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[16/18] selftests/hid: import base_gamepad.py from hid-tools

Message ID 20240410-bpf_sources-v1-16-a8bf16033ef8@kernel.org (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Commit c6b03c736a523902bb53bb9897f5c75292b3424b
Headers show
Series HID: Include current HID-BPF fixes in tree | expand

Commit Message

Benjamin Tissoires April 10, 2024, 5:19 p.m. UTC
We need to slightly change base_device.py for supporting HID-BPF,
so instead of monkey patching, let's just embed it in the kernel tree.

Signed-off-by: Benjamin Tissoires <bentiss@kernel.org>
 tools/testing/selftests/hid/tests/base_gamepad.py | 238 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/testing/selftests/hid/tests/test_gamepad.py |   5 +-
 2 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/hid/tests/base_gamepad.py b/tools/testing/selftests/hid/tests/base_gamepad.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec74d75767a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/hid/tests/base_gamepad.py
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ 
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+import libevdev
+from .base_device import BaseDevice
+from hidtools.util import BusType
+class InvalidHIDCommunication(Exception):
+    pass
+class GamepadData(object):
+    pass
+class AxisMapping(object):
+    """Represents a mapping between a HID type
+    and an evdev event"""
+    def __init__(self, hid, evdev=None):
+        self.hid = hid.lower()
+        if evdev is None:
+            evdev = f"ABS_{hid.upper()}"
+        self.evdev = libevdev.evbit("EV_ABS", evdev)
+class BaseGamepad(BaseDevice):
+    buttons_map = {
+        1: "BTN_SOUTH",
+        2: "BTN_EAST",
+        3: "BTN_C",
+        4: "BTN_NORTH",
+        5: "BTN_WEST",
+        6: "BTN_Z",
+        7: "BTN_TL",
+        8: "BTN_TR",
+        9: "BTN_TL2",
+        10: "BTN_TR2",
+        11: "BTN_SELECT",
+        12: "BTN_START",
+        13: "BTN_MODE",
+        14: "BTN_THUMBL",
+        15: "BTN_THUMBR",
+    }
+    axes_map = {
+        "left_stick": {
+            "x": AxisMapping("x"),
+            "y": AxisMapping("y"),
+        },
+        "right_stick": {
+            "x": AxisMapping("z"),
+            "y": AxisMapping("Rz"),
+        },
+    }
+    def __init__(self, rdesc, application="Game Pad", name=None, input_info=None):
+        assert rdesc is not None
+        super().__init__(name, application, input_info=input_info, rdesc=rdesc)
+        self.buttons = (1, 2, 3)
+        self._buttons = {}
+        self.left = (127, 127)
+        self.right = (127, 127)
+        self.hat_switch = 15
+        assert self.parsed_rdesc is not None
+        self.fields = []
+        for r in self.parsed_rdesc.input_reports.values():
+            if r.application_name == self.application:
+                self.fields.extend([f.usage_name for f in r])
+    def store_axes(self, which, gamepad, data):
+        amap = self.axes_map[which]
+        x, y = data
+        setattr(gamepad, amap["x"].hid, x)
+        setattr(gamepad, amap["y"].hid, y)
+    def create_report(
+        self,
+        *,
+        left=(None, None),
+        right=(None, None),
+        hat_switch=None,
+        buttons=None,
+        reportID=None,
+        application="Game Pad",
+    ):
+        """
+        Return an input report for this device.
+        :param left: a tuple of absolute (x, y) value of the left joypad
+            where ``None`` is "leave unchanged"
+        :param right: a tuple of absolute (x, y) value of the right joypad
+            where ``None`` is "leave unchanged"
+        :param hat_switch: an absolute angular value of the hat switch
+            (expressed in 1/8 of circle, 0 being North, 2 East)
+            where ``None`` is "leave unchanged"
+        :param buttons: a dict of index/bool for the button states,
+            where ``None`` is "leave unchanged"
+        :param reportID: the numeric report ID for this report, if needed
+        :param application: the application used to report the values
+        """
+        if buttons is not None:
+            for i, b in buttons.items():
+                if i not in self.buttons:
+                    raise InvalidHIDCommunication(
+                        f"button {i} is not part of this {self.application}"
+                    )
+                if b is not None:
+                    self._buttons[i] = b
+        def replace_none_in_tuple(item, default):
+            if item is None:
+                item = (None, None)
+            if None in item:
