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[Version,2,2/3] WIP: Add gsskeyd

Message ID 1382451757-3032-3-git-send-email-andros@netapp.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Commit Message

Andy Adamson Oct. 22, 2013, 2:22 p.m. UTC
From: Weston Andros Adamson <dros@netapp.com>

this is an experimental daemon that watches for krb credential cache files
being created and deleted and creates or removes the mapping in the user

this replaces the wrappers for kinit and kdestroy as they are no longer needed -
users can go ahead using kinit/kdestroy and existing pam modules.

if this is the way we want to go, this should probably end up as a processes
forked from gssd and not its own daemon.

Signed-off-by: Weston Andros Adamson <dros@netapp.com>
 configure.ac            |   1 +
 utils/Makefile.am       |   2 +-
 utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c | 328 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 330 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c


Steve Dickson Oct. 23, 2013, 2:30 p.m. UTC | #1

After read this these recent threads about this, we may or may not end up with this
type of daemon, personally I hope we don't... ;-) But if we do... 

On 22/10/13 10:22, andros@netapp.com wrote:
> From: Weston Andros Adamson <dros@netapp.com>
> this is an experimental daemon that watches for krb credential cache files
> being created and deleted and creates or removes the mapping in the user
> keyring.
> this replaces the wrappers for kinit and kdestroy as they are no longer needed -
> users can go ahead using kinit/kdestroy and existing pam modules.
> if this is the way we want to go, this should probably end up as a processes
> forked from gssd and not its own daemon.
> Signed-off-by: Weston Andros Adamson <dros@netapp.com>
> ---
>  configure.ac            |   1 +
>  utils/Makefile.am       |   2 +-
>  utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c | 328 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  3 files changed, 330 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>  create mode 100644 utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c
> diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
> index d3ad854..a8e75ac 100644
> --- a/configure.ac
> +++ b/configure.ac
> @@ -497,6 +497,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([
>  	utils/nfsdcltrack/Makefile
>  	utils/exportfs/Makefile
>  	utils/gssd/Makefile
> +	utils/gsskeyd/Makefile
>  	utils/idmapd/Makefile
>  	utils/mount/Makefile
>  	utils/mountd/Makefile
> diff --git a/utils/Makefile.am b/utils/Makefile.am
> index b892dc8..943ae2d 100644
> --- a/utils/Makefile.am
> +++ b/utils/Makefile.am
> @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OPTDIRS += blkmapd
>  endif
> -OPTDIRS += gssd
> +OPTDIRS += gssd gsskeyd
>  endif
> diff --git a/utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c b/utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..6d598fa
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c
> @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
> +#include <stdio.h>
> +#include <stdlib.h>
> +#include <limits.h>
> +#include <assert.h>
> +#include <keyutils.h>
> +#include <err.h>
> +#include <errno.h>
> +#include <string.h>
> +
> +#include <sys/inotify.h>
> +#include <sys/errno.h>
> +#include <sys/select.h>
> +#include <sys/param.h>
> +#include <sys/time.h>
> +#include <sys/types.h>
> +#include <sys/wait.h>
> +#include <sys/queue.h>
> +#include <sys/uio.h>
> +#include <unistd.h>
> +
> +#define MAX_EVENT_SIZE (sizeof(struct inotify_event) + NAME_MAX + 1)
> +
> +//#define DEBUG_TRACE
> +
> +#ifdef DEBUG_TRACE
> +#define TRACE(X...) do { fprintf(stderr, "_trace_: " X); } while (0)
> +#else
> +#define TRACE(X...)
> +#endif
Please do not make debugging a compile decision. Go ahead and 
use a '-d' or '-vvvv' (which each 'v' add more logging) flags to
make it a run time decision... Having to recompile to debug is
something that never made much sense to me... 

Secondly, you please use the existing xlog() interface to do your 
error/warning/debugging logging... Having all logging going through
on interface is a good thing... IMHO... 

