diff mbox series

[02/13] dt-bindings: i2c: nomadik: add mobileye,eyeq5-i2c bindings and example

Message ID 20240215-mbly-i2c-v1-2-19a336e91dca@bootlin.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded
Headers show
Series Add Mobileye EyeQ5 support to the Nomadik I2C controller & use hrtimers for timeouts | expand

Commit Message

Théo Lebrun Feb. 15, 2024, 4:52 p.m. UTC
Add EyeQ5 bindings to the existing Nomadik I2C dt-bindings. Add the two
EyeQ5-specific properties behind a conditional. Add an example for this

Signed-off-by: Théo Lebrun <theo.lebrun@bootlin.com>
 .../devicetree/bindings/i2c/st,nomadik-i2c.yaml    | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)


Rob Herring (Arm) Feb. 15, 2024, 7:26 p.m. UTC | #1
On Thu, 15 Feb 2024 17:52:09 +0100, Théo Lebrun wrote:
> Add EyeQ5 bindings to the existing Nomadik I2C dt-bindings. Add the two
> EyeQ5-specific properties behind a conditional. Add an example for this
> compatible.
> Signed-off-by: Théo Lebrun <theo.lebrun@bootlin.com>
> ---
>  .../devicetree/bindings/i2c/st,nomadik-i2c.yaml    | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++--
>  1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

My bot found errors running 'make DT_CHECKER_FLAGS=-m dt_binding_check'
on your patch (DT_CHECKER_FLAGS is new in v5.13):

yamllint warnings/errors:

