From patchwork Wed Feb 3 23:37:05 2021 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Dongli Zhang X-Patchwork-Id: 12065777 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-18.8 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID,DKIM_VALID_AU,HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS,INCLUDES_CR_TRAILER, INCLUDES_PATCH,MAILING_LIST_MULTI,MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER,SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS,USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id C9F01C433E6 for ; Wed, 3 Feb 2021 23:43:24 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8DC4A64F59 for ; Wed, 3 Feb 2021 23:43:24 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S234033AbhBCXnB (ORCPT ); Wed, 3 Feb 2021 18:43:01 -0500 Received: from ([]:38052 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S233978AbhBCXmF (ORCPT ); Wed, 3 Feb 2021 18:42:05 -0500 Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with SMTP id 113N94Pp103917; Wed, 3 Feb 2021 23:37:52 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h=from : to : cc : subject : date : message-id : in-reply-to : references : content-type : mime-version; s=corp-2020-01-29; bh=RuMDDnvFCWO4p61oFgjtmLkCJi31pcutirwlqEiaVDs=; b=ymt145DO0qO8TYm1a8EXesRs01fgiJRugSzEz3L8IRKdQBTYNNcfAUB+RSZT40m0lM39 hT0O4IvkHJaQ3YjxBzh7fjBnWopdXNkkdzlGOnCTK+p7wr7kvSY7xYESFGKQfGNX/5AK 4wDAnYH83AMb50mWUSaasQk4TwKZDassXFqS6DbdFsL+GGA9K3Y6JNC3/hybO0fpiY6b cWuYhdxXTgMmDeQ/jHkvmpjk2ufoDbruAHJ73uSOB1/lYzO+9wak7PU7G3VIk9kuUTzE dLPLyCl3O1c3gqLwNfxmUuvWIya8O820xwCbtkv8ZZIA3Mhoy++AsgHriwsanUEndgAM RQ== Received: from ( []) by with ESMTP id 36cydm2q1a-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 bits=256 verify=OK); Wed, 03 Feb 2021 23:37:52 +0000 Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with SMTP id 113NB4Nf025252; Wed, 3 Feb 2021 23:37:52 GMT Received: from ( []) by with ESMTP id 36dhc1wj64-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 bits=256 verify=OK); Wed, 03 Feb 2021 23:37:51 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=kHORM4V2tKdZdkRvag6BlOp1gQc6R3pnvwq4BJ05MpTLvFoH8CiLTNWzFjD5mORYszDmIQBOy66uGDYUw/owH7Gq5WnziLRoztgLfcjzbML2I+VcP/YmZ0YtqkZ/jFZVAStF00fkT4IIWoSkm3XLUP0A3fCBK727jkxBbw225t6FbWR5ZI6pigIgjU+y5JP5/41iNhRGir209Uew0ZdwkMFuIXIw7q649aWD5mjXE8CmOWPL7j0FynJfZt4k2YHtlMyRP7Z4x9yq85r5eElean/5WxDslhQ5j6ChYGIfDqNiMRfct/zi6i5GBKkjVtocdlyIabR9VdWrHDZU0QfJCw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=RuMDDnvFCWO4p61oFgjtmLkCJi31pcutirwlqEiaVDs=; b=lYqaTZ1gCuE0IaPruIsmjn+pEnTEG8UFYUTHtgKUmO2pAPbraM8USj+TQyiDb+9OLGoihxSc9KJYD6/rNsGzChdJSAsmu+MtCYS0cdv81qpQ+aMWwBA/wq2Fg0ewMOm3EGbKzJm3c8wGlfQ8ZuLccr0BRBQvtPMqwp2/uc3ftgUyckKQ5XqeAsAPe6wf4dz4he2e3LQ+G77YnSVfS4/LTI6nycd/nitj0KAAXo93Wo1w7JYbQXbkED0bQI6lF4+Thl/u5iUPu4mmmkZYD+6JnnlzUOKt9k6D8BbMtf8k0zU2xUOLeFZNti6gK34KhnAqdHe6ZFFZ83xaV3dEoNPR0w== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-oracle-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=RuMDDnvFCWO4p61oFgjtmLkCJi31pcutirwlqEiaVDs=; b=KkkR4pWcwFNIbO525g642zO5aq6uRD472cAQzoWX9B9gnmZsp86vDwMDZMJWv9XzLoktBUgh8Q/RhcbTzZI1CrxP3E2z6Q6bsmZ+eV7pczJDUgT/RPy6direwT+yBCBUg0IlsigTH14Aysxhi912DxXdyYxeL+j/nWCHp4XxKag= Authentication-Results:; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10b6:a02:a9::20) by (2603:10b6:a03:2d4::22) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.3805.19; Wed, 3 Feb 2021 23:37:48 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::b52e:bdd3:d193:4d14]) by ([fe80::b52e:bdd3:d193:4d14%7]) with mapi id 15.20.3805.026; Wed, 3 Feb 2021 23:37:48 +0000 From: Dongli Zhang To:,,,,,,,,, Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: [PATCH RFC v1 2/6] swiotlb: convert variables to arrays Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2021 15:37:05 -0800 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-Originating-IP: [] X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10b6:610:b0::13) To (2603:10b6:a02:a9::20) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from