> +
> +/* .25 second timeouts to select */
> +#define SELECT_INTERVAL_TV { 0, 250000 }
> +
> +/* .5 seconds to collect list of unique file names that had events */
> +#define COLLECT_INTERVAL_TV { 0, 500000 }
> +
> +struct watchdir {
> +	char dir[MAXPATHLEN];
> +	int wd;
> +	LIST_ENTRY(watchdir) entry;
> +};
> +
> +LIST_HEAD(watchdir_list, watchdir);
> +
> +struct update {
> +	char dir[MAXPATHLEN];
> +	char name[MAXPATHLEN];
> +	int is_remove;
> +	LIST_ENTRY(update) entry;
> +};
> +
> +LIST_HEAD(update_list, update);
> +
> +struct updates {
> +	struct update_list list;
> +	struct timeval first;
> +};
> +
> +void
> +watchdir_add(struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, int notify, char *dir)
> +{
> +	struct watchdir *w;
> +
> +	w = calloc(1, sizeof(struct watchdir));
> +	assert(w != NULL);
> +
> +	strncpy(w->dir, dir, MAXPATHLEN);
> +
> +	w->wd = inotify_add_watch(notify, dir,
> +	    //| IN_MODIFY
> +
> +	if (w->wd < 0)
> +		perror("inotify_add_watch");
> +
> +	LIST_INSERT_HEAD(watchdirs, w, entry);
> +
> +	TRACE("WATCH(%d): %s\n", w->wd, w->dir);
> +}
> +
> +/*
> + * XXX maybe use hash when there is more than one watchdir?
> + */
> +struct watchdir *
> +watchdir_lookup(struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, int wd)
> +{
> +	struct watchdir *w;
> +
> +	LIST_FOREACH(w, watchdirs, entry) {
> +		if (wd == w->wd)
> +			return w;
> +	}
> +
> +	return NULL;
> +}
> +
> +static void
> +update_set_type(struct update *u, struct inotify_event *e)
> +{
> +	if (e->mask & (IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM))
> +		u->is_remove = 1;
> +	else
> +		u->is_remove = 0;
> +}
> +
> +void
> +updates_add(struct updates *updates, struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, struct inotify_event *e)
> +{
> +	struct update *u;
> +	struct watchdir *w;
> +
> +
> +	w = watchdir_lookup(watchdirs, e->wd);
> +	assert(w != NULL);
> +
> +	TRACE("updates_add: %s/%s\n", w->dir, e->name);
> +
> +	LIST_FOREACH(u, &updates->list, entry) {
> +		if (strncmp(w->dir, u->dir, MAXPATHLEN) == 0 &&
> +		    strncmp(e->name, u->name, MAXPATHLEN) == 0) {
> +			update_set_type(u, e);
> +			return;
> +		}
> +	}
> +
> +	u = calloc(1, sizeof(struct update));
> +	strncpy(u->dir, w->dir, MAXPATHLEN);
> +	strncpy(u->name, e->name, MAXPATHLEN);
> +	update_set_type(u, e);
> +
> +	LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&updates->list, u, entry);
> +
> +	if (!timerisset(&updates->first)) {
> +		if (gettimeofday(&updates->first, NULL) < 0)
> +			perror("gettimeofday");
> +	}
> +}
> +
> +void
> +print_event_mask(FILE *fp, uint32_t mask)
> +{
> +#define _print_if_found(X, S) do {	\
> +		if (mask & (X)) { 		\
> +			fprintf(fp, S);		\
> +		} \
> +	} while(0)
> +
> +	_print_if_found(IN_ACCESS,		"access");
> +	_print_if_found(IN_ATTRIB,		"attrib");
> +	_print_if_found(IN_CLOSE_WRITE,		"close write");
> +	_print_if_found(IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE,	"close nowrite");
> +	_print_if_found(IN_CREATE,		"create");
> +	_print_if_found(IN_DELETE,		"delete");
> +	_print_if_found(IN_DELETE_SELF,		"delete self");
> +	_print_if_found(IN_MODIFY,		"modify");
> +	_print_if_found(IN_MOVE_SELF,		"move self");
> +	_print_if_found(IN_MOVED_FROM,		"moved from");
> +	_print_if_found(IN_MOVED_TO,		"moved to");
> +	_print_if_found(IN_OPEN,		"open");
> +}
> +
> +static int
> +manage_gss_ctx_keyring_mapping(struct update *u)
> +{
> +	char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
> +	int status;
> +	uid_t uid;
> +	pid_t pid;
> +	key_serial_t key;
> +	long res;
> +
> +	snprintf(buf, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", u->dir, u->name);
> +
> +	if (sscanf(u->name, "krb5cc_%u", &uid) <= 0)
> +		perror("parsing krb5cc uid");
> +
> +	if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
> +		perror("fork");
> +
> +	if (pid == 0) {
> +		if (setuid(uid) < 0)
> +			perror("setuid");
> +
> +		if (u->is_remove) {