dtschema/dtc warnings/errors:
/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/st,nomadik-i2c.example.dtb: i2c@300000: 'mobileye,id', 'mobileye,olb' do not match any of the regexes: '^#.*', '^(at25|bm|devbus|dmacap|dsa|exynos|fsi[ab]|gpio-fan|gpio-key|gpio|gpmc|hdmi|i2c-gpio),.*', '^(keypad|m25p|max8952|max8997|max8998|mpmc),.*', '^(pinctrl-single|#pinctrl-single|PowerPC),.*', '^(pl022|pxa-mmc|rcar_sound|rotary-encoder|s5m8767|sdhci),.*', '^(simple-audio-card|st-plgpio|st-spics|ts),.*', '^100ask,.*', '^70mai,.*', '^8dev,.*', '^GEFanuc,.*', '^ORCL,.*', '^SUNW,.*', '^[a-zA-Z0-9#_][a-zA-Z0-9+\\-._@]{0,63}$', '^[a-zA-Z0-9+\\-._]*@[0-9a-zA-Z,]*$', '^abb,.*', '^abilis,.*', '^abracon,.*', '^abt,.*', '^acbel,.*', '^acer,.*', '^acme,.*', '^actions,.*', '^active-semi,.*', '^ad,.*', '^adafruit,.*', '^adapteva,.*', '^adaptrum,.*', '^adh,.*', '^adi,.*', '^adieng,.*', '^advantech,.*', '^aeroflexgaisler,.*', '^aesop,.*', '^airoha,.*', '^al,.*', '^alcatel,.*', '^aldec,.*', '^alfa-network,.*', '^allegro,.*', '^alliedvision,.*', '^allo,.*', '^allwinner,.*', '^alphascale,.*', '^alps,.*', '^alt,.*', '^altr,.*', '^amarula,.*', '^amazon,.*', '^amcc,.*', '^amd,.*', '^amediatech,.*', '^amlogic,.*', '^ampere,.*', '^ampire,.*', '^ams,.*', '^amstaos,.*', '^analogix,.*', '^anbernic,.*', '^andestech,.*', '^anvo,.*', '^aosong,.*', '^apm,.*', '^apple,.*', '^aptina,.*', '^arasan,.*', '^archermind,.*', '^arcom,.*', '^arctic,.*', '^arcx,.*', '^aries,.*', '^arm,.*', '^armadeus,.*', '^arrow,.*', '^artesyn,.*', '^asahi-kasei,.*', '^asc,.*', '^asix,.*', '^aspeed,.*', '^asrock,.*', '^asus,.*', '^atheros,.*', '^atlas,.*', '^atmel,.*', '^auo,.*', '^auvidea,.*', '^avago,.*', '^avia,.*', '^avic,.*', '^avnet,.*', '^awinic,.*', '^axentia,.*', '^axis,.*', '^azoteq,.*', '^azw,.*', '^baikal,.*', '^bananapi,.*', '^beacon,.*', '^beagle,.*', '^belling,.*', '^bhf,.*', '^bigtreetech,.*', '^bitmain,.*', '^blutek,.*', '^boe,.*', '^bosch,.*', '^boundary,.*', '^brcm,.*', '^broadmobi,.*', '^bsh,.*', '^bticino,.*', '^buffalo,.*', '^bur,.*', '^bytedance,.*', '^calamp,.*', '^calaosystems,.*', '^calxeda,.*', '^canaan,.*', '^caninos,.*', '^capella,.*', '^cascoda,.*', '^catalyst,.*', '^cavium,.*', '^cdns,.*', '^cdtech,.*', '^cellwise,.*', '^ceva,.*', '^chargebyte,.*', '^checkpoint,.*', '^chefree,.*', '^chipidea,.*', '^chipone,.*', '^chipspark,.*', '^chongzhou,.*', '^chrontel,.*', '^chrp,.*', '^chunghwa,.*', '^chuwi,.*', '^ciaa,.*', '^cirrus,.*', '^cisco,.*', '^clockwork,.*', '^cloos,.*', '^cloudengines,.*', '^cnm,.*', '^cnxt,.*', '^colorfly,.*', '^compulab,.*', '^congatec,.*', '^coolpi,.*', '^coreriver,.*', '^corpro,.*', '^cortina,.*', '^cosmic,.*', '^crane,.*', '^creative,.*', '^crystalfontz,.*', '^csky,.*', '^csq,.*', '^ctera,.*', '^ctu,.*', '^cubietech,.*', '^cui,.*', '^cypress,.*', '^cyx,.*', '^cznic,.*', '^dallas,.*', '^dataimage,.*', '^davicom,.*', '^dell,.*', '^delta,.*', '^densitron,.*', '^denx,.*', '^devantech,.*', '^dfi,.*', '^dh,.*', '^difrnce,.*', '^digi,.*', '^digilent,.*', '^dimonoff,.*', '^diodes,.*', '^dioo,.*', '^dlc,.*', '^dlg,.*', '^dlink,.*', '^dmo,.*', '^domintech,.*', '^dongwoon,.*', '^dptechnics,.*', '^dragino,.*', '^ds,.*', '^dserve,.*', '^dynaimage,.*', '^ea,.*', '^ebang,.*', '^ebbg,.*', '^ebs-systart,.*', '^ebv,.*', '^eckelmann,.*', '^edgeble,.*', '^edimax,.*', '^edt,.*', '^ees,.*', '^eeti,.*', '^einfochips,.*', '^eink,.*', '^elan,.*', '^element14,.*', '^elgin,.*', '^elida,.*', '^elimo,.*', '^elpida,.*', '^embedfire,.*', '^embest,.*', '^emlid,.*', '^emmicro,.*', '^empire-electronix,.*', '^emtrion,.*', '^enclustra,.*', '^endless,.*', '^ene,.*', '^energymicro,.*', '^engicam,.*', '^engleder,.*', '^epcos,.*', '^epfl,.*', '^epson,.*', '^esp,.*', '^est,.*', '^ettus,.*', '^eukrea,.*', '^everest,.*', '^everspin,.*', '^evervision,.*', '^exar,.*', '^excito,.*', '^exegin,.*', '^ezchip,.*', '^facebook,.*', '^fairphone,.*', '^faraday,.*', '^fascontek,.*', '^fastrax,.*', '^fcs,.*', '^feixin,.*', '^feiyang,.*', '^fii,.*', '^firefly,.*', '^focaltech,.*', '^forlinx,.*', '^freecom,.*', '^frida,.*', '^friendlyarm,.*', '^fsl,.*', '^fujitsu,.