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[RFC,v4,7/8] tools/damon/record: Support physical memory address spce

Message ID 20200616140813.17863-8-sjpark@amazon.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series DAMON: Support Access Monitoring of Any Address Space Including Physical Memory | expand

Commit Message

SeongJae Park June 16, 2020, 2:08 p.m. UTC
From: SeongJae Park <sjpark@amazon.de>

This commit allows users to record the data accesses on physical memory
address space by passing 'paddr' as target to 'damo-record'.  If the
init regions are given, the regions will be monitored.  Else, it will
monitor biggest conitguous 'System RAM' region in '/proc/iomem' and
monitor the region.

Signed-off-by: SeongJae Park <sjpark@amazon.de>
 tools/damon/_damon.py |  2 ++
 tools/damon/heats.py  |  2 +-
 tools/damon/record.py | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/tools/damon/_damon.py b/tools/damon/_damon.py
index ad476cc61421..95d23c2ab6ee 100644
--- a/tools/damon/_damon.py
+++ b/tools/damon/_damon.py
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@  def set_target(pid, init_regions=[]):
     if not os.path.exists(debugfs_init_regions):
         return 0
+    if pid == 'paddr':
+        pid = -1
     string = ' '.join(['%s %d %d' % (pid, r[0], r[1]) for r in init_regions])
     return subprocess.call('echo "%s" > %s' % (string, debugfs_init_regions),
             shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
diff --git a/tools/damon/heats.py b/tools/damon/heats.py
index 99837083874e..34dbcf1a839d 100644
--- a/tools/damon/heats.py
+++ b/tools/damon/heats.py
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@  def plot_heatmap(data_file, output_file):
     set xrange [0:];
     set yrange [0:];
     set xlabel 'Time (ns)';
-    set ylabel 'Virtual Address (bytes)';
+    set ylabel 'Address (bytes)';
     plot '%s' using 1:2:3 with image;""" % (terminal, output_file, data_file)
     subprocess.call(['gnuplot', '-e', gnuplot_cmd])
diff --git a/tools/damon/record.py b/tools/damon/record.py
index 6ce8721d782a..416dca940c1d 100644
--- a/tools/damon/record.py
+++ b/tools/damon/record.py
@@ -73,6 +73,29 @@  def set_argparser(parser):
     parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', metavar='<file path>', type=str,
             default='damon.data', help='output file path')
+def default_paddr_region():
+    "Largest System RAM region becomes the default"
+    ret = []
+    with open('/proc/iomem', 'r') as f:
+        # example of the line: '100000000-42b201fff : System RAM'
+        for line in f:
+            fields = line.split(':')
+            if len(fields) != 2:
+                continue
+            name = fields[1].strip()
+            if name != 'System RAM':
+                continue
+            addrs = fields[0].split('-')
+            if len(addrs) != 2:
+                continue
+            start = int(addrs[0], 16)
+            end = int(addrs[1], 16)
+            sz_region = end - start
+            if not ret or sz_region > (ret[1] - ret[0]):
+                ret = [start, end]
+    return ret
 def main(args=None):
     global orig_attrs
     if not args:
@@ -93,7 +116,11 @@  def main(args=None):
     target = args.target
     target_fields = target.split()
-    if not subprocess.call('which %s > /dev/null' % target_fields[0],
+    if target == 'paddr':   # physical memory address space
+        if not init_regions:
+            init_regions = [default_paddr_region()]
+        do_record(target, False, init_regions, new_attrs, orig_attrs)
+    elif not subprocess.call('which %s > /dev/null' % target_fields[0],
             shell=True, executable='/bin/bash'):
         do_record(target, True, init_regions, new_attrs, orig_attrs)