> +			fprintf(stderr, "remove gss ctx mapping for uid %u\n",
> +				uid);
> +			key = request_key("gss-ctx", "_nfstgt_", NULL,
> +			if (key > 0) {
> +				res = keyctl_unlink(key, KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING);
> +				if (res < 0)
> +					warn("keyctl_unlink failed");
> +			} else
> +				warn("request_key failed");
> +		} else {
> +			fprintf(stderr, "add gss ctx mapping for uid=%u\n",
> +				uid);
> +			snprintf(buf, MAXPATHLEN, "FILE:%s/%s",
> +				u->dir, u->name);
> +			key = add_key("gss-ctx", "_nfstgt_", buf,
> +
> +			if (key < 0)
> +				warn("add_key failed");
> +		}
> +
> +		exit(0);
> +	} else {
> +		waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
> +
> +		if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
> +			return WEXITSTATUS(status);
> +		}
> +	}
> +
> +	return 0;
> +}
> +
> +void
> +parse_events(int notify, struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, struct updates *updates)
> +{
> +	ssize_t nread, pos;
> +	unsigned char buf[MAX_EVENT_SIZE * 100];
> +	struct inotify_event *e;
> +
> +	for (;;) {
> +		nread = read(notify, buf, sizeof(buf));
> +
> +		if (nread <= 0) {
> +			TRACE("read returns %d, errno %u\n", nread, errno);
> +			break;
> +		}
> +
> +		TRACE("Read %d bytes\n", nread);
> +
> +		pos = 0;
> +		while (pos < nread) {
> +			assert((nread - pos) >=
> +			       (ssize_t)sizeof(struct inotify_event));
> +			e = (struct inotify_event *)(buf + pos);
> +			pos += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + e->len;
> +
> +#ifdef DEBUG_TRACE
> +			TRACE("EVENT on %s: ", e->name);
> +			print_event_mask(stderr, e->mask);
> +			fprintf(stderr, "\n");
> +#endif
> +
> +			if (strlen(e->name) >= strlen("krb5cc_") &&
> +			    strncmp("krb5cc_", e->name, strlen("krb5cc_")) != 0)
> +				TRACE("skip file: %s\n", e->name);
> +			else
> +				updates_add(updates, watchdirs, e);
> +		}
> +		assert(pos == nread);
> +	}
> +}
> +
> +void
> +handle_events(struct updates *updates)
> +{
> +	struct update *u;
> +	struct timeval now, diff, collection_interval = COLLECT_INTERVAL_TV;
> +
> +	if (!timerisset(&updates->first))
> +		return;
> +
> +	if (gettimeofday(&now, NULL) < 0)
> +		perror("gettimeofday");
> +
> +	timersub(&now, &updates->first, &diff);
> +
> +	if (!(diff.tv_sec >= collection_interval.tv_sec &&
> +	      diff.tv_usec >= collection_interval.tv_usec)) {
> +		TRACE("it's been %u s %u ms - waiting longer...\n",
> +			diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec);
> +		return;
> +	}
> +
> +	while (!LIST_EMPTY(&updates->list)) {
> +		u = updates->list.lh_first;
> +
> +		TRACE("handle krb5 cc file: %s\n", u->name);
> +		manage_gss_ctx_keyring_mapping(u);
> +		LIST_REMOVE(u, entry);
> +	}
> +
> +	timerclear(&updates->first);
> +}
> +
> +
> +int
> +main(int argc, char **argv)
> +{
> +	fd_set readfds;
> +	int notify;
> +	int res;
> +	struct timeval timeo, select_interval = SELECT_INTERVAL_TV;
> +	struct watchdir_list watchdirs;
> +	struct updates updates;
> +
> +	LIST_INIT(&watchdirs);
> +
> +	notify = inotify_init1(IN_NONBLOCK);
> +	if (notify < 0)
> +		perror("inotify_init1");
> +
> +	watchdir_add(&watchdirs, notify, "/tmp");
> +
> +	LIST_INIT(&updates.list);
> +	timerclear(&updates.first);
> +
> +	for (;;) {
> +		FD_ZERO(&readfds);
> +		FD_SET(notify, &readfds);
> +		memcpy(&timeo, &select_interval, sizeof(struct timeval));
> +
> +		res = select(notify + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeo);
> +
> +		if (res < 0)
> +			perror("error calling select");
> +
> +		if (FD_ISSET(notify, &readfds))
> +			parse_events(notify, &watchdirs, &updates);
> +
> +		handle_events(&updates);
> +	}
> +}
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Weston Andros Adamson Oct. 23, 2013, 2:40 p.m. UTC | #2
Hey Steve,

This patch is simply for testing.  It is not anywhere near something we’d ask for inclusion in nfs-utils.
If and when we want something like this, we’ll post something appropriate.