*', '^fxtec,.*', '^galaxycore,.*', '^gardena,.*', '^gateway,.*', '^gateworks,.*', '^gcw,.*', '^ge,.*', '^geekbuying,.*', '^gef,.*', '^gemei,.*', '^gemtek,.*', '^genesys,.*', '^geniatech,.*', '^giantec,.*', '^giantplus,.*', '^globalscale,.*', '^globaltop,.*', '^gmt,.*', '^goldelico,.*', '^goodix,.*', '^google,.*', '^goramo,.*', '^gplus,.*', '^grinn,.*', '^grmn,.*', '^gumstix,.*', '^gw,.*', '^hannstar,.*', '^haochuangyi,.*', '^haoyu,.*', '^hardkernel,.*', '^hechuang,.*', '^hideep,.*', '^himax,.*', '^hirschmann,.*', '^hisi,.*', '^hisilicon,.*', '^hit,.*', '^hitex,.*', '^holt,.*', '^holtek,.*', '^honestar,.*', '^honeywell,.*', '^hoperun,.*', '^hp,.*', '^hpe,.*', '^hsg,.*', '^htc,.*', '^huawei,.*', '^hugsun,.*', '^hwacom,.*', '^hxt,.*', '^hycon,.*', '^hydis,.*', '^hynitron,.*', '^hynix,.*', '^hyundai,.*', '^i2se,.*', '^ibm,.*', '^icplus,.*', '^idt,.*', '^ifi,.*', '^ilitek,.*', '^imagis,.*', '^img,.*', '^imi,.*', '^inanbo,.*', '^incircuit,.*', '^indiedroid,.*', '^inet-tek,.*', '^infineon,.*', '^inforce,.*', '^ingenic,.*', '^ingrasys,.*', '^injoinic,.*', '^innocomm,.*', '^innolux,.*', '^inside-secure,.*', '^insignal,.*', '^inspur,.*', '^intel,.*', '^intercontrol,.*', '^invensense,.*', '^inventec,.*', '^inversepath,.*', '^iom,.*', '^irondevice,.*', '^isee,.*', '^isil,.*', '^issi,.*', '^ite,.*', '^itead,.*', '^itian,.*', '^ivo,.*', '^iwave,.*', '^jadard,.*', '^jasonic,.*', '^jdi,.*', '^jedec,.*', '^jesurun,.*', '^jethome,.*', '^jianda,.*', '^joz,.*', '^kam,.*', '^karo,.*', '^keithkoep,.*', '^keymile,.*', '^khadas,.*', '^kiebackpeter,.*', '^kinetic,.*', '^kingdisplay,.*', '^kingnovel,.*', '^kionix,.*', '^kobo,.*', '^kobol,.*', '^koe,.*', '^kontron,.*', '^kosagi,.*', '^kvg,.*', '^kyo,.*', '^lacie,.*', '^laird,.*', '^lamobo,.*', '^lantiq,.*', '^lattice,.*', '^lctech,.*', '^leadtek,.*', '^leez,.*', '^lego,.*', '^lemaker,.*', '^lenovo,.*', '^lg,.*', '^lgphilips,.*', '^libretech,.*', '^licheepi,.*', '^linaro,.*', '^lineartechnology,.*', '^linksprite,.*', '^linksys,.*', '^linutronix,.*', '^linux,.*', '^linx,.*', '^liteon,.*', '^litex,.*', '^lltc,.*', '^logicpd,.*', '^logictechno,.*', '^longcheer,.*', '^lontium,.*', '^loongmasses,.*', '^loongson,.*', '^lsi,.*', '^lunzn,.*', '^lwn,.*', '^lxa,.*', '^m5stack,.*', '^macnica,.*', '^mantix,.*', '^mapleboard,.*', '^marantec,.*', '^marvell,.*', '^maxbotix,.*', '^maxim,.*', '^maxlinear,.*', '^mbvl,.*', '^mcube,.*', '^meas,.*', '^mecer,.*', '^mediatek,.*', '^megachips,.*', '^mele,.*', '^melexis,.*', '^melfas,.*', '^mellanox,.*', '^memsensing,.*', '^memsic,.*', '^menlo,.*', '^mentor,.*', '^meraki,.*', '^merrii,.*', '^methode,.*', '^micrel,.*', '^microchip,.*', '^microcrystal,.*', '^micron,.*', '^microsoft,.*', '^microsys,.*', '^mikroe,.*', '^mikrotik,.*', '^milkv,.*', '^miniand,.*', '^minix,.*', '^miramems,.*', '^mitsubishi,.*', '^mitsumi,.*', '^mixel,.*', '^miyoo,.*', '^mntre,.*', '^modtronix,.*', '^moortec,.*', '^mosaixtech,.*', '^motorcomm,.*', '^motorola,.*', '^moxa,.*', '^mpl,.*', '^mps,.*', '^mqmaker,.*', '^mrvl,.*', '^mscc,.*', '^msi,.*', '^mstar,.*', '^mti,.*', '^multi-inno,.*', '^mundoreader,.*', '^murata,.*', '^mxic,.*', '^mxicy,.*', '^myir,.*', '^national,.*', '^nec,.*', '^neonode,.*', '^netgear,.*', '^netlogic,.*', '^netron-dy,.*', '^netronix,.*', '^netxeon,.*', '^neweast,.*', '^newhaven,.*', '^newvision,.*', '^nexbox,.*', '^nextthing,.*', '^ni,.*', '^nintendo,.*', '^nlt,.*', '^nokia,.*', '^nordic,.*', '^novatek,.*', '^novtech,.*', '^nutsboard,.*', '^nuvoton,.*', '^nvd,.*', '^nvidia,.*', '^nxp,.*', '^oceanic,.*', '^ocs,.*', '^oct,.*', '^okaya,.*', '^oki,.*', '^olimex,.*', '^olpc,.*', '^oneplus,.*', '^onie,.*', '^onion,.*', '^onnn,.*', '^ontat,.*', '^opalkelly,.*', '^openailab,.*', '^opencores,.*', '^openembed,.*', '^openpandora,.*', '^openrisc,.*', '^option,.*', '^oranth,.*', '^orisetech,.*', '^ortustech,.*', '^osddisplays,.*', '^osmc,.*', '^ouya,.*', '^overkiz,.*', '^ovti,.*', '^oxsemi,.*', '^ozzmaker,.*', '^panasonic,.*', '^parade,.*', '^parallax,.*', '^pda,.*', '^pericom,.*', '^pervasive,.*', '^phicomm,.*', '^phytec,.*', '^picochip,.*', '^pine64,.