+                if item[0] is None:
+                    item = (default[0], item[1])
+                if item[1] is None:
+                    item = (item[0], default[1])
+            return item
+        right = replace_none_in_tuple(right, self.right)
+        self.right = right
+        left = replace_none_in_tuple(left, self.left)
+        self.left = left
+        if hat_switch is None:
+            hat_switch = self.hat_switch
+        else:
+            self.hat_switch = hat_switch
+        reportID = reportID or self.default_reportID
+        gamepad = GamepadData()
+        for i, b in self._buttons.items():
+            gamepad.__setattr__(f"b{i}", int(b) if b is not None else 0)
+        self.store_axes("left_stick", gamepad, left)
+        self.store_axes("right_stick", gamepad, right)
+        gamepad.hatswitch = hat_switch  # type: ignore  ### gamepad is by default empty
+        return super().create_report(
+            gamepad, reportID=reportID, application=application
+        )
+    def event(
+        self, *, left=(None, None), right=(None, None), hat_switch=None, buttons=None
+    ):
+        """
+        Send an input event on the default report ID.
+        :param left: a tuple of absolute (x, y) value of the left joypad
+            where ``None`` is "leave unchanged"
+        :param right: a tuple of absolute (x, y) value of the right joypad
+            where ``None`` is "leave unchanged"
+        :param hat_switch: an absolute angular value of the hat switch
+            where ``None`` is "leave unchanged"
+        :param buttons: a dict of index/bool for the button states,
+            where ``None`` is "leave unchanged"
+        """
+        r = self.create_report(
+            left=left, right=right, hat_switch=hat_switch, buttons=buttons
+        )
+        self.call_input_event(r)
+        return [r]
+class JoystickGamepad(BaseGamepad):
+    buttons_map = {
+        1: "BTN_TRIGGER",
+        2: "BTN_THUMB",
+        3: "BTN_THUMB2",
+        4: "BTN_TOP",
+        5: "BTN_TOP2",
+        6: "BTN_PINKIE",
+        7: "BTN_BASE",
+        8: "BTN_BASE2",
+        9: "BTN_BASE3",
+        10: "BTN_BASE4",
+        11: "BTN_BASE5",
+        12: "BTN_BASE6",
+        13: "BTN_DEAD",
+    }
+    axes_map = {
+        "left_stick": {
+            "x": AxisMapping("x"),
+            "y": AxisMapping("y"),
+        },
+        "right_stick": {
+            "x": AxisMapping("rudder"),
+            "y": AxisMapping("throttle"),
+        },
+    }
+    def __init__(self, rdesc, application="Joystick", name=None, input_info=None):
+        super().__init__(rdesc, application, name, input_info)
+    def create_report(
+        self,
+        *,
+        left=(None, None),
+        right=(None, None),
+        hat_switch=None,
+        buttons=None,
+        reportID=None,
+        application=None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Return an input report for this device.
+        :param left: a tuple of absolute (x, y) value of the left joypad
+            where ``None`` is "leave unchanged"
+        :param right: a tuple of absolute (x, y) value of the right joypad
+            where ``None`` is "leave unchanged"
+        :param hat_switch: an absolute angular value of the hat switch
+            where ``None`` is "leave unchanged"
+        :param buttons: a dict of index/bool for the button states,
+            where ``None`` is "leave unchanged"
+        :param reportID: the numeric report ID for this report, if needed
+        :param application: the application for this report, if needed
+        """
+        if application is None:
+            application = "Joystick"
+        return super().create_report(
+            left=left,
+            right=right,
+            hat_switch=hat_switch,
+            buttons=buttons,
+            reportID=reportID,
+            application=application,
+        )
+    def store_right_joystick(self, gamepad, data):
+        gamepad.rudder, gamepad.throttle = data
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/hid/tests/test_gamepad.py b/tools/testing/selftests/hid/tests/test_gamepad.py
index 26c74040b796..900fff044348 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/hid/tests/test_gamepad.py
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/hid/tests/test_gamepad.py
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@  from . import base
 import libevdev
 import pytest
-from hidtools.device.base_gamepad import AsusGamepad, SaitekGamepad
+from .base_gamepad import (
+    AsusGamepad,
+    SaitekGamepad,
 import logging