On Oct 23, 2013, at 10:30 AM, Steve Dickson <SteveD@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> After read this these recent threads about this, we may or may not end up with this
> type of daemon, personally I hope we don't... ;-) But if we do... 
> On 22/10/13 10:22, andros@netapp.com wrote:
>> From: Weston Andros Adamson <dros@netapp.com>
>> this is an experimental daemon that watches for krb credential cache files
>> being created and deleted and creates or removes the mapping in the user
>> keyring.
>> this replaces the wrappers for kinit and kdestroy as they are no longer needed -
>> users can go ahead using kinit/kdestroy and existing pam modules.
>> if this is the way we want to go, this should probably end up as a processes
>> forked from gssd and not its own daemon.
>> Signed-off-by: Weston Andros Adamson <dros@netapp.com>
>> ---
>> configure.ac            |   1 +
>> utils/Makefile.am       |   2 +-
>> utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c | 328 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> 3 files changed, 330 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>> create mode 100644 utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c
>> diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
>> index d3ad854..a8e75ac 100644
>> --- a/configure.ac
>> +++ b/configure.ac
>> @@ -497,6 +497,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([
>> 	utils/nfsdcltrack/Makefile
>> 	utils/exportfs/Makefile
>> 	utils/gssd/Makefile
>> +	utils/gsskeyd/Makefile
>> 	utils/idmapd/Makefile
>> 	utils/mount/Makefile
>> 	utils/mountd/Makefile
>> diff --git a/utils/Makefile.am b/utils/Makefile.am
>> index b892dc8..943ae2d 100644
>> --- a/utils/Makefile.am
>> +++ b/utils/Makefile.am
>> @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OPTDIRS += blkmapd
>> endif
>> -OPTDIRS += gssd
>> +OPTDIRS += gssd gsskeyd
>> endif
>> diff --git a/utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c b/utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c
>> new file mode 100644
>> index 0000000..6d598fa
>> --- /dev/null
>> +++ b/utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c
>> @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
>> +#include <stdio.h>
>> +#include <stdlib.h>
>> +#include <limits.h>
>> +#include <assert.h>
>> +#include <keyutils.h>
>> +#include <err.h>
>> +#include <errno.h>
>> +#include <string.h>
>> +
>> +#include <sys/inotify.h>
>> +#include <sys/errno.h>
>> +#include <sys/select.h>
>> +#include <sys/param.h>
>> +#include <sys/time.h>
>> +#include <sys/types.h>
>> +#include <sys/wait.h>
>> +#include <sys/queue.h>
>> +#include <sys/uio.h>
>> +#include <unistd.h>
>> +
>> +#define MAX_EVENT_SIZE (sizeof(struct inotify_event) + NAME_MAX + 1)
>> +
>> +//#define DEBUG_TRACE
>> +
>> +#ifdef DEBUG_TRACE
>> +#define TRACE(X...) do { fprintf(stderr, "_trace_: " X); } while (0)
>> +#else
>> +#define TRACE(X...)
>> +#endif
> Please do not make debugging a compile decision. Go ahead and 
> use a '-d' or '-vvvv' (which each 'v' add more logging) flags to
> make it a run time decision... Having to recompile to debug is
> something that never made much sense to me... 
> Secondly, you please use the existing xlog() interface to do your 
> error/warning/debugging logging... Having all logging going through
> on interface is a good thing... IMHO... 
> steved.
>> +
>> +/* .25 second timeouts to select */
>> +#define SELECT_INTERVAL_TV { 0, 250000 }
>> +
>> +/* .5 seconds to collect list of unique file names that had events */
>> +#define COLLECT_INTERVAL_TV { 0, 500000 }
>> +
>> +struct watchdir {
>> +	char dir[MAXPATHLEN];
>> +	int wd;
>> +	LIST_ENTRY(watchdir) entry;
>> +};
>> +
>> +LIST_HEAD(watchdir_list, watchdir);
>> +
>> +struct update {
>> +	char dir[MAXPATHLEN];
>> +	char name[MAXPATHLEN];
>> +	int is_remove;
>> +	LIST_ENTRY(update) entry;
>> +};
>> +
>> +LIST_HEAD(update_list, update);
>> +
>> +struct updates {
>> +	struct update_list list;
>> +	struct timeval first;
>> +};
>> +
>> +void
>> +watchdir_add(struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, int notify, char *dir)
>> +{
>> +	struct watchdir *w;
>> +
>> +	w = calloc(1, sizeof(struct watchdir));
>> +	assert(w != NULL);
>> +
>> +	strncpy(w->dir, dir, MAXPATHLEN);
>> +
>> +	w->wd = inotify_add_watch(notify, dir,
>> +	    //| IN_MODIFY
>> +
>> +	if (w->wd < 0)
>> +		perror("inotify_add_watch");
>> +
>> +	LIST_INSERT_HEAD(watchdirs, w, entry);
>> +
>> +	TRACE("WATCH(%d): %s\n", w->wd, w->dir);
>> +}
>> +
>> +/*
>> + * XXX maybe use hash when there is more than one watchdir?
>> + */
>> +struct watchdir *
>> +watchdir_lookup(struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, int wd)
>> +{
>> +	struct watchdir *w;
>> +
>> +	LIST_FOREACH(w, watchdirs, entry) {
>> +		if (wd == w->wd)
>> +			return w;
>> +	}
>> +
>> +	return NULL;
>> +}
>> +
>> +static void
>> +update_set_type(struct update *u, struct inotify_event *e)
>> +{
>> +	if (e->mask & (IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM))
>> +		u->is_remove = 1;
>> +	else
>> +		u->is_remove = 0;
>> +}
>> +
>> +void
>> +updates_add(struct updates *updates, struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, struct inotify_event *e)
>> +{
>> +	struct update *u;
>> +	struct watchdir *w;
>> +
>> +
>> +	w = watchdir_lookup(watchdirs, e->wd);
>> +	assert(w != NULL);
>> +
>> +	TRACE("updates_add: %s/%s\n", w->dir, e->name);
>> +
>> +	LIST_FOREACH(u, &updates->list, entry) {
>> +		if (strncmp(w->dir, u->dir, MAXPATHLEN) == 0 &&
>> +		    strncmp(e->name, u->name, MAXPATHLEN) == 0) {
>> +			update_set_type(u, e);
>> +			return;
>> +		}