*', '^pineriver,.*', '^pixcir,.*', '^plantower,.*', '^plathome,.*', '^plda,.*', '^plx,.*', '^ply,.*', '^pni,.*', '^pocketbook,.*', '^polaroid,.*', '^polyhex,.*', '^portwell,.*', '^poslab,.*', '^pov,.*', '^powertip,.*', '^powervr,.*', '^powkiddy,.*', '^primux,.*', '^probox2,.*', '^prt,.*', '^pulsedlight,.*', '^purism,.*', '^qca,.*', '^qcom,.*', '^qemu,.*', '^qi,.*', '^qiaodian,.*', '^qihua,.*', '^qishenglong,.*', '^qnap,.*', '^quanta,.*', '^radxa,.*', '^raidsonic,.*', '^ralink,.*', '^ramtron,.*', '^raspberrypi,.*', '^raydium,.*', '^rda,.*', '^realtek,.*', '^remarkable,.*', '^renesas,.*', '^rervision,.*', '^revotics,.*', '^rex,.*', '^richtek,.*', '^ricoh,.*', '^rikomagic,.*', '^riot,.*', '^riscv,.*', '^rockchip,.*', '^rocktech,.*', '^rohm,.*', '^ronbo,.*', '^roofull,.*', '^roseapplepi,.*', '^rve,.*', '^saef,.*', '^samsung,.*', '^samtec,.*', '^sancloud,.*', '^sandisk,.*', '^satoz,.*', '^sbs,.*', '^schindler,.*', '^seagate,.*', '^seeed,.*', '^seirobotics,.*', '^semtech,.*', '^senseair,.*', '^sensirion,.*', '^sensortek,.*', '^sercomm,.*', '^sff,.*', '^sgd,.*', '^sgmicro,.*', '^sgx,.*', '^sharp,.*', '^shift,.*', '^shimafuji,.*', '^shineworld,.*', '^shiratech,.*', '^si-en,.*', '^si-linux,.*', '^siemens,.*', '^sifive,.*', '^sigma,.*', '^sii,.*', '^sil,.*', '^silabs,.*', '^silan,.*', '^silead,.*', '^silergy,.*', '^silex-insight,.*', '^siliconfile,.*', '^siliconmitus,.*', '^silvaco,.*', '^simtek,.*', '^sinlinx,.*', '^sinovoip,.*', '^sinowealth,.*', '^sipeed,.*', '^sirf,.*', '^sis,.*', '^sitronix,.*', '^skov,.*', '^skyworks,.*', '^smartlabs,.*', '^smi,.*', '^smsc,.*', '^snps,.*', '^sochip,.*', '^socionext,.*', '^solidrun,.*', '^solomon,.*', '^sony,.*', '^sophgo,.*', '^sourceparts,.*', '^spansion,.*', '^sparkfun,.*', '^spinalhdl,.*', '^sprd,.*', '^square,.*', '^ssi,.*', '^sst,.*', '^sstar,.*', '^st,.*', '^st-ericsson,.*', '^starfive,.*', '^starry,.*', '^startek,.*', '^starterkit,.*', '^ste,.*', '^stericsson,.*', '^storlink,.*', '^storm,.*', '^storopack,.*', '^summit,.*', '^sunchip,.*', '^sundance,.*', '^sunplus,.*', '^supermicro,.*', '^swir,.*', '^syna,.*', '^synology,.*', '^synopsys,.*', '^tbs,.*', '^tbs-biometrics,.*', '^tcg,.*', '^tcl,.*', '^tcs,.*', '^tdo,.*', '^team-source-display,.*', '^technexion,.*', '^technologic,.*', '^techstar,.*', '^techwell,.*', '^teejet,.*', '^teltonika,.*', '^tempo,.*', '^terasic,.*', '^tesla,.*', '^tfc,.*', '^thead,.*', '^thine,.*', '^thingyjp,.*', '^thundercomm,.*', '^thwc,.*', '^ti,.*', '^tianma,.*', '^tlm,.*', '^tmt,.*', '^topeet,.*', '^topic,.*', '^toppoly,.*', '^topwise,.*', '^toradex,.*', '^toshiba,.*', '^toumaz,.*', '^tpk,.*', '^tplink,.*', '^tpo,.*', '^tq,.*', '^transpeed,.*', '^traverse,.*', '^tronfy,.*', '^tronsmart,.*', '^truly,.*', '^tsd,.*', '^turing,.*', '^tyan,.*', '^u-blox,.*', '^u-boot,.*', '^ubnt,.*', '^ucrobotics,.*', '^udoo,.*', '^ufispace,.*', '^ugoos,.*', '^uniwest,.*', '^upisemi,.*', '^urt,.*', '^usi,.*', '^usr,.*', '^utoo,.*', '^v3,.*', '^vaisala,.*', '^vamrs,.*', '^variscite,.*', '^vdl,.*', '^vertexcom,.*', '^via,.*', '^vialab,.*', '^vicor,.*', '^videostrong,.*', '^virtio,.*', '^virtual,.*', '^vishay,.*', '^visionox,.*', '^vitesse,.*', '^vivante,.*', '^vivax,.*', '^vocore,.*', '^voipac,.*', '^vot,.*', '^vxt,.*', '^wanchanglong,.*', '^wand,.*', '^waveshare,.*', '^wd,.*', '^we,.*', '^welltech,.*', '^wetek,.*', '^wexler,.*', '^whwave,.*', '^wi2wi,.*', '^widora,.*', '^wiligear,.*', '^willsemi,.*', '^winbond,.*', '^wingtech,.*', '^winlink,.*', '^winstar,.*', '^wirelesstag,.*', '^wits,.*', '^wlf,.*', '^wm,.*', '^wobo,.*', '^x-powers,.*', '^xen,.*', '^xes,.*', '^xiaomi,.*', '^xillybus,.*', '^xingbangda,.*', '^xinpeng,.*', '^xiphera,.*', '^xlnx,.*', '^xnano,.*', '^xunlong,.*', '^xylon,.*', '^yadro,.*', '^yamaha,.*', '^yes-optoelectronics,.*', '^yic,.*', '^yiming,.*', '^ylm,.*', '^yna,.*', '^yones-toptech,.*', '^ys,.*', '^ysoft,.*', '^zarlink,.*', '^zealz,.*', '^zeitec,.*', '^zidoo,.*', '^zii,.*', '^zinitix,.*', '^zkmagic,.*', '^zte,.*', '^zyxel,.*', 'pinctrl-[0-9]+'
	from schema $id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/vendor-prefixes.yaml#

