From patchwork Wed Oct 19 11:06:27 2022 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Victor Shih X-Patchwork-Id: 13011598 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id D3ABDC43217 for ; Wed, 19 Oct 2022 11:40:11 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S229490AbiJSLjj (ORCPT ); Wed, 19 Oct 2022 07:39:39 -0400 Received: from ([]:40674 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S230027AbiJSLic (ORCPT ); Wed, 19 Oct 2022 07:38:32 -0400 Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::102f]) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 36ABE188A87; Wed, 19 Oct 2022 04:16:34 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with SMTP id x1-20020a17090ab00100b001fda21bbc90so20057187pjq.3; Wed, 19 Oct 2022 04:16:34 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20210112; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=K1toO5r4nExTKXS8wR9QUlHV8omtekGzB7R8vZ4Kfi0=; b=JUHcCbYMr+Zjy4DGYWJ7HkHZ+EXzdrLJIzeQLXLS9X/z0qVOFNYai6x9eoTV3gy6Xd cCSfatwuv1+FlkK21uJakvNdOjU0dkW7nipRHbyJ1I6qzjAr1xBbMWkcrwD2qT/rxWg6 A9ennJfBDLz/4T3H04supyDIPGxR3JWdv7BG8E37kFgZN/toT32sVNMhTirFsx4ryu2V mEJe4TxdozJh3l5Ddv8LAU2yKbND+bOHP9XxFFy390P/qkSLMhypHBJEgz/ZV6NOFLYV 0Wo/v4yrjr3LqM8FFDbyJFR96XLkZlBUupab/ZoLti6MoI0uI2iIP047mtE/FH8Gtwn+ ESEw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20210112; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=K1toO5r4nExTKXS8wR9QUlHV8omtekGzB7R8vZ4Kfi0=; b=8F8c7/bkOX4A+4gN/z29xnld1vnWUK8xYUdE912DXKhTLDFMSGX/59p3yVc5tsxFnT LN3o/t9GJE/4z2gzZgXUhp7c4gyQJx2I1mJIH3/pNY9vZF+BLXJlR8/qXTUEH5TLzxeK BjtNVCOOCqYd4kNk7xwLJG9dfgvD6MXO2CIsfdXddrhl/tfMMOvyzI2zsaJxyBHnoWS9 zSSDzQLHfRjXrZpcXWqwcbNWrVlCB4aNqcPYDtZG+q/+5AwMUevOjCiag9zNvxtoSvxG SU4n/X5NUFLbi0YDI8mOqDW0VDqK16sCzrEWvgIuKCvT/Lpbc3cXUhm9lW7PHMXrTo0I z2cg== X-Gm-Message-State: ACrzQf0qkNjn+/CJMo4R2eRIsUz7vrdV09n261DSBai2d9Eq49731LmU 0vOXlEJW02AqkZ9rl0I4uucdj8JJfn8= X-Google-Smtp-Source: AMsMyM491vEzc22xtE3q2S9oKgfXynprTh7bItT5AhT9NEgmBxMNokVcd1g5txi9UC6XJMKb5GVvtg== X-Received: by 2002:a17:902:e545:b0:182:6c84:7fc0 with SMTP id n5-20020a170902e54500b001826c847fc0mr7858131plf.144.1666177634606; Wed, 19 Oct 2022 04:07:14 -0700 (PDT) Received: from localhost.localdomain ( [2001:b400:e258:8c34:821b:9613:557f:bd8d]) by with ESMTPSA id cc11-20020a17090af10b00b0020dc318a43esm8696225pjb.25.2022. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Wed, 19 Oct 2022 04:07:14 -0700 (PDT) From: Victor Shih X-Google-Original-From: Victor Shih To:, Cc:,,,,,,, Victor Shih , Jason Lai Subject: [PATCH V5 06/26] mmc: core: Support UHS-II card control and access Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 19:06:27 +0800 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: Embed UHS-II access/control functionality into the MMC request processing flow. Signed-off-by: Ulf Hansson Signed-off-by: Jason Lai Signed-off-by: Victor Shih --- Updates in V5: - Added uhs2_tmode0_flag in mmc_blk_rw_rq_prep: block.c - Added mechanism for confirming the completion of Card initialization in mmc_start_request: core.c - Added mechanism for confirming the completion of Card initialization in mmc_cqe_start_req: core.c - Added uhs2_tmode0_flag in mmc_send_adtc_data: mmc_ops.c - Added mechanism for confirming the completion of Card initialization in mmc_app_cmd: sd_ops.c - Added uhs2_tmode0_flag in mmc_app_send_scr: sd_ops.c - Added uhs2_tmode0_flag in mmc_app_sd_status: sd_ops.c - Added UHS2_PHY_INIT of uhs2_control for detect UHS2 in sd_uhs2_go_dormant: sd_uhs2.c - Modified the ocr/rocr flow in sd_uhs2_legacy_init: sd_uhs2.c - Added mmc_decode_cid in sd_uhs2_legacy_init: sd_uhs2.c - Added remove MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED of host->flags in sd_uhs2_remove: sd_uhs2.c - Added MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED of host->flags and MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED of host->card->uhs2_state in sd_uhs2_init_card: sd_uhs2.c - Added MMC_UHS2_SUPPORT of host->flags in sd_uhs2_attach: sd_uhs2.c Update in V4: 1. Rename sd_uhs2_prepare_cmd() into mmc_uhs2_prepare_cmd(). 2. Rename ->uhs2_host_operation() into ->uhs2_control(). 3. Declare ->uhs2_set_ios() which should be implemented in mmc/host/sdhci-uhs2.c. 4. Implement call back functions in sd_uhs2_ops. 5. Replace variables which are used as constant with constant definition. 6. Change data type of uhs2_cmd->payload from u32 to __be32 because of the use of cpu_to_be32(). 7. Add comments to explain format of UHS-II CMD Header and Argument. 8. Add comments to explain format of UHS-II CMD response. 9. Remove unnecessary debug info. 10. Use sd_uhs2_select_voltage() to replace mmc_select_voltage(). 11. Use __mmc_poll_for_busy() to replace while loop. 12. Add processing of uhs2_cmd when starting request. 13. Use macro 'mmc_card_can_poweroff_notify' to replace function "sd_can_poweroff_notify()" and put it to include/linux/mmc/card.h. 14. Embed UHS-II access functionality into the MMC request processing flow. Update in V3: UHS-II card initialization flow is divided into 2 categories: PHY & Card. Part 1 - PHY Initialization: Every host controller may need their own avtivation operation to establish LINK between controller and card. So we add a new member function(uhs2_detect_init) in struct mmc_host_ops for host controller use. Part 2 - Card Initialization: This part can be divided into 6 substeps. 1. Send UHS-II CCMD DEVICE_INIT to card. 2. Send UHS-II CCMD ENUMERATE to card. 3. Send UHS-II Native Read CCMD to obtain capabilities in CFG_REG of card. 4. Host compares capabilities of host controller and card, then write the negotiated values to Setting field in CFG_REG of card through UHS-II Native Write CCMD. 5. Switch host controller's clock to Range B if it is supported by both host controller and card. 6. Execute legacy SD initialization flow. Part 3 - Provide a function to tranaform legacy SD command packet into UHS-II SD-TRAN DCMD packet. Most of the code added above came from Intel's original patch[5]. [5] --- drivers/mmc/core/block.c | 6 +- drivers/mmc/core/core.c | 32 + drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.c | 25 +- drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.h | 1 + drivers/mmc/core/sd.c | 11 +- drivers/mmc/core/sd.h | 3 + drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.c | 18 + drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.h | 3 + drivers/mmc/core/sd_uhs2.c | 1165 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 9 files changed, 1217 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/mmc/core/block.c b/drivers/mmc/core/block.c index db6d8a099910..8245f59e6033 100644 --- a/drivers/mmc/core/block.c +++ b/drivers/mmc/core/block.c @@ -1609,6 +1609,9 @@ static void mmc_blk_rw_rq_prep(struct mmc_queue_req *mqrq, struct request *req = mmc_queue_req_to_req(mqrq); struct mmc_blk_data *md = mq->blkdata; bool do_rel_wr, do_data_tag; + bool do_multi; + + do_multi = (card->uhs2_state & MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED) ? true : false; mmc_blk_data_prep(mq, mqrq, recovery_mode, &do_rel_wr, &do_data_tag); @@ -1619,7 +1622,7 @@ static void mmc_blk_rw_rq_prep(struct mmc_queue_req *mqrq, brq->cmd.arg <<= 9; brq->cmd.flags = MMC_RSP_SPI_R1 | MMC_RSP_R1 | MMC_CMD_ADTC; - if (brq->data.blocks > 1 || do_rel_wr) { + if (brq->data.blocks > 1 || do_rel_wr || do_multi) { /* SPI multiblock writes terminate using a special * token, not a STOP_TRANSMISSION request. */ @@ -1632,6 +1635,7 @@ static void mmc_blk_rw_rq_prep(struct mmc_queue_req *mqrq, brq->mrq.stop = NULL; readcmd = MMC_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK; writecmd = MMC_WRITE_BLOCK; + brq->cmd.uhs2_tmode0_flag = 1; } brq->cmd.opcode = rq_data_dir(req) == READ ? readcmd : writecmd; diff --git a/drivers/mmc/core/core.c b/drivers/mmc/core/core.c index 8818a20571f7..025b8017f13d 100644 --- a/drivers/mmc/core/core.c +++ b/drivers/mmc/core/core.c @@ -335,6 +335,8 @@ static int mmc_mrq_prep(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_request *mrq) int mmc_start_request(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_request *mrq) { + struct uhs2_command uhs2_cmd; + __be32 payload[4]; /* for maximum size */ int err; init_completion(&mrq->cmd_completion); @@ -352,6 +354,20 @@ int mmc_start_request(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_request *mrq) if (err) return err; + if (host->card) { + if (host->card->uhs2_state & MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED) { + uhs2_cmd.payload = payload; + mrq->cmd->uhs2_cmd = &uhs2_cmd; + mmc_uhs2_prepare_cmd(host, mrq); + } + } else { + if (host->flags & MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED) { + uhs2_cmd.payload = payload; + mrq->cmd->uhs2_cmd = &uhs2_cmd; + mmc_uhs2_prepare_cmd(host, mrq); + } + } + led_trigger_event(host->led, LED_FULL); __mmc_start_request(host, mrq); @@ -431,6 +447,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(mmc_wait_for_req_done); */ int mmc_cqe_start_req(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_request *mrq) { + struct uhs2_command uhs2_cmd; + __be32 payload[4]; /* for maximum size */ int err; /* @@ -451,6 +469,20 @@ int mmc_cqe_start_req(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_request *mrq) if (err) goto out_err; + if (host->card) { + if (host->card->uhs2_state & MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED) { + uhs2_cmd.payload = payload; + mrq->cmd->uhs2_cmd = &uhs2_cmd; + mmc_uhs2_prepare_cmd(host, mrq); + } + } else { + if (host->flags & MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED) { + uhs2_cmd.payload = payload; + mrq->cmd->uhs2_cmd = &uhs2_cmd; + mmc_uhs2_prepare_cmd(host, mrq); + } + } + err = host->cqe_ops->cqe_request(host, mrq); if (err) goto out_err; diff --git a/drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.c b/drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.c index 81c55bfd6e0c..daa1f4ccd99a 100644 --- a/drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.c +++ b/drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.c @@ -144,10 +144,24 @@ int mmc_set_dsr(struct mmc_host *host) return mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, MMC_CMD_RETRIES); } +int __mmc_go_idle(struct mmc_host *host) +{ + struct mmc_command cmd = {}; + int err; + + cmd.opcode = MMC_GO_IDLE_STATE; + cmd.arg = 0; + cmd.flags = MMC_RSP_SPI_R1 | MMC_RSP_NONE | MMC_CMD_BC; + + err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, 0); + mmc_delay(1); + + return err; +} + int mmc_go_idle(struct mmc_host *host) { int err; - struct mmc_command cmd = {}; /* * Non-SPI hosts need to prevent chipselect going active during @@ -163,13 +177,7 @@ int mmc_go_idle(struct mmc_host *host) mmc_delay(1); } - cmd.opcode = MMC_GO_IDLE_STATE; - cmd.arg = 0; - cmd.flags = MMC_RSP_SPI_R1 | MMC_RSP_NONE | MMC_CMD_BC; - - err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, 0); - - mmc_delay(1); + err = __mmc_go_idle(host); if (!mmc_host_is_spi(host)) { mmc_set_chip_select(host, MMC_CS_DONTCARE); @@ -300,6 +308,7 @@ int mmc_send_adtc_data(struct mmc_card *card, struct mmc_host *host, u32 opcode, * not R1 plus a data block. */ cmd.flags = MMC_RSP_SPI_R1 | MMC_RSP_R1 | MMC_CMD_ADTC; + cmd.uhs2_tmode0_flag = 1; data.blksz = len; data.blocks = 1; diff --git a/drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.h b/drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.h index 09ffbc00908b..abda7492d578 100644 --- a/drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.h +++ b/drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.h @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ struct mmc_command; int mmc_select_card(struct mmc_card *card); int mmc_deselect_cards(struct mmc_host *host); int mmc_set_dsr(struct mmc_host *host); +int __mmc_go_idle(struct mmc_host *host); int mmc_go_idle(struct mmc_host *host); int mmc_send_op_cond(struct mmc_host *host, u32 ocr, u32 *rocr); int mmc_set_relative_addr(struct mmc_card *card); diff --git a/drivers/mmc/core/sd.c b/drivers/mmc/core/sd.c index 3662bf5320ce..cab4725209c1 100644 --- a/drivers/mmc/core/sd.c +++ b/drivers/mmc/core/sd.c @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ static int mmc_decode_csd(struct mmc_card *card) /* * Given a 64-bit response, decode to our card SCR structure. */ -static int mmc_decode_scr(struct mmc_card *card) +int mmc_decode_scr(struct mmc_card *card) { struct sd_scr *scr = &card->scr; unsigned int scr_struct; @@ -1611,11 +1611,6 @@ static void mmc_sd_detect(struct mmc_host *host) } } -static int sd_can_poweroff_notify(struct mmc_card *card) -{ - return card->ext_power.feature_support & SD_EXT_POWER_OFF_NOTIFY; -} - static int sd_busy_poweroff_notify_cb(void *cb_data, bool *busy) { struct sd_busy_data *data = cb_data; @@ -1639,7 +1634,7 @@ static int sd_busy_poweroff_notify_cb(void *cb_data, bool *busy) return 0; } -static int sd_poweroff_notify(struct mmc_card *card) +int sd_poweroff_notify(struct mmc_card *card) { struct sd_busy_data cb_data; u8 *reg_buf; @@ -1687,7 +1682,7 @@ static int _mmc_sd_suspend(struct mmc_host *host) if (mmc_card_suspended(card)) goto out; - if (sd_can_poweroff_notify(card)) + if (mmc_card_can_poweroff_notify(card)) err = sd_poweroff_notify(card); else if (!mmc_host_is_spi(host)) err = mmc_deselect_cards(host); diff --git a/drivers/mmc/core/sd.h b/drivers/mmc/core/sd.h index 1af5a038bae9..b573a809a0f4 100644 --- a/drivers/mmc/core/sd.h +++ b/drivers/mmc/core/sd.h @@ -17,4 +17,7 @@ int mmc_sd_setup_card(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_card *card, unsigned mmc_sd_get_max_clock(struct mmc_card *card); int mmc_sd_switch_hs(struct mmc_card *card); +/* These call back functions were also used by UHS2 sd card */ +int sd_poweroff_notify(struct mmc_card *card); + #endif diff --git a/drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.c b/drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.c index ef8d1dce5af1..85af5a2ea8ff 100644 --- a/drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.c +++ b/drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.c @@ -27,6 +27,22 @@ int mmc_app_cmd(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_card *card) if (WARN_ON(card && card->host != host)) return -EINVAL; + /* + * UHS2 