From patchwork Sun Feb 16 23:32:06 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Jeff LaBundy X-Patchwork-Id: 11384839 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 37BA3109A for ; Sun, 16 Feb 2020 23:32:53 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id F3877208C3 for ; Sun, 16 Feb 2020 23:32:52 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="lTRWtRmR" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1728128AbgBPXcw (ORCPT ); Sun, 16 Feb 2020 18:32:52 -0500 Received: from ([]:49361 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S1727772AbgBPXcw (ORCPT ); Sun, 16 Feb 2020 18:32:52 -0500 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=Ojeyn0JdPJR+mypBp6uKcGE0+KFVeSKztFZ8Dq+vzy/nwh21Typ1Oydsqref4BEVSHK8aojeqFIw9WdgQTOmHdm5+ixayAnoGggbO44jQMeM0YdpEv1m7/Y5FM5lz2gYkSjz14YuwQnLTOfD7WKDFLCsIMNOhENnBMEcK4X9cb6wqsaJPmUMXlWB0WojWRNsQOAr+dQ9nftvShgn0JcKOPjt2ryKuZLUXPSArZA+KVY16L1b8K/JjPq+3YSF0UZtbfj52rWSS1r+ydIe1Velm+Rbvx2HDaybho1Moufod3UQthzdvlB/dj5v9hzNrcnULaF6FL1T6393FOOBfobo2A== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; 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Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.2729.22; Sun, 16 Feb 2020 23:32:42 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::2cd0:e164:fe88:3945]) by ([fe80::2cd0:e164:fe88:3945%4]) with mapi id 15.20.2729.025; Sun, 16 Feb 2020 23:32:42 +0000 From: Jeff LaBundy To:,,,, Cc:,,,,,,,,, Jeff LaBundy Subject: [PATCH v5 2/7] mfd: Add support for Azoteq IQS620A/621/622/624/625 Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2020 17:32:06 -0600 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.7.4 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10b6:803:2c::20) To (2603:10b6:805:78::25) MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: from localhost.localdomain ( by (2603:10b6:803:2c::20) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256) id 15.20.2750.9 via Frontend Transport; Sun, 16 Feb 2020 23:32:41 +0000 X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.7.4 X-Originating-IP: [] X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 5dee832f-b2ab-47b3-cd7c-08d7b33884a6 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: SN6PR08MB5406: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:7691; 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Signed-off-by: Jeff LaBundy --- Changes in v5: - Merged iqs62x-core.c and iqs62x-tables.c into a single iqs62x.c - Corrected spelling of "data sheet" to "datasheet" - Added one line of whitespace in various places to improve readability - Replaced iqs62x->map with iqs62x->regmap throughout - Added the prox_settings member to the iqs62x_dev_desc struct and eliminated the ternary operator in iqs62x_dev_init to determine SAR UI enable register address - Added a comment in iqs62x_dev_init to explain the background for the bounds checking done on the IQS624/625 interval divider - Added #defines for the delays used within iqs62x_dev_init - Renamed iqs62x_fw_prs and iqs62x_fw_cb to iqs62x_firmware_parse and iqs62x_firmware_load, respectively - Updated the call to devm_mfd_add_devices to use PLATFORM_DEVID_NONE instead of -1 and printed "sub-devices" instead of "devices" in the error message - Dropped #defines for mfd_cell names in favor of the actual string names and collapsed mfd_cells with no other members into one line - Demoted iqs62x_devs to a static array as it is not used by any sub-devices - Removed unnecessary { IQS620A_DEV, ... } enum and IQS62X_NUM_DEV #define - Removed the soft reset and associated delay in iqs62x_probe to preserve any PWM-related changes made by a bootloader - Updated the comments in iqs62x_probe to highlight the significance of blank calibration registers and why the outer loop may be exited early - Made the first call to regmap_update_bits in iqs62x_suspend consistent with other instances in the series that set a single bit by passing all ones for the value instead of the mask Changes in v4: - None Changes in v3: - None Changes in v2: - Merged 'Copyright' and 'Author' lines into one in introductory comments - Replaced 'error' with 'ret' throughout - Updated iqs62x_dev_init to account for 4/8/16-MHz clock divider in start-up delays and replaced ATI timeout routine with regmap_read_poll_timeout - Added an error message to iqs62x_irq in case device status fails to be read - Replaced sw_num member of iqs62x_core with a local variable in iqs62x_probe as the former was unused anywhere else - Added comments throughout iqs62x_probe to clarify how devices are matched based on the presence of calibration data - Inverted the product and software number comparison logic in iqs62x_probe to avoid an else...continue branch - Changed iqs62x_probe from .probe callback to .probe_new callback, thereby eliminating