@@ -5998,3 +5998,2505 @@ sat (PS * ps, int l)
if (need_to_reduce (ps))
reduce (ps, 50);
+ if (ps->conflicts >= ps->lrestart && ps->LEVEL > 2)
+ restart (ps);
+ decide (ps);
+ if (ps->failed_assumption)
+ count++;
+ }
+static void
+rebias (PS * ps)
+ Cls ** p, * c;
+ Var * v;
+ for (v = ps->vars + 1; v <= ps->vars + ps->max_var; v++)
+ v->assigned = 0;
+ memset (ps->jwh, 0, 2 * (ps->max_var + 1) * sizeof *ps->jwh);
+ for (p = ps->oclauses; p < ps->ohead; p++)
+ {
+ c = *p;
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ if (c->learned)
+ continue;
+ incjwh (ps, c);
+ }
+#ifdef TRACE
+static unsigned
+core (PS * ps)
+ unsigned idx, prev, this, delta, i, lcore, vcore;
+ unsigned *stack, *shead, *eos;
+ Lit **q, **eol, *lit;
+ Cls *c, *reason;
+ Znt *p, byte;
+ Zhn *zhain;
+ Var *v;
+ assert (ps->trace);
+ assert (ps->mtcls || ps->failed_assumption);
+ if (ps->ocore >= 0)
+ return ps->ocore;
+ lcore = ps->ocore = vcore = 0;
+ stack = shead = eos = 0;
+ ENLARGE (stack, shead, eos);
+ if (ps->mtcls)
+ {
+ idx = CLS2IDX (ps->mtcls);
+ *shead++ = idx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (ps->failed_assumption);
+ v = LIT2VAR (ps->failed_assumption);
+ reason = v->reason;
+ assert (reason);
+ idx = CLS2IDX (reason);
+ *shead++ = idx;
+ }
+ while (shead > stack)
+ {
+ idx = *--shead;
+ zhain = IDX2ZHN (idx);
+ if (zhain)
+ {
+ if (zhain->core)
+ continue;
+ zhain->core = 1;
+ lcore++;
+ c = IDX2CLS (idx);
+ if (c)
+ {
+ assert (!c->core);
+ c->core = 1;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ delta = 0;
+ prev = 0;
+ for (p = zhain->znt; (byte = *p); p++, i += 7)
+ {
+ delta |= (byte & 0x7f) << i;
+ if (byte & 0x80)
+ continue;
+ this = prev + delta;
+ assert (prev < this); /* no overflow */
+ if (shead == eos)
+ ENLARGE (stack, shead, eos);
+ *shead++ = this;
+ prev = this;
+ delta = 0;
+ i = -7;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = IDX2CLS (idx);
+ assert (c);
+ assert (!c->learned);
+ if (c->core)
+ continue;
+ c->core = 1;
+ ps->ocore++;
+ eol = end_of_lits (c);
+ for (q = c->lits; q < eol; q++)
+ {
+ lit = *q;
+ v = LIT2VAR (lit);
+ if (v->core)
+ continue;
+ v->core = 1;
+ vcore++;
+ if (!ps->failed_assumption) continue;
+ if (lit != ps->failed_assumption) continue;
+ reason = v->reason;
+ if (!reason) continue;
+ if (reason->core) continue;
+ idx = CLS2IDX (reason);
+ if (shead == eos)
+ ENLARGE (stack, shead, eos);
+ *shead++ = idx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DELETEN (stack, eos - stack);
+ if (ps->verbosity)
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%s%u core variables out of %u (%.1f%%)\n"
+ "%s%u core original clauses out of %u (%.1f%%)\n"
+ "%s%u core learned clauses out of %u (%.1f%%)\n",
+ ps->prefix, vcore, ps->max_var, PERCENT (vcore, ps->max_var),
+ ps->prefix, ps->ocore, ps->oadded, PERCENT (ps->ocore, ps->oadded),
+ ps->prefix, lcore, ps->ladded, PERCENT (lcore, ps->ladded));
+ return ps->ocore;
+static void
+trace_lits (PS * ps, Cls * c, FILE * file)
+ Lit **p, **eol = end_of_lits (c);
+ assert (c);
+ assert (c->core);
+ for (p = c->lits; p < eol; p++)
+ fprintf (file, "%d ", LIT2INT (*p));
+ fputc ('0', file);
+static void
+write_idx (PS * ps, unsigned idx, FILE * file)
+ fprintf (file, "%ld", EXPORTIDX (idx));
+static void
+trace_clause (PS * ps, unsigned idx, Cls * c, FILE * file, int fmt)
+ assert (c);
+ assert (c->core);
+ assert (fmt == RUP_TRACE_FMT || !c->learned);
+ assert (CLS2IDX (c) == idx);
+ if (fmt != RUP_TRACE_FMT)
+ {
+ write_idx (ps, idx, file);
+ fputc (' ', file);
+ }
+ trace_lits (ps, c, file);
+ if (fmt != RUP_TRACE_FMT)
+ fputs (" 0", file);
+ fputc ('\n', file);
+static void
+trace_zhain (PS * ps, unsigned idx, Zhn * zhain, FILE * file, int fmt)
+ unsigned prev, this, delta, i;
+ Znt *p, byte;
+ Cls * c;
+ assert (zhain);
+ assert (zhain->core);
+ write_idx (ps, idx, file);
+ fputc (' ', file);
+ {
+ c = IDX2CLS (idx);
+ assert (c);
+ trace_lits (ps, c, file);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ putc ('*', file);
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ delta = 0;
+ prev = 0;
+ for (p = zhain->znt; (byte = *p); p++, i += 7)
+ {
+ delta |= (byte & 0x7f) << i;
+ if (byte & 0x80)
+ continue;
+ this = prev + delta;
+ putc (' ', file);
+ write_idx (ps, this, file);
+ prev = this;
+ delta = 0;
+ i = -7;
+ }
+ fputs (" 0\n", file);
+static void
+write_core (PS * ps, FILE * file)
+ Lit **q, **eol;
+ Cls **p, *c;
+ fprintf (file, "p cnf %u %u\n", ps->max_var, core (ps));
+ for (p = SOC; p != EOC; p = NXC (p))
+ {
+ c = *p;
+ if (!c || c->learned || !c->core)
+ continue;
+ eol = end_of_lits (c);
+ for (q = c->lits; q < eol; q++)
+ fprintf (file, "%d ", LIT2INT (*q));
+ fputs ("0\n", file);
+ }
+static void
+write_trace (PS * ps, FILE * file, int fmt)
+#ifdef TRACE
+ Cls *c, ** p;
+ Zhn *zhain;
+ unsigned i;
+ core (ps);
+ if (fmt == RUP_TRACE_FMT)
+ {
+ ps->rupvariables = picosat_variables (ps),
+ ps->rupclauses = picosat_added_original_clauses (ps);
+ write_rup_header (ps, file);
+ }
+ for (p = SOC; p != EOC; p = NXC (p))
+ {
+ c = *p;
+ if (ps->oclauses <= p && p < ps->eoo)
+ {
+ i = OIDX2IDX (p - ps->oclauses);
+ assert (!c || CLS2IDX (c) == i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (ps->lclauses <= p && p < ps->EOL);
+ i = LIDX2IDX (p - ps->lclauses);
+ }
+ zhain = IDX2ZHN (i);
+ if (zhain)
+ {
+ if (zhain->core)
+ {
+ if (fmt == RUP_TRACE_FMT)