packet has APP bit so only set APP_CMD flag here. + * Will set the APP bit when assembling UHS2 packet. + */ + if (card) { + if (card->uhs2_state & MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED) { + host->uhs2_ios.is_APP_CMD = true; + return 0; + } + } else { + if (host->flags & MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED) { + host->uhs2_ios.is_APP_CMD = true; + return 0; + } + } + cmd.opcode = MMC_APP_CMD; if (card) { @@ -281,6 +297,7 @@ int mmc_app_send_scr(struct mmc_card *card) cmd.opcode = SD_APP_SEND_SCR; cmd.arg = 0; cmd.flags = MMC_RSP_SPI_R1 | MMC_RSP_R1 | MMC_CMD_ADTC; + cmd.uhs2_tmode0_flag = 1; data.blksz = 8; data.blocks = 1; @@ -344,6 +361,7 @@ int mmc_app_sd_status(struct mmc_card *card, void *ssr) cmd.opcode = SD_APP_SD_STATUS; cmd.arg = 0; cmd.flags = MMC_RSP_SPI_R2 | MMC_RSP_R1 | MMC_CMD_ADTC; + cmd.uhs2_tmode0_flag = 1; data.blksz = 64; data.blocks = 1; diff --git a/drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.h b/drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.h index 3ba7b3cf4652..29c802dec988 100644 --- a/drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.h +++ b/drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.h @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ #include struct mmc_card; +struct mmc_command; struct mmc_host; int mmc_app_set_bus_width(struct mmc_card *card, int width); @@ -19,10 +20,12 @@ int mmc_send_if_cond(struct mmc_host *host, u32 ocr); int mmc_send_if_cond_pcie(struct mmc_host *host, u32 ocr); int mmc_send_relative_addr(struct mmc_host *host, unsigned int *rca); int mmc_app_send_scr(struct mmc_card *card); +int mmc_decode_scr(struct mmc_card *card); int mmc_sd_switch(struct mmc_card *card, int mode, int group, u8 value, u8 *resp); int mmc_app_sd_status(struct mmc_card *card, void *ssr); int mmc_app_cmd(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_card *card); +void mmc_uhs2_prepare_cmd(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_request *mrq); #endif diff --git a/drivers/mmc/core/sd_uhs2.c b/drivers/mmc/core/sd_uhs2.c index 800957f74632..bccdd4283a67 100644 --- a/drivers/mmc/core/sd_uhs2.c +++ b/drivers/mmc/core/sd_uhs2.c @@ -1,48 +1,125 @@ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only /* * Copyright (C) 2021 Linaro Ltd - * * Author: Ulf Hansson * + * Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corp, All Rights Reserved. + * Author: Yi Sun + * + * Copyright (C) 2020 Genesys Logic, Inc. + * Authors: Ben Chuang + * + * Copyright (C) 2020 Linaro Limited + * Author: AKASHI Takahiro + * + * Copyright (C) 2022 Genesys Logic, Inc. + * Authors: Jason Lai + * * Support for SD UHS-II cards */ #include +#include #include #include +#include +#include +#include +#include "card.h" #include "core.h" #include "bus.h" #include "sd.h" +#include "sd_ops.h" #include "mmc_ops.h" +#define UHS2_WAIT_CFG_COMPLETE_PERIOD_US (1 * 1000) /* 1ms */ +#define UHS2_WAIT_CFG_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT_MS 100 /* 100ms */ + static const unsigned int sd_uhs2_freqs[] = { 52000000, 26000000 }; +int sd_uhs2_reinit(struct mmc_host *host); -static int sd_uhs2_set_ios(struct mmc_host *host) +/* + * Internal function that does the actual ios call to the host driver, + * optionally printing some debug output. + */ +static inline int sd_uhs2_set_ios(struct mmc_host *host) { struct mmc_ios *ios = &host->ios; + pr_debug("%s: clock %uHz powermode %u Vdd %u timing %u\n", + mmc_hostname(host), ios->clock, ios->power_mode, ios->vdd, ios->timing); + return host->ops->uhs2_set_ios(host, ios); } static int sd_uhs2_power_up(struct mmc_host *host) { + int err; + + if (host->ios.power_mode == MMC_POWER_ON) + return 0; + host->ios.vdd = fls(host->ocr_avail) - 1; host->ios.clock = host->f_init; host->ios.timing = MMC_TIMING_SD_UHS2; - host->ios.power_mode = MMC_POWER_UP; + host->ios.power_mode = MMC_POWER_ON; - return sd_uhs2_set_ios(host); + err = sd_uhs2_set_ios(host); + + mmc_delay(host->uhs2_ios.power_delay_ms); + + return err; } -static void sd_uhs2_power_off(struct mmc_host *host) +static int sd_uhs2_power_off(struct mmc_host *host) { + if (host->ios.power_mode == MMC_POWER_OFF) + return 0; + host->ios.vdd = 0; host->ios.clock = 0; host->ios.timing = MMC_TIMING_LEGACY; host->ios.power_mode = MMC_POWER_OFF; - sd_uhs2_set_ios(host); + return sd_uhs2_set_ios(host); +} + +/** + * sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble() - build up UHS-II command packet which is embedded in + * mmc_command structure + * @cmd: MMC command to executed + * @uhs2_cmd: UHS2 command corresponded to MMC command + * @header: Header field of UHS-II command cxpacket + * @arg: Argument field of UHS-II command packet + * @payload: Payload field of UHS-II command packet + * @plen: Payload length + * @resp: Response buffer is allocated by caller and it is used to keep + * the response of CM-TRAN command. For SD-TRAN command, uhs2_resp + * should be null and SD-TRAN command response should be stored in + * resp of mmc_command. + * @resp_len: Response buffer length + * + * The uhs2_command structure contains message packets which are transmited/ + * received on UHS-II bus. This function fills in the contents of uhs2_command + * structure and embededs UHS2 command into mmc_command structure, which is used + * in legacy SD operation functions. + * + */ +static void sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(struct mmc_command *cmd, + struct uhs2_command *uhs2_cmd, + u16 header, u16 arg, __be32 *payload, + u8 plen, u8 *resp, u8 resp_len) +{ + uhs2_cmd->header = header; + uhs2_cmd->arg = arg; + uhs2_cmd->payload = payload; + uhs2_cmd->payload_len = plen * sizeof(u32); + uhs2_cmd->packet_len = uhs2_cmd->payload_len + 4; + + cmd->uhs2_cmd = uhs2_cmd; + cmd->uhs2_resp = resp; + cmd->uhs2_resp_len = resp_len; } /* @@ -52,7 +129,15 @@ static void sd_uhs2_power_off(struct mmc_host *host) */ static int sd_uhs2_phy_init(struct mmc_host *host) { - return 0; + int err = 0; + + err = host->ops->uhs2_control(host, UHS2_PHY_INIT); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: failed to initial phy for UHS-II!