the otherwise unused iqs62x_id array - Moved iqs62x_suspend and iqs62x_resume below iqs62x_remove - Eliminated tabbed alignment of regmap_config and i2c_driver struct members - Added register definitions for register addresses used in iqs621_cal_regs, iqs620at_cal_regs and iqs62x_devs arrays - Removed of_compatible string from IQS622 mfd_cell struct as its proximity (now ambient light) sensing functionality need not be represented using a child node - Dissolved union in iqs62x_event_data to allow simultaneous use of ir_flags and als_flags - Removed temp_flags member of iqs62x_event_data, IQS62X_EVENT_TEMP register enumeration and IQS62X_EVENT_UI_HI/LO from iqs620a_event_regs (thereby re- ducing IQS62X_EVENT_SIZE to 10) as they were unused drivers/mfd/Kconfig | 13 + drivers/mfd/Makefile | 1 + drivers/mfd/iqs62x.c | 1063 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ include/linux/mfd/iqs62x.h | 139 ++++++ 4 files changed, 1216 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/mfd/iqs62x.c create mode 100644 include/linux/mfd/iqs62x.h -- 2.7.4 diff --git a/drivers/mfd/Kconfig b/drivers/mfd/Kconfig index 2b20329..daefcb6 100644 --- a/drivers/mfd/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/mfd/Kconfig @@ -642,6 +642,19 @@ config MFD_IPAQ_MICRO AT90LS8535 microcontroller flashed with a special iPAQ firmware using the custom protocol implemented in this driver. +config MFD_IQS62X + tristate "Azoteq IQS620A/621/622/624/625 core support" + depends on I2C + select MFD_CORE + select REGMAP_I2C + help + Say Y here if you want to build core support for the Azoteq IQS620A, + IQS621, IQS622, IQS624 and IQS625 multi-function sensors. Additional + options must be selected to enable device-specific functions. + + To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module will + be called iqs62x. + config MFD_JANZ_CMODIO tristate "Janz CMOD-IO PCI MODULbus Carrier Board" select MFD_CORE diff --git a/drivers/mfd/Makefile b/drivers/mfd/Makefile index b83f172..f935d10 100644 --- a/drivers/mfd/Makefile +++ b/drivers/mfd/Makefile @@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_MFD_AS3711) += as3711.o obj-$(CONFIG_MFD_AS3722) += as3722.o obj-$(CONFIG_MFD_STW481X) += stw481x.o obj-$(CONFIG_MFD_IPAQ_MICRO) += ipaq-micro.o +obj-$(CONFIG_MFD_IQS62X) += iqs62x.o obj-$(CONFIG_MFD_MENF21BMC) += menf21bmc.o obj-$(CONFIG_MFD_HI6421_PMIC) += hi6421-pmic-core.o obj-$(CONFIG_MFD_HI655X_PMIC) += hi655x-pmic.o diff --git a/drivers/mfd/iqs62x.c b/drivers/mfd/iqs62x.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af764bc --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/mfd/iqs62x.c @@ -0,0 +1,1063 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ +/* + * Azoteq IQS620A/621/622/624/625 Multi-Function Sensors + * + * Copyright (C) 2019 Jeff LaBundy + * + * These devices rely on application-specific register settings and calibration + * data developed in and exported from a suite of GUIs offered by the vendor. A + * separate tool converts the GUIs' ASCII-based output into a standard firmware + * file parsed by the driver. + * + * Link to datasheets and GUIs: + * + * Link to conversion tool: + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define IQS62X_PROD_NUM 0x00 + +#define IQS62X_SYS_FLAGS 0x10 +#define IQS62X_SYS_FLAGS_IN_ATI BIT(2) + +#define IQS620_HALL_FLAGS 0x16 +#define IQS621_HALL_FLAGS 0x19 +#define IQS622_HALL_FLAGS IQS621_HALL_FLAGS + +#define IQS624_INTERVAL_NUM 0x18 +#define IQS625_INTERVAL_NUM 0x12 + +#define IQS622_PROX_SETTINGS_4 0x48 +#define IQS620_PROX_SETTINGS_4 0x50 +#define IQS620_PROX_SETTINGS_4_SAR_EN BIT(7) + +#define IQS621_ALS_CAL_DIV_LUX 0x82 +#define IQS621_ALS_CAL_DIV_IR 0x83 + +#define IQS620_TEMP_CAL_MULT 0xC2 +#define IQS620_TEMP_CAL_DIV 0xC3 +#define IQS620_TEMP_CAL_OFFS 0xC4 + +#define IQS62X_SYS_SETTINGS 0xD0 +#define IQS62X_SYS_SETTINGS_SOFT_RESET BIT(7) +#define IQS62X_SYS_SETTINGS_ACK_RESET BIT(6) +#define IQS62X_SYS_SETTINGS_EVENT_MODE BIT(5) +#define IQS62X_SYS_SETTINGS_CLK_DIV BIT(4) +#define IQS62X_SYS_SETTINGS_REDO_ATI BIT(1) + +#define IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS 0xD2 +#define IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS_DIS_AUTO BIT(5) +#define IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MASK (BIT(4) | BIT(3)) +#define IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_HALT (BIT(4) | BIT(3)) +#define IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_NORM 0 + +#define IQS62X_OTP_CMD 0xF0 +#define IQS62X_OTP_CMD_FG3 0x13 +#define IQS62X_OTP_DATA 0xF1 +#define IQS62X_MAX_REG 0xFF + +#define IQS62X_HALL_CAL_MASK GENMASK(3, 0) + +#define IQS62X_FW_REC_TYPE_INFO 0 +#define IQS62X_FW_REC_TYPE_PROD 1 +#define IQS62X_FW_REC_TYPE_HALL 2 +#define IQS62X_FW_REC_TYPE_MASK 3 +#define IQS62X_FW_REC_TYPE_DATA 4 + +#define IQS62X_ATI_POLL_SLEEP_US 10000 +#define IQS62X_ATI_POLL_TIMEOUT_US 500000 +#define IQS62X_ATI_STABLE_DELAY_MS 150 + +struct iqs62x_fw_rec { + u8 type; + u8 addr; + u8 len; + u8 data; +} __packed; + +struct iqs62x_fw_blk { + struct list_head list; + u8 addr; + u8 mask; + u8 len; + u8 data[]; +}; + +struct iqs62x_info { + u8 prod_num; + u8 sw_num; + u8 hw_num; +} __packed; + +static int iqs62x_dev_init(struct iqs62x_core *iqs62x) +{ + struct iqs62x_fw_blk *fw_blk; + unsigned int val; + int ret; + u8 clk_div = 1; + + list_for_each_entry(fw_blk, &iqs62x->fw_blk_head, list) { + if (fw_blk->mask) + ret = regmap_update_bits(iqs62x->regmap, fw_blk->addr, + fw_blk->mask, *fw_blk->data); + else + ret = regmap_raw_write(iqs62x->regmap, fw_blk->addr, + fw_blk->data, fw_blk->len); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + + switch (iqs62x->dev_desc->prod_num) { + case IQS620_PROD_NUM: + case IQS622_PROD_NUM: + ret = regmap_read(iqs62x->regmap, + iqs62x->dev_desc->prox_settings, &val); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (val & IQS620_PROX_SETTINGS_4_SAR_EN) + iqs62x->ui_sel = IQS62X_UI_SAR1; + + /* fall through */ + + case IQS621_PROD_NUM: + ret = regmap_write(iqs62x->regmap, IQS620_GLBL_EVENT_MASK, + IQS620_GLBL_EVENT_MASK_PMU | + iqs62x->dev_desc->prox_mask | + iqs62x->dev_desc->sar_mask | + iqs62x->dev_desc->hall_mask | + iqs62x->dev_desc->hyst_mask | + iqs62x->dev_desc->temp_mask | + iqs62x->dev_desc->als_mask | + iqs62x->dev_desc->ir_mask); + if (ret) + return ret; + break; + + default: + ret = regmap_write(iqs62x->regmap, IQS624_HALL_UI, + IQS624_HALL_UI_WHL_EVENT | + IQS624_HALL_UI_INT_EVENT | + IQS624_HALL_UI_AUTO_CAL); + if (ret) + return ret; + + /* + * The IQS625 default interval divider is below the minimum + * permissible value, and the datasheet mandates that it is + * corrected during initialization (unless an updated value + * has already been provided by firmware). + * + * To protect against an unacceptably low user-entered value + * stored in the firmware, the same check is extended to the + * IQS624 as well. + */ + ret = regmap_read(iqs62x->regmap, IQS624_INTERVAL_DIV, &val); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (val >= iqs62x->dev_desc->interval_div) + break; + + ret = regmap_write(iqs62x->regmap, IQS624_INTERVAL_DIV, + iqs62x->dev_desc->interval_div); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + + ret = regmap_read(iqs62x->regmap, IQS62X_SYS_SETTINGS, &val); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (val & IQS62X_SYS_SETTINGS_CLK_DIV) + clk_div = iqs62x->dev_desc->clk_div; + + ret = regmap_write(iqs62x->regmap, IQS62X_SYS_SETTINGS, val | + IQS62X_SYS_SETTINGS_ACK_RESET | + IQS62X_SYS_SETTINGS_EVENT_MODE | + IQS62X_SYS_SETTINGS_REDO_ATI); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = regmap_read_poll_timeout(iqs62x->regmap, IQS62X_SYS_FLAGS, val, + !(val & IQS62X_SYS_FLAGS_IN_ATI), + IQS62X_ATI_POLL_SLEEP_US, + IQS62X_ATI_POLL_TIMEOUT_US * clk_div); + if (ret) + return ret; + + msleep(IQS62X_ATI_STABLE_DELAY_MS * clk_div); + + return 0; +} + +static int iqs62x_firmware_parse(struct iqs62x_core *iqs62x, + const struct firmware *fw) +{ + struct i2c_client *client = iqs62x->client; + struct iqs62x_fw_rec *fw_rec; + struct iqs62x_fw_blk *fw_blk; + unsigned int val; + size_t pos = 0; + int ret = 0; + u8 mask, len, *data; + u8 hall_cal_index = 0; + + while (pos < fw->size) { + if (pos + sizeof(*fw_rec) > fw->size) { + ret = -EINVAL; + break; + } + fw_rec = (struct iqs62x_fw_rec *)(fw->data + pos); + pos += sizeof(*fw_rec); + + if (pos + fw_rec->len - 1 > fw->size) { + ret = -EINVAL; + break; + } + pos += fw_rec->len - 1; + + switch (fw_rec->type) { + case IQS62X_FW_REC_TYPE_INFO: + continue; + + case IQS62X_FW_REC_TYPE_PROD: + if (fw_rec->data == iqs62x->dev_desc->prod_num) + continue; + + dev_err(&client->dev, + "Incompatible product number: 0x%02X\n", + fw_rec->data); + ret = -EINVAL; + break; + + case IQS62X_FW_REC_TYPE_HALL: + if (!hall_cal_index) { + ret = regmap_write(iqs62x->regmap, + IQS62X_OTP_CMD, + IQS62X_OTP_CMD_FG3); + if (ret) + break; + + ret = regmap_read(iqs62x->regmap, + IQS62X_OTP_DATA, &val); + if (ret) + break; + + hall_cal_index = val & IQS62X_HALL_CAL_MASK; + if (!hall_cal_index) { + dev_err(&client->dev, + "Uncalibrated device\n"); + ret = -ENODATA; + break; + } + } + + if (hall_cal_index > fw_rec->len) { + ret = -EINVAL; + break; + } + + mask = 0; + data = &fw_rec->data + hall_cal_index - 1; + len = sizeof(*data); + break; + + case IQS62X_FW_REC_TYPE_MASK: + if (fw_rec->len < (sizeof(mask) + sizeof(*data))) { + ret = -EINVAL; + break; + } + + mask = fw_rec->data; + data = &fw_rec->data + sizeof(mask); + len = sizeof(*data); + break; + + case IQS62X_FW_REC_TYPE_DATA: + mask = 0; + data = &fw_rec->data; + len = fw_rec->len; + break; + + default: + dev_err(&client->dev, + "Unrecognized record type: 0x%02X\n", + fw_rec->type); + ret = -EINVAL; + } + + if (ret) + break; + + fw_blk = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev, + struct_size(fw_blk, data, len), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!fw_blk) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + break; + } + + fw_blk->addr = fw_rec->addr; + fw_blk->mask = mask; + fw_blk->len = len; + memcpy(fw_blk->data, data, len); + + list_add(&fw_blk->list, &iqs62x->fw_blk_head); + } + + release_firmware(fw); + + return ret; +} + +const struct iqs62x_event_desc iqs62x_events[IQS62X_NUM_EVENTS] = { + [IQS62X_EVENT_PROX_CH0_T] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_PROX, + .mask = BIT(4), + .val = BIT(4), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_PROX_CH0_P] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_PROX, + .mask = BIT(0), + .val = BIT(0), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_PROX_CH1_T] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_PROX, + .mask = BIT(5), + .val = BIT(5), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_PROX_CH1_P] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_PROX, + .mask = BIT(1), + .val = BIT(1), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_PROX_CH2_T] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_PROX, + .mask = BIT(6), + .val = BIT(6), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_PROX_CH2_P] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_PROX, + .mask = BIT(2), + .val = BIT(2), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_HYST_POS_T] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, + .mask = BIT(6) | BIT(7), + .val = BIT(6), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_HYST_POS_P] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, + .mask = BIT(5) | BIT(7), + .val = BIT(5), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_HYST_NEG_T] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, + .mask = BIT(6) | BIT(7), + .val = BIT(6) | BIT(7), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_HYST_NEG_P] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, + .mask = BIT(5) | BIT(7), + .val = BIT(5) | BIT(7), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_SAR1_ACT] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, + .mask = BIT(4), + .val = BIT(4), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_SAR1_QRD] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, + .mask = BIT(2), + .val = BIT(2), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_SAR1_MOVE] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, + .mask = BIT(1), + .val = BIT(1), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_SAR1_HALT] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, + .mask = BIT(0), + .val = BIT(0), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_WHEEL_UP] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_WHEEL, + .mask = BIT(7) | BIT(6), + .val = BIT(7), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_WHEEL_DN] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_WHEEL, + .mask = BIT(7) | BIT(6), + .val = BIT(7) | BIT(6), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_HALL_N_T] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_HALL, + .mask = BIT(2) | BIT(0), + .val = BIT(2), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_HALL_N_P] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_HALL, + .mask = BIT(1) | BIT(0), + .val = BIT(1), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_HALL_S_T] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_HALL, + .mask = BIT(2) | BIT(0), + .val = BIT(2) | BIT(0), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_HALL_S_P] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_HALL, + .mask = BIT(1) | BIT(0), + .val = BIT(1) | BIT(0), + }, + [IQS62X_EVENT_SYS_RESET] = { + .reg = IQS62X_EVENT_SYS, + .mask = BIT(7), + .val = BIT(7), + }, +}; +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(iqs62x_events); + +static irqreturn_t iqs62x_irq(int irq, void *context) +{ + struct iqs62x_core *iqs62x = context; + struct i2c_client *client = iqs62x->client; + struct iqs62x_event_data event_data; + struct iqs62x_event_desc event_desc; + enum iqs62x_event_reg event_reg; + unsigned long event_flags = 0; + int ret, i, j; + u8 event_map[IQS62X_EVENT_SIZE]; + + /* + * The device asserts the RDY output to signal the beginning of a + * communication window, which is closed by an I2C stop condition. + * As such, all interrupt status is captured in a single read and + * broadcast to any interested sub-device drivers. + */ + ret = regmap_raw_read(iqs62x->regmap, IQS62X_SYS_FLAGS, event_map, + sizeof(event_map)); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to