+ trace_clause (ps,i, c, file, fmt);
+ else
+ trace_zhain (ps, i, zhain, file, fmt);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c)
+ {
+ if (fmt != RUP_TRACE_FMT && c)
+ {
+ if (c->core)
+ trace_clause (ps, i, c, file, fmt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (void) file;
+ (void) fmt;
+ (void) ps;
+static void
+write_core_wrapper (PS * ps, FILE * file, int fmt)
+ (void) fmt;
+#ifdef TRACE
+ write_core (ps, file);
+ (void) ps;
+ (void) file;
+static Lit *
+import_lit (PS * ps, int lit, int nointernal)
+ Lit * res;
+ Var * v;
+ ABORTIF (lit == INT_MIN, "API usage: INT_MIN literal");
+ ABORTIF (abs (lit) > (int) ps->max_var && ps->CLS != ps->clshead,
+ "API usage: new variable index after 'picosat_push'");
+ if (abs (lit) <= (int) ps->max_var)
+ {
+ res = int2lit (ps, lit);
+ v = LIT2VAR (res);
+ if (nointernal && v->internal)
+ ABORT ("API usage: trying to import invalid literal");
+ else if (!nointernal && !v->internal)
+ ABORT ("API usage: trying to import invalid context");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (abs (lit) > (int) ps->max_var)
+ inc_max_var (ps);
+ res = int2lit (ps, lit);
+ }
+ return res;
+#ifdef TRACE
+static void
+reset_core (PS * ps)
+ Cls ** p, * c;
+ Zhn ** q, * z;
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 1; i <= ps->max_var; i++)
+ ps->vars[i].core = 0;
+ for (p = SOC; p != EOC; p = NXC (p))
+ if ((c = *p))
+ c->core = 0;
+ for (q = ps->zhains; q != ps->zhead; q++)
+ if ((z = *q))
+ z->core = 0;
+ ps->ocore = -1;
+static void
+reset_assumptions (PS * ps)
+ Lit ** p;
+ ps->failed_assumption = 0;
+ if (ps->extracted_all_failed_assumptions)
+ {
+ for (p = ps->als; p < ps->alshead; p++)
+ LIT2VAR (*p)->failed = 0;
+ ps->extracted_all_failed_assumptions = 0;
+ }
+ ps->alstail = ps->alshead = ps->als;
+ ps->adecidelevel = 0;
+static void
+check_ready (PS * ps)
+ ABORTIF (!ps || ps->state == RESET, "API usage: uninitialized");
+static void
+check_sat_state (PS * ps)
+ ABORTIF (ps->state != SAT, "API usage: expected to be in SAT state");
+static void
+check_unsat_state (PS * ps)
+ ABORTIF (ps->state != UNSAT, "API usage: expected to be in UNSAT state");
+static void
+check_sat_or_unsat_or_unknown_state (PS * ps)
+ ABORTIF (ps->state != SAT && ps->state != UNSAT && ps->state != UNKNOWN,
+ "API usage: expected to be in SAT, UNSAT, or UNKNOWN state");
+static void
+reset_partial (PS * ps)
+ unsigned idx;
+ if (!ps->partial)
+ return;
+ for (idx = 1; idx <= ps->max_var; idx++)
+ ps->vars[idx].partial = 0;
+ ps->partial = 0;
+static void
+reset_incremental_usage (PS * ps)
+ unsigned num_non_false;
+ Lit * lit, ** q;
+ check_sat_or_unsat_or_unknown_state (ps);
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%sRESET incremental usage\n", ps->prefix));
+ if (ps->LEVEL)
+ undo (ps, 0);
+ reset_assumptions (ps);
+ if (ps->conflict)
+ {
+ num_non_false = 0;
+ for (q = ps->conflict->lits; q < end_of_lits (ps->conflict); q++)
+ {
+ lit = *q;
+ if (lit->val != FALSE)
+ num_non_false++;
+ }
+ // assert (num_non_false >= 2); // TODO: why this assertion?
+ if (ps->conflict == &ps->cimpl)
+ resetcimpl (ps);
+#ifndef NADC
+ if (ps->conflict == ps->adoconflict)
+ resetadoconflict (ps);
+ ps->conflict = 0;
+ }
+#ifdef TRACE
+ reset_core (ps);
+ reset_partial (ps);
+ ps->saved_flips = ps->flips;
+ ps->min_flipped = UINT_MAX;
+ ps->saved_max_var = ps->max_var;
+ ps->state = READY;
+static void
+enter (PS * ps)
+ if (ps->nentered++)
+ return;
+ check_ready (ps);
+ ps->entered = picosat_time_stamp ();
+static void
+leave (PS * ps)
+ assert (ps->nentered);
+ if (--ps->nentered)
+ return;
+ sflush (ps);
+static void
+check_trace_support_and_execute (PS * ps,
+ FILE * file,
+ void (*f)(PS*,FILE*,int), int fmt)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ check_unsat_state (ps);
+#ifdef TRACE
+ ABORTIF (!ps->trace, "API usage: tracing disabled");
+ enter (ps);
+ f (ps, file, fmt);
+ leave (ps);
+ (void) file;
+ (void) fmt;
+ (void) f;
+ ABORT ("compiled without trace support");
+static void
+extract_all_failed_assumptions (PS * ps)
+ Lit ** p, ** eol;
+ Var * v, * u;
+ int pos;
+ Cls * c;
+ assert (!ps->extracted_all_failed_assumptions);
+ assert (ps->failed_assumption);
+ assert (ps->mhead == ps->marked);
+ if (ps->marked == ps->eom)
+ ENLARGE (ps->marked, ps->mhead, ps->eom);
+ v = LIT2VAR (ps->failed_assumption);
+ mark_var (ps, v);
+ pos = 0;
+ while (pos < ps->mhead - ps->marked)
+ {
+ v = ps->marked[pos++];
+ assert (v->mark);
+ c = var2reason (ps, v);
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ eol = end_of_lits (c);
+ for (p = c->lits; p < eol; p++)
+ {
+ u = LIT2VAR (*p);
+ if (!u->mark)
+ mark_var (ps, u);
+ }
+ if (c == &ps->impl)
+ resetimpl (ps);
+ }
+ for (p = ps->als; p < ps->alshead; p++)
+ {
+ u = LIT2VAR (*p);
+ if (!u->mark) continue;
+ u->failed = 1;
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%sfailed assumption %d\n",
+ ps->prefix, LIT2INT (*p)));
+ }
+ while (ps->mhead > ps->marked)
+ (*--ps->mhead)->mark = 0;
+ ps->extracted_all_failed_assumptions = 1;
+const char *
+picosat_copyright (void)
+ return "Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 Armin Biere JKU Linz";
+PicoSAT *
+picosat_init (void)
+ return init (0, 0, 0, 0);
+PicoSAT *
+picosat_minit (void * pmgr,
+ picosat_malloc pnew,
+ picosat_realloc presize,
+ picosat_free pfree)
+ ABORTIF (!pnew, "API usage: zero 'picosat_malloc' argument");