doc reference errors (make refcheckdocs):

See https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/devicetree-bindings/patch/20240215-mbly-i2c-v1-2-19a336e91dca@bootlin.com

The base for the series is generally the latest rc1. A different dependency
should be noted in *this* patch.

If you already ran 'make dt_binding_check' and didn't see the above
error(s), then make sure 'yamllint' is installed and dt-schema is up to

pip3 install dtschema --upgrade

Please check and re-submit after running the above command yourself. Note
that DT_SCHEMA_FILES can be set to your schema file to speed up checking
your schema. However, it must be unset to test all examples with your schema.
Rob Herring (Arm) Feb. 16, 2024, 2:22 a.m. UTC | #2
On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 05:52:09PM +0100, Théo Lebrun wrote:
> Add EyeQ5 bindings to the existing Nomadik I2C dt-bindings. Add the two
> EyeQ5-specific properties behind a conditional. Add an example for this
> compatible.
> Signed-off-by: Théo Lebrun <theo.lebrun@bootlin.com>
> ---
>  .../devicetree/bindings/i2c/st,nomadik-i2c.yaml    | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++--
>  1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/st,nomadik-i2c.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/st,nomadik-i2c.yaml
> index e6b95e3765ac..eaade14b6d4c 100644
> --- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/st,nomadik-i2c.yaml
> +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/st,nomadik-i2c.yaml
> @@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ description: The Nomadik I2C host controller began its life in the ST
>  maintainers:
>    - Linus Walleij <linus.walleij@linaro.org>
> -allOf:
> -  - $ref: /schemas/i2c/i2c-controller.yaml#
> -
>  # Need a custom select here or 'arm,primecell' will match on lots of nodes
>  select:
>    properties:
> @@ -24,6 +21,7 @@ select:
>        contains:
>          enum:
>            - st,nomadik-i2c
> +          - mobileye,eyeq5-i2c
>    required:
>      - compatible
> @@ -39,6 +37,10 @@ properties:
>            - const: stericsson,db8500-i2c
>            - const: st,nomadik-i2c
>            - const: arm,primecell
> +      # The variant found on Mobileye EyeQ5
> +      - items:
> +          - const: mobileye,eyeq5-i2c
> +          - const: arm,primecell
>    reg:
>      maxItems: 1
> @@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ properties:
>        - items:
>            - const: mclk
>            - const: apb_pclk
> -      # Clock name in DB8500
> +      # Clock name in DB8500 or EyeQ5
>        - items:
>            - const: i2cclk
>            - const: apb_pclk
> @@ -83,6 +85,25 @@ required:
>  unevaluatedProperties: false
> +allOf:
> +  - $ref: /schemas/i2c/i2c-controller.yaml#
> +  - if:
> +      properties:
> +        compatible:
> +          contains:
> +            const: mobileye,eyeq5-i2c
> +    then:
> +      properties:
> +        mobileye,olb:
> +          $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/phandle
> +          description: A phandle to the OLB syscon.

