From patchwork Wed Sep 27 03:42:18 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Kees Cook X-Patchwork-Id: 13399846 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E1D91E7F15A for ; Wed, 27 Sep 2023 03:42:34 +0000 (UTC) Received: by (Postfix) id 77DE68D0078; Tue, 26 Sep 2023 23:42:31 -0400 (EDT) Received: by (Postfix, from userid 40) id 70F078D0079; Tue, 26 Sep 2023 23:42:31 -0400 (EDT) X-Delivered-To: Received: by (Postfix, from userid 63042) id 532448D0078; Tue, 26 Sep 2023 23:42:31 -0400 (EDT) X-Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3AFBE8D0002 for ; Tue, 26 Sep 2023 23:42:31 -0400 (EDT) Received: from (a10.router.float.18 []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 90EA11CABF7 for ; Wed, 27 Sep 2023 03:42:30 +0000 (UTC) X-FDA: 81280980060.21.D0D2EA9 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 90F6E80006 for ; Wed, 27 Sep 2023 03:42:26 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=google header.b=KawuEEmi; dmarc=pass (policy=none); spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20220608; t=1695786146; h=from:from:sender:reply-to:subject:subject:date:date: message-id:message-id:to:to:cc:cc:mime-version:mime-version: content-type:content-type: content-transfer-encoding:content-transfer-encoding: in-reply-to:in-reply-to:references:references:dkim-signature; bh=q1S2QHXg38kETw2Vrnc3ITAH/+VCqfp/XhwxJe7fVnI=; b=ByNWzRBBQpxGmnw8SSdrmkkjOynsmZ5YGvZqKj+e3aI+1+ehGE0ZUE8fN15mSWflNLmaXE y239Se2/xnEbUPxKi0DHdoZc/kbcg3K/+0IFEFyFMbvaYegyhrMQB0DXBhKAsooEAaqIrB mrYSI8Xx+5tKS3vaYW155C+IhaUO/bQ= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dkim=pass header.s=google header.b=KawuEEmi; dmarc=pass (policy=none); spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) ARC-Seal: i=1; s=arc-20220608;; t=1695786146; a=rsa-sha256; cv=none; b=gbiaBwk5hBRIZA9IWyrgq3HTFQ2HZOPTk+LNh3e0wjhJ6vwDUpCtp1D3Ww+suR3RB4DgVO nVDvf/jtWW1sGPWBTIP+HZfmWF9U5yzdf9Gc5W0Vc46Zo9Uvetozm69qEnHqxcb2pqiLKE L1fIkk5+UCFMOgwdZtsi36wTh6cXNQA= Received: by with SMTP id d9443c01a7336-1c60778a3bfso60764785ad.1 for ; Tue, 26 Sep 2023 20:42:26 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=google; t=1695786145; x=1696390945;; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=q1S2QHXg38kETw2Vrnc3ITAH/+VCqfp/XhwxJe7fVnI=; b=KawuEEmiz8SxfGWLiPURh0xo0NOf9z20MB6nopjNePIaCMNnLpwmmzLEzuypVXcjzg F6hrvQnjG3Yax31rViDCNKjqzHnvPD9rM5t5+zk1c1EedDJJEDKn/+UNv5kpQD4rwzMO QIKbBZ58cPv34ZXRE/RLu6fp4GtadIds3Bh3k= X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1695786145; x=1696390945; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=q1S2QHXg38kETw2Vrnc3ITAH/+VCqfp/XhwxJe7fVnI=; b=bktt27ntjqCSZPbZ8Oe5sZIIqOHYhxk0f+uCl38hg8dSm6w8b+3VuUwp5Z+ua83lgc RtHtmKmcb7v+ieMqdASfQapsDWa+VfZwXa/5qZd/lC++VLLbbDb/uDGQtJm8A4tHofXr CGlmRUFsa4qkc1P3kv4w2WBC5xZpIykvAeTt4kNUJ5p1ufQInFT8MsP+9KlUE7GW8G4d rw+jikOkb8TFMTBOu5+lyn9poX8Lj+G5M1+Qadp8i9xRGc+kb4NTVo+gF6Z0qYEJ5NVw AGj6dVkMZaRSBIdub26GTwwUQPU5SgrTpNZsXY0khG6ofW2+J9/nmBhOBllOf0R3Kdpa I8Jg== X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0Yyede7Swk5Tkgn30+4C3FVWIBkZ0SVXaUxfo+5zXuQOxkfZBD0M 5uEpG/8Ux7MTdDap03kcbOLhqg== X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IFe7SiLGGQxcesMYUTekhGYP9tx7X00nTSSjxQpTyzG+5pYTZ/MtjR/GtWHi7oYLAWe7SLIfQ== X-Received: by 2002:a17:902:db0a:b0:1c6:2dbb:e5fa with SMTP id m10-20020a170902db0a00b001c62dbbe5famr755412plx.44.1695786145303; Tue, 26 Sep 2023 20:42:25 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by with ESMTPSA id iz19-20020a170902ef9300b001c3bc7b8816sm11900661plb.284.2023. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Tue, 26 Sep 2023 20:42:24 -0700 (PDT) From: Kees Cook To: Eric Biederman Cc: Kees Cook , Sebastian Ott , =?utf-8?q?Thomas_Wei=C3=9Fschuh?= , Al Viro , Christian Brauner , Pedro Falcato ,,,, Subject: [PATCH v3 1/4] binfmt_elf: Support segments with 0 filesz and misaligned starts Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 20:42:18 -0700 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.34.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Developer-Signature: v=1; a=openpgp-sha256; l=8056;; h=from:subject; bh=17HFsxzRR6qjNPl2OqeDyONMEClWu0Ld8l5K3CgB/PI=; b=owEBbQKS/ZANAwAKAYly9N/cbcAmAcsmYgBlE6Sd9ky4C5SoI1ZcjBN8kT+abWcWJ1uQcH9Lv 1XdD+58PfSJAjMEAAEKAB0WIQSlw/aPIp3WD3I+bhOJcvTf3G3AJgUCZROknQAKCRCJcvTf3G3A JoKdEACLlARnwXh8gO+l0ringMMre5I4XKiCn1NVJQv/JS/kN/l3wYxfL7OoFGJto2s+6iml7nK peWKblSMEhaNZAO8qfqYUyi/ZpP3RBKGBcBlze989hvAGAq75DOpEdN8PoeowwFXFUbACsQcX8Q OtIJfFZIiP6qNwdHVe2tudNOTtW5glJyjdBoEm8Bs0tLgHa+H8PDBqU2e+SCFQQzYLktWLPY1DQ Rt1+dVHxoom31wssNi01Pm2Fwna3qyPOWL8xB162Mq+0lTRlxBsLJJEfDYn3xdeVPLs3l+5xGYB u+DgPFiv2QGDibshSWyYSvsaCmG5jLBuIbV37VJPE9rnj/DM7N/PHGkV2EMgUzNuHcPtUfr414T jM5KuTByaqkRJia081X3TfoAawDH9SPSRrs8fAKq1ErKhi81NdP2bljkE7VknEsJ4FfLBb0rhts ciyyJj4tpRVZek8NF6AxjqZrIvV0XSK8OO3qntjbUkVGX6p+XCrW8peffqsynyr2eV0D8Io0EQg YZ3nGO5w1nG6RxWJYAP51wZZ74RhpWRfOxDkqOxu7XG345mE0IJgdel6mb87HZhY+i7W/TmcfVl 5rlv5Ll1/Vne3C9HV5g3tHhcOdIzX0C2TpVOSyEa4z4b/2ru9eR7hJdsF7O6potoe4OVwkXAkxr zsu/qJWtB/3bjDQ== X-Developer-Key:; a=openpgp; fpr=A5C3F68F229DD60F723E6E138972F4DFDC6DC026 X-Rspam-User: X-Rspamd-Server: rspam12 X-Rspamd-Queue-Id: 90F6E80006 X-Stat-Signature: r1xwuxwgcbcc5guftm6pkh1w9j783aim X-HE-Tag: 1695786146-19939 X-HE-Meta: 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 p7i8koOz jWOVFeqJswqcAbivnSUzjJphPRTQ21Pbu/b7kEUumspySzkyRWUw0GFGsxiGgOgSVu5u0cOjHIdf16Ou//WijiLzqPGHUWGgz8u2mrBcexRWxAIzxjngrC8aZ6sQ7LUjeP+krSf8zjglS1XzpL8/aqIILdKb67QP533dxUAlmYCJLGiHclmpOu+8lmfCg2OwpALz7OTdiIP0eXIDYy9Sp2m7XguwAd5UXbjXR1FWakIt87oxOvVF/a+eFl+c6Roi3YIts7/DLr6pcexjeZEfW0/UPMOMJf1UndJoVUXVd81Liz/IMMV8+aqvv7xSg91gRAjV/V07SKK66LlMcLt+i+VN6O9VWge99OjIEueJ4HDexINcJdtzzKeMN5IcNlt1IoBzYxZ31eY8CxiGgjShdau1D+FiaJZ6hqYRuB/v4B8KNf938MQ+LRt+YSJY/ofUslrq6bedCLPc+PhlF81UL5LNA50+S0fm/ciYsJuy+8HoAZfOB9kuOsc/8Be6SdBLaDMGF0uB2dcNRVjBJsWB1N/OJ23E3uKDkcntjDjR2B5d/MPFmzZSlN9OjNpv+m+kEfWf1IMuWEnpKiQmpj8r9qy2ZgaglFXZAOsrtgfarxZD79rJmzvhrR4GGGuutdbEWmrnVGY5wd2k6Kol6ixOZfRRSYeqRUyGwwnzyKjO0g4F9jNMv22dw0CYqgGnF7mGwhv+VehCmoxcdxJ6h5wUmc3QQWY8hHfSGYnKuSy9M2TmhN5zt9Kn/b4FyfM6GX7SeIcF1uSRO/JG3H4hfxlborDXAMIV4zeNL/tNDHuD7DkVFskKjc/E1mEbsqoRF1oK+9ctohN0+tAMYwczWU037aQ0hNkKa6RZ4cETY X-Bogosity: Ham, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.000000, version=1.2.4 Sender: Precedence: bulk X-Loop: List-ID: From: "Eric W. Biederman" Implement a helper elf_load() that wraps elf_map() and performs all of the necessary work to ensure that when "memsz > filesz" the bytes described by "memsz > filesz" are zeroed. An outstanding issue is if the first segment has filesz 0, and has a randomized location. But that is the same as today. In this change I replaced an open coded padzero() that did not clear all of the way to the end of the