+ ABORTIF (!presize, "API usage: zero 'picosat_realloc' argument");
+ ABORTIF (!pfree, "API usage: zero 'picosat_free' argument");
+ return init (pmgr, pnew, presize, pfree);
+picosat_adjust (PS * ps, int new_max_var)
+ unsigned new_size_vars;
+ ABORTIF (abs (new_max_var) > (int) ps->max_var && ps->CLS != ps->clshead,
+ "API usage: adjusting variable index after 'picosat_push'");
+ enter (ps);
+ new_max_var = abs (new_max_var);
+ new_size_vars = new_max_var + 1;
+ if (ps->size_vars < new_size_vars)
+ enlarge (ps, new_size_vars);
+ while (ps->max_var < (unsigned) new_max_var)
+ inc_max_var (ps);
+ leave (ps);
+picosat_inc_max_var (PS * ps)
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ enter (ps);
+ else
+ check_ready (ps);
+ inc_max_var (ps);
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ leave (ps);
+ return ps->max_var;
+picosat_context (PS * ps)
+ return ps->clshead == ps->CLS ? 0 : LIT2INT (ps->clshead[-1]);
+picosat_push (PS * ps)
+ int res;
+ Lit *lit;
+ Var * v;
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ enter (ps);
+ else
+ check_ready (ps);
+ if (ps->state != READY)
+ reset_incremental_usage (ps);
+ if (ps->rils != ps->rilshead)
+ {
+ res = *--ps->rilshead;
+ assert (ps->vars[res].internal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ inc_max_var (ps);
+ res = ps->max_var;
+ v = ps->vars + res;
+ assert (!v->internal);
+ v->internal = 1;
+ ps->internals++;
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%snew internal variable index %d\n", ps->prefix, res));
+ }
+ lit = int2lit (ps, res);
+ if (ps->clshead == ps->eocls)
+ ENLARGE (ps->CLS, ps->clshead, ps->eocls);
+ *ps->clshead++ = lit;
+ ps->contexts++;
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%snew context %d at depth %ld after push\n",
+ ps->prefix, res, (long)(ps->clshead - ps->CLS)));
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ leave (ps);
+ return res;
+picosat_pop (PS * ps)
+ Lit * lit;
+ int res;
+ ABORTIF (ps->CLS == ps->clshead, "API usage: too many 'picosat_pop'");
+ ABORTIF (ps->added != ps->ahead, "API usage: incomplete clause");
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ enter (ps);
+ else
+ check_ready (ps);
+ if (ps->state != READY)
+ reset_incremental_usage (ps);
+ assert (ps->CLS < ps->clshead);
+ lit = *--ps->clshead;
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%sclosing context %d at depth %ld after pop\n",
+ ps->prefix, LIT2INT (lit), (long)(ps->clshead - ps->CLS) + 1));
+ if (ps->cilshead == ps->eocils)
+ ENLARGE (ps->cils, ps->cilshead, ps->eocils);
+ *ps->cilshead++ = LIT2INT (lit);
+ if (ps->cilshead - ps->cils > MAXCILS) {
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%srecycling %ld interals with forced simplification\n",
+ ps->prefix, (long)(ps->cilshead - ps->cils)));
+ simplify (ps, 1);
+ }
+ res = picosat_context (ps);
+ if (res)
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%snew context %d at depth %ld after pop\n",
+ ps->prefix, res, (long)(ps->clshead - ps->CLS)));
+ else
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%souter most context reached after pop\n", ps->prefix));
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ leave (ps);
+ return res;
+picosat_set_verbosity (PS * ps, int new_verbosity_level)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ ps->verbosity = new_verbosity_level;
+picosat_set_plain (PS * ps, int new_plain_value)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ ps->plain = new_plain_value;
+picosat_enable_trace_generation (PS * ps)
+ int res = 0;
+ check_ready (ps);
+#ifdef TRACE
+ ABORTIF (ps->addedclauses,
+ "API usage: trace generation enabled after adding clauses");
+ res = ps->trace = 1;
+ return res;
+picosat_set_incremental_rup_file (PS * ps, FILE * rup_file, int m, int n)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ assert (!ps->rupstarted);
+ ps->rup = rup_file;
+ ps->rupvariables = m;
+ ps->rupclauses = n;
+picosat_set_output (PS * ps, FILE * output_file)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ ps->out = output_file;
+picosat_measure_all_calls (PS * ps)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ ps->measurealltimeinlib = 1;
+picosat_set_prefix (PS * ps, const char * str)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ new_prefix (ps, str);
+picosat_set_seed (PS * ps, unsigned s)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ ps->srng = s;
+picosat_reset (PS * ps)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ reset (ps);
+picosat_add (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ int res = ps->oadded;
+ Lit *lit;
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ enter (ps);
+ else
+ check_ready (ps);
+ ABORTIF (ps->rup && ps->rupstarted && ps->oadded >= (unsigned)ps->rupclauses,
+ "API usage: adding too many clauses after RUP header written");
+#ifndef NADC
+ ABORTIF (ps->addingtoado,
+ "API usage: 'picosat_add' and 'picosat_add_ado_lit' mixed");
+ if (ps->state != READY)
+ reset_incremental_usage (ps);
+ if (ps->saveorig)
+ {
+ if (ps->sohead == ps->eoso)
+ ENLARGE (ps->soclauses, ps->sohead, ps->eoso);
+ *ps->sohead++ = int_lit;
+ }
+ if (int_lit)
+ {
+ lit = import_lit (ps, int_lit, 1);
+ add_lit (ps, lit);
+ }
+ else
+ simplify_and_add_original_clause (ps);
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ leave (ps);
+ return res;
+picosat_add_arg (PS * ps, ...)