localhost.localdomain ( by (2603:10b6:610:b0::13) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.3825.17 via Frontend Transport; Wed, 3 Feb 2021 23:37:42 +0000 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 6944969b-97db-45a0-60c0-08d8c89cb6bb X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: SJ0PR10MB4784: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:519; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;;PTR:;CAT:NONE;SFS:(136003)(366004)(39860400002)(396003)(376002)(346002)(83380400001)(6666004)(316002)(5660300002)(956004)(66946007)(6506007)(86362001)(7406005)(1076003)(66476007)(8676002)(186003)(26005)(36756003)(7416002)(30864003)(478600001)(2906002)(66556008)(8936002)(6486002)(16526019)(69590400011)(4326008)(6512007)(44832011)(921005)(2616005)(52116002);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData: WYrdUlsRpAm3qmPfNVC56GiDTxiaAAF5RDWBwCeb1MA7PZAa7AztQi35fgIgjoIVm+NsV+Ah7jJJGlV4C/3sLzdgeF3L222clfsCi59UaNnXDM4oTZRfOt0F3UmtvFrkybHGvmbWbt6paglrSI3R/dBm0mGWzhWP51NkHkfEsY0QzUaBQ9MII5VeiExjTUj3mUkymQUcuJZD67uvmuZlkfAqKNnN6onUgkYRAdghXc8VyYaQkw2+Qka/eHlnHvDUdFPSurF2/oEGXe2OkaM4FzGUOO5df5PuqVVzYCsbO5pdPsvPjOIs5t/ppnFbTmyGjqJewvY8+PM+KV34tZFig6vdx2YTXtsLQSYXOb7bXnp+m4waCuEnynwdXSxRIAyD2DM14JPtzR3vtMuklmjsFla3p/wSLj5+TeXaEACzsAHOM/MXDubyFke02eTC1jtUsNcSnXt51XpDgXgtROTmvVQigPmfoDrJph4CQqa+zNk/LjkzYKIX7GUon18vkSWT+Z69KRioyesR/l2g1mU06fVzLlD4Nk0KxBGumDhO5E49v/gLbzBJne6BGW9N4STIsLKj3xLwiFbQz4Mhhphw/k/DdNKtAgmt/SKWp71gjcNdpdgdUVDvOFh2+iCb/IlAOhYTcnbkKmFyuLl/Bjsn6tOPAQ5K0mSk+3L5Iqpm6Aj9e8aYDi1aReE3eE3ZsPNPqOFS+VVQRUBdiKA+LWRN/aBP0m8D9w20N6d6nvI21mehLFfnG8KtJrxFy64I06UymiZFX2mZiNPG+Pq9fErWxR74DBC1KJn/LpDvK1Aoi5dfWK3BMZPPUoPhQD7JMXaCOtSVr7xmUTi19khibasCepAGlaohSQQWMzSOR9LIqKoWlk/AM1VJgZmQmXRwSe2IR/OGMsvNEI3rfRIOhwIuHT0xaT8N3qalx33VhrStF+SQCoHvKwT7wL47xmvXUaP2JoUGpiMn39DHFhMecx22MHUd+nVE/Ty3GireUN5CgFbhJv/Rbh/YTnWUsvquexuwJp1rqFe2wPt7gVRWU6wPpFrv/m1BWe6h3K15s8HVGR1g5f4oCessiCAoG/u7pE2P X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 6944969b-97db-45a0-60c0-08d8c89cb6bb X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 Feb 2021 23:37:48.2080 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 4e2c6054-71cb-48f1-bd6c-3a9705aca71b X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: F2kKZBo1cJuaZ1vlofMVuU/CWkd5ocmk3yTATYVa2qs0VNH9hXYDL5HmeRJwljQjfwSD3en40D8igro5q/vAyg== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: SJ0PR10MB4784 X-Proofpoint-Virus-Version: vendor=nai engine=6200 definitions=9884 signatures=668683 X-Proofpoint-Spam-Details: rule=notspam policy=default score=0 bulkscore=0 adultscore=0 suspectscore=0 spamscore=0 mlxscore=0 malwarescore=0 mlxlogscore=999 phishscore=0 classifier=spam adjust=0 reason=mlx scancount=1 engine=8.12.0-2009150000 definitions=main-2102030143 X-Proofpoint-Virus-Version: vendor=nai engine=6200 definitions=9884 signatures=668683 X-Proofpoint-Spam-Details: rule=notspam policy=default score=0 bulkscore=0 adultscore=0 priorityscore=1501 impostorscore=0 malwarescore=0 clxscore=1015 spamscore=0 lowpriorityscore=0 phishscore=0 mlxlogscore=999 mlxscore=0 suspectscore=0 classifier=spam adjust=0 reason=mlx scancount=1 engine=8.12.0-2009150000 definitions=main-2102030143 Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: This patch converts several swiotlb related variables to arrays, in order to maintain stat/status for different swiotlb buffers. Here are variables involved: - io_tlb_start and io_tlb_end - io_tlb_nslabs and io_tlb_used - io_tlb_list - io_tlb_index - max_segment - io_tlb_orig_addr - no_iotlb_memory There is no functional change and this is to prepare to enable 64-bit swiotlb. Cc: Joe Jin Signed-off-by: Dongli Zhang --- arch/powerpc/platforms/pseries/svm.c | 6 +- drivers/xen/swiotlb-xen.c | 4 +- include/linux/swiotlb.h | 5 +- kernel/dma/swiotlb.c | 257 ++++++++++++++------------- 4 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-) diff --git a/arch/powerpc/platforms/pseries/svm.c b/arch/powerpc/platforms/pseries/svm.c index 7b739cc7a8a9..9f8842d0da1f 