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[net,12/15] mptcp: avoid duplicated SUB_CLOSED events

Message ID 20240826-net-mptcp-more-pm-fix-v1-12-8cd6c87d1d6d@kernel.org (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Commit d82809b6c5f2676b382f77a5cbeb1a5d91ed2235
Headers show
Series mptcp: more fixes for the in-kernel PM | expand

Commit Message

Matthieu Baerts (NGI0) Aug. 26, 2024, 3:59 p.m. UTC
The initial subflow might have already been closed, but still in the
connection list. When the worker is instructed to close the subflows
that have been marked as closed, it might then try to close the initial
subflow again.

 A consequence of that is that the SUB_CLOSED event can be seen twice:

  # ip mptcp endpoint id 1 subflow dev eth0 id 2 subflow dev eth1

  # ip mptcp monitor &
  [         CREATED] remid=0 locid=0 saddr4= daddr4=
  [     ESTABLISHED] remid=0 locid=0 saddr4= daddr4=
  [  SF_ESTABLISHED] remid=0 locid=2 saddr4= daddr4=

  # ip mptcp endpoint delete id 1
  [       SF_CLOSED] remid=0 locid=0 saddr4= daddr4=
  [       SF_CLOSED] remid=0 locid=0 saddr4= daddr4=

The first one is coming from mptcp_pm_nl_rm_subflow_received(), and the
second one from __mptcp_close_subflow().

To avoid doing the post-closed processing twice, the subflow is now
marked as closed the first time.

Note that it is not enough to check if we are dealing with the first
subflow and check its sk_state: the subflow might have been reset or
closed before calling mptcp_close_ssk().

Fixes: b911c97c7dc7 ("mptcp: add netlink event support")
Cc: stable@vger.kernel.org
Tested-by: Arınç ÜNAL <arinc.unal@arinc9.com>
Reviewed-by: Mat Martineau <martineau@kernel.org>
Signed-off-by: Matthieu Baerts (NGI0) <matttbe@kernel.org>
 net/mptcp/protocol.c | 6 ++++++
 net/mptcp/protocol.h | 3 ++-
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/net/mptcp/protocol.c b/net/mptcp/protocol.c
index 0d536b183a6c..931172382aa0 100644
--- a/net/mptcp/protocol.c
+++ b/net/mptcp/protocol.c
@@ -2508,6 +2508,12 @@  static void __mptcp_close_ssk(struct sock *sk, struct sock *ssk,
 void mptcp_close_ssk(struct sock *sk, struct sock *ssk,
 		     struct mptcp_subflow_context *subflow)
+	/* The first subflow can already be closed and still in the list */
+	if (subflow->close_event_done)
+		return;
+	subflow->close_event_done = true;
 	if (sk->sk_state == TCP_ESTABLISHED)
 		mptcp_event(MPTCP_EVENT_SUB_CLOSED, mptcp_sk(sk), ssk, GFP_KERNEL);
diff --git a/net/mptcp/protocol.h b/net/mptcp/protocol.h
index a1c1b0ff1ce1..7e934ce0e4ff 100644
--- a/net/mptcp/protocol.h
+++ b/net/mptcp/protocol.h
@@ -524,7 +524,8 @@  struct mptcp_subflow_context {
 		stale : 1,	    /* unable to snd/rcv data, do not use for xmit */
 		valid_csum_seen : 1,        /* at least one csum validated */
 		is_mptfo : 1,	    /* subflow is doing TFO */
-		__unused : 10;
+		close_event_done : 1,       /* has done the post-closed part */
+		__unused : 9;
 	bool	data_avail;
 	bool	scheduled;
 	u32	remote_nonce;