+ int lit;
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start (ap, ps);
+ while ((lit = va_arg (ap, int)))
+ (void) picosat_add (ps, lit);
+ va_end (ap);
+ return picosat_add (ps, 0);
+picosat_add_lits (PS * ps, int * lits)
+ const int * p;
+ int lit;
+ for (p = lits; (lit = *p); p++)
+ (void) picosat_add (ps, lit);
+ return picosat_add (ps, 0);
+picosat_add_ado_lit (PS * ps, int external_lit)
+#ifndef NADC
+ Lit * internal_lit;
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ enter (ps);
+ else
+ check_ready (ps);
+ if (ps->state != READY)
+ reset_incremental_usage (ps);
+ ABORTIF (!ps->addingtoado && ps->ahead > ps->added,
+ "API usage: 'picosat_add' and 'picosat_add_ado_lit' mixed");
+ if (external_lit)
+ {
+ ps->addingtoado = 1;
+ internal_lit = import_lit (ps, external_lit, 1);
+ add_lit (ps, internal_lit);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ps->addingtoado = 0;
+ add_ado (ps);
+ }
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ leave (ps);
+ (void) ps;
+ (void) external_lit;
+ ABORT ("compiled without all different constraint support");
+static void
+assume (PS * ps, Lit * lit)
+ if (ps->alshead == ps->eoals)
+ {
+ assert (ps->alstail == ps->als);
+ ENLARGE (ps->als, ps->alshead, ps->eoals);
+ ps->alstail = ps->als;
+ }
+ *ps->alshead++ = lit;
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%sassumption %d\n", ps->prefix, LIT2INT (lit)));
+static void
+assume_contexts (PS * ps)
+ Lit ** p;
+ if (ps->als != ps->alshead)
+ return;
+ for (p = ps->CLS; p != ps->clshead; p++)
+ assume (ps, *p);
+#ifndef RCODE
+static const char * enumstr (int i) {
+ int last = i % 10;
+ if (last == 1) return "st";
+ if (last == 2) return "nd";
+ if (last == 3) return "rd";
+ return "th";
+static int
+tderef (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ Lit * lit;
+ Var * v;
+ assert (abs (int_lit) <= (int) ps->max_var);
+ lit = int2lit (ps, int_lit);
+ v = LIT2VAR (lit);
+ if (v->level > 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (lit->val == TRUE)
+ return 1;
+ if (lit->val == FALSE)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+static int
+pderef (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ Lit * lit;
+ Var * v;
+ assert (abs (int_lit) <= (int) ps->max_var);
+ v = ps->vars + abs (int_lit);
+ if (!v->partial)
+ return 0;
+ lit = int2lit (ps, int_lit);
+ if (lit->val == TRUE)
+ return 1;
+ if (lit->val == FALSE)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+static void
+minautarky (PS * ps)
+ unsigned * occs, maxoccs, tmpoccs, npartial;
+ int * p, * c, lit, best, val;
+#ifdef LOGGING
+ int tl;
+ assert (!ps->partial);
+ npartial = 0;
+ NEWN (occs, 2*ps->max_var + 1);
+ CLRN (occs, 2*ps->max_var + 1);
+ occs += ps->max_var;
+ for (p = ps->soclauses; p < ps->sohead; p++)
+ occs[*p]++;
+ assert (occs[0] == ps->oadded);
+ for (c = ps->soclauses; c < ps->sohead; c = p + 1)
+ {
+#ifdef LOGGING
+ tl = 0;
+ best = 0;
+ maxoccs = 0;
+ for (p = c; (lit = *p); p++)
+ {
+ val = tderef (ps, lit);
+ if (val < 0)
+ continue;
+ if (val > 0)
+ {
+#ifdef LOGGING
+ tl = 1;
+ best = lit;
+ maxoccs = occs[lit];
+ }
+ val = pderef (ps, lit);
+ if (val > 0)
+ break;
+ if (val < 0)
+ continue;
+ val = int2lit (ps, lit)->val;
+ assert (val);
+ if (val < 0)
+ continue;
+ tmpoccs = occs[lit];
+ if (best && tmpoccs <= maxoccs)
+ continue;
+ best = lit;
+ maxoccs = tmpoccs;
+ }
+ if (!lit)
+ {
+ assert (best);
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%sautark %d with %d occs%s\n",
+ ps->prefix, best, maxoccs, tl ? " (top)" : ""));
+ ps->vars[abs (best)].partial = 1;
+ npartial++;
+ }
+ for (p = c; (lit = *p); p++)
+ {
+ assert (occs[lit] > 0);
+ occs[lit]--;
+ }
+ }
+ occs -= ps->max_var;
+ DELETEN (occs, 2*ps->max_var + 1);
+ ps->partial = 1;
+ if (ps->verbosity)
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%sautarky of size %u out of %u satisfying all clauses (%.1f%%)\n",
+ ps->prefix, npartial, ps->max_var, PERCENT (npartial, ps->max_var));
+picosat_assume (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ Lit *lit;
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ enter (ps);
+ else
+ check_ready (ps);
+ if (ps->state != READY)
+ reset_incremental_usage (ps);
+ assume_contexts (ps);
+ lit = import_lit (ps, int_lit, 1);
+ assume (ps, lit);
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ leave (ps);
+picosat_sat (PS * ps, int l)
+ int res;
+ char ch;
+ enter (ps);
+ ps->calls++;
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%sSTART call %u\n", ps->prefix, ps->calls));
+ if (ps->added < ps->ahead)
+ {
+#ifndef NADC
+ if (ps->addingtoado)
+ ABORT ("API usage: incomplete all different constraint");
+ else
+ ABORT ("API usage: incomplete clause");
+ }
+ if (ps->state != READY)
+ reset_incremental_usage (ps);
+ assume_contexts (ps);
+ res = sat (ps, l);
+ assert (ps->state == READY);
+ switch (res)
+ {
+ ch = '0';
+ ps->state = UNSAT;
+ break;
+ ch = '1';
+ ps->state = SAT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ch = '?';
+ ps->state = UNKNOWN;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ps->verbosity)
+ {
+ report (ps, 1, ch);
+ rheader (ps);
+ }
+ leave (ps);
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%sEND call %u result %d\n", ps->prefix, ps->calls, res));
+ ps->last_sat_call_result = res;
+ return res;
+picosat_res (PS * ps)
+ return ps->last_sat_call_result;
+picosat_deref (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ Lit *lit;
+ check_ready (ps);
+ check_sat_state (ps);
+ ABORTIF (!int_lit, "API usage: can not deref zero literal");
+ ABORTIF (ps->mtcls, "API usage: deref after empty clause generated");
+#ifdef STATS
+ ps->derefs++;
+ if (abs (int_lit) > (int) ps->max_var)
+ return 0;
+ lit = int2lit (ps, int_lit);
+ if (lit->val == TRUE)
+ return 1;
+ if (lit->val == FALSE)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+picosat_deref_toplevel (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ ABORTIF (!int_lit, "API usage: can not deref zero literal");
+#ifdef STATS
+ ps->derefs++;
+ if (abs (int_lit) > (int) ps->max_var)
+ return 0;
+ return tderef (ps, int_lit);
+picosat_inconsistent (PS * ps)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ return ps->mtcls != 0;
+picosat_corelit (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ check_unsat_state (ps);
+ ABORTIF (!int_lit, "API usage: zero literal can not be in core");
+ assert (ps->mtcls || ps->failed_assumption);
+#ifdef TRACE
+ {
+ int res = 0;
+ ABORTIF (!ps->trace, "tracing disabled");
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ enter (ps);
+ core (ps);
+ if (abs (int_lit) <= (int) ps->max_var)
+ res = ps->vars[abs (int_lit)].core;
+ assert (!res || ps->failed_assumption || ps->vars[abs (int_lit)].used);
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ leave (ps);
+ return res;
