@@ -653,20 +653,22 @@ do_drop_test()
build_backlog $vlan $((3 * limit / 2)) udp >/dev/null
- send_packets $vlan udp 11
+ send_packets $vlan udp 100
- now=$(busywait 1100 until_counter_is ">= $((base + 10))" $fetch_counter)
- check_err $? "Dropped packets not observed: 11 expected, $((now - base)) seen"
+ now=$(busywait 1100 until_counter_is ">= $((base + 95))" $fetch_counter)
+ check_err $? "${trigger}ped packets not observed: 100 expected, $((now - base)) seen"
# When no extra traffic is injected, there should be no mirroring.
- busywait 1100 until_counter_is ">= $((base + 20))" $fetch_counter >/dev/null
+ busywait 1100 until_counter_is ">= $((base + 110))" \
+ $fetch_counter >/dev/null
check_fail $? "Spurious packets observed"
# When the rule is uninstalled, there should be no mirroring.
- send_packets $vlan udp 11
- busywait 1100 until_counter_is ">= $((base + 20))" $fetch_counter >/dev/null
- check_fail $? "Spurious packets observed after uninstall"
+ send_packets $vlan udp 100
+ now=$(busywait 1100 until_counter_is ">= $((base + 110))" \
+ $fetch_counter)
+ check_fail $? "$((now - base)) spurious packets observed after uninstall"
log_test "TC $((vlan - 10)): ${trigger}ped packets $subtest'd"