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[net-next,1/3] selftests: openvswitch: add interface support

Message ID 20230414131750.4185160-2-aconole@redhat.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Commit 74cc26f416b9ed88af300393a6f06e0765ebde8b
Headers show
Series selftests: openvswitch: add support for testing upcall interface | expand

Commit Message

Aaron Conole April 14, 2023, 1:17 p.m. UTC
Includes an associated test to generate netns and connect
interfaces, with the option to include packet tracing.

This will be used in the future when flow support is added
for additional test cases.

Signed-off-by: Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com>
 .../selftests/net/openvswitch/openvswitch.sh  |  55 ++++++++
 .../selftests/net/openvswitch/ovs-dpctl.py    | 118 ++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/openvswitch/openvswitch.sh b/tools/testing/selftests/net/openvswitch/openvswitch.sh
index 7ce46700a3ae3..18383b0b7b9cb 100755
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/openvswitch/openvswitch.sh
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/openvswitch/openvswitch.sh
@@ -70,6 +70,49 @@  ovs_add_dp () {
 	on_exit "ovs_sbx $sbxname python3 $ovs_base/ovs-dpctl.py del-dp $1;"
+ovs_add_if () {
+	info "Adding IF to DP: br:$2 if:$3"
+	ovs_sbx "$1" python3 $ovs_base/ovs-dpctl.py add-if "$2" "$3" || return 1
+ovs_del_if () {
+	info "Deleting IF from DP: br:$2 if:$3"
+	ovs_sbx "$1" python3 $ovs_base/ovs-dpctl.py del-if "$2" "$3" || return 1
+ovs_netns_spawn_daemon() {
+	sbx=$1
+	shift
+	netns=$1
+	shift
+	info "spawning cmd: $*"
+	ip netns exec $netns $*  >> $ovs_dir/stdout  2>> $ovs_dir/stderr &
+	pid=$!
+	ovs_sbx "$sbx" on_exit "kill -TERM $pid 2>/dev/null"
+ovs_add_netns_and_veths () {
+	info "Adding netns attached: sbx:$1 dp:$2 {$3, $4, $5}"
+	ovs_sbx "$1" ip netns add "$3" || return 1
+	on_exit "ovs_sbx $1 ip netns del $3"
+	ovs_sbx "$1" ip link add "$4" type veth peer name "$5" || return 1
+	on_exit "ovs_sbx $1 ip link del $4 >/dev/null 2>&1"
+	ovs_sbx "$1" ip link set "$4" up || return 1
+	ovs_sbx "$1" ip link set "$5" netns "$3" || return 1
+	ovs_sbx "$1" ip netns exec "$3" ip link set "$5" up || return 1
+	if [ "$6" != "" ]; then
+		ovs_sbx "$1" ip netns exec "$3" ip addr add "$6" dev "$5" \
+		    || return 1
+	fi
+	ovs_add_if "$1" "$2" "$4" || return 1
+	[ $TRACING -eq 1 ] && ovs_netns_spawn_daemon "$1" "$ns" \
+			tcpdump -i any -s 65535
+	return 0
 usage() {
 	echo "$0 [OPTIONS] [TEST]..."
@@ -101,6 +144,18 @@  test_netlink_checks () {
 		return 1
+	ovs_add_netns_and_veths "test_netlink_checks" nv0 left left0 l0 || \
+	    return 1
+	ovs_add_netns_and_veths "test_netlink_checks" nv0 right right0 r0 || \
+	    return 1
+	[ $(python3 $ovs_base/ovs-dpctl.py show nv0 | grep port | \
+	    wc -l) == 3 ] || \
+	      return 1
+	ovs_del_if "test_netlink_checks" nv0 right0 || return 1
+	[ $(python3 $ovs_base/ovs-dpctl.py show nv0 | grep port | \
+	    wc -l) == 2 ] || \
+	      return 1
 	return 0
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/openvswitch/ovs-dpctl.py b/tools/testing/selftests/net/openvswitch/ovs-dpctl.py
index 5d467d1993cb1..626013dfd020e 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/openvswitch/ovs-dpctl.py
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/openvswitch/ovs-dpctl.py
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@  class ovs_dp_msg(genlmsg):
 class OvsDatapath(GenericNetlinkSocket):
     OVS_DP_F_VPORT_PIDS = 1 << 1
@@ -170,6 +169,12 @@  class OvsDatapath(GenericNetlinkSocket):
 class OvsVport(GenericNetlinkSocket):
     class ovs_vport_msg(ovs_dp_msg):
         nla_map = (
             ("OVS_VPORT_ATTR_UNSPEC", "none"),
@@ -197,17 +202,30 @@  class OvsVport(GenericNetlinkSocket):
     def type_to_str(vport_type):
-        if vport_type == 1:
+        if vport_type == OvsVport.OVS_VPORT_TYPE_NETDEV:
             return "netdev"
-        elif vport_type == 2:
+        elif vport_type == OvsVport.OVS_VPORT_TYPE_INTERNAL:
             return "internal"
-        elif vport_type == 3:
+        elif vport_type == OvsVport.OVS_VPORT_TYPE_GRE:
             return "gre"
-        elif vport_type == 4:
+        elif vport_type == OvsVport.OVS_VPORT_TYPE_VXLAN:
             return "vxlan"
-        elif vport_type == 5:
+        elif vport_type == OvsVport.OVS_VPORT_TYPE_GENEVE:
             return "geneve"
-        return "unknown:%d" % vport_type
+        raise ValueError("Unknown vport type:%d" % vport_type)
+    def str_to_type(vport_type):
+        if vport_type == "netdev":
+            return OvsVport.OVS_VPORT_TYPE_NETDEV
+        elif vport_type == "internal":