>> +	}
>> +
>> +	u = calloc(1, sizeof(struct update));
>> +	strncpy(u->dir, w->dir, MAXPATHLEN);
>> +	strncpy(u->name, e->name, MAXPATHLEN);
>> +	update_set_type(u, e);
>> +
>> +	LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&updates->list, u, entry);
>> +
>> +	if (!timerisset(&updates->first)) {
>> +		if (gettimeofday(&updates->first, NULL) < 0)
>> +			perror("gettimeofday");
>> +	}
>> +}
>> +
>> +void
>> +print_event_mask(FILE *fp, uint32_t mask)
>> +{
>> +#define _print_if_found(X, S) do {	\
>> +		if (mask & (X)) { 		\
>> +			fprintf(fp, S);		\
>> +		} \
>> +	} while(0)
>> +
>> +	_print_if_found(IN_ACCESS,		"access");
>> +	_print_if_found(IN_ATTRIB,		"attrib");
>> +	_print_if_found(IN_CLOSE_WRITE,		"close write");
>> +	_print_if_found(IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE,	"close nowrite");
>> +	_print_if_found(IN_CREATE,		"create");
>> +	_print_if_found(IN_DELETE,		"delete");
>> +	_print_if_found(IN_DELETE_SELF,		"delete self");
>> +	_print_if_found(IN_MODIFY,		"modify");
>> +	_print_if_found(IN_MOVE_SELF,		"move self");
>> +	_print_if_found(IN_MOVED_FROM,		"moved from");
>> +	_print_if_found(IN_MOVED_TO,		"moved to");
>> +	_print_if_found(IN_OPEN,		"open");
>> +}
>> +
>> +static int
>> +manage_gss_ctx_keyring_mapping(struct update *u)
>> +{
>> +	char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
>> +	int status;
>> +	uid_t uid;
>> +	pid_t pid;
>> +	key_serial_t key;
>> +	long res;
>> +
>> +	snprintf(buf, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", u->dir, u->name);
>> +
>> +	if (sscanf(u->name, "krb5cc_%u", &uid) <= 0)
>> +		perror("parsing krb5cc uid");
>> +
>> +	if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
>> +		perror("fork");
>> +
>> +	if (pid == 0) {
>> +		if (setuid(uid) < 0)
>> +			perror("setuid");
>> +
>> +		if (u->is_remove) {
>> +			fprintf(stderr, "remove gss ctx mapping for uid %u\n",
>> +				uid);
>> +			key = request_key("gss-ctx", "_nfstgt_", NULL,
>> +			if (key > 0) {
>> +				res = keyctl_unlink(key, KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING);
>> +				if (res < 0)
>> +					warn("keyctl_unlink failed");
>> +			} else
>> +				warn("request_key failed");
>> +		} else {
>> +			fprintf(stderr, "add gss ctx mapping for uid=%u\n",
>> +				uid);
>> +			snprintf(buf, MAXPATHLEN, "FILE:%s/%s",
>> +				u->dir, u->name);
>> +			key = add_key("gss-ctx", "_nfstgt_", buf,
>> +
>> +			if (key < 0)
>> +				warn("add_key failed");
>> +		}
>> +
>> +		exit(0);
>> +	} else {
>> +		waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
>> +
>> +		if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
>> +			return WEXITSTATUS(status);
>> +		}
>> +	}
>> +
>> +	return 0;
>> +}
>> +
>> +void
>> +parse_events(int notify, struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, struct updates *updates)
>> +{
>> +	ssize_t nread, pos;
>> +	unsigned char buf[MAX_EVENT_SIZE * 100];
>> +	struct inotify_event *e;
>> +
>> +	for (;;) {
>> +		nread = read(notify, buf, sizeof(buf));
>> +
>> +		if (nread <= 0) {
>> +			TRACE("read returns %d, errno %u\n", nread, errno);
>> +			break;
>> +		}
>> +
>> +		TRACE("Read %d bytes\n", nread);
>> +
>> +		pos = 0;
>> +		while (pos < nread) {
>> +			assert((nread - pos) >=
>> +			       (ssize_t)sizeof(struct inotify_event));
>> +			e = (struct inotify_event *)(buf + pos);
>> +			pos += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + e->len;
>> +
>> +#ifdef DEBUG_TRACE
>> +			TRACE("EVENT on %s: ", e->name);
>> +			print_event_mask(stderr, e->mask);
>> +			fprintf(stderr, "\n");
>> +#endif
>> +
>> +			if (strlen(e->name) >= strlen("krb5cc_") &&
>> +			    strncmp("krb5cc_", e->name, strlen("krb5cc_")) != 0)
>> +				TRACE("skip file: %s\n", e->name);
>> +			else
>> +				updates_add(updates, watchdirs, e);
>> +		}
>> +		assert(pos == nread);
>> +	}
>> +}
>> +
>> +void
>> +handle_events(struct updates *updates)
>> +{
>> +	struct update *u;
>> +	struct timeval now, diff, collection_interval = COLLECT_INTERVAL_TV;
>> +
>> +	if (!timerisset(&updates->first))
>> +		return;
>> +
>> +	if (gettimeofday(&now, NULL) < 0)
>> +		perror("gettimeofday");
>> +
>> +	timersub(&now, &updates->first, &diff);
>> +
>> +	if (!(diff.tv_sec >= collection_interval.tv_sec &&
>> +	      diff.tv_usec >= collection_interval.tv_usec)) {
>> +		TRACE("it's been %u s %u ms - waiting longer...\n",
>> +			diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec);
>> +		return;
>> +	}
>> +
>> +	while (!LIST_EMPTY(&updates->list)) {
>> +		u = updates->list.lh_first;
>> +
>> +		TRACE("handle krb5 cc file: %s\n", u->name);
>> +		manage_gss_ctx_keyring_mapping(u);
>> +		LIST_REMOVE(u, entry);
>> +	}
>> +
>> +	timerclear(&updates->first);
>> +}
>> +
>> +
>> +int
>> +main(int argc, char **argv)
>> +{
>> +	fd_set readfds;
>> +	int notify;
>> +	int res;
>> +	struct timeval timeo, select_interval = SELECT_INTERVAL_TV;
>> +	struct watchdir_list watchdirs;
>> +	struct updates updates;
>> +
>> +	LIST_INIT(&watchdirs);
>> +
>> +	notify = inotify_init1(IN_NONBLOCK);
>> +	if (notify < 0)
>> +		perror("inotify_init1");
>> +
>> +	watchdir_add(&watchdirs, notify, "/tmp");
>> +
>> +	LIST_INIT(&updates.list);
>> +	timerclear(&updates.first);
>> +
>> +	for (;;) {
>> +		FD_ZERO(&readfds);
>> +		FD_SET(notify, &readfds);
>> +		memcpy(&timeo, &select_interval, sizeof(struct timeval));
>> +
>> +		res = select(notify + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeo);
>> +
>> +		if (res < 0)
>> +			perror("error calling select");
>> +
>> +		if (FD_ISSET(notify, &readfds))
>> +			parse_events(notify, &watchdirs, &updates);
>> +
>> +		handle_events(&updates);
>> +	}
>> +}