Define properties at the top-level and then restrict them in if/then 

> +        mobileye,id:
> +          $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
> +          description: Platform-wide controller ID (integer starting from zero).

instance indexes are a NAK. You can use i2cN aliases if you must.

Why do you need it? To access OLB? If so, add cell args to the OLB 
phandle instead.

Théo Lebrun Feb. 16, 2024, 10:18 a.m. UTC | #3

On Fri Feb 16, 2024 at 3:22 AM CET, Rob Herring wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 05:52:09PM +0100, Théo Lebrun wrote:
> > Add EyeQ5 bindings to the existing Nomadik I2C dt-bindings. Add the two
> > EyeQ5-specific properties behind a conditional. Add an example for this
> > compatible.


> > +allOf:
> > +  - $ref: /schemas/i2c/i2c-controller.yaml#
> > +  - if:
> > +      properties:
> > +        compatible:
> > +          contains:
> > +            const: mobileye,eyeq5-i2c
> > +    then:
> > +      properties:
> > +        mobileye,olb:
> > +          $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/phandle
> > +          description: A phandle to the OLB syscon.
> Define properties at the top-level and then restrict them in if/then 
> schemas.

Noted, thanks.

> > +        mobileye,id:
> > +          $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
> > +          description: Platform-wide controller ID (integer starting from zero).
> instance indexes are a NAK. You can use i2cN aliases if you must.
> Why do you need it? To access OLB? If so, add cell args to the OLB 
> phandle instead.

Why we do what we do: I2C controller must write a 2 bit value depending
on the bus speed. All I2C controllers write into the same register.
Index is used to compute the shift.

mobileye,olb is a phandle to a syscon. I'll be using i2cN aliases I


Théo Lebrun, Bootlin
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering
Krzysztof Kozlowski Feb. 16, 2024, 10:33 a.m. UTC | #4
On 16/02/2024 11:18, Théo Lebrun wrote:
>>> +        mobileye,id:
>>> +          $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
>>> +          description: Platform-wide controller ID (integer starting from zero).
>> instance indexes are a NAK. You can use i2cN aliases if you must.
>> Why do you need it? To access OLB? If so, add cell args to the OLB 
>> phandle instead.
> Why we do what we do: I2C controller must write a 2 bit value depending
> on the bus speed. All I2C controllers write into the same register.

Which register?  Your devices do not share IO address space.

> Index is used to compute the shift.
> mobileye,olb is a phandle to a syscon. I'll be using i2cN aliases I
> guess.
> Thanks,
> --
> Théo Lebrun, Bootlin
> Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering
> https://bootlin.com

Best regards,
Théo Lebrun Feb. 16, 2024, 10:40 a.m. UTC | #5

On Fri Feb 16, 2024 at 11:33 AM CET, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
> On 16/02/2024 11:18, Théo Lebrun wrote:
> > 
> >>> +        mobileye,id:
> >>> +          $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
> >>> +          description: Platform-wide controller ID (integer starting from zero).
> >>
> >> instance indexes are a NAK. You can use i2cN aliases if you must.
> >>
> >> Why do you need it? To access OLB? If so, add cell args to the OLB 
> >> phandle instead.
> > 
> > Why we do what we do: I2C controller must write a 2 bit value depending
> > on the bus speed. All I2C controllers write into the same register.
> Which register?  Your devices do not share IO address space.

mobileye,olb is a prop with a phandle to a syscon. That syscon contains
the register we are interested in.