+ }
+ ABORT ("compiled without trace support");
+ return 0;
+picosat_coreclause (PS * ps, int ocls)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ check_unsat_state (ps);
+ ABORTIF (ocls < 0, "API usage: negative original clause index");
+ ABORTIF (ocls >= (int)ps->oadded, "API usage: original clause index exceeded");
+ assert (ps->mtcls || ps->failed_assumption);
+#ifdef TRACE
+ {
+ Cls ** clsptr, * c;
+ int res = 0;
+ ABORTIF (!ps->trace, "tracing disabled");
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ enter (ps);
+ core (ps);
+ clsptr = ps->oclauses + ocls;
+ assert (clsptr < ps->ohead);
+ c = *clsptr;
+ if (c)
+ res = c->core;
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ leave (ps);
+ return res;
+ }
+ ABORT ("compiled without trace support");
+ return 0;
+picosat_failed_assumption (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ Lit * lit;
+ Var * v;
+ ABORTIF (!int_lit, "API usage: zero literal as assumption");
+ check_ready (ps);
+ check_unsat_state (ps);
+ if (ps->mtcls)
+ return 0;
+ assert (ps->failed_assumption);
+ if (abs (int_lit) > (int) ps->max_var)
+ return 0;
+ if (!ps->extracted_all_failed_assumptions)
+ extract_all_failed_assumptions (ps);
+ lit = import_lit (ps, int_lit, 1);
+ v = LIT2VAR (lit);
+ return v->failed;
+picosat_failed_context (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ Lit * lit;
+ Var * v;
+ ABORTIF (!int_lit, "API usage: zero literal as context");
+ ABORTIF (abs (int_lit) > (int) ps->max_var, "API usage: invalid context");
+ check_ready (ps);
+ check_unsat_state (ps);
+ assert (ps->failed_assumption);
+ if (!ps->extracted_all_failed_assumptions)
+ extract_all_failed_assumptions (ps);
+ lit = import_lit (ps, int_lit, 0);
+ v = LIT2VAR (lit);
+ return v->failed;
+const int *
+picosat_failed_assumptions (PS * ps)
+ Lit ** p, * lit;
+ Var * v;
+ int ilit;
+ ps->falshead = ps->fals;
+ check_ready (ps);
+ check_unsat_state (ps);
+ if (!ps->mtcls)
+ {
+ assert (ps->failed_assumption);
+ if (!ps->extracted_all_failed_assumptions)
+ extract_all_failed_assumptions (ps);
+ for (p = ps->als; p < ps->alshead; p++)
+ {
+ lit = *p;
+ v = LIT2VAR (*p);
+ if (!v->failed)
+ continue;
+ ilit = LIT2INT (lit);
+ if (ps->falshead == ps->eofals)
+ ENLARGE (ps->fals, ps->falshead, ps->eofals);
+ *ps->falshead++ = ilit;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ps->falshead == ps->eofals)
+ ENLARGE (ps->fals, ps->falshead, ps->eofals);
+ *ps->falshead++ = 0;
+ return ps->fals;
+const int *
+picosat_mus_assumptions (PS * ps, void * s, void (*cb)(void*,const int*), int fix)
+ int i, j, ilit, len, nwork, * work, res;
+ signed char * redundant;
+ Lit ** p, * lit;
+ int failed;
+ Var * v;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ int oldlen;
+#ifndef RCODE
+ int norig = ps->alshead - ps->als;
+ check_ready (ps);
+ check_unsat_state (ps);
+ len = 0;
+ if (!ps->mtcls)
+ {
+ assert (ps->failed_assumption);
+ if (!ps->extracted_all_failed_assumptions)
+ extract_all_failed_assumptions (ps);
+ for (p = ps->als; p < ps->alshead; p++)
+ if (LIT2VAR (*p)->failed)
+ len++;
+ }
+ if (ps->mass)
+ DELETEN (ps->mass, ps->szmass);
+ ps->szmass = len + 1;
+ NEWN (ps->mass, ps->szmass);
+ i = 0;
+ for (p = ps->als; p < ps->alshead; p++)
+ {
+ lit = *p;
+ v = LIT2VAR (lit);
+ if (!v->failed)
+ continue;
+ ilit = LIT2INT (lit);
+ assert (i < len);
+ ps->mass[i++] = ilit;
+ }
+ assert (i == len);
+ ps->mass[i] = 0;
+ if (ps->verbosity)
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%sinitial set of failed assumptions of size %d out of %d (%.0f%%)\n",
+ ps->prefix, len, norig, PERCENT (len, norig));
+ if (cb)
+ cb (s, ps->mass);
+ nwork = len;
+ NEWN (work, nwork);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ work[i] = ps->mass[i];
+ NEWN (redundant, nwork);
+ CLRN (redundant, nwork);
+ for (i = 0; i < nwork; i++)
+ {
+ if (redundant[i])
+ continue;
+ if (ps->verbosity > 1)
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%strying to drop %d%s assumption %d\n",
+ ps->prefix, i, enumstr (i), work[i]);
+ for (j = 0; j < nwork; j++)
+ {
+ if (i == j) continue;
+ if (j < i && fix) continue;
+ if (redundant[j]) continue;
+ picosat_assume (ps, work[j]);
+ }
+ res = picosat_sat (ps, -1);
+ if (res == 10)
+ {
+ if (ps->verbosity > 1)
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%sfailed to drop %d%s assumption %d\n",
+ ps->prefix, i, enumstr (i), work[i]);
+ if (fix)
+ {
+ picosat_add (ps, work[i]);
+ picosat_add (ps, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (res == 20);
+ if (ps->verbosity > 1)
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%ssuceeded to drop %d%s assumption %d\n",
+ ps->prefix, i, enumstr (i), work[i]);
+ redundant[i] = 1;
+ for (j = 0; j < nwork; j++)
+ {
+ failed = picosat_failed_assumption (ps, work[j]);
+ if (j <= i)
+ {
+ assert ((j < i && fix) || redundant[j] == !failed);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!failed)
+ {
+ redundant[j] = -1;
+ if (ps->verbosity > 1)
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%salso suceeded to drop %d%s assumption %d\n",
+ ps->prefix, j, enumstr (j), work[j]);
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ oldlen = len;
+ len = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < nwork; j++)
+ if (!redundant[j])
+ ps->mass[len++] = work[j];
+ ps->mass[len] = 0;
+ assert (len < oldlen);
+ if (fix)
+ {
+ picosat_add (ps, -work[i]);
+ picosat_add (ps, 0);
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
+ assert (redundant[j] >= 0);
+ for (j = i + 1; j < nwork; j++)
+ {
+ if (redundant[j] >= 0)
+ continue;
+ if (fix)
+ {
+ picosat_add (ps, -work[j]);
+ picosat_add (ps, 0);
+ }
+ redundant[j] = 1;
+ }
+ if (ps->verbosity)
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%sreduced set of failed assumptions of size %d out of %d (%.0f%%)\n",
+ ps->prefix, len, norig, PERCENT (len, norig));
+ if (cb)
+ cb (s, ps->mass);
+ }
+ }
+ DELETEN (work, nwork);
+ DELETEN (redundant, nwork);
+ if (ps->verbosity)
+ {
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%sreinitializing unsat state\n", ps->prefix);
+ fflush (ps->out);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ picosat_assume (ps, ps->mass[i]);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ res =
+ picosat_sat (ps, -1);
+ assert (res == 20);
+ if (!ps->mtcls)
+ {
+ assert (!ps->extracted_all_failed_assumptions);
+ extract_all_failed_assumptions (ps);
+ }
+ return ps->mass;
+static const int *
+mss (PS * ps, int * a, int size)
+ int i, j, k, res;
+ assert (!ps->mtcls);
+ if (ps->szmssass)
+ DELETEN (ps->mssass, ps->szmssass);
+ ps->szmssass = 0;
+ ps->mssass = 0;
+ ps->szmssass = size + 1;
+ NEWN (ps->mssass, ps->szmssass);
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%ssearch MSS over %d assumptions\n", ps->prefix, size));
+ k = 0;
