From patchwork Fri Feb 28 18:29:28 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Frank van der Linden X-Patchwork-Id: 13996928 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5B33AC282C6 for ; Fri, 28 Feb 2025 18:30:57 +0000 (UTC) Received: by (Postfix) id E2AFC28001C; Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:30:35 -0500 (EST) Received: by (Postfix, from userid 40) id DDA5C280001; Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:30:35 -0500 (EST) X-Delivered-To: Received: by (Postfix, from userid 63042) id C507228001C; Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:30:35 -0500 (EST) X-Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 91C36280001 for ; Fri, 28 Feb 2025 13:30:35 -0500 (EST) Received: from (a10.router.float.18 []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 499F7161060 for ; Fri, 28 Feb 2025 18:30:35 +0000 (UTC) X-FDA: 83170194030.11.3C16CF6 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6869B8000E for ; Fri, 28 Feb 2025 18:30:33 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; 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Fri, 28 Feb 2025 10:30:33 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1740767432; x=1741372232;; h=cc:to:from:subject:message-id:references:mime-version:in-reply-to :date:from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=IoBHRW/adUD3sx6ef6qBe3DIT3wk3SN+71DQwCQYK8E=; b=DBirLHdlomuc5JLJvo0MMe1+KWe7cRzktmV13q9CCIJw9ePxPN4dpiqDWiM7kWt3OT kz+I2wJx1Hxmwk9JKVQbb5VHJwYthQVSCaxgU24MVghwTyZ1XTgd2xwnpuf8nq54Fpkk 8ire5V9oVUqjM/ucmeFqe5RF7OXTFNVpFEbLduynvZw4sMDPPzHsIIVdLyBjALJ8RKiG IeJ6AQUsHseEvTshQoAeRuEXFX1Lwo+/r2CgZX1a5VGb72o/Yb6AueDA0D2hKol4LV58 jUxZ9s1pVXuQzw7QTexvV8o/wXJDKIgx4L8Adwomr5hPXIa/F5lzsXSVQfTBot8ypKWK NCjg== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1740767432; x=1741372232; h=cc:to:from:subject:message-id:references:mime-version:in-reply-to :date:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=IoBHRW/adUD3sx6ef6qBe3DIT3wk3SN+71DQwCQYK8E=; b=FB2eU7Hc73xc/In27jBBm7OO/LUbnNpsfc124Xd0nQYUqMP3n8M5elng+fHeqoTRcj 2OIVOXzTvIqn9iUv1IXjXyrniFdkCwhTGydS3AGlIRJgCTb/RW1IWFgSDJVDz8B21V8m 752NynTGs/Dx+9f/c8+gEsi+ii17Wt6ubuNuAlKNO5YNlFh9JGIY+r8JQ4JLGvc+yn70 EOmiVUVZaCDCqHkZnB4CrKrRoB0FKIMpuj2sL7d6X4vdJ8tRno5cXDQpWFzl2VHRxNHV Jef1FaRUOmVraPAyFwkFpmmmuCiP3oVmLok4OH2ba0XeAW4gTWOnFw1eoL+XFHygS96t 7Ejw== X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=1; X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0YyR4kTUoDRybqOj3pm6k4t3hWCZAcbrPPrcX56+6AhE/zytnsK9 VUCl59nEcdTuZ9cKDMW3lmgCAPjwaJtLyJrbN4F95eyHx+Fk+Dakx6jXmXqNuq6X5C91ug== X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IFYRZfw/iKPy89wJmaJ/TEGAeh30n7Li+71hZoPe7g3000pn8NixLfIZexb+lsh6KpV8fXysdvq X-Received: from ([2002:a17:90b:1b41:b0:2fe:d61a:ed]) (user=fvdl job=prod-delivery.src-stubby-dispatcher) by 2002:a17:90b:3511:b0:2fa:1f1b:3db2 with SMTP id 98e67ed59e1d1-2febabcfedfmr6880143a91.25.1740767432395; Fri, 28 Feb 2025 10:30:32 -0800 (PST) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 18:29:28 +0000 In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 References: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email Message-ID: <> Subject: [PATCH v5 27/27] mm/hugetlb: move hugetlb CMA code in to its own file From: Frank van der Linden To:,,, Cc:,,,,,, Frank van der Linden X-Rspam-User: X-Rspamd-Server: rspam10 X-Rspamd-Queue-Id: 6869B8000E X-Stat-Signature: ha9i1n5gwuwq17gi9q51og96mbxiecu3 X-HE-Tag: 1740767433-839671 X-HE-Meta: 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 Nqv87wpN 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 X-Bogosity: Ham, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.000000, version=1.2.4 Sender: Precedence: bulk X-Loop: List-ID: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: hugetlb.c contained a number of CONFIG_CMA ifdefs, and the code inside them was large enough to merit being in its own file, so move it, cleaning up things a bit. Hide some direct variable access behind functions to accommodate the move. No functional change intended. Signed-off-by: Frank van der Linden --- MAINTAINERS | 2 + mm/Makefile | 3 + mm/hugetlb.c | 269 +++------------------------------------------ mm/hugetlb_cma.c | 275 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ mm/hugetlb_cma.h | 57 ++++++++++ 5 files changed, 354 insertions(+), 252 deletions(-) create mode 100644 mm/hugetlb_cma.c create mode 100644 mm/hugetlb_cma.h diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index 8e0736dc2ee0..7d083b653b69 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -10710,6 +10710,8 @@ F: fs/hugetlbfs/ F: include/linux/hugetlb.h F: include/trace/events/hugetlbfs.h F: mm/hugetlb.c +F: mm/hugetlb_cma.c +F: mm/hugetlb_cma.h F: mm/hugetlb_vmemmap.c F: mm/hugetlb_vmemmap.h F: tools/testing/selftests/cgroup/test_hugetlb_memcg.c diff --git a/mm/Makefile b/mm/Makefile index 850386a67b3e..810ccd45d270 100644 --- a/mm/Makefile +++ b/mm/Makefile @@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SWAP) += page_io.o swap_state.o swapfile.o swap_slots.o obj-$(CONFIG_ZSWAP) += zswap.o obj-$(CONFIG_HAS_DMA) += dmapool.o obj-$(CONFIG_HUGETLBFS) += hugetlb.o +ifdef CONFIG_CMA +obj-$(CONFIG_HUGETLBFS) += hugetlb_cma.o +endif obj-$(CONFIG_HUGETLB_PAGE_OPTIMIZE_VMEMMAP) += hugetlb_vmemmap.o obj-$(CONFIG_NUMA) += mempolicy.o obj-$(CONFIG_SPARSEMEM) += sparse.o diff --git a/mm/hugetlb.c b/mm/hugetlb.c index 664ccaaa717a..3ee98f612137 100644 --- a/mm/hugetlb.c +++ b/mm/hugetlb.c @@ -49,19 +49,13 @@ #include #include "internal.h" #include "hugetlb_vmemmap.h" +#include "hugetlb_cma.h" #include int hugetlb_max_hstate __read_mostly; unsigned int default_hstate_idx; struct hstate hstates[HUGE_MAX_HSTATE]; -#ifdef CONFIG_CMA -static struct cma *hugetlb_cma[MAX_NUMNODES]; -static unsigned long hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[MAX_NUMNODES] __initdata; -#endif -static bool hugetlb_cma_only; -static unsigned long hugetlb_cma_size __initdata; - __initdata struct list_head huge_boot_pages[MAX_NUMNODES]; static unsigned long hstate_boot_nrinvalid[HUGE_MAX_HSTATE] __initdata; @@ -128,14 +122,11 @@ static struct resv_map *vma_resv_map(struct vm_area_struct *vma); static void hugetlb_free_folio(struct folio *folio) { -#ifdef CONFIG_CMA - int nid = folio_nid(folio); - if (folio_test_hugetlb_cma(folio)) { - WARN_ON_ONCE(!cma_free_folio(hugetlb_cma[nid], folio)); + hugetlb_cma_free_folio(folio); return; } -#endif + folio_put(folio); } @@ -1492,31 +1483,9 @@ static struct folio *alloc_gigantic_folio(struct hstate *h, gfp_t gfp_mask, if (nid == NUMA_NO_NODE) nid = numa_mem_id(); retry: - folio = NULL; -#ifdef CONFIG_CMA - { - int node; - - if (hugetlb_cma[nid]) - folio = cma_alloc_folio(hugetlb_cma[nid], order, gfp_mask); - - if (!folio && !(gfp_mask & __GFP_THISNODE)) { - for_each_node_mask(node, *nodemask) { - if (node == nid || !hugetlb_cma[node]) - continue; - - folio = cma_alloc_folio(hugetlb_cma[node], order, gfp_mask); - if (folio) - break; - } - } - - if (folio) - folio_set_hugetlb_cma(folio); - } -#endif + folio = hugetlb_cma_alloc_folio(h, gfp_mask, nid, nodemask); if (!folio) { - if (hugetlb_cma_only) + if (hugetlb_cma_exclusive_alloc()) return NULL; folio = folio_alloc_gigantic(order, gfp_mask, nid, nodemask); @@ -3179,47 +3148,14 @@ struct folio *alloc_hugetlb_folio(struct vm_area_struct *vma, return ERR_PTR(-ENOSPC); } -static bool __init hugetlb_early_cma(struct hstate *h) -{ - if (arch_has_huge_bootmem_alloc()) - return false; - - return (hstate_is_gigantic(h) && hugetlb_cma_only); -} - static __init void *alloc_bootmem(struct hstate *h, int nid, bool node_exact) { struct huge_bootmem_page *m; - unsigned long flags; - struct cma *cma; int listnode = nid; -#ifdef CONFIG_CMA - if (hugetlb_early_cma(h)) { - flags = HUGE_BOOTMEM_CMA; - cma = hugetlb_cma[nid]; - m = cma_reserve_early(cma, huge_page_size(h)); - if (!m) { - int node; - - if (node_exact) - return NULL; - for_each_online_node(node) { - cma = hugetlb_cma[node]; - if (!cma || node == nid) - continue; - m = cma_reserve_early(cma, huge_page_size(h)); - if (m) { - listnode = node; - break; - } - } - } - } else -#endif - { - flags = 0; - cma = NULL; + if (hugetlb_early_cma(h)) + m = hugetlb_cma_alloc_bootmem(h, &listnode, node_exact); + else { if (node_exact) m = memblock_alloc_exact_nid_raw(huge_page_size(h), huge_page_size(h), 0, @@ -3238,6 +3174,11 @@ static __init void *alloc_bootmem(struct hstate *h, int nid, bool node_exact) if (m) listnode = early_pfn_to_nid(PHYS_PFN(virt_to_phys(m))); } + + if (m) { + m->flags = 0; + m->cma = NULL; + } } if (m) { @@ -3252,8 +3193,6 @@ static __init void *alloc_bootmem(struct hstate *h, int nid, bool node_exact) INIT_LIST_HEAD(&m->list); list_add(&m->list, &huge_boot_pages[listnode]); m->hstate = h; - m->flags = flags; - m->cma = cma; } return m; @@ -3703,7 +3642,8 @@ static void __init hugetlb_hstate_alloc_pages(struct hstate *h) * Skip gigantic hugepages allocation if early CMA * reservations are not available. */ - if (hstate_is_gigantic(h) && hugetlb_cma_size && !hugetlb_early_cma(h)) { + if (hstate_is_gigantic(h) && hugetlb_cma_total_size() && + !hugetlb_early_cma(h)) { pr_warn_once("HugeTLB: hugetlb_cma is enabled, skip boot time allocation\n"); return; } @@ -3740,7 +3680,7 @@ static void __init hugetlb_init_hstates(void) */ if (hstate_is_gigantic(h) && !gigantic_page_runtime_supported()) continue; - if (hugetlb_cma_size && h->order <= HUGETLB_PAGE_ORDER) + if (hugetlb_cma_total_size() && h->order <= HUGETLB_PAGE_ORDER) continue; for_each_hstate(h2) { if (h2 == h) @@ -4642,14 +4582,6 @@ static void hugetlb_register_all_nodes(void) { } #endif -#ifdef CONFIG_CMA -static void __init hugetlb_cma_check(void); -#else -static inline __init void hugetlb_cma_check(void) -{ -} -#endif - static void __init hugetlb_sysfs_init(void) { struct hstate *h; @@ -4833,8 +4765,7 @@ static __init void hugetlb_parse_params(void) hcp->setup(hcp->val); } - if (!hugetlb_cma_size) - hugetlb_cma_only = false; + hugetlb_cma_validate_params(); } /* @@ -7904,169 +7835,3 @@ void hugetlb_unshare_all_pmds(struct vm_area_struct *vma) hugetlb_unshare_pmds(vma, ALIGN(vma->vm_start, PUD_SIZE), ALIGN_DOWN(vma->vm_end, PUD_SIZE)); } - -#ifdef CONFIG_CMA -static bool cma_reserve_called __initdata; - -static int __init cmdline_parse_hugetlb_cma(char *p) -{ - int nid, count = 0; - unsigned long tmp; - char *s = p; - - while (*s) { - if (sscanf(s, "%lu%n", &tmp, &count) != 1) - break; - - if (s[count] == ':') { - if (tmp >= MAX_NUMNODES) - break; - nid = array_index_nospec(tmp, MAX_NUMNODES); - - s += count + 1; - tmp = memparse(s, &s); - hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid] = tmp; - hugetlb_cma_size += tmp; - - /* - * Skip the separator if have one, otherwise - * break the parsing. - */ - if (*s == ',') - s++; - else - break; - } else { - hugetlb_cma_size = memparse(p, &p); - break; - } - } - - return 0; -} - -early_param("hugetlb_cma", cmdline_parse_hugetlb_cma); - -static int __init cmdline_parse_hugetlb_cma_only(char *p) -{ - return kstrtobool(p, &hugetlb_cma_only); -} - -early_param("hugetlb_cma_only", cmdline_parse_hugetlb_cma_only); - -void __init hugetlb_cma_reserve(int order) -{ - unsigned long size, reserved, per_node; - bool node_specific_cma_alloc = false; - int nid; - - /* - * HugeTLB CMA reservation is required for gigantic - * huge pages which could not be allocated via the - * page allocator. Just warn if there is any change - * breaking this assumption. - */ - VM_WARN_ON(order <= MAX_PAGE_ORDER); - cma_reserve_called = true; - - if (!hugetlb_cma_size) - return; - - for (nid = 0; nid < MAX_NUMNODES; nid++) { - if (hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid] == 0) - continue; - - if (!node_online(nid)) { - pr_warn("hugetlb_cma: invalid node %d specified\n", nid); - hugetlb_cma_size -= hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid]; - hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid] = 0; - continue; - } - - if (hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid] < (PAGE_SIZE << order)) { - pr_warn("hugetlb_cma: cma area of node %d should be at least %lu MiB\n", - nid, (PAGE_SIZE << order) / SZ_1M); - hugetlb_cma_size -= hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid]; - hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid] = 0; - } else { - node_specific_cma_alloc = true; - } - } - - /* Validate the CMA size again in case some invalid nodes specified. */ - if (!hugetlb_cma_size) - return; - - if (hugetlb_cma_size < (PAGE_SIZE << order)) { - pr_warn("hugetlb_cma: cma area should be at least %lu MiB\n", - (PAGE_SIZE << order) / SZ_1M); - hugetlb_cma_size = 0; - return; - } - - if (!node_specific_cma_alloc) { - /* - * If 3 GB area is requested on a machine with 4 numa nodes, - * let's allocate 1 GB on first three nodes and ignore the last one. - */ - per_node = DIV_ROUND_UP(hugetlb_cma_size, nr_online_nodes); - pr_info("hugetlb_cma: reserve %lu MiB, up to %lu MiB per node\n", - hugetlb_cma_size / SZ_1M, per_node / SZ_1M); - } - - reserved = 0; - for_each_online_node(nid) { - int res; - char name[CMA_MAX_NAME]; - - if (node_specific_cma_alloc) { - if (hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid] == 0) - continue; - - size = hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid]; - } else { - size = min(per_node, hugetlb_cma_size - reserved); - } - - size = round_up(size, PAGE_SIZE << order); - - snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "hugetlb%d", nid); - /* - * Note that 'order per bit' is based on smallest size that - * may be returned to CMA allocator in the case of - * huge page demotion. - */ - res = cma_declare_contiguous_multi(size, PAGE_SIZE << order, - HUGETLB_PAGE_ORDER, name, - &hugetlb_cma[nid], nid); - if (res) { - pr_warn("hugetlb_cma: reservation failed: err %d, node %d", - res, nid); - continue; - } - - reserved += size; - pr_info("hugetlb_cma: reserved %lu MiB on node %d\n", - size / SZ_1M, nid); - - if (reserved >= hugetlb_cma_size) - break; - } - - if (!reserved) - /* - * hugetlb_cma_size is used to determine if allocations from - * cma are possible. Set to zero if no cma regions are set up. - */ - hugetlb_cma_size = 0; -} - -static void __init hugetlb_cma_check(void) -{ - if (!hugetlb_cma_size || cma_reserve_called) - return; - - pr_warn("hugetlb_cma: the option isn't supported by current arch\n"); -} - -#endif /* CONFIG_CMA */ diff --git a/mm/hugetlb_cma.c b/mm/hugetlb_cma.