Show patches with: State = Action Required       |   44948 patches
« 1 2 ... 5 6 7449 450 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[v4,2/2] memory: mtk-smi: mt8188: Add SMI reset and clamp for MT8188 Add SMI reset and clamp for MediaTek MT8188 SoC - - - --- 2025-02-21 Friday Yang New
[v4,1/2] dt-bindings: memory: mediatek: Add SMI reset and clamp for MT8188 Add SMI reset and clamp for MediaTek MT8188 SoC - - - --- 2025-02-21 Friday Yang New
[2/2] media: mediatek: encoder: Add support for common driver encode process Add support for MT8196 video encoder - - - --- 2025-02-21 Irui Wang (王瑞) New
[1/2] media: mediatek: encoder: Add a new encoder driver interface Add support for MT8196 video encoder - - - --- 2025-02-21 Irui Wang (王瑞) New
virtiofs: add filesystem context source name check virtiofs: add filesystem context source name check - - - --- 2025-02-21 Xiangsheng Hou New
soc: mediatek: mtk-socinfo: Add extra entry for MT8395AV/ZA Genio 1200 soc: mediatek: mtk-socinfo: Add extra entry for MT8395AV/ZA Genio 1200 - 1 - --- 2025-02-20 Louis-Alexis Eyraud New
[v4,2/2] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8395-genio-1200-evk: add support for MUX IT5205 [v4,1/2] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8395-genio-1200-evk: add support for TCPC port - 1 - --- 2025-02-20 Macpaul Lin New
[v4,1/2] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8395-genio-1200-evk: add support for TCPC port [v4,1/2] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8395-genio-1200-evk: add support for TCPC port - 1 - --- 2025-02-20 Macpaul Lin New
dt-bindings: usb: mtu3: Add ports property dt-bindings: usb: mtu3: Add ports property 1 3 - --- 2025-02-20 Macpaul Lin New
[14/14] wifi: mt76: mt7996: Rely on mt7996_vif_link and mt7996_sta_link in mt7996_mac_twt_teardown_… wifi: mt76: mt7996: Preliminary work to support MLO - - - --- 2025-02-20 Lorenzo Bianconi New
[13/14] wifi: mt76: mt7996: Rely on mt7996_vif_link in mt7996_mcu_twt_agrt_update signature wifi: mt76: mt7996: Preliminary work to support MLO - - - --- 2025-02-20 Lorenzo Bianconi New
[12/14] wifi: mt76: mt7996: Update mt7996_mcu_add_sta to MLO support wifi: mt76: mt7996: Preliminary work to support MLO - - - --- 2025-02-20 Lorenzo Bianconi New
[11/14] wifi: mt76: Check link_conf pointer in mt76_connac_mcu_sta_basic_tlv() wifi: mt76: mt7996: Preliminary work to support MLO - - - --- 2025-02-20 Lorenzo Bianconi New
[09/14] wifi: mt76: mt7996: Add mt7996_mac_sta_change_links callback wifi: mt76: mt7996: Preliminary work to support MLO - - - --- 2025-02-20 Lorenzo Bianconi New
[08/14] wifi: mt76: mt7996: Rely on mt7996_sta_link in sta_add/sta_remove callbacks wifi: mt76: mt7996: Preliminary work to support MLO - - - --- 2025-02-20 Lorenzo Bianconi New
[07/14] wifi: mt76: Move wcid cleanup logic in SoC driver codebase wifi: mt76: mt7996: Preliminary work to support MLO - - - --- 2025-02-20 Lorenzo Bianconi New
[06/14] wifi: mt76: Add mt76_sta_common_init utility routine wifi: mt76: mt7996: Preliminary work to support MLO - - - --- 2025-02-20 Lorenzo Bianconi New
[04/14] wifi: mt76: mt7996: Add vif_cfg_changed callback wifi: mt76: mt7996: Preliminary work to support MLO - - - --- 2025-02-20 Lorenzo Bianconi New
[02/14] wifi: mt76: mt7996: Introduce mt7996_sta_link container wifi: mt76: mt7996: Preliminary work to support MLO - - - --- 2025-02-20 Lorenzo Bianconi New
[01/14] wifi: mt76: mt7996: Add chage_vif_links stub wifi: mt76: mt7996: Preliminary work to support MLO - - - --- 2025-02-20 Lorenzo Bianconi New
[v1,4/4] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8390-genio-common: Configure touch vreg pins MediaTek MT8188 Display Graph: Chromebooks+Genio - - - --- 2025-02-20 AngeloGioacchino Del Regno New
