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selftests: watchdog: cleanup whitespace in usage options

Message ID 1567204294-8840-1-git-send-email-george_davis@mentor.com (mailing list archive)
State Mainlined
Commit a54344ace273cd7fa182c287719b109cfd9e8613
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Series selftests: watchdog: cleanup whitespace in usage options | expand

Commit Message

George G. Davis Aug. 30, 2019, 10:31 p.m. UTC
Convert hard spaces to tabs in usage options.

Suggested-by: Shuah Khan <shuah@kernel.org>
Signed-off-by: George G. Davis <george_davis@mentor.com>
 tools/testing/selftests/watchdog/watchdog-test.c | 25 ++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/watchdog/watchdog-test.c b/tools/testing/selftests/watchdog/watchdog-test.c
index c35989ffbc6b..3fff1ee20a7f 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/watchdog/watchdog-test.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/watchdog/watchdog-test.c
@@ -70,18 +70,19 @@  static void term(int sig)
 static void usage(char *progname)
 	printf("Usage: %s [options]\n", progname);
-	printf(" -f, --file          Open watchdog device file\n");
-	printf("                     Default is /dev/watchdog\n");
-	printf(" -b, --bootstatus    Get last boot status (Watchdog/POR)\n");
-	printf(" -d, --disable       Turn off the watchdog timer\n");
-	printf(" -e, --enable        Turn on the watchdog timer\n");
-	printf(" -h, --help          Print the help message\n");
-	printf(" -p, --pingrate=P    Set ping rate to P seconds (default %d)\n", DEFAULT_PING_RATE);
-	printf(" -t, --timeout=T     Set timeout to T seconds\n");
-	printf(" -T, --gettimeout    Get the timeout\n");
-	printf(" -n, --pretimeout=T  Set the pretimeout to T seconds\n");
-	printf(" -N, --getpretimeout Get the pretimeout\n");
-	printf(" -L, --gettimeleft   Get the time left until timer expires\n");
+	printf(" -f, --file\t\tOpen watchdog device file\n");
+	printf("\t\t\tDefault is /dev/watchdog\n");
+	printf(" -b, --bootstatus\tGet last boot status (Watchdog/POR)\n");
+	printf(" -d, --disable\t\tTurn off the watchdog timer\n");
+	printf(" -e, --enable\t\tTurn on the watchdog timer\n");
+	printf(" -h, --help\t\tPrint the help message\n");
+	printf(" -p, --pingrate=P\tSet ping rate to P seconds (default %d)\n",
+	printf(" -t, --timeout=T\tSet timeout to T seconds\n");
+	printf(" -T, --gettimeout\tGet the timeout\n");
+	printf(" -n, --pretimeout=T\tSet the pretimeout to T seconds\n");
+	printf(" -N, --getpretimeout\tGet the pretimeout\n");
+	printf(" -L, --gettimeleft\tGet the time left until timer expires\n");
 	printf("Parameters are parsed left-to-right in real-time.\n");
 	printf("Example: %s -d -t 10 -p 5 -e\n", progname);