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e0f2d5c3a84c --- /dev/null +++ b/mm/hugetlb_cma.c @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +#include +#include "internal.h" +#include "hugetlb_cma.h" + + +static struct cma *hugetlb_cma[MAX_NUMNODES]; +static unsigned long hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[MAX_NUMNODES] __initdata; +static bool hugetlb_cma_only; +static unsigned long hugetlb_cma_size __initdata; + +void hugetlb_cma_free_folio(struct folio *folio) +{ + int nid = folio_nid(folio); + + WARN_ON_ONCE(!cma_free_folio(hugetlb_cma[nid], folio)); +} + + +struct folio *hugetlb_cma_alloc_folio(struct hstate *h, gfp_t gfp_mask, + int nid, nodemask_t *nodemask) +{ + int node; + int order = huge_page_order(h); + struct folio *folio = NULL; + + if (hugetlb_cma[nid]) + folio = cma_alloc_folio(hugetlb_cma[nid], order, gfp_mask); + + if (!folio && !(gfp_mask & __GFP_THISNODE)) { + for_each_node_mask(node, *nodemask) { + if (node == nid || !hugetlb_cma[node]) + continue; + + folio = cma_alloc_folio(hugetlb_cma[node], order, gfp_mask); + if (folio) + break; + } + } + + if (folio) + folio_set_hugetlb_cma(folio); + + return folio; +} + +struct huge_bootmem_page * __init +hugetlb_cma_alloc_bootmem(struct hstate *h, int *nid, bool node_exact) +{ + struct cma *cma; + struct huge_bootmem_page *m; + int node = *nid; + + cma = hugetlb_cma[*nid]; + m = cma_reserve_early(cma, huge_page_size(h)); + if (!m) { + if (node_exact) + return NULL; + + for_each_online_node(node) { + cma = hugetlb_cma[node]; + if (!cma || node == *nid) + continue; + m = cma_reserve_early(cma, huge_page_size(h)); + if (m) { + *nid = node; + break; + } + } + } + + if (m) { + m->flags = HUGE_BOOTMEM_CMA; + m->cma = cma; + } + + return m; +} + + +static bool cma_reserve_called __initdata; + +static int __init cmdline_parse_hugetlb_cma(char *p) +{ + int nid, count = 0; + unsigned long tmp; + char *s = p; + + while (*s) { + if (sscanf(s, "%lu%n", &tmp, &count) != 1) + break; + + if (s[count] == ':') { + if (tmp >= MAX_NUMNODES) + break; + nid = array_index_nospec(tmp, MAX_NUMNODES); + + s += count + 1; + tmp = memparse(s, &s); + hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid] = tmp; + hugetlb_cma_size += tmp; + + /* + * Skip the separator if have one, otherwise + * break the parsing. + */ + if (*s == ',') + s++; + else + break; + } else { + hugetlb_cma_size = memparse(p, &p); + break; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +early_param("hugetlb_cma", cmdline_parse_hugetlb_cma); + +static int __init cmdline_parse_hugetlb_cma_only(char *p) +{ + return kstrtobool(p, &hugetlb_cma_only); +} + +early_param("hugetlb_cma_only", cmdline_parse_hugetlb_cma_only); + +void __init hugetlb_cma_reserve(int order) +{ + unsigned long size, reserved, per_node; + bool node_specific_cma_alloc = false; + int nid; + + /* + * HugeTLB CMA reservation is required for gigantic + * huge pages which could not be allocated via the + * page allocator. Just warn if there is any change + * breaking this assumption. + */ + VM_WARN_ON(order <= MAX_PAGE_ORDER); + cma_reserve_called = true; + + if (!hugetlb_cma_size) + return; + + for (nid = 0; nid < MAX_NUMNODES; nid++) { + if (hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid] == 0) + continue; + + if (!node_online(nid)) { + pr_warn("hugetlb_cma: invalid node %d specified\n", nid); + hugetlb_cma_size -= hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid]; + hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid] = 0; + continue; + } + + if (hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid] < (PAGE_SIZE << order)) { + pr_warn("hugetlb_cma: cma area of node %d should be at least %lu MiB\n", + nid, (PAGE_SIZE << order) / SZ_1M); + hugetlb_cma_size -= hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid]; + hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid] = 0; + } else { + node_specific_cma_alloc = true; + } + } + + /* Validate the CMA size again in case some invalid nodes specified. */ + if (!hugetlb_cma_size) + return; + + if (hugetlb_cma_size < (PAGE_SIZE << order)) { + pr_warn("hugetlb_cma: cma area should be at least %lu MiB\n", + (PAGE_SIZE << order) / SZ_1M); + hugetlb_cma_size = 0; + return; + } + + if (!node_specific_cma_alloc) { + /* + * If 3 GB area is requested on a machine with 4 numa nodes, + * let's allocate 1 GB on first three nodes and ignore the last one. + */ + per_node = DIV_ROUND_UP(hugetlb_cma_size, nr_online_nodes); + pr_info("hugetlb_cma: reserve %lu MiB, up to %lu MiB per node\n", + hugetlb_cma_size / SZ_1M, per_node / SZ_1M); + } + + reserved = 0; + for_each_online_node(nid) { + int res; + char name[CMA_MAX_NAME]; + + if (node_specific_cma_alloc) { + if (hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid] == 0) + continue; + + size = hugetlb_cma_size_in_node[nid]; + } else { + size = min(per_node, hugetlb_cma_size - reserved); + } + + size = round_up(size, PAGE_SIZE << order); + + snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "hugetlb%d", nid); + /* + * Note that 'order per bit' is based on smallest size that + * may be returned to CMA allocator in the case of + * huge page demotion. + */ + res = cma_declare_contiguous_multi(size, PAGE_SIZE << order, + HUGETLB_PAGE_ORDER, name, + &hugetlb_cma[nid], nid); + if (res) { + pr_warn("hugetlb_cma: reservation failed: err %d, node %d", + res, nid); + continue; + } + + reserved += size; + pr_info("hugetlb_cma: reserved %lu MiB on node %d\n", + size / SZ_1M, nid); + + if (reserved >= hugetlb_cma_size) + break; + } + + if (!reserved) + /* + * hugetlb_cma_size is used to determine if allocations from + * cma are possible. Set to zero if no cma regions are set up. + */ + hugetlb_cma_size = 0; +} + +void __init hugetlb_cma_check(void) +{ + if (!hugetlb_cma_size || cma_reserve_called) + return; + + pr_warn("hugetlb_cma: the option isn't supported by current arch\n"); +} + +bool hugetlb_cma_exclusive_alloc(void) +{ + return hugetlb_cma_only; +} + +unsigned long __init hugetlb_cma_total_size(void) +{ + return hugetlb_cma_size; +} + +void __init hugetlb_cma_validate_params(void) +{ + if (!hugetlb_cma_size) + hugetlb_cma_only = false; +} + +bool __init hugetlb_early_cma(struct hstate *h) +{ + if (arch_has_huge_bootmem_alloc()) + return false; + + return hstate_is_gigantic(h) && hugetlb_cma_only; +} diff --git a/mm/hugetlb_cma.h b/mm/hugetlb_cma.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f7d7fb9880a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/mm/hugetlb_cma.h @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +#ifndef _LINUX_HUGETLB_CMA_H +#define _LINUX_HUGETLB_CMA_H + +#ifdef CONFIG_CMA +void hugetlb_cma_free_folio(struct folio *folio); +struct folio *hugetlb_cma_alloc_folio(struct hstate *h, gfp_t gfp_mask, + int nid, nodemask_t *nodemask); +struct huge_bootmem_page *hugetlb_cma_alloc_bootmem(struct hstate *h, int *nid, + bool node_exact); +void hugetlb_cma_check(void); +bool hugetlb_cma_exclusive_alloc(void); +unsigned long hugetlb_cma_total_size(void); +void hugetlb_cma_validate_params(void); +bool hugetlb_early_cma(struct hstate *h); +#else +static inline void hugetlb_cma_free_folio(struct folio *folio) +{ +} + +static inline struct folio *hugetlb_cma_alloc_folio(struct hstate *h, + gfp_t gfp_mask, int nid, nodemask_t *nodemask) +{ + return NULL; +} + +static inline +struct huge_bootmem_page *hugetlb_cma_alloc_bootmem(struct hstate *h, int *nid, + bool node_exact) +{ + return NULL; +} + +static inline void hugetlb_cma_check(void) +{ +} + +static inline bool hugetlb_cma_exclusive_alloc(void) +{ + return false; +} + +static inline unsigned long hugetlb_cma_total_size(void) +{ + return 0; +} + +static inline void hugetlb_cma_validate_params(void) +{ +} + +static inline bool hugetlb_early_cma(struct hstate *h) +{ + return false; +} +#endif +#endif