[v1,3/4] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8188-geralt: Add graph for DSI and DP displays MediaTek MT8188 Display Graph: Chromebooks+Genio - - 1 --- 2025-02-20 AngeloGioacchino Del Regno New
[v1,2/4] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8390-genio-common: Add Display on DSI0 MediaTek MT8188 Display Graph: Chromebooks+Genio - - - --- 2025-02-20 AngeloGioacchino Del Regno New
[v1,1/4] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8188: Add base display controller graph MediaTek MT8188 Display Graph: Chromebooks+Genio - - 1 --- 2025-02-20 AngeloGioacchino Del Regno New
mediatek MT7920: update bluetooth firmware to 20250210151502 mediatek MT7920: update bluetooth firmware to 20250210151502 - - - --- 2025-02-20 Chris Lu (陸稚泓) New
[v3,3/3] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8390-genio-700: Add USB, TypeC Controller, MUX MediaTek MT8188 MTU3 USB and Genio 510/700 TypeC - - - --- 2025-02-20 AngeloGioacchino Del Regno New
[v3,2/3] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8188: Add MTU3 nodes and correctly describe USB MediaTek MT8188 MTU3 USB and Genio 510/700 TypeC - - 1 --- 2025-02-20 AngeloGioacchino Del Regno New
[v3,1/3] dt-bindings: usb: mediatek,mtk-xhci: Add port for SuperSpeed EP MediaTek MT8188 MTU3 USB and Genio 510/700 TypeC 1 - - --- 2025-02-20 AngeloGioacchino Del Regno New
linux-firmware: update firmware for MT7920 WiFi device linux-firmware: update firmware for MT7920 WiFi device - - - --- 2025-02-20 Allan Wang New
[v4,4/4] media: mediatek: add MT8188 AIE driver Add MTK AIE Driver For MT8188 - - - --- 2025-02-20 bo.kong New
[v4,3/4] uapi: linux: add MT8188 AIE Add MTK AIE Driver For MT8188 - - - --- 2025-02-20 bo.kong New
[v4,2/4] arm64: dts: mt8188: add aie node Add MTK AIE Driver For MT8188 - - - --- 2025-02-20 bo.kong New
[v4,1/4] media: dt-bindings: add MT8188 AIE Add MTK AIE Driver For MT8188 - - - --- 2025-02-20 bo.kong New
Bluetooth: btusb: Add 2 HWIDs for MT7922 Bluetooth: btusb: Add 2 HWIDs for MT7922 - - - --- 2025-02-20 Jiande Lu New
[net-next,8/8] net: phy: make struct phy_package_shared private to phylib net: phy: move PHY package code to its own source file - - - --- 2025-02-19 Heiner Kallweit New
[net-next,7/8] net: phy: mscc: use new phy_package_shared getters net: phy: move PHY package code to its own source file - - - --- 2025-02-19 Heiner Kallweit New
[net-next,6/8] net: phy: mtk-ge-soc: use new phy_package_shared getters net: phy: move PHY package code to its own source file - - - --- 2025-02-19 Heiner Kallweit New
[net-next,5/8] net: phy: micrel: use new phy_package_shared getters net: phy: move PHY package code to its own source file - - - --- 2025-02-19 Heiner Kallweit New
[net-next,4/8] net: phy: qca807x: use new phy_package_shared getters net: phy: move PHY package code to its own source file - - - --- 2025-02-19 Heiner Kallweit New
[net-next,3/8] net: phy: add getters for public members of struct phy_package_shared net: phy: move PHY package code to its own source file - - - --- 2025-02-19 Heiner Kallweit New
[net-next,2/8] net: phy: move PHY package related code from phy.h to phy_package.c net: phy: move PHY package code to its own source file - - - --- 2025-02-19 Heiner Kallweit New
[net-next,1/8] net: phy: move PHY package code from phy_device.c to own source file net: phy: move PHY package code to its own source file - - - --- 2025-02-19 Heiner Kallweit New
[7/7] dt-bindings: display: mediatek: tdshp: Add support for MT8196 porting pq compnent for MT8196 - - - --- 2025-02-19 Jay Liu (刘博) New
[6/7] dt-bindings: display: mediatek: gamma: Add support for MT8196 porting pq compnent for MT8196 - - - --- 2025-02-19 Jay Liu (刘博) New