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-nfs" in
the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
Adamson, Andy Oct. 23, 2013, 3:02 p.m. UTC | #3
Sorry for all of the confusion. Next time I'll put WIP in the patch subject and make it a lot clearer as to what is going on.

Basically, the daemon is a way to automatically create/destroy a kernel keyring key on Kerberos credential cache creation and destruction which in turn triggers the Kernel code to locate and do the correct thing with the associated gss_cred and gss_contexts.

The kernel code is what I need tested. 

We also, of course, need the correct way to notify the kernel GSS layer that the credentials have been destroyed.  I like the suggestion of a libkrb5 client plugin or call out. I also think that when the Kerberos credentials are stored in the kernel keyring, there is an opportunity to have that work cleanly without any mucking with libkrb5.


On Oct 23, 2013, at 10:40 AM, Weston Andros Adamson <dros@netapp.com>

> Hey Steve,
> This patch is simply for testing.  It is not anywhere near something we’d ask for inclusion in nfs-utils.
> If and when we want something like this, we’ll post something appropriate.
> -dros
> On Oct 23, 2013, at 10:30 AM, Steve Dickson <SteveD@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> After read this these recent threads about this, we may or may not end up with this
>> type of daemon, personally I hope we don't... ;-) But if we do... 
>> On 22/10/13 10:22, andros@netapp.com wrote:
>>> From: Weston Andros Adamson <dros@netapp.com>
>>> this is an experimental daemon that watches for krb credential cache files
>>> being created and deleted and creates or removes the mapping in the user
>>> keyring.
>>> this replaces the wrappers for kinit and kdestroy as they are no longer needed -
>>> users can go ahead using kinit/kdestroy and existing pam modules.
>>> if this is the way we want to go, this should probably end up as a processes
>>> forked from gssd and not its own daemon.
>>> Signed-off-by: Weston Andros Adamson <dros@netapp.com>
>>> ---
>>> configure.ac            |   1 +
>>> utils/Makefile.am       |   2 +-
>>> utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c | 328 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>> 3 files changed, 330 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>> create mode 100644 utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c
>>> diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
>>> index d3ad854..a8e75ac 100644
>>> --- a/configure.ac
>>> +++ b/configure.ac
>>> @@ -497,6 +497,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([
>>> 	utils/nfsdcltrack/Makefile
>>> 	utils/exportfs/Makefile
>>> 	utils/gssd/Makefile
>>> +	utils/gsskeyd/Makefile
>>> 	utils/idmapd/Makefile
>>> 	utils/mount/Makefile
>>> 	utils/mountd/Makefile
>>> diff --git a/utils/Makefile.am b/utils/Makefile.am
>>> index b892dc8..943ae2d 100644
>>> --- a/utils/Makefile.am
>>> +++ b/utils/Makefile.am
>>> @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OPTDIRS += blkmapd
>>> endif
>>> -OPTDIRS += gssd
>>> +OPTDIRS += gssd gsskeyd
>>> endif
>>> diff --git a/utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c b/utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c
>>> new file mode 100644
>>> index 0000000..6d598fa
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
>>> +#include <stdio.h>
>>> +#include <stdlib.h>
>>> +#include <limits.h>
>>> +#include <assert.h>
>>> +#include <keyutils.h>
>>> +#include <err.h>
>>> +#include <errno.h>
>>> +#include <string.h>
>>> +
>>> +#include <sys/inotify.h>
>>> +#include <sys/errno.h>
>>> +#include <sys/select.h>
>>> +#include <sys/param.h>
>>> +#include <sys/time.h>
>>> +#include <sys/types.h>
>>> +#include <sys/wait.h>
>>> +#include <sys/queue.h>
>>> +#include <sys/uio.h>
>>> +#include <unistd.h>
>>> +
>>> +#define MAX_EVENT_SIZE (sizeof(struct inotify_event) + NAME_MAX + 1)
>>> +
>>> +//#define DEBUG_TRACE
>>> +
>>> +#ifdef DEBUG_TRACE
>>> +#define TRACE(X...) do { fprintf(stderr, "_trace_: " X); } while (0)
>>> +#else
>>> +#define TRACE(X...)
>>> +#endif
>> Please do not make debugging a compile decision. Go ahead and 
>> use a '-d' or '-vvvv' (which each 'v' add more logging) flags to
>> make it a run time decision... Having to recompile to debug is
>> something that never made much sense to me... 
>> Secondly, you please use the existing xlog() interface to do your 
>> error/warning/debugging logging... Having all logging going through
>> on interface is a good thing... IMHO... 
>> steved.
>>> +
>>> +/* .25 second timeouts to select */
>>> +#define SELECT_INTERVAL_TV { 0, 250000 }
>>> +
>>> +/* .5 seconds to collect list of unique file names that had events */
>>> +#define COLLECT_INTERVAL_TV { 0, 500000 }
>>> +
>>> +struct watchdir {
>>> +	char dir[MAXPATHLEN];
>>> +	int wd;
>>> +	LIST_ENTRY(watchdir) entry;
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +LIST_HEAD(watchdir_list, watchdir);
>>> +
>>> +struct update {
>>> +	char dir[MAXPATHLEN];
>>> +	char name[MAXPATHLEN];
>>> +	int is_remove;
>>> +	LIST_ENTRY(update) entry;
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +LIST_HEAD(update_list, update);
>>> +
>>> +struct updates {
>>> +	struct update_list list;
>>> +	struct timeval first;
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +void
>>> +watchdir_add(struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, int notify, char *dir)
>>> +{
>>> +	struct watchdir *w;
>>> +
>>> +	w = calloc(1, sizeof(struct watchdir));
>>> +	assert(w != NULL);
>>> +
>>> +	strncpy(w->dir, dir, MAXPATHLEN);
>>> +
>>> +	w->wd = inotify_add_watch(notify, dir,
>>> +	    //| IN_MODIFY
>>> +
>>> +	if (w->wd < 0)
>>> +		perror("inotify_add_watch");
>>> +
>>> +	LIST_INSERT_HEAD(watchdirs, w, entry);
>>> +
>>> +	TRACE("WATCH(%d): %s\n", w->wd, w->dir);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +/*
>>> + * XXX maybe use hash when there is more than one watchdir?
>>> + */
>>> +struct watchdir *
>>> +watchdir_lookup(struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, int wd)
>>> +{
>>> +	struct watchdir *w;
>>> +
>>> +	LIST_FOREACH(w, watchdirs, entry) {
>>> +		if (wd == w->wd)
>>> +			return w;
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	return NULL;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void
>>> +update_set_type(struct update *u, struct inotify_event *e)
>>> +{
>>> +	if (e->mask & (IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM))
>>> +		u->is_remove = 1;
>>> +	else
>>> +		u->is_remove = 0;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +void
