &ad7606_chip_info_tbl[id]; - - ret = ad7606_request_gpios(st); - if (ret) - return ret; - - indio_dev->dev.parent = dev; - if (st->gpio_os) { - if (st->gpio_range) - indio_dev->info = &ad7606_info_os_and_range; - else - indio_dev->info = &ad7606_info_os; - } else { - if (st->gpio_range) - indio_dev->info = &ad7606_info_range; - else - indio_dev->info = &ad7606_info_no_os_or_range; - } - indio_dev->modes = INDIO_DIRECT_MODE; - indio_dev->name = name; - indio_dev->channels = st->chip_info->channels; - indio_dev->num_channels = st->chip_info->num_channels; - - init_completion(&st->completion); - - ret = ad7606_reset(st); - if (ret) - dev_warn(st->dev, "failed to RESET: no RESET GPIO specified\n"); - - st->trig = devm_iio_trigger_alloc(dev, "%s-dev%d", - indio_dev->name, indio_dev->id); - if (!st->trig) - return -ENOMEM; - - st->trig->ops = &ad7606_trigger_ops; - st->trig->dev.parent = dev; - iio_trigger_set_drvdata(st->trig, indio_dev); - ret = devm_iio_trigger_register(dev, st->trig); - if (ret) - return ret; - - indio_dev->trig = iio_trigger_get(st->trig); - - ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(dev, irq, - NULL, - &ad7606_interrupt, - IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING | IRQF_ONESHOT, - name, indio_dev); - if (ret) - return ret; - - ret = devm_iio_triggered_buffer_setup(dev, indio_dev, - &iio_pollfunc_store_time, - &ad7606_trigger_handler, - &ad7606_buffer_ops); - if (ret) - return ret; - - return devm_iio_device_register(dev, indio_dev); -} -EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ad7606_probe); - -#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP - -static int ad7606_suspend(struct device *dev) -{ - struct iio_dev *indio_dev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - - if (st->gpio_standby) { - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_range, 1); - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_standby, 0); - } - - return 0; -} - -static int ad7606_resume(struct device *dev) -{ - struct iio_dev *indio_dev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - - if (st->gpio_standby) { - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_range, st->range); - gpiod_set_value(st->gpio_standby, 1); - ad7606_reset(st); - } - - return 0; -} - -SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(ad7606_pm_ops, ad7606_suspend, ad7606_resume); -EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ad7606_pm_ops); - -#endif - -MODULE_AUTHOR("Michael Hennerich "); -MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Analog Devices AD7606 ADC"); -MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606.h b/drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606.h deleted file mode 100644 index 5d12410..0000000 --- a/drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ -/* - * AD7606 ADC driver - * - * Copyright 2011 Analog Devices Inc. - */ - -#ifndef IIO_ADC_AD7606_H_ -#define IIO_ADC_AD7606_H_ - -/** - * struct ad7606_chip_info - chip specific information - * @channels: channel specification - * @num_channels: number of channels - * @has_oversampling: whether the device has oversampling support - */ -struct ad7606_chip_info { - const struct iio_chan_spec *channels; - unsigned int num_channels; - bool has_oversampling; -}; - -/** - * struct ad7606_state - driver instance specific data - * @dev pointer to kernel device - * @chip_info entry in the table of chips that describes this device - * @reg regulator info for the the power supply of the device - * @bops bus operations (SPI or parallel) - * @range voltage range selection, selects which scale to apply - * @oversampling oversampling selection - * @base_address address from where to read data in parallel operation - * @lock protect sensor state from concurrent accesses to GPIOs - * @gpio_convst GPIO descriptor for conversion start signal (CONVST) - * @gpio_reset GPIO descriptor for device hard-reset - * @gpio_range GPIO descriptor for range selection - * @gpio_standby GPIO descriptor for stand-by signal (STBY), - * controls power-down mode of device - * @gpio_frstdata GPIO descriptor for reading from device when data - * is being read on the first channel - * @gpio_os GPIO descriptors to control oversampling on the device - * @complete completion to indicate end of conversion - * @trig The IIO trigger associated with the device. - * @data buffer for reading data from the device - */ -struct ad7606_state { - struct device *dev; - const struct ad7606_chip_info *chip_info; - struct regulator *reg; - const struct ad7606_bus_ops *bops; - unsigned int range; - unsigned int oversampling; - void __iomem *base_address; - - struct mutex lock; /* protect sensor state */ - struct gpio_desc *gpio_convst; - struct gpio_desc *gpio_reset; - struct gpio_desc *gpio_range; - struct gpio_desc *gpio_standby; - struct gpio_desc *gpio_frstdata; - struct gpio_descs *gpio_os; - struct iio_trigger *trig; - struct completion completion; - - /* - * DMA (thus cache coherency maintenance) requires the - * transfer buffers to live in their own cache lines. - * 8 * 16-bit samples + 64-bit timestamp - */ - unsigned short data[12] ____cacheline_aligned; -}; - -/** - * struct ad7606_bus_ops - driver bus operations - * @read_block function pointer for reading blocks of data - */ -struct ad7606_bus_ops { - /* more methods added in future? */ - int (*read_block)(struct device *dev, int num, void *data); -}; - -int ad7606_probe(struct device *dev, int irq, void __iomem *base_address, - const char *name, unsigned int id, - const struct ad7606_bus_ops *bops); - -enum ad7606_supported_device_ids { - ID_AD7605_4, - ID_AD7606_8, - ID_AD7606_6, - ID_AD7606_4 -}; - -#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP -extern const struct dev_pm_ops ad7606_pm_ops; -#define AD7606_PM_OPS (&ad7606_pm_ops) -#else -#define AD7606_PM_OPS NULL -#endif - -#endif /* IIO_ADC_AD7606_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606_par.c b/drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606_par.c deleted file mode 100644 index df607c7..0000000 --- a/drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606_par.