The Linux code side of things is in the following patch. We use

   [PATCH 10/13] i2c: nomadik: support Mobileye EyeQ5 I2C controller


Théo Lebrun, Bootlin
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering
Krzysztof Kozlowski Feb. 17, 2024, 8:25 a.m. UTC | #6
On 16/02/2024 11:40, Théo Lebrun wrote:
> Hello,
> On Fri Feb 16, 2024 at 11:33 AM CET, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
>> On 16/02/2024 11:18, Théo Lebrun wrote:
>>>>> +        mobileye,id:
>>>>> +          $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
>>>>> +          description: Platform-wide controller ID (integer starting from zero).
>>>> instance indexes are a NAK. You can use i2cN aliases if you must.
>>>> Why do you need it? To access OLB? If so, add cell args to the OLB 
>>>> phandle instead.
>>> Why we do what we do: I2C controller must write a 2 bit value depending
>>> on the bus speed. All I2C controllers write into the same register.
>> Which register?  Your devices do not share IO address space.
> mobileye,olb is a prop with a phandle to a syscon. That syscon contains
> the register we are interested in.

So exactly what Rob said... I don't understand why you have chosen to go
with alias.

Best regards,
Théo Lebrun Feb. 19, 2024, 1:41 p.m. UTC | #7

On Sat Feb 17, 2024 at 9:25 AM CET, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
> On 16/02/2024 11:40, Théo Lebrun wrote:
> > On Fri Feb 16, 2024 at 11:33 AM CET, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
> >> On 16/02/2024 11:18, Théo Lebrun wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>> +        mobileye,id:
> >>>>> +          $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
> >>>>> +          description: Platform-wide controller ID (integer starting from zero).
> >>>>
> >>>> instance indexes are a NAK. You can use i2cN aliases if you must.
> >>>>
> >>>> Why do you need it? To access OLB? If so, add cell args to the OLB 
> >>>> phandle instead.
> >>>
> >>> Why we do what we do: I2C controller must write a 2 bit value depending
> >>> on the bus speed. All I2C controllers write into the same register.
> >>
> >> Which register?  Your devices do not share IO address space.
> > 
> > mobileye,olb is a prop with a phandle to a syscon. That syscon contains
> > the register we are interested in.
> So exactly what Rob said... I don't understand why you have chosen to go
> with alias.

I had misunderstood Rob's original message. Now that I've done some
tests to use cells I get what was meant. I'd have a follow-up question.
What should the cells contain? I see two options:

 - phandle + I2C controller global index (from 0 thru 4). Then Linux
   (or other) driver know how to map that index to register + mask
   combo. ie:

      i2c2: i2c@500000 {
         compatible = "mobileye,eyeq5-i2c", "arm,primecell";
         reg = <0 0x500000 0x0 0x1000>;
         /* ... */
         mobileye,olb = <&olb 2>;

 - phandle + register offset + mask. ie:

      i2c2: i2c@500000 {
         compatible = "mobileye,eyeq5-i2c", "arm,primecell";
         reg = <0 0x500000 0x0 0x1000>;
         /* ... */
         mobileye,olb = <&olb 0xB8 0x300>; /* phandle + offset + mask */

I would have guessed the second approach was frown upon as DT aren't
meant to contain iomem offsets. However I'm seeing quite a few drivers
using this approach, and no driver doing the first approach. Maybe my
instinct isn't leading me the right way.

See those bindings that use the second approach. They were found because
their drivers use the syscon_regmap_lookup_by_phandle_args() function
call. I've added the file creation date to highlight recent bindings
(that hopefully are closer to the right way).
 - phy/starfive,jh7110-pcie-phy.yaml    2023-06-29T15:51:12+08:00
 - usb/starfive,jh7110-usb.yaml         2023-05-18T19:27:48+08:00
 - net/starfive,jh7110-dwmac.yaml       2023-04-17T18:02:49+08:00
 - phy/qcom,sc8280xp-qmp-pcie-phy.yaml  2022-11-05T15:59:34+01:00
 - sound/snps,designware-i2s.yaml       2022-07-01T20:22:49+01:00
 - pinctrl/canaan,k210-fpioa.yaml       2020-12-13T22:50:44+09:00
 - media/ti,cal.yaml                    2019-11-12T15:53:47+01:00

I know looking at existing drivers/bindings isn't the right way, but I
have no other frame of reference. That's why I'm asking for guidance on
this one.