>>> +updates_add(struct updates *updates, struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, struct inotify_event *e)
>>> +{
>>> +	struct update *u;
>>> +	struct watchdir *w;
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +	w = watchdir_lookup(watchdirs, e->wd);
>>> +	assert(w != NULL);
>>> +
>>> +	TRACE("updates_add: %s/%s\n", w->dir, e->name);
>>> +
>>> +	LIST_FOREACH(u, &updates->list, entry) {
>>> +		if (strncmp(w->dir, u->dir, MAXPATHLEN) == 0 &&
>>> +		    strncmp(e->name, u->name, MAXPATHLEN) == 0) {
>>> +			update_set_type(u, e);
>>> +			return;
>>> +		}
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	u = calloc(1, sizeof(struct update));
>>> +	strncpy(u->dir, w->dir, MAXPATHLEN);
>>> +	strncpy(u->name, e->name, MAXPATHLEN);
>>> +	update_set_type(u, e);
>>> +
>>> +	LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&updates->list, u, entry);
>>> +
>>> +	if (!timerisset(&updates->first)) {
>>> +		if (gettimeofday(&updates->first, NULL) < 0)
>>> +			perror("gettimeofday");
>>> +	}
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +void
>>> +print_event_mask(FILE *fp, uint32_t mask)
>>> +{
>>> +#define _print_if_found(X, S) do {	\
>>> +		if (mask & (X)) { 		\
>>> +			fprintf(fp, S);		\
>>> +		} \
>>> +	} while(0)
>>> +
>>> +	_print_if_found(IN_ACCESS,		"access");
>>> +	_print_if_found(IN_ATTRIB,		"attrib");
>>> +	_print_if_found(IN_CLOSE_WRITE,		"close write");
>>> +	_print_if_found(IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE,	"close nowrite");
>>> +	_print_if_found(IN_CREATE,		"create");
>>> +	_print_if_found(IN_DELETE,		"delete");
>>> +	_print_if_found(IN_DELETE_SELF,		"delete self");
>>> +	_print_if_found(IN_MODIFY,		"modify");
>>> +	_print_if_found(IN_MOVE_SELF,		"move self");
>>> +	_print_if_found(IN_MOVED_FROM,		"moved from");
>>> +	_print_if_found(IN_MOVED_TO,		"moved to");
>>> +	_print_if_found(IN_OPEN,		"open");
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int
>>> +manage_gss_ctx_keyring_mapping(struct update *u)
>>> +{
>>> +	char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
>>> +	int status;
>>> +	uid_t uid;
>>> +	pid_t pid;
>>> +	key_serial_t key;
>>> +	long res;
>>> +
>>> +	snprintf(buf, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", u->dir, u->name);
>>> +
>>> +	if (sscanf(u->name, "krb5cc_%u", &uid) <= 0)
>>> +		perror("parsing krb5cc uid");
>>> +
>>> +	if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
>>> +		perror("fork");
>>> +
>>> +	if (pid == 0) {
>>> +		if (setuid(uid) < 0)
>>> +			perror("setuid");
>>> +
>>> +		if (u->is_remove) {
>>> +			fprintf(stderr, "remove gss ctx mapping for uid %u\n",
>>> +				uid);
>>> +			key = request_key("gss-ctx", "_nfstgt_", NULL,
>>> +			if (key > 0) {
>>> +				res = keyctl_unlink(key, KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING);
>>> +				if (res < 0)
>>> +					warn("keyctl_unlink failed");
>>> +			} else
>>> +				warn("request_key failed");
>>> +		} else {
>>> +			fprintf(stderr, "add gss ctx mapping for uid=%u\n",
>>> +				uid);
>>> +			snprintf(buf, MAXPATHLEN, "FILE:%s/%s",
>>> +				u->dir, u->name);
>>> +			key = add_key("gss-ctx", "_nfstgt_", buf,
>>> +
>>> +			if (key < 0)
>>> +				warn("add_key failed");
>>> +		}
>>> +
>>> +		exit(0);
>>> +	} else {
>>> +		waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
>>> +
>>> +		if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
>>> +			return WEXITSTATUS(status);
>>> +		}
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	return 0;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +void
>>> +parse_events(int notify, struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, struct updates *updates)
>>> +{
>>> +	ssize_t nread, pos;
>>> +	unsigned char buf[MAX_EVENT_SIZE * 100];
>>> +	struct inotify_event *e;
>>> +
>>> +	for (;;) {
>>> +		nread = read(notify, buf, sizeof(buf));
>>> +
>>> +		if (nread <= 0) {
>>> +			TRACE("read returns %d, errno %u\n", nread, errno);
>>> +			break;
>>> +		}
>>> +
>>> +		TRACE("Read %d bytes\n", nread);
>>> +
>>> +		pos = 0;
>>> +		while (pos < nread) {
>>> +			assert((nread - pos) >=
>>> +			       (ssize_t)sizeof(struct inotify_event));
>>> +			e = (struct inotify_event *)(buf + pos);
>>> +			pos += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + e->len;
>>> +
>>> +#ifdef DEBUG_TRACE
>>> +			TRACE("EVENT on %s: ", e->name);
>>> +			print_event_mask(stderr, e->mask);
>>> +			fprintf(stderr, "\n");
>>> +#endif
>>> +
>>> +			if (strlen(e->name) >= strlen("krb5cc_") &&
>>> +			    strncmp("krb5cc_", e->name, strlen("krb5cc_")) != 0)
>>> +				TRACE("skip file: %s\n", e->name);
>>> +			else
>>> +				updates_add(updates, watchdirs, e);
>>> +		}
>>> +		assert(pos == nread);
>>> +	}
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +void
>>> +handle_events(struct updates *updates)
>>> +{
>>> +	struct update *u;
>>> +	struct timeval now, diff, collection_interval = COLLECT_INTERVAL_TV;
>>> +
>>> +	if (!timerisset(&updates->first))
>>> +		return;
>>> +
>>> +	if (gettimeofday(&now, NULL) < 0)
>>> +		perror("gettimeofday");
>>> +
>>> +	timersub(&now, &updates->first, &diff);
>>> +
>>> +	if (!(diff.tv_sec >= collection_interval.tv_sec &&
>>> +	      diff.tv_usec >= collection_interval.tv_usec)) {
>>> +		TRACE("it's been %u s %u ms - waiting longer...\n",
>>> +			diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec);
>>> +		return;
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	while (!LIST_EMPTY(&updates->list)) {
>>> +		u = updates->list.lh_first;
>>> +
>>> +		TRACE("handle krb5 cc file: %s\n", u->name);
>>> +		manage_gss_ctx_keyring_mapping(u);
>>> +		LIST_REMOVE(u, entry);
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	timerclear(&updates->first);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +int
>>> +main(int argc, char **argv)
>>> +{
>>> +	fd_set readfds;
>>> +	int notify;
>>> +	int res;
>>> +	struct timeval timeo, select_interval = SELECT_INTERVAL_TV;
>>> +	struct watchdir_list watchdirs;
>>> +	struct updates updates;
>>> +
>>> +	LIST_INIT(&watchdirs);
>>> +
>>> +	notify = inotify_init1(IN_NONBLOCK);
>>> +	if (notify < 0)
>>> +		perror("inotify_init1");
>>> +
>>> +	watchdir_add(&watchdirs, notify, "/tmp");
>>> +
>>> +	LIST_INIT(&updates.list);
>>> +	timerclear(&updates.first);
>>> +
>>> +	for (;;) {
>>> +		FD_ZERO(&readfds);
>>> +		FD_SET(notify, &readfds);
>>> +		memcpy(&timeo, &select_interval, sizeof(struct timeval));
>>> +
>>> +		res = select(notify + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeo);
>>> +
>>> +		if (res < 0)
>>> +			perror("error calling select");
>>> +
>>> +		if (FD_ISSET(notify, &readfds))
>>> +			parse_events(notify, &watchdirs, &updates);
>>> +
>>> +		handle_events(&updates);
>>> +	}
>>> +}