read device status: %d\n", + ret); + return IRQ_NONE; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(event_map); i++) { + event_reg = iqs62x->dev_desc->event_regs[iqs62x->ui_sel][i]; + + switch (event_reg) { + case IQS62X_EVENT_UI_LO: + event_data.ui_data = get_unaligned_le16(&event_map[i]); + + /* fall through */ + + case IQS62X_EVENT_UI_HI: + case IQS62X_EVENT_NONE: + continue; + + case IQS62X_EVENT_ALS: + event_data.als_flags = event_map[i]; + continue; + + case IQS62X_EVENT_IR: + event_data.ir_flags = event_map[i]; + continue; + + case IQS62X_EVENT_INTER: + event_data.interval = event_map[i]; + continue; + + case IQS62X_EVENT_HYST: + event_map[i] <<= iqs62x->dev_desc->hyst_shift; + + /* fall through */ + + case IQS62X_EVENT_WHEEL: + case IQS62X_EVENT_HALL: + case IQS62X_EVENT_PROX: + case IQS62X_EVENT_SYS: + break; + } + + for (j = 0; j < IQS62X_NUM_EVENTS; j++) { + event_desc = iqs62x_events[j]; + + if (event_desc.reg != event_reg) + continue; + + if ((event_map[i] & event_desc.mask) == event_desc.val) + event_flags |= BIT(j); + } + } + + /* + * The device resets itself in response to the I2C master stalling + * communication past a fixed timeout. In this case, all registers + * are restored and any interested sub-device drivers are notified. + */ + if (event_flags & BIT(IQS62X_EVENT_SYS_RESET)) { + dev_err(&client->dev, "Unexpected device reset\n"); + + ret = iqs62x_dev_init(iqs62x); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&client->dev, + "Failed to re-initialize device: %d\n", ret); + return IRQ_NONE; + } + } + + ret = blocking_notifier_call_chain(&iqs62x->nh, event_flags, + &event_data); + if (ret & NOTIFY_STOP_MASK) + return IRQ_NONE; + + /* + * Once the communication window is closed, a small delay is added to + * ensure the device's RDY output has been deasserted by the time the + * interrupt handler returns. + */ + usleep_range(50, 100); + + return IRQ_HANDLED; +} + +static void iqs62x_firmware_load(const struct firmware *fw, void *context) +{ + struct iqs62x_core *iqs62x = context; + struct i2c_client *client = iqs62x->client; + int ret; + + if (fw) { + ret = iqs62x_firmware_parse(iqs62x, fw); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to parse firmware: %d\n", + ret); + goto err_out; + } + } + + ret = iqs62x_dev_init(iqs62x); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to initialize device: %d\n", ret); + goto err_out; + } + + ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(&client->dev, client->irq, + NULL, iqs62x_irq, IRQF_ONESHOT, + client->name, iqs62x); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to request IRQ: %d\n", ret); + goto err_out; + } + + ret = devm_mfd_add_devices(&client->dev, PLATFORM_DEVID_NONE, + iqs62x->dev_desc->sub_devs, + iqs62x->dev_desc->num_sub_devs, + NULL, 0, NULL); + if (ret) + dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to add sub-devices: %d\n", ret); + +err_out: + complete_all(&iqs62x->fw_done); +} + +static const struct mfd_cell iqs620at_sub_devs[] = { + { + .name = "iqs62x-keys", + .of_compatible = "azoteq,iqs620a-keys", + }, + { + .name = "iqs620a-pwm", + .of_compatible = "azoteq,iqs620a-pwm", + }, + { .name = "iqs620at-temp", }, +}; + +static const struct mfd_cell iqs620a_sub_devs[] = { + { + .name = "iqs62x-keys", + .of_compatible = "azoteq,iqs620a-keys", + }, + { + .name = "iqs620a-pwm", + .of_compatible = "azoteq,iqs620a-pwm", + }, +}; + +static const struct mfd_cell iqs621_sub_devs[] = { + { + .name = "iqs62x-keys", + .of_compatible = "azoteq,iqs621-keys", + }, + { .name = "iqs621-als", }, +}; + +static const struct mfd_cell iqs622_sub_devs[] = { + { + .name = "iqs62x-keys", + .of_compatible = "azoteq,iqs622-keys", + }, + { .name = "iqs621-als", }, +}; + +static const struct mfd_cell iqs624_sub_devs[] = { + { + .name = "iqs62x-keys", + .of_compatible = "azoteq,iqs624-keys", + }, + { .name = "iqs624-pos", }, +}; + +static const struct mfd_cell iqs625_sub_devs[] = { + { + .name = "iqs62x-keys", + .of_compatible = "azoteq,iqs625-keys", + }, + { .name = "iqs624-pos", }, +}; + +static const u8 iqs620at_cal_regs[] = { + IQS620_TEMP_CAL_MULT, + IQS620_TEMP_CAL_DIV, + IQS620_TEMP_CAL_OFFS, +}; + +static const u8 iqs621_cal_regs[] = { + IQS621_ALS_CAL_DIV_LUX, + IQS621_ALS_CAL_DIV_IR, +}; + +static const enum iqs62x_event_reg iqs620a_event_regs[][IQS62X_EVENT_SIZE] = { + [IQS62X_UI_PROX] = { + IQS62X_EVENT_SYS, /* 0x10 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_PROX, /* 0x12 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, /* 0x13 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_HALL, /* 0x16 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + }, + [IQS62X_UI_SAR1] = { + IQS62X_EVENT_SYS, /* 0x10 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, /* 0x13 