Théo Lebrun, Bootlin
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering

Krzysztof Kozlowski Feb. 20, 2024, 9:49 a.m. UTC | #8
On 19/02/2024 14:41, Théo Lebrun wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sat Feb 17, 2024 at 9:25 AM CET, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
>> On 16/02/2024 11:40, Théo Lebrun wrote:
>>> On Fri Feb 16, 2024 at 11:33 AM CET, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
>>>> On 16/02/2024 11:18, Théo Lebrun wrote:
>>>>>>> +        mobileye,id:
>>>>>>> +          $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
>>>>>>> +          description: Platform-wide controller ID (integer starting from zero).
>>>>>> instance indexes are a NAK. You can use i2cN aliases if you must.
>>>>>> Why do you need it? To access OLB? If so, add cell args to the OLB 
>>>>>> phandle instead.
>>>>> Why we do what we do: I2C controller must write a 2 bit value depending
>>>>> on the bus speed. All I2C controllers write into the same register.
>>>> Which register?  Your devices do not share IO address space.
>>> mobileye,olb is a prop with a phandle to a syscon. That syscon contains
>>> the register we are interested in.
>> So exactly what Rob said... I don't understand why you have chosen to go
>> with alias.
> I had misunderstood Rob's original message. Now that I've done some
> tests to use cells I get what was meant. I'd have a follow-up question.
> What should the cells contain? I see two options:
>  - phandle + I2C controller global index (from 0 thru 4). Then Linux
>    (or other) driver know how to map that index to register + mask
>    combo. ie:
>       i2c2: i2c@500000 {
>          compatible = "mobileye,eyeq5-i2c", "arm,primecell";
>          reg = <0 0x500000 0x0 0x1000>;
>          /* ... */
>          mobileye,olb = <&olb 2>;
>       };
>  - phandle + register offset + mask. ie:
>       i2c2: i2c@500000 {
>          compatible = "mobileye,eyeq5-i2c", "arm,primecell";
>          reg = <0 0x500000 0x0 0x1000>;
>          /* ... */
>          mobileye,olb = <&olb 0xB8 0x300>; /* phandle + offset + mask */
>       };

Whichever works for your current and possibly future needs and hardware,
because property should have one meaning. It's anyway specific to the
property. Second option is quite popular. Please design it for entire
hardware, not for this one particular case.

Best regards,
diff mbox series


diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/st,nomadik-i2c.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/st,nomadik-i2c.yaml
index e6b95e3765ac..eaade14b6d4c 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/st,nomadik-i2c.yaml
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/st,nomadik-i2c.yaml
@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@  description: The Nomadik I2C host controller began its life in the ST
   - Linus Walleij <linus.walleij@linaro.org>
-  - $ref: /schemas/i2c/i2c-controller.yaml#
 # Need a custom select here or 'arm,primecell' will match on lots of nodes
@@ -24,6 +21,7 @@  select:
           - st,nomadik-i2c
+          - mobileye,eyeq5-i2c
     - compatible
@@ -39,6 +37,10 @@  properties:
           - const: stericsson,db8500-i2c
           - const: st,nomadik-i2c
           - const: arm,primecell
+      # The variant found on Mobileye EyeQ5
+      - items:
+          - const: mobileye,eyeq5-i2c
+          - const: arm,primecell
     maxItems: 1
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@  properties:
       - items:
           - const: mclk
           - const: apb_pclk
-      # Clock name in DB8500
+      # Clock name in DB8500 or EyeQ5
       - items:
           - const: i2cclk
           - const: apb_pclk
@@ -83,6 +85,25 @@  required:
 unevaluatedProperties: false
+  - $ref: /schemas/i2c/i2c-controller.yaml#
+  - if:
+      properties:
+        compatible:
+          contains:
+            const: mobileye,eyeq5-i2c
+    then:
+      properties:
+        mobileye,olb:
+          $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/phandle
+          description: A phandle to the OLB syscon.
+        mobileye,id:
+          $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
+          description: Platform-wide controller ID (integer starting from zero).
+      required:
+        - mobileye,olb
+        - mobileye,id
   - |
     #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
@@ -116,5 +137,20 @@  examples:
       clocks = <&i2c0clk>, <&pclki2c0>;
       clock-names = "mclk", "apb_pclk";
+  - |
+    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/mips-gic.h>
+    i2c@300000 {
+      compatible = "mobileye,eyeq5-i2c", "arm,primecell";
+      reg = <0x300000 0x1000>;
+      interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
+      interrupts = <GIC_SHARED 1 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+      clock-frequency = <400000>;
+      #address-cells = <1>;
+      #size-cells = <0>;
+      clocks = <&i2c_ser_clk>, <&i2c_clk>;
+      clock-names = "i2cclk", "apb_pclk";
+      mobileye,olb = <&olb>;
+      mobileye,id = <0>;
+    };