[5/7] dt-bindings: display: mediatek: dither: Add support for MT8196 porting pq compnent for MT8196 - - - --- 2025-02-19 Jay Liu (刘博) New
[4/7] dt-bindings: display: mediatek: ccorr: Add support for MT8196 porting pq compnent for MT8196 - 1 - --- 2025-02-19 Jay Liu (刘博) New
[3/7] drm/mediatek: Add TDSHP component support for MT8196 porting pq compnent for MT8196 - 1 - --- 2025-02-19 Jay Liu (刘博) New
[2/7] drm/mediatek: fix CCORR mtk_ctm_s31_32_to_s1_n function issue porting pq compnent for MT8196 - 1 - --- 2025-02-19 Jay Liu (刘博) New
[1/7] drm/mediatek: Add CCORR component support for MT8196 porting pq compnent for MT8196 - - - --- 2025-02-19 Jay Liu (刘博) New
[net-next,v2,3/3] net: phy: mediatek: add driver for built-in 2.5G ethernet PHY on MT7988 Add 2.5G ethernet phy support on MT7988 - - - --- 2025-02-19 SkyLake Huang (黃啟澤) New
[net-next,v2,2/3] dts: mt7988a: Add built-in ethernet phy firmware node Add 2.5G ethernet phy support on MT7988 - - - --- 2025-02-19 SkyLake Huang (黃啟澤) New
[net-next,v2,1/3] net: phy: mediatek: Add 2.5Gphy firmware dt-bindings and dts node Add 2.5G ethernet phy support on MT7988 - - - --- 2025-02-19 SkyLake Huang (黃啟澤) New
wifi: mt76: Add check for devm_kstrdup() wifi: mt76: Add check for devm_kstrdup() - - - --- 2025-02-19 Haoxiang Li New
[6/6] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8390-genio-common: Add routes for DMIC Enable DMIC for Genio 700/510 EVK - 1 - --- 2025-02-18 Nícolas F. R. A. Prado New
[5/6] ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Add DMIC Enable DMIC for Genio 700/510 EVK - 1 - --- 2025-02-18 Nícolas F. R. A. Prado New
[4/6] ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: Support DMIC in AFE Enable DMIC for Genio 700/510 EVK - - - --- 2025-02-18 Nícolas F. R. A. Prado New
[3/6] ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: Add DMIC DAI driver Enable DMIC for Genio 700/510 EVK - - - --- 2025-02-18 Nícolas F. R. A. Prado New
[2/6] ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: Add reference for dmic clocks Enable DMIC for Genio 700/510 EVK - - - --- 2025-02-18 Nícolas F. R. A. Prado New
[1/6] ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: Add audsys hires clocks Enable DMIC for Genio 700/510 EVK - - - --- 2025-02-18 Nícolas F. R. A. Prado New
[v2] media: mediatek: vcodec: Fix a resource leak related to the scp device in FW initialization [v2] media: mediatek: vcodec: Fix a resource leak related to the scp device in FW initialization - - - --- 2025-02-18 Jiasheng Jiang New
[v3,25/25] drm/xlnx: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,24/25] drm/xen: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,23/25] drm/xe: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - 1 - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,22/25] drm/vmwgfx: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - 1 - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,21/25] drm/virtio: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,20/25] drm/tegra: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation 1 - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,19/25] drm/rockchip: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation 1 - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,18/25] drm/renesas/rz-du: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,17/25] drm/renesas/rcar-du: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,16/25] drm/qxl: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,15/25] drm/omapdrm: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - 1 - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,14/25] drm/nouveau: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - 1 - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,13/25] drm/msm: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - 1 - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,12/25] drm/mediatek: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,11/25] drm/loongson: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - 1 - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,10/25] drm/imx/ipuv3: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - 1 - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,09/25] drm/hibmc: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,08/25] drm/gma500: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,07/25] drm/exynos: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,06/25] drm/armada: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,05/25] drm/gem-vram: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,04/25] drm/gem-shmem: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,03/25] drm/gem-dma: Compute dumb-buffer sizes with drm_mode_size_dumb() drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,02/25] drm/dumb-buffers: Provide helper to set pitch and size drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
[v3,01/25] drm/dumb-buffers: Sanitize output on errors drm/dumb-buffers: Fix and improve buffer-size calculation - - - --- 2025-02-18 Thomas Zimmermann New
dt-bindings: display: mediatek: dsc: Add MT8188 compatible dt-bindings: display: mediatek: dsc: Add MT8188 compatible 1 - - --- 2025-02-18 AngeloGioacchino Del Regno New
[v4,8/8] media: mediatek: mdp3: Add programming flow for unsupported subsys ID hardware Add GCE support for MT8196 - - - --- 2025-02-18 Jason-JH Lin (林睿祥) New
[v4,7/8] drm/mediatek: Add programming flow for unsupported subsys ID hardware Add GCE support for MT8196 - 1 - --- 2025-02-18 Jason-JH Lin (林睿祥) New
[v4,6/8] soc: mediatek: Add programming flow for unsupported subsys ID hardware Add GCE support for MT8196 - - - --- 2025-02-18 Jason-JH Lin (林睿祥) New
[v4,5/8] soc: mediatek: mtk-cmdq: Add mminfra_offset compatibility for DRAM address Add GCE support for MT8196 - - - --- 2025-02-18 Jason-JH Lin (林睿祥) New
[v4,4/8] soc: mediatek: mtk-cmdq: Add pa_base parsing for unsupported subsys ID hardware Add GCE support for MT8196 - - - --- 2025-02-18 Jason-JH Lin (林睿祥) New
[v4,3/8] mailbox: mtk-cmdq: Add driver data to support for MT8196 Add GCE support for MT8196 - - - --- 2025-02-18 Jason-JH Lin (林睿祥) New
[v4,2/8] arm64: dts: mediatek: Add GCE header for MT8196 Add GCE support for MT8196 - - - --- 2025-02-18 Jason-JH Lin (林睿祥) New
[v4,1/8] dt-bindings: mailbox: mediatek: Add support for MT8196 GCE mailbox Add GCE support for MT8196 1 - - --- 2025-02-18 Jason-JH Lin (林睿祥) New
[net-next,v3] wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix kernel panic due to null pointer dereference [net-next,v3] wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix kernel panic due to null pointer dereference - - 1 --- 2025-02-18 Mingyen Hsieh New
[no subject] Untitled series #942275 - - 1 --- 2025-02-18 Mingyen Hsieh New
[net-next] wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix kernel panic due to null pointer dereference [net-next] wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix kernel panic due to null pointer dereference - - 2 --- 2025-02-18 Mingyen Hsieh New
[v7,43/43] drm/mediatek/hdmi: Use syscon_regmap_lookup_by_phandle_args Add support for MT8195/88 DPI, HDMIv2 and DDCv2 - 1 - --- 2025-02-17 AngeloGioacchino Del Regno New
[v7,42/43] drm/mediatek: mtk_hdmi_v2: Add debugfs ops and implement ABIST Add support for MT8195/88 DPI, HDMIv2 and DDCv2 - 1 - --- 2025-02-17 AngeloGioacchino Del Regno New
[v7,41/43] drm/mediatek: Introduce HDMI/DDC v2 for MT8195/MT8188 Add support for MT8195/88 DPI, HDMIv2 and DDCv2 - - - --- 2025-02-17 AngeloGioacchino Del Regno New
« 1 2 ... 5 6 7449 450 »