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_HALL, /* 0x16 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + }, +}; + +static const enum iqs62x_event_reg iqs621_event_regs[][IQS62X_EVENT_SIZE] = { + [IQS62X_UI_PROX] = { + IQS62X_EVENT_SYS, /* 0x10 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_PROX, /* 0x12 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, /* 0x13 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_ALS, /* 0x16 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_UI_LO, /* 0x17 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_UI_HI, /* 0x18 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_HALL, /* 0x19 */ + }, +}; + +static const enum iqs62x_event_reg iqs622_event_regs[][IQS62X_EVENT_SIZE] = { + [IQS62X_UI_PROX] = { + IQS62X_EVENT_SYS, /* 0x10 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_PROX, /* 0x12 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_ALS, /* 0x14 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_IR, /* 0x16 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_UI_LO, /* 0x17 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_UI_HI, /* 0x18 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_HALL, /* 0x19 */ + }, + [IQS62X_UI_SAR1] = { + IQS62X_EVENT_SYS, /* 0x10 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, /* 0x13 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_ALS, /* 0x14 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_IR, /* 0x16 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_UI_LO, /* 0x17 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_UI_HI, /* 0x18 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_HALL, /* 0x19 */ + }, +}; + +static const enum iqs62x_event_reg iqs624_event_regs[][IQS62X_EVENT_SIZE] = { + [IQS62X_UI_PROX] = { + IQS62X_EVENT_SYS, /* 0x10 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_PROX, /* 0x12 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_WHEEL, /* 0x14 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_UI_LO, /* 0x16 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_UI_HI, /* 0x17 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_INTER, /* 0x18 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + }, +}; + +static const enum iqs62x_event_reg iqs625_event_regs[][IQS62X_EVENT_SIZE] = { + [IQS62X_UI_PROX] = { + IQS62X_EVENT_SYS, /* 0x10 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_PROX, /* 0x11 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_INTER, /* 0x12 */ + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + }, +}; + +static const struct iqs62x_dev_desc iqs62x_devs[] = { + { + .dev_name = "iqs620at", + .sub_devs = iqs620at_sub_devs, + .num_sub_devs = ARRAY_SIZE(iqs620at_sub_devs), + + .prod_num = IQS620_PROD_NUM, + .sw_num = 0x08, + .cal_regs = iqs620at_cal_regs, + .num_cal_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(iqs620at_cal_regs), + + .prox_mask = BIT(0), + .sar_mask = BIT(1) | BIT(7), + .hall_mask = BIT(2), + .hyst_mask = BIT(3), + .temp_mask = BIT(4), + + .prox_settings = IQS620_PROX_SETTINGS_4, + .hall_flags = IQS620_HALL_FLAGS, + + .clk_div = 4, + .fw_name = "iqs620a.bin", + .event_regs = &iqs620a_event_regs[IQS62X_UI_PROX], + }, + { + .dev_name = "iqs620a", + .sub_devs = iqs620a_sub_devs, + .num_sub_devs = ARRAY_SIZE(iqs620a_sub_devs), + + .prod_num = IQS620_PROD_NUM, + .sw_num = 0x08, + + .prox_mask = BIT(0), + .sar_mask = BIT(1) | BIT(7), + .hall_mask = BIT(2), + .hyst_mask = BIT(3), + .temp_mask = BIT(4), + + .prox_settings = IQS620_PROX_SETTINGS_4, + .hall_flags = IQS620_HALL_FLAGS, + + .clk_div = 4, + .fw_name = "iqs620a.bin", + .event_regs = &iqs620a_event_regs[IQS62X_UI_PROX], + }, + { + .dev_name = "iqs621", + .sub_devs = iqs621_sub_devs, + .num_sub_devs = ARRAY_SIZE(iqs621_sub_devs), + + .prod_num = IQS621_PROD_NUM, + .sw_num = 0x09, + .cal_regs = iqs621_cal_regs, + .num_cal_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(iqs621_cal_regs), + + .prox_mask = BIT(0), + .hall_mask = BIT(1), + .als_mask = BIT(2), + .hyst_mask = BIT(3), + .temp_mask = BIT(4), + + .als_flags = IQS621_ALS_FLAGS, + .hall_flags = IQS621_HALL_FLAGS, + .hyst_shift = 5, + + .clk_div = 2, + .fw_name = "iqs621.bin", + .event_regs = &iqs621_event_regs[IQS62X_UI_PROX], + }, + { + .dev_name = "iqs622", + .sub_devs = iqs622_sub_devs, + .num_sub_devs = ARRAY_SIZE(iqs622_sub_devs), + + .prod_num = IQS622_PROD_NUM, + .sw_num = 0x06, + + .prox_mask = BIT(0), + .sar_mask = BIT(1), + .hall_mask = BIT(2), + .als_mask = BIT(3), + .ir_mask = BIT(4), + + .prox_settings = IQS622_PROX_SETTINGS_4, + .als_flags = IQS622_ALS_FLAGS, + .hall_flags = IQS622_HALL_FLAGS, + + .clk_div = 2, + .fw_name = "iqs622.bin", + .event_regs = &iqs622_event_regs[IQS62X_UI_PROX], + }, + { + .dev_name = "iqs624", + .sub_devs = iqs624_sub_devs, + .num_sub_devs = ARRAY_SIZE(iqs624_sub_devs), + + .prod_num = IQS624_PROD_NUM, + .sw_num = 0x0B, + + .interval = IQS624_INTERVAL_NUM, + .interval_div = 3, + + .clk_div = 2, + .fw_name = "iqs624.bin", + .event_regs = &iqs624_event_regs[IQS62X_UI_PROX], + }, + { + .dev_name = "iqs625", + .sub_devs = iqs625_sub_devs, + .num_sub_devs = ARRAY_SIZE(iqs625_sub_devs), + + .prod_num = IQS625_PROD_NUM, + .sw_num = 0x0B, + + .interval = IQS625_INTERVAL_NUM, + .interval_div = 10, + + .clk_div = 2, + .fw_name = "iqs625.bin", + .event_regs = &iqs625_event_regs[IQS62X_UI_PROX], + }, +}; + +static const struct regmap_config iqs62x_map_config = { + .reg_bits = 8, + .val_bits = 8, + .max_register = IQS62X_MAX_REG, +}; + +static int iqs62x_probe(struct i2c_client *client) +{ + struct iqs62x_core *iqs62x; + struct iqs62x_info info; + unsigned int val; + int ret, i, j; + u8 sw_num = 0; + const char *fw_name = NULL; + + iqs62x = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev, sizeof(*iqs62x), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iqs62x) + return -ENOMEM; + + i2c_set_clientdata(client, iqs62x); + iqs62x->client = client; + + BLOCKING_INIT_NOTIFIER_HEAD(&iqs62x->nh); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&iqs62x->fw_blk_head); + init_completion(&iqs62x->fw_done); + + iqs62x->regmap = devm_regmap_init_i2c(client, &iqs62x_map_config); + if (IS_ERR(iqs62x->regmap)) { + ret = PTR_ERR(iqs62x->regmap); + dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to initialize register map: %d\n", + ret); + return ret; + } + + ret = regmap_raw_read(iqs62x->regmap, IQS62X_PROD_NUM, &info, + sizeof(info)); + if (ret) + return ret; + + /* + * The following sequence validates the device's product and software + * numbers. It then determines if the device is factory-calibrated by + * checking for nonzero values in the device's designated calibration + * registers (if applicable). Depending on the device, the absence of + * calibration data indicates a reduced feature set or invalid device. + * + * For devices given in both calibrated and uncalibrated versions, the + * calibrated version (e.g. IQS620AT) appears first in the iqs62x_devs + * array. The uncalibrated version (e.g. IQS620A) appears next and has + * the same product and software numbers, but no calibration registers + * are specified. + */ + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(iqs62x_devs); i++) { + if (info.prod_num != iqs62x_devs[i].prod_num) + continue; + + iqs62x->dev_desc = &iqs62x_devs[i]; + + if (info.sw_num < iqs62x->dev_desc->sw_num) + continue; + + sw_num = info.sw_num; + + /* + * Read each of the device's designated calibration registers, + * if any, and exit from the inner loop early if any are equal + * to zero (indicating the device is uncalibrated). This could + * be acceptable depending on the device (e.g. IQS620A instead + * of IQS620AT). + */ + for (j = 0; j < iqs62x->dev_desc->num_cal_regs; j++) { + ret = regmap_read(iqs62x->regmap, + iqs62x->dev_desc->cal_regs[j], &val); + if (ret) + return ret; + + if (!val) + break; + } + + /* + * If the number of nonzero values read from the device equals + * the number of designated calibration registers (which could + * be zero), exit from the outer loop early to signal that the + * device's product and software numbers match a known device, + * and the device is calibrated (if applicable). + */ + if (j == iqs62x->dev_desc->num_cal_regs) + break; + } + + if (!iqs62x->dev_desc) { + dev_err(&client->dev, "Unrecognized product number: 0x%02X\n", + info.prod_num); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (!sw_num) { + dev_err(&client->dev, "Unrecognized software number: 0x%02X\n", + info.sw_num); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(iqs62x_devs)) { + dev_err(&client->dev, "Uncalibrated device\n"); + return -ENODATA; + } + + device_property_read_string(&client->dev, "firmware-name", &fw_name); + + ret = request_firmware_nowait(THIS_MODULE, FW_ACTION_HOTPLUG, + fw_name ? : iqs62x->dev_desc->fw_name, + &client->dev, GFP_KERNEL, iqs62x, + iqs62x_firmware_load); + if (ret) + dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to request firmware: %d\n", ret); + + return ret; +} + +static int iqs62x_remove(struct i2c_client *client) +{ + struct iqs62x_core *iqs62x = i2c_get_clientdata(client); + + wait_for_completion(&iqs62x->fw_done); + + return 0; +} + +static int __maybe_unused iqs62x_suspend(struct device *dev) +{ + struct iqs62x_core *iqs62x = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + int ret; + + wait_for_completion(&iqs62x->fw_done); + + /* + * As per the datasheet, automatic mode switching must be disabled + * before the device is placed in or taken out of halt mode. + */ + ret = regmap_update_bits(iqs62x->regmap, IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS, + IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS_DIS_AUTO, 