\n", + mmc_hostname(host)); + } + + return err; } /* @@ -61,6 +146,88 @@ static int sd_uhs2_phy_init(struct mmc_host *host) */ static int sd_uhs2_dev_init(struct mmc_host *host) { + struct mmc_command cmd = {0}; + struct uhs2_command uhs2_cmd = {}; + u32 cnt; + u32 dap, gap, resp_gap; + u16 header, arg; + __be32 payload[UHS2_DEV_INIT_PAYLOAD_LEN]; + u8 gd = 0; + u8 resp[UHS2_DEV_ENUM_RESP_LEN] = {0}; + int err; + + dap = host->uhs2_caps.dap; + gap = host->; + + /* + * Refer to UHS-II Addendum Version 1.02 Figure 6-21 to see DEVICE_INIT CCMD format. + * Head: + * - Control Write(R/W=1) with 4-Byte payload(PLEN=01b). + * - IOADR = CMD_BASE + 002h + * Payload: + * - bit [3:0] : GAP(Group Allocated Power) + * - bit [7:4] : GD(Group Descriptor) + * - bit [11] : Complete Flag + * - bit [15:12]: DAP(Device Allocated Power) + */ + header = UHS2_NATIVE_PACKET | UHS2_PACKET_TYPE_CCMD; + arg = ((UHS2_DEV_CMD_DEVICE_INIT & 0xFF) << 8) | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_WRITE | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_PLEN_4B | + (UHS2_DEV_CMD_DEVICE_INIT >> 8); + + /* + * Refer to UHS-II Addendum Version 1.02 section 6.3.1. + * Max. time from DEVICE_INIT CCMD EOP reception on Device + * Rx to its SOP transmission on Device Tx(Tfwd_init_cmd) is + * 1 second. + */ + cmd.busy_timeout = 1000; + + /* + * Refer to UHS-II Addendum Version 1.02 section + * When the number of the DEVICE_INIT commands is reach to + * 30 tiems, Host shall stop issuing DEVICE_INIT command + * and regard it as an error. + */ + for (cnt = 0; cnt < 30; cnt++) { + payload[0] = ((dap & 0xF) << 12) | + UHS2_DEV_INIT_COMPLETE_FLAG | + ((gd & 0xF) << 4) | + (gap & 0xF); + + sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(&cmd, &uhs2_cmd, header, arg, + payload, UHS2_DEV_INIT_PAYLOAD_LEN, + resp, UHS2_DEV_INIT_RESP_LEN); + + err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, 0); + + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 CMD send fail, err= 0x%x!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, err); + return err; + } + + if (resp[3] != (UHS2_DEV_CMD_DEVICE_INIT & 0xFF)) { + pr_err("%s: DEVICE_INIT response is wrong!\n", + mmc_hostname(host)); + return -EIO; + } + + if (resp[5] & 0x8) { + host->uhs2_caps.group_desc = gd; + return 0; + } + resp_gap = resp[4] & 0x0F; + if (gap == resp_gap) + gd++; + } + if (cnt == 30) { + pr_err("%s: DEVICE_INIT fail, already 30 times!\n", + mmc_hostname(host)); + return -EIO; + } + return 0; } @@ -71,6 +238,52 @@ static int sd_uhs2_dev_init(struct mmc_host *host) */ static int sd_uhs2_enum(struct mmc_host *host, u32 *node_id) { + struct mmc_command cmd = {0}; + struct uhs2_command uhs2_cmd = {}; + u16 header, arg; + __be32 payload[UHS2_DEV_ENUM_PAYLOAD_LEN]; + u8 id_f = 0xF, id_l = 0x0; + u8 resp[UHS2_DEV_ENUM_RESP_LEN] = {0}; + int err; + + /* + * Refer to UHS-II Addendum Version 1.02 Figure 6-28 to see ENUMERATE CCMD format. + * Header: + * - Control Write(R/W=1) with 4-Byte payload(PLEN=01b). + * - IOADR = CMD_BASE + 003h + * Payload: + * - bit [3:0]: ID_L(Last Node ID) + * - bit [7:4]: ID_F(First Node ID) + */ + header = UHS2_NATIVE_PACKET | UHS2_PACKET_TYPE_CCMD; + arg = ((UHS2_DEV_CMD_ENUMERATE & 0xFF) << 8) | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_WRITE | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_PLEN_4B | + (UHS2_DEV_CMD_ENUMERATE >> 8); + + payload[0] = (id_f << 4) | id_l; + payload[0] = cpu_to_be32(payload[0]); + + sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(&cmd, &uhs2_cmd, header, arg, payload, UHS2_DEV_ENUM_PAYLOAD_LEN, + resp, UHS2_DEV_ENUM_RESP_LEN); + + err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, 0); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 CMD send fail, err= 0x%x!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, err); + return err; + } + + if (resp[3] != (UHS2_DEV_CMD_ENUMERATE & 0xFF)) { + pr_err("%s: ENUMERATE response is wrong!\n", + mmc_hostname(host)); + return -EIO; + } + + id_f = (resp[4] >> 4) & 0xF; + id_l = resp[4] & 0xF; + *node_id = id_f; + return 0; } @@ -81,6 +294,181 @@ static int sd_uhs2_enum(struct mmc_host *host, u32 *node_id) */ static int sd_uhs2_config_read(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_card *card) { + struct mmc_command cmd = {0}; + struct uhs2_command uhs2_cmd = {}; + u16 header, arg; + u32 cap; + int err; + + /* + * Use Control Read CCMD to read Generic Capability from Configuration Register. + * - Control Write(R/W=1) with 4-Byte payload(PLEN=01b). + * - IOADR = Generic Capability Register(CFG_BASE + 000h) + */ + header = UHS2_NATIVE_PACKET | UHS2_PACKET_TYPE_CCMD | card->uhs2_config.node_id; + arg = ((UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_GEN_CAPS & 0xFF) << 8) | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_READ | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_PLEN_4B | + (UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_GEN_CAPS >> 8); + + /* + * There is no payload because per spec, there should be + * no payload field for read CCMD. + * Plen is set in arg. Per spec, plen for read CCMD + * represents the len of read data which is assigned in payload + * of following RES (p136). + */ + sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(&cmd, &uhs2_cmd, header, arg, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); + + err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, 0); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 CMD send fail, err= 0x%x!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, err); + return err; + } + + /* + * Generic Capability Register: + * bit [7:0] : Reserved + * bit [13:8] : Device-Specific Number of Lanes and Functionality + * bit 8: 2L-HD + * bit 9: 2D-1U FD + * bit 10: 1D-2U FD + * bit 11: 2D-2U FD + * Others: Reserved + * bit [14] : DADR Length + * 0: 4 bytes + * 1: Reserved + * bit [23:16]: Application Type + * bit 16: 0=Non-SD memory, 1=SD memory + * bit 17: 0=Non-SDIO, 1=SDIO + * bit 18: 0=Card, 1=Embedded + * bit [63:24]: Reserved + */ + cap = cmd.resp[0]; + card->uhs2_config.n_lanes = + (cap >> UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_LANES_POS) & + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_LANES_MASK; + card->uhs2_config.dadr_len = + (cap >> UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_DADR_POS) & + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_DADR_MASK; + card->uhs2_config.app_type = + (cap >> UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_APP_POS) & + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_APP_MASK; + + /* + * Use Control Read CCMD to read PHY Capability from Configuration Register. + * - Control Write(R/W=1) with 8-Byte payload(PLEN=10b). + * - IOADR = PHY Capability Register(CFG_BASE + 002h) + */ + arg = ((UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_PHY_CAPS & 0xFF) << 8) | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_READ | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_PLEN_8B | + (UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_PHY_CAPS >> 8); + + sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(&cmd, &uhs2_cmd, header, arg, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); + + err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, 0); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 CMD send fail, err= 0x%x!