+ for (i = k; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
+ picosat_assume (ps, ps->mssass[j]);
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%strying to add assumption %d to MSS : %d\n",
+ ps->prefix, i, a[i]));
+ picosat_assume (ps, a[i]);
+ res = picosat_sat (ps, -1);
+ if (res == 10)
+ {
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%sadding assumption %d to MSS : %d\n", ps->prefix, i, a[i]));
+ ps->mssass[k++] = a[i];
+ for (j = i + 1; j < size; j++)
+ {
+ if (picosat_deref (ps, a[j]) <= 0)
+ continue;
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%salso adding assumption %d to MSS : %d\n",
+ ps->prefix, j, a[j]));
+ ps->mssass[k++] = a[j];
+ if (++i != j)
+ {
+ int tmp = a[i];
+ a[i] = a[j];
+ a[j] = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (res == 20);
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%signoring assumption %d in MSS : %d\n", ps->prefix, i, a[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ ps->mssass[k] = 0;
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%sfound MSS of size %d\n", ps->prefix, k));
+ return ps->mssass;
+static void
+reassume (PS * ps, const int * a, int size)
+ int i;
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out, "%sreassuming all assumptions\n", ps->prefix));
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ picosat_assume (ps, a[i]);
+const int *
+picosat_maximal_satisfiable_subset_of_assumptions (PS * ps)
+ const int * res;
+ int i, *a, size;
+ ABORTIF (ps->mtcls,
+ "API usage: CNF inconsistent (use 'picosat_inconsistent')");
+ enter (ps);
+ size = ps->alshead - ps->als;
+ NEWN (a, size);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ a[i] = LIT2INT (ps->als[i]);
+ res = mss (ps, a, size);
+ reassume (ps, a, size);
+ DELETEN (a, size);
+ leave (ps);
+ return res;
+static void
+check_mss_flags_clean (PS * ps)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 1; i <= ps->max_var; i++)
+ {
+ assert (!ps->vars[i].msspos);
+ assert (!ps->vars[i].mssneg);
+ }
+ (void) ps;
+static void
+push_mcsass (PS * ps, int lit)
+ if (ps->nmcsass == ps->szmcsass)
+ {
+ ps->szmcsass = ps->szmcsass ? 2*ps->szmcsass : 1;
+ RESIZEN (ps->mcsass, ps->nmcsass, ps->szmcsass);
+ }
+ ps->mcsass[ps->nmcsass++] = lit;
+static const int *
+next_mss (PS * ps, int mcs)
+ int i, *a, size, mssize, mcsize, lit, inmss;
+ const int * res, * p;
+ Var * v;
+ if (ps->mtcls) return 0;
+ check_mss_flags_clean (ps);
+ if (mcs && ps->mcsass)
+ {
+ DELETEN (ps->mcsass, ps->szmcsass);
+ ps->nmcsass = ps->szmcsass = 0;
+ ps->mcsass = 0;
+ }
+ size = ps->alshead - ps->als;
+ NEWN (a, size);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ a[i] = LIT2INT (ps->als[i]);
+ (void) picosat_sat (ps, -1);
+ //TODO short cut for 'picosat_res () == 10'?
+ if (ps->mtcls)
+ {
+ assert (picosat_res (ps) == 20);
+ res = 0;
+ goto DONE;
+ }
+ res = mss (ps, a, size);
+ if (ps->mtcls)
+ {
+ res = 0;
+ goto DONE;
+ }
+ for (p = res; (lit = *p); p++)
+ {
+ v = ps->vars + abs (lit);
+ if (lit < 0)
+ {
+ assert (!v->msspos);
+ v->mssneg = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (!v->mssneg);
+ v->msspos = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ mssize = p - res;
+ mcsize = INT_MIN;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ lit = a[i];
+ v = ps->vars + abs (lit);
+ if (lit > 0 && v->msspos)
+ inmss = 1;
+ else if (lit < 0 && v->mssneg)
+ inmss = 1;
+ else
+ inmss = 0;
+ if (mssize < mcsize)
+ {
+ if (inmss)
+ picosat_add (ps, -lit);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!inmss)
+ picosat_add (ps, lit);
+ }
+ if (!inmss && mcs)
+ push_mcsass (ps, lit);
+ }
+ picosat_add (ps, 0);
+ if (mcs)
+ push_mcsass (ps, 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ lit = a[i];
+ v = ps->vars + abs (lit);
+ v->msspos = 0;
+ v->mssneg = 0;
+ }
+ reassume (ps, a, size);
+ DELETEN (a, size);
+ return res;
+const int *
+picosat_next_maximal_satisfiable_subset_of_assumptions (PS * ps)
+ const int * res;
+ enter (ps);
+ res = next_mss (ps, 0);
+ leave (ps);
+ return res;
+const int *
+picosat_next_minimal_correcting_subset_of_assumptions (PS * ps)
+ const int * res, * tmp;
+ enter (ps);
+ tmp = next_mss (ps, 1);
+ res = tmp ? ps->mcsass : 0;
+ leave (ps);
+ return res;
+const int *
+picosat_humus (PS * ps,
+ void (*callback)(void*state,int nmcs,int nhumus),
+ void * state)
+ int lit, nmcs, j, nhumus;
+ const int * mcs, * p;
+ unsigned i;
+ Var * v;
+ enter (ps);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (i = 1; i <= ps->max_var; i++)
+ {
+ v = ps->vars + i;
+ assert (!v->humuspos);
+ assert (!v->humusneg);
+ }
+ nhumus = nmcs = 0;
+ while ((mcs = picosat_next_minimal_correcting_subset_of_assumptions (ps)))
+ {
+ for (p = mcs; (lit = *p); p++)
+ {
+ v = ps->vars + abs (lit);
+ if (lit < 0)
+ {
+ if (!v->humusneg)
+ {
+ v->humusneg = 1;
+ nhumus++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!v->humuspos)
+ {
+ v->humuspos = 1;
+ nhumus++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nmcs++;
+ LOG ( fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%smcs %d of size %d humus %d\n",
+ ps->prefix, nmcs, (int)(p - mcs), nhumus));
+ if (callback)
+ callback (state, nmcs, nhumus);
+ }
+ assert (!ps->szhumus);
+ ps->szhumus = 1;
+ for (i = 1; i <= ps->max_var; i++)
+ {
+ v = ps->vars + i;
+ if (v->humuspos)
+ ps->szhumus++;
+ if (v->humusneg)
+ ps->szhumus++;
+ }
+ assert (nhumus + 1 == ps->szhumus);
+ NEWN (ps->humus, ps->szhumus);
+ j = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i <= ps->max_var; i++)
+ {
+ v = ps->vars + i;
+ if (v->humuspos)
+ {
+ assert (j < nhumus);
+ ps->humus[j++] = (int) i;
+ }
+ if (v->humusneg)
+ {
+ assert (j < nhumus);
+ assert (i < INT_MAX);
+ ps->humus[j++] = - (int) i;
+ }
+ }
+ assert (j == nhumus);
+ assert (j < ps->szhumus);
+ ps->humus[j] = 0;
+ leave (ps);
+ return ps->humus;
+picosat_usedlit (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ int res;
+ check_ready (ps);
+ check_sat_or_unsat_or_unknown_state (ps);
+ ABORTIF (!int_lit, "API usage: zero literal can not be used");
+ int_lit = abs (int_lit);
+ res = (int_lit <= (int) ps->max_var) ? ps->vars[int_lit].used : 0;
+ return res;
+picosat_write_clausal_core (PS * ps, FILE * file)
+ check_trace_support_and_execute (ps, file, write_core_wrapper, 0);
+picosat_write_compact_trace (PS * ps, FILE * file)
+ check_trace_support_and_execute (ps, file, write_trace,
+picosat_write_extended_trace (PS * ps, FILE * file)
+ check_trace_support_and_execute (ps, file, write_trace,
+picosat_write_rup_trace (PS * ps, FILE * file)
+ check_trace_support_and_execute (ps, file, write_trace, RUP_TRACE_FMT);
+picosat_max_bytes_allocated (PS * ps)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ return ps->max_bytes;
+picosat_set_propagation_limit (PS * ps, unsigned long long l)
+ ps->lpropagations = l;