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-nfs" in
the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
diff mbox


diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index d3ad854..a8e75ac 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -497,6 +497,7 @@  AC_CONFIG_FILES([
+	utils/gsskeyd/Makefile
diff --git a/utils/Makefile.am b/utils/Makefile.am
index b892dc8..943ae2d 100644
--- a/utils/Makefile.am
+++ b/utils/Makefile.am
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@  OPTDIRS += blkmapd
-OPTDIRS += gssd
+OPTDIRS += gssd gsskeyd
diff --git a/utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c b/utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d598fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/gsskeyd/gsskeyd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ 
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <keyutils.h>
+#include <err.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/inotify.h>
+#include <sys/errno.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <sys/queue.h>
+#include <sys/uio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define MAX_EVENT_SIZE (sizeof(struct inotify_event) + NAME_MAX + 1)
+//#define DEBUG_TRACE
+#define TRACE(X...) do { fprintf(stderr, "_trace_: " X); } while (0)
+#define TRACE(X...)
+/* .25 second timeouts to select */
+#define SELECT_INTERVAL_TV { 0, 250000 }
+/* .5 seconds to collect list of unique file names that had events */
+#define COLLECT_INTERVAL_TV { 0, 500000 }
+struct watchdir {
+	char dir[MAXPATHLEN];
+	int wd;
+	LIST_ENTRY(watchdir) entry;
+LIST_HEAD(watchdir_list, watchdir);
+struct update {
+	char dir[MAXPATHLEN];
+	char name[MAXPATHLEN];
+	int is_remove;
+	LIST_ENTRY(update) entry;
+LIST_HEAD(update_list, update);
+struct updates {
+	struct update_list list;
+	struct timeval first;
+watchdir_add(struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, int notify, char *dir)
+	struct watchdir *w;
+	w = calloc(1, sizeof(struct watchdir));
+	assert(w != NULL);
+	strncpy(w->dir, dir, MAXPATHLEN);
+	w->wd = inotify_add_watch(notify, dir,
+	    //| IN_MODIFY
+	if (w->wd < 0)
+		perror("inotify_add_watch");
+	LIST_INSERT_HEAD(watchdirs, w, entry);
+	TRACE("WATCH(%d): %s\n", w->wd, w->dir);
+ * XXX maybe use hash when there is more than one watchdir?
+ */
+struct watchdir *
+watchdir_lookup(struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, int wd)
+	struct watchdir *w;
+	LIST_FOREACH(w, watchdirs, entry) {
+		if (wd == w->wd)
+			return w;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static void
+update_set_type(struct update *u, struct inotify_event *e)
+	if (e->mask & (IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM))
+		u->is_remove = 1;
+	else
+		u->is_remove = 0;
+updates_add(struct updates *updates, struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, struct inotify_event *e)
+	struct update *u;
+	struct watchdir *w;
+	w = watchdir_lookup(watchdirs, e->wd);
+	assert(w != NULL);
+	TRACE("updates_add: %s/%s\n", w->dir, e->name);
+	LIST_FOREACH(u, &updates->list, entry) {
+		if (strncmp(w->dir, u->dir, MAXPATHLEN) == 0 &&
+		    strncmp(e->name, u->name, MAXPATHLEN) == 0) {
+			update_set_type(u, e);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	u = calloc(1, sizeof(struct update));
+	strncpy(u->dir, w->dir, MAXPATHLEN);
+	strncpy(u->name, e->name, MAXPATHLEN);
+	update_set_type(u, e);
+	LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&updates->list, u, entry);
+	if (!timerisset(&updates->first)) {
+		if (gettimeofday(&updates->first, NULL) < 0)
+			perror("gettimeofday");
+	}
+print_event_mask(FILE *fp, uint32_t mask)
+#define _print_if_found(X, S) do {	\
+		if (mask & (X)) { 		\
+			fprintf(fp, S);		\
+		} \
+	} while(0)
+	_print_if_found(IN_ACCESS,		"access");
+	_print_if_found(IN_ATTRIB,		"attrib");
+	_print_if_found(IN_CLOSE_WRITE,		"close write");
+	_print_if_found(IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE,	"close nowrite");
+	_print_if_found(IN_CREATE,		"create");
+	_print_if_found(IN_DELETE,		"delete");
+	_print_if_found(IN_DELETE_SELF,		"delete self");
+	_print_if_found(IN_MODIFY,		"modify");
+	_print_if_found(IN_MOVE_SELF,		"move self");
+	_print_if_found(IN_MOVED_FROM,		"moved from");
+	_print_if_found(IN_MOVED_TO,		"moved to");
+	_print_if_found(IN_OPEN,		"open");
+static int
+manage_gss_ctx_keyring_mapping(struct update *u)
+	char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
+	int status;
+	uid_t uid;
+	pid_t pid;
+	key_serial_t key;
+	long res;
+	snprintf(buf, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", u->dir, u->name);
+	if (sscanf(u->name, "krb5cc_%u", &uid) <= 0)
+		perror("parsing krb5cc uid");
+	if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
+		perror("fork");
+	if (pid == 0) {
+		if (setuid(uid) < 0)
+			perror("setuid");
+		if (u->is_remove) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "remove gss ctx mapping for uid %u\n",
+				uid);
+			key = request_key("gss-ctx", "_nfstgt_", NULL,
+			if (key > 0) {
+				res = keyctl_unlink(key, KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING);
+				if (res < 0)
+					warn("keyctl_unlink failed");
+			} else
+				warn("request_key failed");
+		} else {
+			fprintf(stderr, "add gss ctx mapping for uid=%u\n",
+				uid);
+			snprintf(buf, MAXPATHLEN, "FILE:%s/%s",
+				u->dir, u->name);
+			key = add_key("gss-ctx", "_nfstgt_", buf,
+			if (key < 0)
+				warn("add_key failed");
+		}
+		exit(0);
+	} else {
+		waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
+		if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
+			return WEXITSTATUS(status);
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+parse_events(int notify, struct watchdir_list *watchdirs, struct updates *updates)
+	ssize_t nread, pos;
+	unsigned char buf[MAX_EVENT_SIZE * 100];
+	struct inotify_event *e;
+	for (;;) {
+		nread = read(notify, buf, sizeof(buf));
+		if (nread <= 0) {
+			TRACE("read returns %d, errno %u\n", nread, errno);
+			break;
+		}
+		TRACE("Read %d bytes\n", nread);
+		pos = 0;
+		while (pos < nread) {
+			assert((nread - pos) >=
+			       (ssize_t)sizeof(struct inotify_event));
+			e = (struct inotify_event *)(buf + pos);
+			pos += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + e->len;
+			TRACE("EVENT on %s: ", e->name);
+			print_event_mask(stderr, e->mask);
+			fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+			if (strlen(e->name) >= strlen("krb5cc_") &&
+			    strncmp("krb5cc_", e->name, strlen("krb5cc_")) != 0)
+				TRACE("skip file: %s\n", e->name);
+			else
+				updates_add(updates, watchdirs, e);
+		}
+		assert(pos == nread);
+	}
+handle_events(struct updates *updates)
+	struct update *u;
+	struct timeval now, diff, collection_interval = COLLECT_INTERVAL_TV;
+	if (!timerisset(&updates->first))
+		return;
+	if (gettimeofday(&now, NULL) < 0)
+		perror("gettimeofday");
+	timersub(&now, &updates->first, &diff);
+	if (!(diff.tv_sec >= collection_interval.tv_sec &&
+	      diff.tv_usec >= collection_interval.tv_usec)) {
+		TRACE("it's been %u s %u ms - waiting longer...\n",
+			diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec);
+		return;
+	}
+	while (!LIST_EMPTY(&updates->list)) {
+		u = updates->list.lh_first;
+		TRACE("handle krb5 cc file: %s\n", u->name);
+		manage_gss_ctx_keyring_mapping(u);
+		LIST_REMOVE(u, entry);
+	}
+	timerclear(&updates->first);
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	fd_set readfds;
+	int notify;
+	int res;
+	struct timeval timeo, select_interval = SELECT_INTERVAL_TV;
+	struct watchdir_list watchdirs;
+	struct updates updates;
+	LIST_INIT(&watchdirs);
+	notify = inotify_init1(IN_NONBLOCK);
+	if (notify < 0)
+		perror("inotify_init1");
+	watchdir_add(&watchdirs, notify, "/tmp");
+	LIST_INIT(&updates.list);
+	timerclear(&updates.first);
+	for (;;) {
+		FD_ZERO(&readfds);
+		FD_SET(notify, &readfds);
+		memcpy(&timeo, &select_interval, sizeof(struct timeval));
+		res = select(notify + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeo);
+		if (res < 0)
+			perror("error calling select");
+		if (FD_ISSET(notify, &readfds))
+			parse_events(notify, &watchdirs, &updates);
+		handle_events(&updates);
+	}