0xFF); + if (ret) + return ret; + + return regmap_update_bits(iqs62x->regmap, IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS, + IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MASK, + IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_HALT); +} + +static int __maybe_unused iqs62x_resume(struct device *dev) +{ + struct iqs62x_core *iqs62x = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + int ret; + + ret = regmap_update_bits(iqs62x->regmap, IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS, + IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_MASK, + IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS_PWR_MODE_NORM); + if (ret) + return ret; + + return regmap_update_bits(iqs62x->regmap, IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS, + IQS62X_PWR_SETTINGS_DIS_AUTO, 0); +} + +static SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(iqs62x_pm, iqs62x_suspend, iqs62x_resume); + +static const struct of_device_id iqs62x_of_match[] = { + { .compatible = "azoteq,iqs620a" }, + { .compatible = "azoteq,iqs621" }, + { .compatible = "azoteq,iqs622" }, + { .compatible = "azoteq,iqs624" }, + { .compatible = "azoteq,iqs625" }, + { } +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, iqs62x_of_match); + +static struct i2c_driver iqs62x_i2c_driver = { + .driver = { + .name = "iqs62x", + .of_match_table = iqs62x_of_match, + .pm = &iqs62x_pm, + }, + .probe_new = iqs62x_probe, + .remove = iqs62x_remove, +}; +module_i2c_driver(iqs62x_i2c_driver); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Jeff LaBundy "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Azoteq IQS620A/621/622/624/625 Multi-Function Sensors"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/include/linux/mfd/iqs62x.h b/include/linux/mfd/iqs62x.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..043d3b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/linux/mfd/iqs62x.h @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ +/* + * Azoteq IQS620A/621/622/624/625 Multi-Function Sensors + * + * Copyright (C) 2019 Jeff LaBundy + */ + +#ifndef __LINUX_MFD_IQS62X_H +#define __LINUX_MFD_IQS62X_H + +#define IQS620_PROD_NUM 0x41 +#define IQS621_PROD_NUM 0x46 +#define IQS622_PROD_NUM 0x42 +#define IQS624_PROD_NUM 0x43 +#define IQS625_PROD_NUM 0x4E + +#define IQS621_ALS_FLAGS 0x16 +#define IQS622_ALS_FLAGS 0x14 + +#define IQS624_HALL_UI 0x70 +#define IQS624_HALL_UI_WHL_EVENT BIT(4) +#define IQS624_HALL_UI_INT_EVENT BIT(3) +#define IQS624_HALL_UI_AUTO_CAL BIT(2) + +#define IQS624_INTERVAL_DIV 0x7D + +#define IQS620_GLBL_EVENT_MASK 0xD7 +#define IQS620_GLBL_EVENT_MASK_PMU BIT(6) + +#define IQS62X_NUM_KEYS 16 +#define IQS62X_NUM_EVENTS (IQS62X_NUM_KEYS + 5) + +#define IQS62X_EVENT_SIZE 10 + +enum iqs62x_ui_sel { + IQS62X_UI_PROX, + IQS62X_UI_SAR1, +}; + +enum iqs62x_event_reg { + IQS62X_EVENT_NONE, + IQS62X_EVENT_SYS, + IQS62X_EVENT_PROX, + IQS62X_EVENT_HYST, + IQS62X_EVENT_HALL, + IQS62X_EVENT_ALS, + IQS62X_EVENT_IR, + IQS62X_EVENT_WHEEL, + IQS62X_EVENT_INTER, + IQS62X_EVENT_UI_LO, + IQS62X_EVENT_UI_HI, +}; + +enum iqs62x_event_flag { + /* keys */ + IQS62X_EVENT_PROX_CH0_T, + IQS62X_EVENT_PROX_CH0_P, + IQS62X_EVENT_PROX_CH1_T, + IQS62X_EVENT_PROX_CH1_P, + IQS62X_EVENT_PROX_CH2_T, + IQS62X_EVENT_PROX_CH2_P, + IQS62X_EVENT_HYST_POS_T, + IQS62X_EVENT_HYST_POS_P, + IQS62X_EVENT_HYST_NEG_T, + IQS62X_EVENT_HYST_NEG_P, + IQS62X_EVENT_SAR1_ACT, + IQS62X_EVENT_SAR1_QRD, + IQS62X_EVENT_SAR1_MOVE, + IQS62X_EVENT_SAR1_HALT, + IQS62X_EVENT_WHEEL_UP, + IQS62X_EVENT_WHEEL_DN, + + /* switches */ + IQS62X_EVENT_HALL_N_T, + IQS62X_EVENT_HALL_N_P, + IQS62X_EVENT_HALL_S_T, + IQS62X_EVENT_HALL_S_P, + + /* everything else */ + IQS62X_EVENT_SYS_RESET, +}; + +struct iqs62x_event_data { + u16 ui_data; + u8 als_flags; + u8 ir_flags; + u8 interval; +}; + +struct iqs62x_event_desc { + enum iqs62x_event_reg reg; + u8 mask; + u8 val; +}; + +struct iqs62x_dev_desc { + const char *dev_name; + const struct mfd_cell *sub_devs; + int num_sub_devs; + + u8 prod_num; + u8 sw_num; + const u8 *cal_regs; + int num_cal_regs; + + u8 prox_mask; + u8 sar_mask; + u8 hall_mask; + u8 hyst_mask; + u8 temp_mask; + u8 als_mask; + u8 ir_mask; + + u8 prox_settings; + u8 als_flags; + u8 hall_flags; + u8 hyst_shift; + + u8 interval; + u8 interval_div; + + u8 clk_div; + const char *fw_name; + const enum iqs62x_event_reg (*event_regs)[IQS62X_EVENT_SIZE]; +}; + +struct iqs62x_core { + const struct iqs62x_dev_desc *dev_desc; + struct i2c_client *client; + struct regmap *regmap; + struct blocking_notifier_head nh; + struct list_head fw_blk_head; + struct completion fw_done; + enum iqs62x_ui_sel ui_sel; +}; + +extern const struct iqs62x_event_desc iqs62x_events[IQS62X_NUM_EVENTS]; + +#endif /* __LINUX_MFD_IQS62X_H */