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, err); + return err; + } + + /* + * PHY Capability Register: + * bit [3:0] : PHY Minor Revision + * bit [5:4] : PHY Major Revision + * bit [15] : Support Hibernate Mode + * 0: Not support Hibernate Mode + * 1: Support Hibernate Mode + * bit [31:16]: Reserved + * bit [35:32]: Device-Specific N_LSS_SYN + * bit [39:36]: Device-Specific N_LSS_DIR + * bit [63:40]: Reserved + */ + cap = cmd.resp[0]; + card->uhs2_config.phy_minor_rev = + cap & UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_PHY_MINOR_MASK; + card->uhs2_config.phy_major_rev = + (cap >> UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_PHY_MAJOR_POS) & + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_PHY_MAJOR_MASK; + card->uhs2_config.can_hibernate = + (cap >> UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_CAN_HIBER_POS) & + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_CAN_HIBER_MASK; + + cap = cmd.resp[1]; + card->uhs2_config.n_lss_sync = + cap & UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_LSS_SYN_MASK; + card->uhs2_config.n_lss_dir = + (cap >> UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_LSS_DIR_POS) & + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_LSS_DIR_MASK; + if (card->uhs2_config.n_lss_sync == 0) + card->uhs2_config.n_lss_sync = 16 << 2; + else + card->uhs2_config.n_lss_sync <<= 2; + + if (card->uhs2_config.n_lss_dir == 0) + card->uhs2_config.n_lss_dir = 16 << 3; + else + card->uhs2_config.n_lss_dir <<= 3; + + /* + * Use Control Read CCMD to read LINK/TRAN Capability from Configuration Register. + * - Control Write(R/W=1) with 8-Byte payload(PLEN=10b). + * - IOADR = LINK/TRAN Capability Register(CFG_BASE + 004h) + */ + arg = ((UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_LINK_TRAN_CAPS & 0xFF) << 8) | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_READ | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_PLEN_8B | + (UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_LINK_TRAN_CAPS >> 8); + + sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(&cmd, &uhs2_cmd, header, arg, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); + + err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, 0); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 CMD send fail, err= 0x%x!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, err); + return err; + } + + /* + * LINK/TRAN Capability Register: + * bit [3:0] : LINK_TRAN Minor Revision + * bit [5:4] : LINK/TRAN Major Revision + * bit [7:6] : Reserved + * bit [15:8] : Device-Specific N_FCU + * bit [18:16]: Device Type + * 001b=Host + * 010b=Device + * 011b=Reserved for CMD issuable Device + * bit [19] : Reserved + * bit [31:20]: Device-Specific MAX_BLKLEN + * bit [39:32]: Device-Specific N_DATA_GAP + * bit [63:40]: Reserved + */ + cap = cmd.resp[0]; + card->uhs2_config.link_minor_rev = + cap & UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_LT_MINOR_MASK; + card->uhs2_config.link_major_rev = + (cap >> UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_LT_MAJOR_POS) & + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_LT_MAJOR_MASK; + card->uhs2_config.n_fcu = + (cap >> UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_FCU_POS) & + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_FCU_MASK; + card->uhs2_config.dev_type = + (cap >> UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_DEV_TYPE_POS) & + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_DEV_TYPE_MASK; + card->uhs2_config.maxblk_len = + (cap >> UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_MAX_BLK_LEN_POS) & + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_MAX_BLK_LEN_MASK; + + cap = cmd.resp[1]; + card->uhs2_config.n_data_gap = + cap & UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_DATA_GAP_MASK; + if (card->uhs2_config.n_fcu == 0) + card->uhs2_config.n_fcu = 256; + return 0; } @@ -95,9 +483,407 @@ static int sd_uhs2_config_read(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_card *card) */ static int sd_uhs2_config_write(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_card *card) { + struct mmc_command cmd = {0}; + struct uhs2_command uhs2_cmd = {}; + u16 header, arg; + __be32 payload[UHS2_CFG_WRITE_PAYLOAD_LEN]; + u8 nMinDataGap; + int err; + u8 resp[5] = {0}; + + /* + * Use Control Write CCMD to set Generic Setting in Configuration Register. + * - Control Write(R/W=1) with 8-Byte payload(PLEN=10b). + * - IOADR = Generic Setting Register(CFG_BASE + 008h) + * - Payload = New contents to be written to Generic Setting Register + */ + header = UHS2_NATIVE_PACKET | UHS2_PACKET_TYPE_CCMD | card->uhs2_config.node_id; + arg = ((UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_GEN_SET & 0xFF) << 8) | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_WRITE | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_PLEN_8B | + (UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_GEN_SET >> 8); + + if (card->uhs2_config.n_lanes == UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_2L_HD_FD && + host->uhs2_caps.n_lanes == UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_2L_HD_FD) { + /* Support HD */ + host->uhs2_ios.is_2L_HD_mode = true; + nMinDataGap = 1; + } else { + /* Only support 2L-FD so far */ + host->uhs2_ios.is_2L_HD_mode = false; + nMinDataGap = 3; + } + + /* + * Most UHS-II cards only support FD and 2L-HD mode. Other lane numbers + * defined in UHS-II addendem Ver1.01 are optional. + */ + host->uhs2_caps.n_lanes_set = UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_GEN_SET_2L_FD_HD; + card->uhs2_config.n_lanes_set = UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_GEN_SET_2L_FD_HD; + + payload[0] = card->uhs2_config.n_lanes_set << UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_LANES_POS; + payload[1] = 0; + payload[0] = cpu_to_be32(payload[0]); + payload[1] = cpu_to_be32(payload[1]); + + /* + * There is no payload because per spec, there should be + * no payload field for read CCMD. + * Plen is set in arg. Per spec, plen for read CCMD + * represents the len of read data which is assigned in payload + * of following RES (p136). + */ + sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(&cmd, &uhs2_cmd, header, arg, payload, UHS2_CFG_WRITE_PAYLOAD_LEN, + NULL, 0); + + err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, 0); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 CMD send fail, err= 0x%x!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, err); + return err; + } + + /* + * Use Control Write CCMD to set PHY Setting in Configuration Register. + * - Control Write(R/W=1) with 8-Byte payload(PLEN=10b). + * - IOADR = PHY Setting Register(CFG_BASE + 00Ah) + * - Payload = New contents to be written to PHY Setting Register + */ + arg = ((UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_PHY_SET & 0xFF) << 8) | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_WRITE | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_PLEN_8B | + (UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_PHY_SET >> 8); + + if (host->uhs2_caps.speed_range == UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_PHY_SET_SPEED_B) { + card->uhs2_state |= MMC_UHS2_SPEED_B; + card->uhs2_config.speed_range_set = + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_PHY_SET_SPEED_B; + } else { + card->uhs2_config.speed_range_set = UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_PHY_SET_SPEED_A; + card->uhs2_state &= ~MMC_UHS2_SPEED_B; + } + + payload[0] = card->uhs2_config.speed_range_set << UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_PHY_SET_SPEED_POS; + + card->uhs2_config.n_lss_sync_set = (max(card->uhs2_config.n_lss_sync, + host->uhs2_caps.n_lss_sync) >> 2) & + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_LSS_SYN_MASK; + host->uhs2_caps.n_lss_sync_set = card->uhs2_config.n_lss_sync_set; + + card->uhs2_config.n_lss_dir_set = (max(card->uhs2_config.n_lss_dir, + host->uhs2_caps.n_lss_dir) >> 3) & + UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_LSS_DIR_MASK; + host->uhs2_caps.n_lss_dir_set = card->uhs2_config.n_lss_dir_set; + + payload[1] = (card->uhs2_config.n_lss_dir_set << UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_LSS_DIR_POS) | + card->uhs2_config.n_lss_sync_set; + payload[0] = cpu_to_be32(payload[0]); + payload[1] = cpu_to_be32(payload[1]); + + memset(resp, 0, sizeof(resp)); + + sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(&cmd, &uhs2_cmd, header, arg, payload, UHS2_CFG_WRITE_PAYLOAD_LEN, + resp, UHS2_CFG_WRITE_PHY_SET_RESP_LEN); + + err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, 0); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 CMD send fail, err= 0x%x!