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 -/* - * AD7606 Parallel Interface ADC driver - * - * Copyright 2011 Analog Devices Inc. - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include "ad7606.h" - -static int ad7606_par16_read_block(struct device *dev, - int count, void *buf) -{ - struct iio_dev *indio_dev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - - insw((unsigned long)st->base_address, buf, count); - - return 0; -} - -static const struct ad7606_bus_ops ad7606_par16_bops = { - .read_block = ad7606_par16_read_block, -}; - -static int ad7606_par8_read_block(struct device *dev, - int count, void *buf) -{ - struct iio_dev *indio_dev = dev_get_drvdata(dev); - struct ad7606_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev); - - insb((unsigned long)st->base_address, buf, count * 2); - - return 0; -} - -static const struct ad7606_bus_ops ad7606_par8_bops = { - .read_block = ad7606_par8_read_block, -}; - -static int ad7606_par_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) -{ - const struct platform_device_id *id = platform_get_device_id(pdev); - struct resource *res; - void __iomem *addr; - resource_size_t remap_size; - int irq; - - irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0); - if (irq < 0) { - dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no irq: %d\n", irq); - return irq; - } - - res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); - addr = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, res); - if (IS_ERR(addr)) - return PTR_ERR(addr); - - remap_size = resource_size(res); - - return ad7606_probe(&pdev->dev, irq, addr, - id->name, id->driver_data, - remap_size > 1 ? &ad7606_par16_bops : - &ad7606_par8_bops); -} - -static const struct platform_device_id ad7606_driver_ids[] = { - { .name = "ad7605-4", .driver_data = ID_AD7605_4, }, - { .name = "ad7606-4", .driver_data = ID_AD7606_4, }, - { .name = "ad7606-6", .driver_data = ID_AD7606_6, }, - { .name = "ad7606-8", .driver_data = ID_AD7606_8, }, - { } -}; -MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(platform, ad7606_driver_ids); - -static const struct of_device_id ad7606_of_match[] = { - { .compatible = "adi,ad7605-4" }, - { .compatible = "adi,ad7606-4" }, - { .compatible = "adi,ad7606-6" }, - { .compatible = "adi,ad7606-8" }, - { }, -}; -MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, ad7606_of_match); - -static struct platform_driver ad7606_driver = { - .probe = ad7606_par_probe, - .id_table = ad7606_driver_ids, - .driver = { - .name = "ad7606", - .pm = AD7606_PM_OPS, - .of_match_table = ad7606_of_match, - }, -}; -module_platform_driver(ad7606_driver); - -MODULE_AUTHOR("Michael Hennerich "); -MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Analog Devices AD7606 ADC"); -MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606_spi.c b/drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606_spi.c deleted file mode 100644 index f842eba..0000000 --- a/drivers/staging/iio/adc/ad7606_spi.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 -/* - * AD7606 SPI ADC driver - * - * Copyright 2011 Analog Devices Inc. - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include "ad7606.h" - -#define MAX_SPI_FREQ_HZ 23500000 /* VDRIVE above 4.75 V */ - -static int ad7606_spi_read_block(struct device *dev, - int count, void *buf) -{ - struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(dev); - int i, ret; - unsigned short *data = buf; - __be16 *bdata = buf; - - ret = spi_read(spi, buf, count * 2); - if (ret < 0) { - dev_err(&spi->dev, "SPI read error\n"); - return ret; - } - - for (i = 0; i < count; i++) - data[i] = be16_to_cpu(bdata[i]); - - return 0; -} - -static const struct ad7606_bus_ops ad7606_spi_bops = { - .read_block = ad7606_spi_read_block, -}; - -static int ad7606_spi_probe(struct spi_device *spi) -{ - const struct spi_device_id *id = spi_get_device_id(spi); - - return ad7606_probe(&spi->dev, spi->irq, NULL, - id->name, id->driver_data, - &ad7606_spi_bops); -} - -static const struct spi_device_id ad7606_id_table[] = { - { "ad7605-4", ID_AD7605_4 }, - { "ad7606-4", ID_AD7606_4 }, - { "ad7606-6", ID_AD7606_6 }, - { "ad7606-8", ID_AD7606_8 }, - {} -}; -MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(spi, ad7606_id_table); - -static const struct of_device_id ad7606_of_match[] = { - { .compatible = "adi,ad7605-4" }, - { .compatible = "adi,ad7606-4" }, - { .compatible = "adi,ad7606-6" }, - { .compatible = "adi,ad7606-8" }, - { }, -}; -MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, ad7606_of_match); - -static struct spi_driver ad7606_driver = { - .driver = { - .name = "ad7606", - .of_match_table = ad7606_of_match, - .pm = AD7606_PM_OPS, - }, - .probe = ad7606_spi_probe, - .id_table = ad7606_id_table, -}; -module_spi_driver(ad7606_driver); - -MODULE_AUTHOR("Michael Hennerich "); -MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Analog Devices AD7606 ADC"); -MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");