@@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ management subsystem maintainer. After more sufficient tests, the patches will
be queued in mm-stable [3]_ , and finally pull-requested to the mainline by the
memory management subsystem maintainer.
-Note again the patches for review should be made against the mm-unstable
-tree [1]_ whenever possible. damon/next is only for preview of others' works
-in progress.
+Note again the patches for mm-unstable tree [1]_ are queued by the memory
+management subsystem maintainer. If the patches requires some patches in
+damon/next tree [2]_ which not yet merged in mm-unstable, please make sure the
+requirement is clearly specified.
Submit checklist addendum
The document mentions any patches for review should based on mm-unstable instead of damon/next. It should be the recommended process, but sometimes patches based on damon/next could be posted for some reasons. Actually, the DAMON-based tiered memory management patchset[1] was written on top of 'young page' DAMOS filter patchset, which was in damon/next tree as of the writing. Allow such case and just ask such things to be clearly specified. [1] https://lore.kernel.org/20240405060858.2818-1-honggyu.kim@sk.com Signed-off-by: SeongJae Park <sj@kernel.org> --- Documentation/mm/damon/maintainer-profile.rst | 7 ++++--- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)