+unsigned long long
+picosat_propagations (PS * ps)
+ return ps->propagations;
+unsigned long long
+picosat_visits (PS * ps)
+ return ps->visits;
+unsigned long long
+picosat_decisions (PS * ps)
+ return ps->decisions;
+picosat_variables (PS * ps)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ return (int) ps->max_var;
+picosat_added_original_clauses (PS * ps)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ return (int) ps->oadded;
+picosat_stats (PS * ps)
+#ifndef RCODE
+ unsigned redlits;
+#ifdef STATS
+ check_ready (ps);
+ assert (ps->sdecisions + ps->rdecisions + ps->assumptions == ps->decisions);
+ if (ps->calls > 1)
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%u calls\n", ps->prefix, ps->calls);
+ if (ps->contexts)
+ {
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%u contexts", ps->prefix, ps->contexts);
+#ifdef STATS
+ fprintf (ps->out, " %u internal variables", ps->internals);
+ fprintf (ps->out, "\n");
+ }
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%u iterations\n", ps->prefix, ps->iterations);
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%u restarts", ps->prefix, ps->restarts);
+#ifdef STATS
+ fprintf (ps->out, " (%u skipped)", ps->skippedrestarts);
+ fputc ('\n', ps->out);
+#ifndef NFL
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%u failed literals", ps->prefix, ps->failedlits);
+#ifdef STATS
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ ", %u calls, %u rounds, %llu propagations",
+ ps->flcalls, ps->flrounds, ps->flprops);
+ fputc ('\n', ps->out);
+#ifdef STATS
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%sfl: %u = %.1f%% implicit, %llu oopsed, %llu tried, %llu skipped\n",
+ ps->prefix,
+ ps->ifailedlits, PERCENT (ps->ifailedlits, ps->failedlits),
+ ps->floopsed, ps->fltried, ps->flskipped);
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%u conflicts", ps->prefix, ps->conflicts);
+#ifdef STATS
+ fprintf (ps->out, " (%u uips = %.1f%%)\n", ps->uips, PERCENT(ps->uips,ps->conflicts));
+ fputc ('\n', ps->out);
+#ifndef NADC
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%u adc conflicts\n", ps->prefix, ps->adoconflicts);
+#ifdef STATS
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%llu dereferenced literals\n", ps->prefix, ps->derefs);
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%u decisions", ps->prefix, ps->decisions);
+#ifdef STATS
+ fprintf (ps->out, " (%u random = %.2f%%",
+ ps->rdecisions, PERCENT (ps->rdecisions, ps->decisions));
+ fprintf (ps->out, ", %u assumptions", ps->assumptions);
+ fputc (')', ps->out);
+ fputc ('\n', ps->out);
+#ifdef STATS
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%s%u static phase decisions (%.1f%% of all variables)\n",
+ ps->prefix,
+ ps->staticphasedecisions, PERCENT (ps->staticphasedecisions, ps->max_var));
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%u fixed variables\n", ps->prefix, ps->fixed);
+ assert (ps->nonminimizedllits >= ps->minimizedllits);
+#ifndef RCODE
+ redlits = ps->nonminimizedllits - ps->minimizedllits;
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%u learned literals\n", ps->prefix, ps->llitsadded);
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%.1f%% deleted literals\n",
+ ps->prefix, PERCENT (redlits, ps->nonminimizedllits));
+#ifdef STATS
+#ifdef TRACE
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%s%llu antecedents (%.1f antecedents per clause",
+ ps->prefix, ps->antecedents, AVERAGE (ps->antecedents, ps->conflicts));
+ if (ps->trace)
+ fprintf (ps->out, ", %.1f bytes/antecedent)", AVERAGE (ps->znts, ps->antecedents));
+ fputs (")\n", ps->out);
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%llu propagations (%.1f propagations per decision)\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->propagations, AVERAGE (ps->propagations, ps->decisions));
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%llu visits (%.1f per propagation)\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->visits, AVERAGE (ps->visits, ps->propagations));
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%s%llu binary clauses visited (%.1f%% %.1f per propagation)\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->bvisits,
+ PERCENT (ps->bvisits, ps->visits),
+ AVERAGE (ps->bvisits, ps->propagations));
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%s%llu ternary clauses visited (%.1f%% %.1f per propagation)\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->tvisits,
+ PERCENT (ps->tvisits, ps->visits),
+ AVERAGE (ps->tvisits, ps->propagations));
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%s%llu large clauses visited (%.1f%% %.1f per propagation)\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->lvisits,
+ PERCENT (ps->lvisits, ps->visits),
+ AVERAGE (ps->lvisits, ps->propagations));
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%llu other true (%.1f%% of visited clauses)\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->othertrue, PERCENT (ps->othertrue, ps->visits));
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%s%llu other true in binary clauses (%.1f%%)"
+ ", %llu upper (%.1f%%)\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->othertrue2, PERCENT (ps->othertrue2, ps->othertrue),
+ ps->othertrue2u, PERCENT (ps->othertrue2u, ps->othertrue2));
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%s%llu other true in large clauses (%.1f%%)"
+ ", %llu upper (%.1f%%)\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->othertruel, PERCENT (ps->othertruel, ps->othertrue),
+ ps->othertruelu, PERCENT (ps->othertruelu, ps->othertruel));
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%llu ternary and large traversals (%.1f per visit)\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->traversals, AVERAGE (ps->traversals, ps->visits));
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%llu large traversals (%.1f per large visit)\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->ltraversals, AVERAGE (ps->ltraversals, ps->lvisits));
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%llu assignments\n", ps->prefix, ps->assignments);
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%llu propagations\n", ps->prefix, picosat_propagations (ps));
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%llu visits\n", ps->prefix, picosat_visits (ps));
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%.1f%% variables used\n", ps->prefix, PERCENT (ps->vused, ps->max_var));
+ sflush (ps);
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%.1f seconds in library\n", ps->prefix, ps->seconds);
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%.1f megaprops/second\n",
+ ps->prefix, AVERAGE (ps->propagations / 1e6f, ps->seconds));
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%.1f megavisits/second\n",