+            return OvsVport.OVS_VPORT_TYPE_INTERNAL
+        elif vport_type == "gre":
+            return OvsVport.OVS_VPORT_TYPE_INTERNAL
+        elif vport_type == "vxlan":
+            return OvsVport.OVS_VPORT_TYPE_VXLAN
+        elif vport_type == "geneve":
+            return OvsVport.OVS_VPORT_TYPE_GENEVE
+        raise ValueError("Unknown vport type: '%s'" % vport_type)
     def __init__(self):
@@ -238,8 +256,51 @@  class OvsVport(GenericNetlinkSocket):
                 raise ne
         return reply
+    def attach(self, dpindex, vport_ifname, ptype):
+        msg = OvsVport.ovs_vport_msg()
+        msg["cmd"] = OVS_VPORT_CMD_NEW
+        msg["version"] = OVS_DATAPATH_VERSION
+        msg["reserved"] = 0
+        msg["dpifindex"] = dpindex
+        port_type = OvsVport.str_to_type(ptype)
+        msg["attrs"].append(["OVS_VPORT_ATTR_TYPE", port_type])
+        msg["attrs"].append(["OVS_VPORT_ATTR_NAME", vport_ifname])
+        msg["attrs"].append(["OVS_VPORT_ATTR_UPCALL_PID", [self.pid]])
+        try:
+            reply = self.nlm_request(
+                msg, msg_type=self.prid, msg_flags=NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK
+            )
+            reply = reply[0]
+        except NetlinkError as ne:
+            raise ne
+        return reply
+    def detach(self, dpindex, vport_ifname):
+        msg = OvsVport.ovs_vport_msg()
+        msg["cmd"] = OVS_VPORT_CMD_DEL
+        msg["version"] = OVS_DATAPATH_VERSION
+        msg["reserved"] = 0
+        msg["dpifindex"] = dpindex
+        msg["attrs"].append(["OVS_VPORT_ATTR_NAME", vport_ifname])
-def print_ovsdp_full(dp_lookup_rep, ifindex, ndb=NDB()):
+        try:
+            reply = self.nlm_request(
+                msg, msg_type=self.prid, msg_flags=NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK
+            )
+            reply = reply[0]
+        except NetlinkError as ne:
+            if ne.code == errno.ENODEV:
+                reply = None
+            else:
+                raise ne
+        return reply
+def print_ovsdp_full(dp_lookup_rep, ifindex, ndb=NDB(), vpl=OvsVport()):
     dp_name = dp_lookup_rep.get_attr("OVS_DP_ATTR_NAME")
     base_stats = dp_lookup_rep.get_attr("OVS_DP_ATTR_STATS")
     megaflow_stats = dp_lookup_rep.get_attr("OVS_DP_ATTR_MEGAFLOW_STATS")
@@ -265,7 +326,6 @@  def print_ovsdp_full(dp_lookup_rep, ifindex, ndb=NDB()):
         print("  features: 0x%X" % user_features)
     # port print out
-    vpl = OvsVport()
     for iface in ndb.interfaces:
         rep = vpl.info(iface.ifname, ifindex)
         if rep is not None:
@@ -312,9 +372,25 @@  def main(argv):
     deldpcmd = subparsers.add_parser("del-dp")
     deldpcmd.add_argument("deldp", help="Datapath Name")
+    addifcmd = subparsers.add_parser("add-if")
+    addifcmd.add_argument("dpname", help="Datapath Name")
+    addifcmd.add_argument("addif", help="Interface name for adding")
+    addifcmd.add_argument(
+        "-t",
+        "--ptype",
+        type=str,
+        default="netdev",
+        choices=["netdev", "internal"],
+        help="Interface type (default netdev)",
+    )
+    delifcmd = subparsers.add_parser("del-if")
+    delifcmd.add_argument("dpname", help="Datapath Name")
+    delifcmd.add_argument("delif", help="Interface name for adding")
     args = parser.parse_args()
     ovsdp = OvsDatapath()
+    ovsvp = OvsVport()
     ndb = NDB()
     if hasattr(args, "showdp"):
@@ -328,7 +404,7 @@  def main(argv):
             if rep is not None:
                 found = True
-                print_ovsdp_full(rep, iface.index, ndb)
+                print_ovsdp_full(rep, iface.index, ndb, ovsvp)
         if not found:
             msg = "No DP found"
@@ -343,6 +419,28 @@  def main(argv):
             print("DP '%s' added" % args.adddp)
     elif hasattr(args, "deldp"):
+    elif hasattr(args, "addif"):
+        rep = ovsdp.info(args.dpname, 0)
+        if rep is None:
+            print("DP '%s' not found." % args.dpname)
+            return 1
+        rep = ovsvp.attach(rep["dpifindex"], args.addif, args.ptype)
+        msg = "vport '%s'" % args.addif
+        if rep and rep["header"]["error"] is None:
+            msg += " added."
+        else:
+            msg += " failed to add."
+    elif hasattr(args, "delif"):
+        rep = ovsdp.info(args.dpname, 0)
+        if rep is None:
+            print("DP '%s' not found." % args.dpname)
+            return 1
+        rep = ovsvp.detach(rep["dpifindex"], args.delif)
+        msg = "vport '%s'" % args.delif
+        if rep and rep["header"]["error"] is None:
+            msg += " removed."
+        else:
+            msg += " failed to remove."
     return 0