@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ Optional properties:
"ham1" 1-bit Hamming ecc code
"bch4" 4-bit BCH ecc code
"bch8" 8-bit BCH ecc code
+ "bch16" 16-bit BCH ECC code
+ Refer below "How to select correct ECC scheme for your device ?"
- ti,nand-xfer-type: A string setting the data transfer type. One of:
@@ -90,3 +92,40 @@ Example for an AM33xx board:
+How to select correct ECC scheme for your device ?
+Higher ECC scheme usually means better protection against bit-flips and
+increased system lifetime. However, selection of ECC scheme is dependent
+on various other factors like;
+(1) Presence of supporting hardware engines on SoC.
+ Some legacy OMAP SoC do not have ELM h/w engine thus such SoC cannot
+ support BCHx_HW ECC schemes. But such SoC can support
+ BCHx_HW_DETECTION_SW ECC schemes which use s/w library with slight
+ CPU performance panalty only when too bit-flips are detected.
+(2) Device parameters like OOBSIZE
+ Higher ECC schemes require more OOB/Spare area to store ECC.
+ So choice of ECC scheme is limited by NAND oobsize. In general
+ following expression help determine whether given device can
+ accomodate ECC syndrome or not:
+ "2 + (PAGESIZE / 512) * ECC_BYTES" >= OOBSIZE
+ where
+ OOBSIZE number of bytes in OOB/spare area
+ PAGESIZE number of bytes in main-area of device page
+ ECC_BYTES number of ECC bytes generated to protect
+ 512 bytes of data, which is:
+ '3' for HAM1_xx ecc schemes
+ '7' for BCH4_xx ecc schemes
+ '14' for BCH8_xx ecc schemes
+ '26' for BCH16_xx ecc schemes
+ Example(a): For a device with PAGESIZE = 2048 and OOBSIZE = 64
+ Number of spare/OOB bytes required for using BCH16 ecc-scheme
+ "(2 + (2048 / 512) * 26) = 106 bytes" is greater than OOBSIZE
+ (As per above table for BCH16 ecc-scheme, ECC_BYTES = 26)
+ Thus BCH16 cannot be supported on 2K NAND with OOBSIZE=64 bytes
+ Example(b): For a device with PAGESIZE = 2048 and OOBSIZE = 128
+ Number of spare/OOB bytes required for using BCH16 ecc-scheme
+ "(2 + (2048 / 512) * 26) = 106 bytes" is less than OOBSIZE
+ (As per above table for BCH16 ecc-scheme, ECC_BYTES = 26)
+ Thus BCH16 can be supported on 4K NAND with OOBSIZE=128 bytes
- Adds DT binding property for BCH16 ECC scheme - Adds describes on factors which determine choice of ECC scheme for particular device Signed-off-by: Pekon Gupta <pekon@ti.com> --- .../devicetree/bindings/mtd/gpmc-nand.txt | 39 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+)