+ ps->prefix, AVERAGE (ps->visits / 1e6f, ps->seconds));
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%sprobing %.1f seconds %.0f%%\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->flseconds, PERCENT (ps->flseconds, ps->seconds));
+#ifdef STATS
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%srecycled %.1f MB in %u reductions\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->rrecycled / (double) (1 << 20), ps->reductions);
+ fprintf (ps->out,
+ "%srecycled %.1f MB in %u simplifications\n",
+ ps->prefix, ps->srecycled / (double) (1 << 20), ps->simps);
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%u simplifications\n", ps->prefix, ps->simps);
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%u reductions\n", ps->prefix, ps->reductions);
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%.1f MB recycled\n", ps->prefix, ps->recycled / (double) (1 << 20));
+ fprintf (ps->out, "%s%.1f MB maximally allocated\n",
+ ps->prefix, picosat_max_bytes_allocated (ps) / (double) (1 << 20));
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <sys/unistd.h>
+picosat_time_stamp (void)
+ double res = -1;
+ struct rusage u;
+ res = 0;
+ if (!getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &u))
+ {
+ res += u.ru_utime.tv_sec + 1e-6 * u.ru_utime.tv_usec;
+ res += u.ru_stime.tv_sec + 1e-6 * u.ru_stime.tv_usec;
+ }
+ return res;
+picosat_seconds (PS * ps)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ return ps->seconds;
+picosat_print (PS * ps, FILE * file)
+ Lit * lit, *other, * last;
+ Ltk * stack;
+ Lit **q, **eol;
+ Cls **p, *c;
+ unsigned n;
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ enter (ps);
+ else
+ check_ready (ps);
+ n = 0;
+ n += ps->alshead - ps->als;
+ for (p = SOC; p != EOC; p = NXC (p))
+ {
+ c = *p;
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+#ifdef TRACE
+ if (c->collected)
+ continue;
+ n++;
+ }
+ last = int2lit (ps, -ps->max_var);
+ for (lit = int2lit (ps, 1); lit <= last; lit++)
+ {
+ stack = LIT2IMPLS (lit);
+ eol = stack->start + stack->count;
+ for (q = stack->start; q < eol; q++)
+ if (*q >= lit)
+ n++;
+ }
+ fprintf (file, "p cnf %d %u\n", ps->max_var, n);
+ for (p = SOC; p != EOC; p = NXC (p))
+ {
+ c = *p;
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+#ifdef TRACE
+ if (c->collected)
+ continue;
+ eol = end_of_lits (c);
+ for (q = c->lits; q < eol; q++)
+ fprintf (file, "%d ", LIT2INT (*q));
+ fputs ("0\n", file);
+ }
+ last = int2lit (ps, -ps->max_var);
+ for (lit = int2lit (ps, 1); lit <= last; lit++)
+ {
+ stack = LIT2IMPLS (lit);
+ eol = stack->start + stack->count;
+ for (q = stack->start; q < eol; q++)
+ if ((other = *q) >= lit)
+ fprintf (file, "%d %d 0\n", LIT2INT (lit), LIT2INT (other));
+ }
+ {
+ Lit **r;
+ for (r = ps->als; r < ps->alshead; r++)
+ fprintf (file, "%d 0\n", LIT2INT (*r));
+ }
+ fflush (file);
+ if (ps->measurealltimeinlib)
+ leave (ps);
+picosat_enter (PS * ps)
+ enter (ps);
+picosat_leave (PS * ps)
+ leave (ps);
+picosat_message (PS * ps, int vlevel, const char * fmt, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ if (vlevel > ps->verbosity)
+ return;
+ fputs (ps->prefix, ps->out);
+ va_start (ap, fmt);
+ vfprintf (ps->out, fmt, ap);
+ va_end (ap);
+ fputc ('\n', ps->out);
+picosat_changed (PS * ps)
+ int res;
+ check_ready (ps);
+ check_sat_state (ps);
+ res = (ps->min_flipped <= ps->saved_max_var);
+ assert (!res || ps->saved_flips != ps->flips);
+ return res;
+picosat_reset_phases (PS * ps)
+ rebias (ps);
+picosat_reset_scores (PS * ps)
+ Rnk * r;
+ ps->hhead = ps->heap + 1;
+ for (r = ps->rnks + 1; r <= ps->rnks + ps->max_var; r++)
+ {
+ CLR (r);
+ hpush (ps, r);
+ }
+picosat_remove_learned (PS * ps, unsigned percentage)
+ enter (ps);
+ reset_incremental_usage (ps);
+ reduce (ps, percentage);
+ leave (ps);
+picosat_set_global_default_phase (PS * ps, int phase)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ ABORTIF (phase < 0, "API usage: 'picosat_set_global_default_phase' "
+ "with negative argument");
+ ABORTIF (phase > 3, "API usage: 'picosat_set_global_default_phase' "
+ "with argument > 3");
+ ps->defaultphase = phase;
+picosat_set_default_phase_lit (PS * ps, int int_lit, int phase)
+ unsigned newphase;
+ Lit * lit;
+ Var * v;
+ check_ready (ps);
+ lit = import_lit (ps, int_lit, 1);
+ v = LIT2VAR (lit);
+ if (phase)
+ {
+ newphase = (int_lit < 0) == (phase < 0);
+ v->defphase = v->phase = newphase;
+ v->usedefphase = v->assigned = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v->usedefphase = v->assigned = 0;
+ }
+picosat_set_more_important_lit (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ Lit * lit;
+ Var * v;
+ Rnk * r;
+ check_ready (ps);
+ lit = import_lit (ps, int_lit, 1);
+ v = LIT2VAR (lit);
+ r = VAR2RNK (v);
+ ABORTIF (r->lessimportant, "can not mark variable more and less important");
+ if (r->moreimportant)
+ return;
+ r->moreimportant = 1;
+ if (r->pos)
+ hup (ps, r);
+picosat_set_less_important_lit (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ Lit * lit;
+ Var * v;
+ Rnk * r;
+ check_ready (ps);
+ lit = import_lit (ps, int_lit, 1);
+ v = LIT2VAR (lit);
+ r = VAR2RNK (v);
+ ABORTIF (r->moreimportant, "can not mark variable more and less important");
+ if (r->lessimportant)
+ return;
+ r->lessimportant = 1;
+ if (r->pos)
+ hdown (ps, r);
+#ifndef NADC
+picosat_ado_conflicts (PS * ps)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ return ps->adoconflicts;
+picosat_disable_ado (PS * ps)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ assert (!ps->adodisabled);
+ ps->adodisabled = 1;
+picosat_enable_ado (PS * ps)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ assert (ps->adodisabled);
+ ps->adodisabled = 0;
+picosat_set_ado_conflict_limit (PS * ps, unsigned newadoconflictlimit)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ ps->adoconflictlimit = newadoconflictlimit;
+picosat_simplify (PS * ps)
+ enter (ps);
+ reset_incremental_usage (ps);
+ simplify (ps, 1);
+ leave (ps);
+picosat_haveados (void)
+#ifndef NADC
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+picosat_save_original_clauses (PS * ps)
+ if (ps->saveorig) return;
+ ABORTIF (ps->oadded, "API usage: 'picosat_save_original_clauses' too late");
+ ps->saveorig = 1;
+void picosat_set_interrupt (PicoSAT * ps,
+ void * external_state,
+ int (*interrupted)(void * external_state))
+ ps->interrupt.state = external_state;
+ ps->interrupt.function = interrupted;
+picosat_deref_partial (PS * ps, int int_lit)
+ check_ready (ps);
+ check_sat_state (ps);
+ ABORTIF (!int_lit, "API usage: can not partial deref zero literal");
+ ABORTIF (ps->mtcls, "API usage: deref partial after empty clause generated");
+ ABORTIF (!ps->saveorig, "API usage: 'picosat_save_original_clauses' missing");
+#ifdef STATS
+ ps->derefs++;
+ if (!ps->partial)
+ minautarky (ps);
+ return pderef (ps, int_lit);