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, err); + return err; + } + + if ((resp[2] & 0x80)) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 CMD not accepted, resp= 0x%x!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, resp[2]); + return -EIO; + } + + /* + * Use Control Write CCMD to set LINK/TRAN Setting in Configuration Register. + * - Control Write(R/W=1) with 8-Byte payload(PLEN=10b). + * - IOADR = LINK/TRAN Setting Register(CFG_BASE + 00Ch) + * - Payload = New contents to be written to LINK/TRAN Setting Register + */ + arg = ((UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_LINK_TRAN_SET & 0xFF) << 8) | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_WRITE | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_PLEN_8B | + (UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_LINK_TRAN_SET >> 8); + + if (card->uhs2_config.app_type == UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_APP_SD_MEM) + card->uhs2_config.maxblk_len_set = UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_LT_SET_MAX_BLK_LEN; + else + card->uhs2_config.maxblk_len_set = min(card->uhs2_config.maxblk_len, + host->uhs2_caps.maxblk_len); + host->uhs2_caps.maxblk_len_set = card->uhs2_config.maxblk_len_set; + + card->uhs2_config.n_fcu_set = min(card->uhs2_config.n_fcu, host->uhs2_caps.n_fcu); + host->uhs2_caps.n_fcu_set = card->uhs2_config.n_fcu_set; + + card->uhs2_config.n_data_gap_set = max(nMinDataGap, card->uhs2_config.n_data_gap); + host->uhs2_caps.n_data_gap_set = card->uhs2_config.n_data_gap_set; + + host->uhs2_caps.max_retry_set = 3; + card->uhs2_config.max_retry_set = host->uhs2_caps.max_retry_set; + + payload[0] = (card->uhs2_config.maxblk_len_set << UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_MAX_BLK_LEN_POS) | + (card->uhs2_config.max_retry_set << UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_LT_SET_MAX_RETRY_POS) | + (card->uhs2_config.n_fcu_set << UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_N_FCU_POS); + payload[1] = card->uhs2_config.n_data_gap_set; + payload[0] = cpu_to_be32(payload[0]); + payload[1] = cpu_to_be32(payload[1]); + + sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(&cmd, &uhs2_cmd, header, arg, payload, UHS2_CFG_WRITE_PAYLOAD_LEN, + NULL, 0); + + err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, 0); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 CMD send fail, err= 0x%x!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, err); + return err; + } + + /* + * Use Control Write CCMD to set Config Completion(payload bit 63) in Generic Setting + * Register. + * Header: + * - Control Write(R/W=1) with 8-Byte payload(PLEN=10b). + * - IOADR = PGeneric Setting Register(CFG_BASE + 008h) + * Payload: + * - bit [63]: Config Completion + * + * DLSM transits to Active state immediately when Config Completion is set to 1. + */ + arg = ((UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_GEN_SET & 0xFF) << 8) | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_WRITE | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_PLEN_8B | + (UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_GEN_SET >> 8); + + payload[0] = 0; + payload[1] = UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_GEN_SET_CFG_COMPLETE; + payload[0] = cpu_to_be32(payload[0]); + payload[1] = cpu_to_be32(payload[1]); + + memset(resp, 0, sizeof(resp)); + sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(&cmd, &uhs2_cmd, header, arg, payload, UHS2_CFG_WRITE_PAYLOAD_LEN, + resp, UHS2_CFG_WRITE_GENERIC_SET_RESP_LEN); + + err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, 0); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 CMD send fail, err= 0x%x!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, err); + return err; + } + + /* Set host Config Setting registers */ + err = host->ops->uhs2_control(host, UHS2_SET_CONFIG); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 SET_CONFIG fail!\n", mmc_hostname(host), __func__); + return err; + } + return 0; } +static int sd_uhs2_go_dormant(struct mmc_host *host, u32 node_id) +{ + struct mmc_command cmd = {0}; + struct uhs2_command uhs2_cmd = {}; + u16 header, arg; + __be32 payload[1]; + int err; + + /* Disable Normal INT */ + err = host->ops->uhs2_control(host, UHS2_DISABLE_INT); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 DISABLE_INT fail!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__); + return err; + } + + /* + * Refer to UHS-II Addendum Version 1.02 Figure 6-17 to see GO_DORMANT_STATE CCMD format. + * Header: + * - Control Write(R/W=1) with 4-Byte payload(PLEN=01b). + * - IOADR = CMD_BASE + 001h + * Payload: + * - bit [7]: HBR(Entry to Hibernate Mode) + * 1: Host intends to enter Hibernate mode during Dormant state. + * The default setting is 0 because hibernate is currently not supported. + */ + header = UHS2_NATIVE_PACKET | UHS2_PACKET_TYPE_CCMD | node_id; + arg = ((UHS2_DEV_CMD_GO_DORMANT_STATE & 0xFF) << 8) | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_WRITE | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_PLEN_4B | + (UHS2_DEV_CMD_GO_DORMANT_STATE >> 8); + + sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(&cmd, &uhs2_cmd, header, arg, payload, UHS2_GO_DORMANT_PAYLOAD_LEN, + NULL, 0); + + err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, &cmd, 0); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 CMD send fail, err= 0x%x!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, err); + return err; + } + + /* Check Dormant State in Present */ + err = host->ops->uhs2_control(host, UHS2_CHECK_DORMANT); + if (err) + return err; + + /* Disable UHS2 card clock */ + err = host->ops->uhs2_control(host, UHS2_DISABLE_CLK); + if (err) + return err; + + /* Restore sd clock */ + mmc_delay(5); + err = host->ops->uhs2_control(host, UHS2_ENABLE_CLK); + if (err) + return err; + + /* Enable Normal INT */ + err = host->ops->uhs2_control(host, UHS2_ENABLE_INT); + if (err) + return err; + + /* Detect UHS2 */ + err = host->ops->uhs2_control(host, UHS2_PHY_INIT); + if (err) + return err; + + return 0; +} + +static int __sd_uhs2_wait_active_state_cb(void *cb_data, bool *busy) +{ + struct sd_uhs2_wait_active_state_data *data = cb_data; + struct mmc_host *host = data->host; + struct mmc_command *cmd = data->cmd; + int err; + + err = mmc_wait_for_cmd(host, cmd, 0); + if (err) + return err; + + if (cmd->resp[1] & UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_GEN_SET_CFG_COMPLETE) + *busy = false; + else + *busy = true; + + return 0; +} + +static int sd_uhs2_change_speed(struct mmc_host *host, u32 node_id) +{ + struct mmc_command cmd = {0}; + struct uhs2_command uhs2_cmd = {}; + u16 header, arg; + int err; + struct sd_uhs2_wait_active_state_data cb_data = { + .host = host, + .cmd = &cmd + }; + + /* Change Speed Range at controller side. */ + err = host->ops->uhs2_control(host, UHS2_SET_SPEED_B); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 SET_SPEED fail!