From patchwork Mon Jan 29 09:16:34 2024 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Neil Armstrong X-Patchwork-Id: 13535258 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 3FC7B54F85 for ; Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:16:41 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=none smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1706519803; cv=none; b=FBV8W+KnOsthkr0GAEnxAaVVn6k0RXc3uakJbIh8cDe3jmeUA3EbLj9sNZTsBciXvoFB0w4qOmoD36O7cBbXsQ7v5KNOFXlRnBGljhC7ghtb/uH1cNPTw+4gXkNAOawz+c/d6Di0E91Z4u4+DPx5fLfRzJA4qwkFkGMVzK/YVA4= ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1706519803; c=relaxed/simple; bh=P8FhOwT3RapQtFCltomOL1Gs3Uksw6IrqYgNDVsCPNA=; h=From:Subject:Date:Message-Id:MIME-Version:Content-Type:To:Cc; b=YKUEShB3njYHTW6nFsuqQeDE5G8MepxlqroQuhyaUQmvKhSP1g8fS7lKaw22Tu2BVW7yQDQD0M3EmyOJfpji4MFm2lsBh5CZdJob1VeJJbY6q6yZQ4a7hO/MjY3ZJdxtonoZ5GJbh1jiWOaFeR1vkdr0hbh37FhiYjn+kNfvXjU= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none); spf=pass; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=vLeMYATq; arc=none smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="vLeMYATq" Received: by with SMTP id 38308e7fff4ca-2cf3a0b2355so29946661fa.0 for ; Mon, 29 Jan 2024 01:16:41 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=google; t=1706519799; x=1707124599;; h=cc:to:content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:message-id:date :subject:from:from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=Vgx+V5QogKIYOd2eqGQ9ZKkO/nAGlpRrf+jf3HJVEZY=; b=vLeMYATq2uZ7EJrdCNhHMdptMjDD0ioYdqgScA3lodsdv2AiT18jVa7Ive7WoQV3kJ bnko5sV3mASOR3C2D7cq7LQJIgNmf9MvBwLVAmMHbZxLjmnVaqBbzQ+ROc93bT0SySZF 6sP6AyfwOCEMENVvEofGTkkExDMGpKYZ/qrK9Pe5RaYx8yRAEQT3NeYUMpJjW/46sZTU IHCnihmVEczC/PxufNP3WQWY3kG3trY44HWuE9A5jgolAjYSpxoa/wFXjiVYoO7tlLB6 aBXqCNWtOp8/VmZulijq6EIdZc5KG45KTGe+s+96W+tqs7pF4XfIdRq+kMb7C5gQM6Uc 6JYw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1706519799; x=1707124599; h=cc:to:content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:message-id:date :subject:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id :reply-to; bh=Vgx+V5QogKIYOd2eqGQ9ZKkO/nAGlpRrf+jf3HJVEZY=; b=GNdb1bF6li8CMtgYk/U4iQIn01eEhR8dIG09XbjqHjD08r9DqQ2Z5MdUkoyuFLmfnS 38OU9wWGnMVl4WTc8l+TQVmu2nJzKR4UvVscmvooNSokdsSLIeRxe2rMUfRPzmra0TF4 2IvjP7zVzZZIF1SXQczAxQtN8Jy8x3HJyBFDK5jA36GZojpSbQcq0liDtwdo+ihRNVgd uXKN4LTh0ls6wBkpjAeQbx33nGoSILWe3QRCFa2sI8OD7HhX8jVvde8QmR4tbEdD3cx7 L4kbe9wO80ht2Ew600Hbti8NYDsGGxdGdMCAy92uwGhZpMhpUZqNIa+T4F5VLLGxJyQ0 P3vg== X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0YwIYx1jpzwk6UoxTAzTEgP4oknIDzX2uB7bhSmir6o/Vban/WSN ubAaQCaoUzxu9uRVWQ6glKwSpV3ZwIJD19t2neemCgwV/6FPjwSxvZAAnvhKSDM= X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IHa5mkWO7VOf4evT8srKsh0GcEjMFBHWd4Kd5nQFUG11+O2VZVZqG/fFYCmg4r9QyZXi3jSxw== X-Received: by 2002:a2e:95ca:0:b0:2cf:657e:7767 with SMTP id y10-20020a2e95ca000000b002cf657e7767mr2326267ljh.50.1706519799268; Mon, 29 Jan 2024 01:16:39 -0800 (PST) Received: from ([2a01:e0a:982:cbb0:8261:5fff:fe11:bdda]) by with ESMTPSA id b7-20020adfee87000000b0033aebf727b2sm2818198wro.60.2024. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Mon, 29 Jan 2024 01:16:38 -0800 (PST) From: Neil Armstrong Subject: [PATCH v15 0/4] Input: add initial support for Goodix Berlin touchscreen IC Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:16:34 +0100 Message-Id: <> Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-B4-Tracking: v=1; b=H4sIAPJst2UC/53TzW7bMAwH8FcpfJ4KUh+WtNPeY9hBkqlEQGYHc hp0KPLuo3NoXOii5ijC+Ikm9f8YVqqF1uHny8dQ6VrWssx8QPPjZUjHMB9IlIkLgwSpYIRRXJZ zSeKwLFN5F5Hqqczi7bxeKoW/oszlUsJJxOAtOUou6zQwFcNKItYwpyNj89vpxMVzpVze75f// sPnY1kvS/137+WKW/Wbt15RgNABrMboAuXpF38W6vK61MOw3XCVz6iSVTlG/hlC8kCNqp5RFas ZjLWJwmTBN6p+RtWsgtc2aecjoW1U81AdYKdqNtV6aaRXxnjVqOND9Sg71ZHVqCnloH2Ovt2W/ VQRoFe1rHKrDGI25Fyjur2qOlXHKlrkRSBImsZG9TtV9s7Vb6rKPATnLJpWRdizvc0ib0s4R5Q kGUwQW/cRL8T+eG35Mklb8hZsgvYd4CNgKMH3ulvCKOQcKBoeh2ldtXOxew5bxsxkgxyDoRBk6 +qd2702vKdMa+OdUXHU8MW93W7/AXs4GaFXBQAA To: Dmitry Torokhov , Cc: Rob Herring , Krzysztof Kozlowski , Conor Dooley , Bastien Nocera , Hans de Goede , Henrik Rydberg , Jeff LaBundy ,,,, Neil Armstrong , Rob Herring X-Mailer: b4 0.12.4 X-Developer-Signature: v=1; a=openpgp-sha256; l=7406;; h=from:subject:message-id; bh=P8FhOwT3RapQtFCltomOL1Gs3Uksw6IrqYgNDVsCPNA=; b=owEBbQKS/ZANAwAKAXfc29rIyEnRAcsmYgBlt2z0eYVyQaBErb9Gc8DfuoARoCnBmO39ywO+ersn saLzksmJAjMEAAEKAB0WIQQ9U8YmyFYF/h30LIt33NvayMhJ0QUCZbds9AAKCRB33NvayMhJ0fyLD/ 9TGPwov/vI7y9uSEB9Ifatq52LsPLIYa22YaC6uL+7gn+NM0Pu97PhpwtZQwgGLPL9YKym0C46ixvO 4lth72snOr4aWEtqOl2FMHFlWeZ3IK4QrPXPd59LcZpoYTFVyIq9FXxOCzUF1t3B7P7CyMl/2LRXqA 7uO2JQ16MdOIC9kiNB0zgYBk7RArCu9U1BI5Rw3IPcOkOWAxgyjAiXPnBZeHJseZYA+6ZHlW0ouNil ONlz1gGpf/cjCJ+XhH2w5Khu40YhZ+lBpeEhMzJ/FcPrxPDvFz9A8V5dW6vlVwJ4crN4Org8cThcl7 FhD8GLNmSBTAEcjB1x6qPyxRlejhpkcqzNuUWUGhGiTjUDyIZrETQlci9MYinKQgWsB2sBBYv05hbf g9+fviP87VzK5C49l5Ama+XDs0++Yat8zevCY9aH/Wy3iEbvXTbHWMFER6GTNMyvAkvC2Wt3ZNeuHY IFUEI6krkC06UMstrkaM4YZ6GjmMb1bnmbsYmJVEgY32ouPSC2Bx57DTRTTi7sGhDSGxFKzres9Wm4 IKt9cYnDvgymKzhpOI8udT7xZsxEvedhdCx4460LnEYNDlM78CcjhJJOwLMOO/+zT8XrQvVDVmDnZX RuHQW2FAa+Zh1OqEeA3m1ytuhnJwvEHKxpxEbn6wNSxdPXiYeSADkyjj3Jhg== X-Developer-Key:; a=openpgp; fpr=89EC3D058446217450F22848169AB7B1A4CFF8AE These touchscreen ICs support SPI, I2C and I3C interface, up to 10 finger touch, stylus and gestures events. This initial driver is derived from the Goodix goodix_ts_berlin available at [1] and [2] and only supports the GT9916 IC present on the Qualcomm SM8550/SM8650 MTP & QRD touch panel. The current implementation only supports BerlinD, aka GT9916. Support for advanced features like: - Firmware & config update - Stylus events - Gestures events - Previous revisions support (BerlinA or BerlinB) is not included in current version. The current support will work with currently flashed firmware and config, and bail out if firmware or config aren't flashed yet. [1] [2] Signed-off-by: Neil Armstrong --- Changes in v15: - Applied changes/cleanups/fixes provided by Dmitry: - Cleanup status/offsets defines, move in to structs - Remove packed attribute when not needed - Refactor touch data & header structs - Store event into goodix_berlin_core - simplify goodix_berlin_checksum_valid() - simplify goodix_berlin_convert_ic_info() with macro - simplify back-and-forth reads with goodix_berlin_get_remaining_contacts() - simplify goodix_berlin_touch_handler() - cleanup buffer handling comment - clear up status field in case of checksum error - Link to v14: Changes in v14: - Rebased on next-20231221 - Fixed build on SPI/I2S drivers missing include - Link to v13: Changes in v13: - Thanks to Dmitry's suggestion: - Move core defines and structs into goodix_berlin_core.c - Comments typos and rephrasings - Identation fixes - Refactor of goodix_berlin_power_on - goodix_berlin_get_ic_info move to __free(kfree) to avoid leaking - Added comment explaining how data is retrieved in irq handler - Link to v12: Changes in v12: - Rebased on next-20231208 - Link to v11: Changes in v11: - Fixes according to Jeff's review: - s/dev_info/dev_err/ in goodix_berlin_get_ic_info() - remove