100644 --- a/arch/powerpc/platforms/pseries/svm.c +++ b/arch/powerpc/platforms/pseries/svm.c @@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ void __init svm_swiotlb_init(void) if (vstart && !swiotlb_init_with_tbl(vstart, io_tlb_nslabs, false)) return; - if (io_tlb_start) - memblock_free_early(io_tlb_start, - PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT)); + if (io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO]) + memblock_free_early(io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO], + PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] << IO_TLB_SHIFT)); panic("SVM: Cannot allocate SWIOTLB buffer"); } diff --git a/drivers/xen/swiotlb-xen.c b/drivers/xen/swiotlb-xen.c index 2b385c1b4a99..3261880ad859 100644 --- a/drivers/xen/swiotlb-xen.c +++ b/drivers/xen/swiotlb-xen.c @@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ int __ref xen_swiotlb_init(int verbose, bool early) /* * IO TLB memory already allocated. Just use it. */ - if (io_tlb_start != 0) { - xen_io_tlb_start = phys_to_virt(io_tlb_start); + if (io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO] != 0) { + xen_io_tlb_start = phys_to_virt(io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO]); goto end; } diff --git a/include/linux/swiotlb.h b/include/linux/swiotlb.h index ca125c1b1281..777046cd4d1b 100644 --- a/include/linux/swiotlb.h +++ b/include/linux/swiotlb.h @@ -76,11 +76,12 @@ dma_addr_t swiotlb_map(struct device *dev, phys_addr_t phys, #ifdef CONFIG_SWIOTLB extern enum swiotlb_force swiotlb_force; -extern phys_addr_t io_tlb_start, io_tlb_end; +extern phys_addr_t io_tlb_start[], io_tlb_end[]; static inline bool is_swiotlb_buffer(phys_addr_t paddr) { - return paddr >= io_tlb_start && paddr < io_tlb_end; + return paddr >= io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO] && + paddr < io_tlb_end[SWIOTLB_LO]; } void __init swiotlb_exit(void); diff --git a/kernel/dma/swiotlb.c b/kernel/dma/swiotlb.c index 7c42df6e6100..1fbb65daa2dd 100644 --- a/kernel/dma/swiotlb.c +++ b/kernel/dma/swiotlb.c @@ -69,38 +69,38 @@ enum swiotlb_force swiotlb_force; * swiotlb_tbl_sync_single_*, to see if the memory was in fact allocated by this * API. */ -phys_addr_t io_tlb_start, io_tlb_end; +phys_addr_t io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_MAX], io_tlb_end[SWIOTLB_MAX]; /* * The number of IO TLB blocks (in groups of 64) between io_tlb_start and * io_tlb_end. This is command line adjustable via setup_io_tlb_npages. */ -static unsigned long io_tlb_nslabs; +static unsigned long io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_MAX]; /* * The number of used IO TLB block */ -static unsigned long io_tlb_used; +static unsigned long io_tlb_used[SWIOTLB_MAX]; /* * This is a free list describing the number of free entries available from * each index */ -static unsigned int *io_tlb_list; -static unsigned int io_tlb_index; +static unsigned int *io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_MAX]; +static unsigned int io_tlb_index[SWIOTLB_MAX]; /* * Max segment that we can provide which (if pages are contingous) will * not be bounced (unless SWIOTLB_FORCE is set). */ -static unsigned int max_segment; +static unsigned int max_segment[SWIOTLB_MAX]; /* * We need to save away the original address corresponding to a mapped entry * for the sync operations. */ #define INVALID_PHYS_ADDR (~(phys_addr_t)0) -static phys_addr_t *io_tlb_orig_addr; +static phys_addr_t *io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_MAX]; /* * Protect the above data structures in the map and unmap calls @@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ static int __init setup_io_tlb_npages(char *str) { if (isdigit(*str)) { - io_tlb_nslabs = simple_strtoul(str, &str, 0); + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = simple_strtoul(str, &str, 0); /* avoid tail segment of size < IO_TLB_SEGSIZE */ - io_tlb_nslabs = ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE); + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO], IO_TLB_SEGSIZE); } if (*str == ',') ++str; @@ -123,40 +123,40 @@ setup_io_tlb_npages(char *str) swiotlb_force = SWIOTLB_FORCE; } else if (!strcmp(str, "noforce")) { swiotlb_force = SWIOTLB_NO_FORCE; - io_tlb_nslabs = 1; + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = 1; } return 0; } early_param("swiotlb", setup_io_tlb_npages); -static bool no_iotlb_memory; +static bool no_iotlb_memory[SWIOTLB_MAX]; unsigned long swiotlb_nr_tbl(void) { - return unlikely(no_iotlb_memory) ? 