page, with padzero() that does. I also stopped checking the return of padzero() as there is at least one known case where testing for failure is the wrong thing to do. It looks like binfmt_elf_fdpic may have the proper set of tests for when error handling can be safely completed. I found a couple of commits in the old history, that look very interesting in understanding this code. commit 39b56d902bf3 ("[PATCH] binfmt_elf: clearing bss may fail") commit c6e2227e4a3e ("[SPARC64]: Missing user access return value checks in fs/binfmt_elf.c and fs/compat.c") commit 5bf3be033f50 ("v2.4.10.1 -> v2.4.10.2") Looking at commit 39b56d902bf3 ("[PATCH] binfmt_elf: clearing bss may fail"): > commit 39b56d902bf35241e7cba6cc30b828ed937175ad > Author: Pavel Machek > Date: Wed Feb 9 22:40:30 2005 -0800 > > [PATCH] binfmt_elf: clearing bss may fail > > So we discover that Borland's Kylix application builder emits weird elf > files which describe a non-writeable bss segment. > > So remove the clear_user() check at the place where we zero out the bss. I > don't _think_ there are any security implications here (plus we've never > checked that clear_user() return value, so whoops if it is a problem). > > Signed-off-by: Pavel Machek > Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton > Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds It seems pretty clear that binfmt_elf_fdpic with skipping clear_user() for non-writable segments and otherwise calling clear_user(), aka padzero(), and checking it's return code is the right thing to do. I just skipped the error checking as that avoids breaking things. And notably, it looks like Borland's Kylix died in 2005 so it might be safe to just consider read-only segments with memsz > filesz an error. Reported-by: Sebastian Ott Reported-by: Thomas Weißschuh Closes: Signed-off-by: "Eric W. Biederman" Link: Signed-off-by: Kees Cook --- fs/binfmt_elf.c | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-) diff --git a/fs/binfmt_elf.c b/fs/binfmt_elf.c index 7b3d2d491407..2a615f476e44 100644 --- a/fs/binfmt_elf.c +++ b/fs/binfmt_elf.c @@ -110,25 +110,6 @@ static struct linux_binfmt elf_format = { #define BAD_ADDR(x) (unlikely((unsigned long)(x) >= TASK_SIZE)) -static int set_brk(unsigned long start, unsigned long end, int prot) -{ - start = ELF_PAGEALIGN(start); - end = ELF_PAGEALIGN(end); - if (end > start) { - /* - * Map the last of the bss segment. - * If the header is requesting these pages to be - * executable, honour that (ppc32 needs this). - */ - int error = vm_brk_flags(start, end - start, - prot & PROT_EXEC ? VM_EXEC : 0); - if (error) - return error; - } - current->mm->start_brk = current->mm->brk = end; - return 0; -} - /* We need to explicitly zero any fractional pages after the data section (i.e. bss). This would contain the junk from the file that should not @@ -406,6 +387,51 @@ static unsigned long elf_map(struct file *filep, unsigned long addr, return(map_addr); } +static unsigned long elf_load(struct file *filep, unsigned long addr, + const struct elf_phdr *eppnt, int prot, int type, + unsigned long total_size) +{ + unsigned long zero_start, zero_end; + unsigned long map_addr; + + if (eppnt->p_filesz) { + map_addr = elf_map(filep, addr, eppnt, prot, type, total_size); + if (BAD_ADDR(map_addr)) + return map_addr; + if (eppnt->p_memsz > eppnt->p_filesz) { + zero_start = map_addr + ELF_PAGEOFFSET(eppnt->p_vaddr) + + eppnt->p_filesz; + zero_end = map_addr + ELF_PAGEOFFSET(eppnt->p_vaddr) + + eppnt->p_memsz; + + /* Zero the end of the last mapped page */ + padzero(zero_start); + } + } else { + map_addr = zero_start = ELF_PAGESTART(addr); + zero_end = zero_start + ELF_PAGEOFFSET(eppnt->p_vaddr) + + eppnt->p_memsz; + } + if (eppnt->p_memsz > eppnt->p_filesz) { + /* + * Map the last of the segment. + * If the header is requesting these pages to be + * executable, honour that (ppc32 needs this). + */ + int error; + + zero_start = ELF_PAGEALIGN(zero_start); + zero_end = ELF_PAGEALIGN(zero_end); + + error = vm_brk_flags(zero_start, zero_end - zero_start, + prot & PROT_EXEC ? VM_EXEC : 0); + if (error) + map_addr = error; + } + return map_addr; +} + + static unsigned long total_mapping_size(const struct elf_phdr *phdr, int nr) { elf_addr_t min_addr = -1; @@ -829,7 +855,6 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_binprm *bprm) struct elf_phdr *elf_ppnt, *elf_phdata, *interp_elf_phdata = NULL; struct elf_phdr *elf_property_phdata = NULL; unsigned long elf_bss, elf_brk; - int bss_prot = 0; int retval, i; unsigned long elf_entry; unsigned long e_entry; @@ -1040,33 +1065,6 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_binprm *bprm) if (elf_ppnt->p_type != PT_LOAD) continue; - if (unlikely (elf_brk > elf_bss)) { - unsigned long nbyte; - - /* There was a PT_LOAD segment with p_memsz > p_filesz - before this one. Map anonymous pages, if needed, - and clear the area. */ - retval = set_brk(elf_bss + load_bias, - elf_brk + load_bias, - bss_prot); - if (retval) - goto out_free_dentry; - nbyte = ELF_PAGEOFFSET(elf_bss); - if (nbyte) { - nbyte = ELF_MIN_ALIGN - nbyte; - if (nbyte > elf_brk - elf_bss) - nbyte = elf_brk - elf_bss; - if (clear_user((void __user *)elf_bss + - load_bias, nbyte)) { - /* - * This bss-zeroing can fail if the ELF - * file specifies odd protections. So - * we don't check the return value - */ - } - } - } - elf_prot = make_prot(elf_ppnt->p_flags, &arch_state, !!interpreter, false); @@ -1162,7 +1160,7 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_binprm *bprm) } } - error = elf_map(bprm->file, load_bias + vaddr, elf_ppnt, + error = elf_load(bprm->file, load_bias + vaddr, elf_ppnt, elf_prot, elf_flags, total_size); if (BAD_ADDR(error)) { retval = IS_ERR_VALUE(error) ? @@ -1217,10 +1215,8 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_binprm *bprm) if (end_data < k) end_data = k; k = elf_ppnt->p_vaddr + elf_ppnt->p_memsz; - if (k > elf_brk) { - bss_prot = elf_prot; + if (k > elf_brk) elf_brk = k; - } } e_entry = elf_ex->e_entry + load_bias; @@ -1232,18 +1228,7 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_binprm *bprm) start_data += load_bias; end_data += load_bias; - /* Calling set_brk effectively mmaps the pages that we need - * for the bss and break sections. We must do this before - * mapping in the interpreter, to make sure it doesn't wind - * up getting placed where the bss needs to go. - */ - retval = set_brk(elf_bss, elf_brk, bss_prot); - if (retval) - goto out_free_dentry; - if (likely(elf_bss != elf_brk) && unlikely(padzero(elf_bss))) { - retval = -EFAULT; /* Nobody gets to see this, but.. */ - goto out_free_dentry; - } + current->mm->start_brk = current->mm->brk = ELF_PAGEALIGN(elf_brk); if (interpreter) { elf_entry = load_elf_interp(interp_elf_ex,