spurious return instead of goto in goodix_berlin_get_ic_info() - added back dropped msleep() in goodix_berlin_request_handle_reset() - Link to v10: Changes in v10: - Fix according to Dmitry's review: - move goodix_berlin_get_ic_info() afe_data to heap - merge the goodix_berlin_parse_finger() loops and skip invalid fingers instead of returning - remove unwanted goodix_berlin_touch_handler() "static" for buffer - only call goodix_berlin_request_handle_reset() if gpio was provided - use "error = func(); if(error) return error;" instead of "return func()" when function handles multiple error cases - Link to v9: Changes in v9: - Rebased on next-20231020 - Link to v8: Changes in v8: - Add missing bitfield.h include in core - Link to v7: Changes in v7: - rebased on v6.6-rc3 - Link to v6: Changes in v6: - rebased on v6.6-rc1 - changed commit message prefix to match the other Input commits - Link to v5: Changes in v5: - rebased on next-20230801 - Link to v4: Changes in v4: - Core updates: - drop kconfig depends, deps will be handled by _SPI and _I2C - change power_on() error labels - print errors on all dev_err() prints - remove useless default variable initialization - switch irq touch checksum error to dev_err() - add Jeff's review tag - I2C changes - change REGMAP_I2C Kconfig from depends to select - add Jeff's review tag - SPI changes - add select REGMAP to Kconfig - added GOODIX_BERLIN_ prefix to defines - switched from ret to error - add Jeff's review tag - Link to v3: Changes in v3: - Another guge cleanups after Jeff's review: - appended goodix_berlin_ before all defines - removed some unused defines - removed retries on most of read functions, can be added back later - added __le to ic_info structures - reworked and simplified irq handling, dropped enum and ts_event structs - added struct for touch data - simplified and cleaned goodix_berlin_check_checksum & goodix_berlin_is_dummy_data - moved touch_data_addr to the end of the main code_data - reworked probe to get_irq last and right before setip input device - cleaned probe by removing the "cd->dev" - added short paragraph to justify new driver for berlin devices - defined all offsets & masks - Added bindings review tag - Link to v2: Changes in v2: - Huge cleanups after Jeff's review: - switch to error instead of ret - drop dummy vendor/product ids - drop unused defined/enums - drop unused ic_info and only keep needes values - cleanup namings and use goodix_berlin_ everywhere - fix regulator setup - fix default variables value when assigned afterwars - removed indirections - dropped debugfs - cleaned input_dev setup - dropped _remove() - sync'ed i2c and spi drivers - fixed yaml bindings - Link to v1: --- Neil Armstrong (4): dt-bindings: input: document Goodix Berlin Touchscreen IC Input: add core support for Goodix Berlin Touchscreen IC Input: goodix-berlin - add I2C support for Goodix Berlin Touchscreen IC Input: goodix-berlin - add SPI support for Goodix Berlin Touchscreen IC .../bindings/input/touchscreen/goodix,gt9916.yaml | 95 +++ drivers/input/touchscreen/Kconfig | 31 + drivers/input/touchscreen/Makefile | 3 + drivers/input/touchscreen/goodix_berlin.h | 24 + drivers/input/touchscreen/goodix_berlin_core.c | 755 +++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/input/touchscreen/goodix_berlin_i2c.c | 75 ++ drivers/input/touchscreen/goodix_berlin_spi.c | 178 +++++ 7 files changed, 1161 insertions(+) --- base-commit: 596764183be8ebb13352b281a442a1f1151c9b06 change-id: 20230606-topic-goodix-berlin-upstream-initial-ba97e8ec8f4c Best regards,