0 : io_tlb_nslabs; + return unlikely(no_iotlb_memory[SWIOTLB_LO]) ? 0 : io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO]; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(swiotlb_nr_tbl); unsigned int swiotlb_max_segment(void) { - return unlikely(no_iotlb_memory) ? 0 : max_segment; + return unlikely(no_iotlb_memory[SWIOTLB_LO]) ? 0 : max_segment[SWIOTLB_LO]; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(swiotlb_max_segment); void swiotlb_set_max_segment(unsigned int val) { if (swiotlb_force == SWIOTLB_FORCE) - max_segment = 1; + max_segment[SWIOTLB_LO] = 1; else - max_segment = rounddown(val, PAGE_SIZE); + max_segment[SWIOTLB_LO] = rounddown(val, PAGE_SIZE); } unsigned long swiotlb_size_or_default(void) { unsigned long size; - size = io_tlb_nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT; + size = io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] << IO_TLB_SHIFT; return size ? size : (IO_TLB_DEFAULT_SIZE); } @@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ void __init swiotlb_adjust_size(unsigned long new_size) * architectures such as those supporting memory encryption to * adjust/expand SWIOTLB size for their use. */ - if (!io_tlb_nslabs) { + if (!io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO]) { size = ALIGN(new_size, 1 << IO_TLB_SHIFT); - io_tlb_nslabs = size >> IO_TLB_SHIFT; - io_tlb_nslabs = ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE); + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = size >> IO_TLB_SHIFT; + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO], IO_TLB_SEGSIZE); pr_info("SWIOTLB bounce buffer size adjusted to %luMB", size >> 20); } @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ void __init swiotlb_adjust_size(unsigned long new_size) void swiotlb_print_info(void) { - unsigned long bytes = io_tlb_nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT; + unsigned long bytes = io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] << IO_TLB_SHIFT; - if (no_iotlb_memory) { + if (no_iotlb_memory[SWIOTLB_LO]) { pr_warn("No low mem\n"); return; } - pr_info("mapped [mem %pa-%pa] (%luMB)\n", &io_tlb_start, &io_tlb_end, - bytes >> 20); + pr_info("mapped [mem %pa-%pa] (%luMB)\n", + &io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO], &io_tlb_end[SWIOTLB_LO], + bytes >> 20); } /* @@ -203,11 +204,11 @@ void __init swiotlb_update_mem_attributes(void) void *vaddr; unsigned long bytes; - if (no_iotlb_memory || late_alloc) + if (no_iotlb_memory[SWIOTLB_LO] || late_alloc) return; - vaddr = phys_to_virt(io_tlb_start); - bytes = PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT); + vaddr = phys_to_virt(io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO]); + bytes = PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] << IO_TLB_SHIFT); set_memory_decrypted((unsigned long)vaddr, bytes >> PAGE_SHIFT); memset(vaddr, 0, bytes); } @@ -219,38 +220,38 @@ int __init swiotlb_init_with_tbl(char *tlb, unsigned long nslabs, int verbose) bytes = nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT; - io_tlb_nslabs = nslabs; - io_tlb_start = __pa(tlb); - io_tlb_end = io_tlb_start + bytes; + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = nslabs; + io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO] = __pa(tlb); + io_tlb_end[SWIOTLB_LO] = io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO] + bytes; /* * Allocate and initialize the free list array. This array is used * to find contiguous free memory regions of size up to IO_TLB_SEGSIZE * between io_tlb_start