\n", mmc_hostname(host), __func__); + return err; + } + + err = sd_uhs2_go_dormant(host, node_id); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: UHS2 GO_DORMANT_STATE fail, err= 0x%x!\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, err); + return err; + } + + /* + * Use Control Read CCMD to check Config Completion(bit 63) in Generic Setting Register. + * - Control Read(R/W=0) with 8-Byte payload(PLEN=10b). + * - IOADR = Generic Setting Register(CFG_BASE + 008h) + * + * When UHS-II card been switched to new speed mode, it will set Config Completion to 1. + */ + header = UHS2_NATIVE_PACKET | UHS2_PACKET_TYPE_CCMD | node_id; + arg = ((UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_GEN_SET & 0xFF) << 8) | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_READ | + UHS2_NATIVE_CMD_PLEN_8B | + (UHS2_DEV_CONFIG_GEN_SET >> 8); + + sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(&cmd, &uhs2_cmd, header, arg, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); + err = __mmc_poll_for_busy(host, UHS2_WAIT_CFG_COMPLETE_PERIOD_US, + UHS2_WAIT_CFG_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT_MS, + &__sd_uhs2_wait_active_state_cb, &cb_data); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: %s: Not switch to Active in 100 ms\n", mmc_hostname(host), __func__); + return err; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int sd_uhs2_get_ro(struct mmc_host *host) +{ + /* + * Some systems don't feature a write-protect pin and don't need one. + * E.g. because they only have micro-SD card slot. For those systems + * assume that the SD card is always read-write. + */ + if (host->caps2 & MMC_CAP2_NO_WRITE_PROTECT) + return 0; + + if (!host->ops->get_ro) + return -1; + + return host->ops->get_ro(host); +} + +/* + * Mask off any voltages we don't support and select + * the lowest voltage + */ +u32 sd_uhs2_select_voltage(struct mmc_host *host, u32 ocr) +{ + int bit; + int err; + + /* + * Sanity check the voltages that the card claims to + * support. + */ + if (ocr & 0x7F) { + dev_warn(mmc_dev(host), "card claims to support voltages below defined range\n"); + ocr &= ~0x7F; + } + + ocr &= host->ocr_avail; + if (!ocr) { + dev_warn(mmc_dev(host), "no support for card's volts\n"); + return 0; + } + + if (host->caps2 & MMC_CAP2_FULL_PWR_CYCLE) { + bit = ffs(ocr) - 1; + ocr &= 3 << bit; + /* Power cycle */ + err = sd_uhs2_power_off(host); + if (err) + return 0; + err = sd_uhs2_reinit(host); + if (err) + return 0; + } else { + bit = fls(ocr) - 1; + ocr &= 3 << bit; + if (bit != host->ios.vdd) + dev_warn(mmc_dev(host), "exceeding card's volts\n"); + } + + return ocr; +} + /* * Initialize the UHS-II card through the SD-TRAN transport layer. This enables * commands/requests to be backwards compatible through the legacy SD protocol. @@ -107,14 +893,143 @@ static int sd_uhs2_config_write(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_card *card) */ static int sd_uhs2_legacy_init(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_card *card) { + int err; + u32 cid[4]; + u32 ocr; + u32 rocr; + u8 status[64]; + int ro; + + /* Send CMD0 to reset SD card */ + err = __mmc_go_idle(host); + if (err) + return err; + + mmc_delay(1); + + /* Send CMD8 to communicate SD interface operation condition */ + err = mmc_send_if_cond(host, host->ocr_avail); + if (err) { + dev_warn(mmc_dev(host), "CMD8 error\n"); + return err; + } + + /* + * Probe SD card working voltage. + */ + err = mmc_send_app_op_cond(host, 0, &ocr); + if (err) + return err; + + card->ocr = ocr; + + /* + * Some SD cards claims an out of spec VDD voltage range. Let's treat + * these bits as being in-valid and especially also bit7. + */ + ocr &= ~0x7FFF; + rocr = sd_uhs2_select_voltage(host, ocr); + /* + * Some cards have zero value of rocr in UHS-II mode. Assign host's + * ocr value to rocr. + */ + if (!rocr) + rocr = host->ocr_avail; + + rocr |= (SD_OCR_CCS | SD_OCR_XPC); + + /* Wait SD power on ready */ + ocr = rocr; + + err = mmc_send_app_op_cond(host, ocr, &rocr); + if (err) + return err; + + err = mmc_send_cid(host, cid); + if (err) + return err; + + memcpy(card->raw_cid, cid, sizeof(card->raw_cid)); + mmc_decode_cid(card); + + /* + * For native busses: get card RCA and quit open drain mode. + */ + err = mmc_send_relative_addr(host, &card->rca); + if (err) + return err; + + err = mmc_sd_get_csd(card); + if (err) + return err; + + /* + * Select card, as all following commands rely on that. + */ + err = mmc_select_card(card); + if (err) + return err; + + /* + * Fetch SCR from card. + */ + err = mmc_app_send_scr(card); + if (err) + return err; + + err = mmc_decode_scr(card); + if (err) + return err; + + /* + * Switch to high power consumption mode. + * Even switch failed, sd card can still work at lower power consumption mode, but + * performance will be lower than high power consumption mode. + */ + if (!(card->csd.cmdclass & CCC_SWITCH)) { + pr_warn("%s: card lacks mandatory switch function, performance might suffer\n", + mmc_hostname(card->host)); + } else { + /* send CMD6 to set Maximum Power Consumption to get better performance */ + err = mmc_sd_switch(card, 0, 3, SD4_SET_POWER_LIMIT_1_80W, status); + if (!err) + err = mmc_sd_switch(card, 1, 3, SD4_SET_POWER_LIMIT_1_80W, status); + + err = 0; + } + + /* + * Check if read-only switch is active. + */ + ro = sd_uhs2_get_ro(host); + if (ro < 0) { + pr_warn("%s: host does not support read-only switch, assuming write-enable\n", + mmc_hostname(host)); + } else if (ro > 0) { + mmc_card_set_readonly(card); + } + + /* + * NOTE: + * Should we read Externsion Register to check power notification feature here? + */ + return 0; } +static void sd_uhs2_remove(struct mmc_host *host) +{ + mmc_remove_card(host->card); + host->card = NULL; + if (host->flags & MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED) + host->flags &= ~MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED; +} + /* * Allocate the data structure for the mmc_card and run the UHS-II specific * initialization sequence. */ -static int sd_uhs2_init_card(struct mmc_host *host) +static int sd_uhs2_init_card(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_card *oldcard) { struct mmc_card *card; u32 node_id; @@ -128,9 +1043,14 @@ static int sd_uhs2_init_card(struct mmc_host *host) if (err) return err; - card = mmc_alloc_card(host, &sd_type); - if (IS_ERR(card)) - return PTR_ERR(card); + if (oldcard) { + card = oldcard; + } else { + card = mmc_alloc_card(host, &sd_type); + if (IS_ERR(card)) + return PTR_ERR(card); + } + host->card = card; card->uhs2_config.node_id = node_id; card->type = MMC_TYPE_SD; @@ -143,22 +1063,47 @@ static int sd_uhs2_init_card(struct mmc_host *host) if (err) goto err; + /* Change to Speed Range B if it is supported */ + if (card->uhs2_state & MMC_UHS2_SPEED_B) { + err = sd_uhs2_change_speed(host, node_id); + if (err) + return err; + } + + host->card->uhs2_state |= MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED; + host->flags |= MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED; + err = sd_uhs2_legacy_init(host, card); if (err) goto err; - host->card = card; return 0; err: - mmc_remove_card(card); + if (host->card->uhs2_state & MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED) + host->card->uhs2_state &= ~MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED; + if (host->flags & MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED) + host->flags &= ~MMC_UHS2_INITIALIZED; + sd_uhs2_remove(host); return err; } -static void sd_uhs2_remove(struct mmc_host *host) +int sd_uhs2_reinit(struct mmc_host *host) { - mmc_remove_card(host->card); - host->card = NULL; + struct mmc_card *card = host->card; + int err; + + sd_uhs2_power_up(host); + err = sd_uhs2_phy_init(host); + if (err) + return err; + + err = sd_uhs2_init_card(host, card); + if (err) + return err; + + mmc_card_set_present(card); + return err; } static int sd_uhs2_alive(struct mmc_host *host) @@ -184,34 +1129,176 @@ static void sd_uhs2_detect(struct mmc_host *host) } } +static int _sd_uhs2_suspend(struct mmc_host *host) +{ + struct mmc_card *card = host->card; + int err = 0; + + mmc_claim_host(host); + + if (mmc_card_suspended(card)) + goto out; + + if (mmc_card_can_poweroff_notify(card)) + err = sd_poweroff_notify(card); + + if (!err) { + sd_uhs2_power_off(host); + mmc_card_set_suspended(card); + } + +out: + mmc_release_host(host); + return err; +} + +/* + * Callback for suspend + */ static int sd_uhs2_suspend(struct mmc_host *host) { - return 0; + int err; + + err = _sd_uhs2_suspend(host); + if (!err) { + pm_runtime_disable(&host->card->dev); + pm_runtime_set_suspended(&host->card->dev); + } + + return err; +} + +/* + * This function tries to determine if the same card is still present + * and, if so, restore all state to it. + */ +static int _mmc_sd_uhs2_resume(struct mmc_host *host) +{ + int err = 0; + + mmc_claim_host(host); + + if (!mmc_card_suspended(host->card)) + goto out; + + /* Power up UHS2 SD card and re-initialize it. */ + err = sd_uhs2_reinit(host); + mmc_card_clr_suspended(host->card); + +out: + mmc_release_host(host); + return err; } +/* + * Callback for resume + */ static int sd_uhs2_resume(struct mmc_host *host) { + pm_runtime_enable(&host->card->dev); return 0; } +/* + * Callback for runtime_suspend. + */ static int sd_uhs2_runtime_suspend(struct mmc_host *host) { - return 0; + int err; + + if (!(host->caps & MMC_CAP_AGGRESSIVE_PM)) + return 0; + + err = _sd_uhs2_suspend(host); + if (err) + pr_err("%s: error %d doing aggressive suspend\n", mmc_hostname(host), err); + + return err; } static int sd_uhs2_runtime_resume(struct mmc_host *host) { - return 0; + int err; + + err = _mmc_sd_uhs2_resume(host); + if (err && err != -ENOMEDIUM) + pr_err("%s: error %d doing runtime resume\n", mmc_hostname(host), err); + + return err; } -static int sd_uhs2_shutdown(struct mmc_host *host) +static int sd_uhs2_hw_reset(struct mmc_host *host) { - return 0; + int err; + + sd_uhs2_power_off(host); + /* Wait at least 1 ms according to SD spec */ + mmc_delay(1); + sd_uhs2_power_up(host); + + err = sd_uhs2_reinit(host); + + return err; } -static int sd_uhs2_hw_reset(struct mmc_host *host) +/* + * mmc_uhs2_prepare_cmd - prepare for SD command packet + * @host: MMC host + * @mrq: MMC request + * + * Initialize and fill in a header and a payload of SD command packet. + * The caller should allocate uhs2_command in host->cmd->uhs2_cmd in + * advance. + * + * Return: 0 on success, non-zero error on failure + */ +void mmc_uhs2_prepare_cmd(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_request *mrq) { - return 0; + struct mmc_command *cmd; + struct uhs2_command *uhs2_cmd; + u16 header, arg; + __be32 *payload; + u8 plen; + + cmd = mrq->cmd; + header = host->card->uhs2_config.node_id; + if ((cmd->flags & MMC_CMD_MASK) == MMC_CMD_ADTC) + header |= UHS2_PACKET_TYPE_DCMD; + else + header |= UHS2_PACKET_TYPE_CCMD; + + arg = cmd->opcode << UHS2_SD_CMD_INDEX_POS; + if (host->uhs2_ios.is_APP_CMD) { + arg |= UHS2_SD_CMD_APP; + host->uhs2_ios.is_APP_CMD = false; + } + + uhs2_cmd = cmd->uhs2_cmd; + payload = uhs2_cmd->payload; + plen = 2; /* at the maximum */ + + if ((cmd->flags & MMC_CMD_MASK) == MMC_CMD_ADTC && + !cmd->uhs2_tmode0_flag) { + if (host->uhs2_ios.is_2L_HD_mode) + arg |= UHS2_DCMD_2L_HD_MODE; + + arg |= UHS2_DCMD_LM_TLEN_EXIST; + + if (cmd->data->blocks == 1 && + cmd->data->blksz != 512 && + cmd->opcode != MMC_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK && + cmd->opcode != MMC_WRITE_BLOCK) { + arg |= UHS2_DCMD_TLUM_BYTE_MODE; + payload[1] = cpu_to_be32(cmd->data->blksz); + } else { + payload[1] = cpu_to_be32(cmd->data->blocks); + } + } else { + plen = 1; + } + + payload[0] = cpu_to_be32(cmd->arg); + sd_uhs2_cmd_assemble(cmd, uhs2_cmd, header, arg, payload, plen, NULL, 0); } static const struct mmc_bus_ops sd_uhs2_ops = { @@ -222,7 +1309,7 @@ static const struct mmc_bus_ops sd_uhs2_ops = { .resume = sd_uhs2_resume, .runtime_suspend = sd_uhs2_runtime_suspend, .runtime_resume = sd_uhs2_runtime_resume, - .shutdown = sd_uhs2_shutdown, + .shutdown = sd_uhs2_suspend, .hw_reset = sd_uhs2_hw_reset, }; @@ -230,6 +1317,8 @@ static int sd_uhs2_attach(struct mmc_host *host) { int err; + host->flags |= MMC_UHS2_SUPPORT; + err = sd_uhs2_power_up(host); if (err) goto err; @@ -238,7 +1327,7 @@ static int sd_uhs2_attach(struct mmc_host *host) if (err) goto err; - err = sd_uhs2_init_card(host); + err = sd_uhs2_init_card(host, NULL); if (err) goto err; @@ -251,21 +1340,34 @@ static int sd_uhs2_attach(struct mmc_host *host) goto remove_card; mmc_claim_host(host); + + host->ops->uhs2_control(host, UHS2_POST_ATTACH_SD); + return 0; remove_card: - mmc_remove_card(host->card); - host->card = NULL; + sd_uhs2_remove(host); mmc_claim_host(host); - mmc_detach_bus(host); + err: + mmc_detach_bus(host); sd_uhs2_power_off(host); - return err; + host->flags &= ~MMC_UHS2_SUPPORT; + return 1; } +/** + * mmc_attach_sd_uhs2 - select UHS2 interface + * @host: MMC host + * + * Try to select UHS2 interface and initialize the bus for a given + * frequency, @freq. + * + * Return: 0 on success, non-zero error on failure + */ int mmc_attach_sd_uhs2(struct mmc_host *host) { - int i, err = 0; + int i, err; if (!(host->caps2 & MMC_CAP2_SD_UHS2)) return -EOPNOTSUPP; @@ -280,6 +1382,9 @@ int mmc_attach_sd_uhs2(struct mmc_host *host) */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sd_uhs2_freqs); i++) { host->f_init = sd_uhs2_freqs[i]; + pr_info("%s: %s: trying to init UHS-II card at %u Hz\n", + mmc_hostname(host), __func__, host->f_init); + err = sd_uhs2_attach(host); if (!err) break;