and io_tlb_end. */ - alloc_size = PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs * sizeof(int)); - io_tlb_list = memblock_alloc(alloc_size, PAGE_SIZE); - if (!io_tlb_list) + alloc_size = PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] * sizeof(int)); + io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO] = memblock_alloc(alloc_size, PAGE_SIZE); + if (!io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO]) panic("%s: Failed to allocate %zu bytes align=0x%lx\n", __func__, alloc_size, PAGE_SIZE); - alloc_size = PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs * sizeof(phys_addr_t)); - io_tlb_orig_addr = memblock_alloc(alloc_size, PAGE_SIZE); - if (!io_tlb_orig_addr) + alloc_size = PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] * sizeof(phys_addr_t)); + io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO] = memblock_alloc(alloc_size, PAGE_SIZE); + if (!io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO]) panic("%s: Failed to allocate %zu bytes align=0x%lx\n", __func__, alloc_size, PAGE_SIZE); - for (i = 0; i < io_tlb_nslabs; i++) { - io_tlb_list[i] = IO_TLB_SEGSIZE - OFFSET(i, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE); - io_tlb_orig_addr[i] = INVALID_PHYS_ADDR; + for (i = 0; i < io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO]; i++) { + io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO][i] = IO_TLB_SEGSIZE - OFFSET(i, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE); + io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO][i] = INVALID_PHYS_ADDR; } - io_tlb_index = 0; - no_iotlb_memory = false; + io_tlb_index[SWIOTLB_LO] = 0; + no_iotlb_memory[SWIOTLB_LO] = false; if (verbose) swiotlb_print_info(); - swiotlb_set_max_segment(io_tlb_nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT); + swiotlb_set_max_segment(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] << IO_TLB_SHIFT); return 0; } @@ -265,25 +266,25 @@ swiotlb_init(int verbose) unsigned char *vstart; unsigned long bytes; - if (!io_tlb_nslabs) { - io_tlb_nslabs = (default_size >> IO_TLB_SHIFT); - io_tlb_nslabs = ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE); + if (!io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO]) { + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = (default_size >> IO_TLB_SHIFT); + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO], IO_TLB_SEGSIZE); } - bytes = io_tlb_nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT; + bytes = io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] << IO_TLB_SHIFT; /* Get IO TLB memory from the low pages */ vstart = memblock_alloc_low(PAGE_ALIGN(bytes), PAGE_SIZE); - if (vstart && !swiotlb_init_with_tbl(vstart, io_tlb_nslabs, verbose)) + if (vstart && !swiotlb_init_with_tbl(vstart, io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO], verbose)) return; - if (io_tlb_start) { - memblock_free_early(io_tlb_start, - PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT)); - io_tlb_start = 0; + if (io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO]) { + memblock_free_early(io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO], + PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] << IO_TLB_SHIFT)); + io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO] = 0; } pr_warn("Cannot allocate buffer"); - no_iotlb_memory = true; + no_iotlb_memory[SWIOTLB_LO] = true; } /* @@ -294,22 +295,22 @@ swiotlb_init(int verbose) int swiotlb_late_init_with_default_size(size_t default_size) { - unsigned long bytes, req_nslabs = io_tlb_nslabs; + unsigned long bytes, req_nslabs = io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO]; unsigned char *vstart = NULL; unsigned int order; int rc = 0; - if (!io_tlb_nslabs) { - io_tlb_nslabs = (default_size >> IO_TLB_SHIFT); - io_tlb_nslabs = ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE); + if (!io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO]) { + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = (default_size >> IO_TLB_SHIFT); + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO], IO_TLB_SEGSIZE); } /* * Get IO TLB memory from the low pages */ - order = get_order(io_tlb_nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT); - io_tlb_nslabs = SLABS_PER_PAGE << order; - bytes = io_tlb_nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT; + order = get_order(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] << IO_TLB_SHIFT); + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = SLABS_PER_PAGE << order; + bytes = io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] << IO_TLB_SHIFT; while ((SLABS_PER_PAGE << order) > IO_TLB_MIN_SLABS) { vstart = (void *)__get_free_pages(GFP_DMA | __GFP_NOWARN, @@ -320,15 +321,15 @@ swiotlb_late_init_with_default_size(size_t default_size) } if (!vstart) { - io_tlb_nslabs = req_nslabs; + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = req_nslabs; return -ENOMEM; } if (order != get_order(bytes)) { pr_warn("only able to allocate %ld MB\n", (PAGE_SIZE << order) >> 20); - io_tlb_nslabs = SLABS_PER_PAGE << order; + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = SLABS_PER_PAGE << order; } - rc = swiotlb_late_init_with_tbl(vstart, io_tlb_nslabs); + rc = swiotlb_late_init_with_tbl(vstart, io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO]); if (rc) free_pages((unsigned long)vstart, order); @@ -337,10 +338,10 @@ swiotlb_late_init_with_default_size(size_t default_size) static void swiotlb_cleanup(void) { - io_tlb_end = 0; - io_tlb_start = 0; - io_tlb_nslabs = 0; - max_segment = 0; + io_tlb_end[SWIOTLB_LO] = 0; + io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO] = 0; + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = 0; + max_segment[SWIOTLB_LO] = 0; } int @@ -350,9 +351,9 @@ swiotlb_late_init_with_tbl(char *tlb, unsigned long nslabs) bytes = nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT; - io_tlb_nslabs = nslabs; - io_tlb_start = virt_to_phys(tlb); - io_tlb_end = io_tlb_start + bytes; + io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] = nslabs; + io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO] = virt_to_phys(tlb); + io_tlb_end[SWIOTLB_LO] = io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO] + bytes; set_memory_decrypted((unsigned long)tlb, bytes >> PAGE_SHIFT); memset(tlb, 0, bytes); @@ -362,37 +363,37 @@ swiotlb_late_init_with_tbl(char *tlb, unsigned long nslabs) * to find contiguous free memory regions of size up to IO_TLB_SEGSIZE * between io_tlb_start and io_tlb_end. */ - io_tlb_list = (unsigned int *)__get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL, - get_order(io_tlb_nslabs * sizeof(int))); - if (!io_tlb_list) + io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO] = (unsigned int *)__get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL, + get_order(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] * sizeof(int))); + if (!io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO]) goto cleanup3; - io_tlb_orig_addr = (phys_addr_t *) + io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO] = (phys_addr_t *) __get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL, - get_order(io_tlb_nslabs * + get_order(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] * sizeof(phys_addr_t))); - if (!io_tlb_orig_addr) + if (!io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO]) goto cleanup4; - for (i = 0; i < io_tlb_nslabs; i++) { - io_tlb_list[i] = IO_TLB_SEGSIZE - OFFSET(i, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE); - io_tlb_orig_addr[i] = INVALID_PHYS_ADDR; + for (i = 0; i < io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO]; i++) { + io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO][i] = IO_TLB_SEGSIZE - OFFSET(i, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE); + io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO][i] = INVALID_PHYS_ADDR; } - io_tlb_index = 0; - no_iotlb_memory = false; + io_tlb_index[SWIOTLB_LO] = 0; + no_iotlb_memory[SWIOTLB_LO] = false; swiotlb_print_info(); late_alloc = 1; - swiotlb_set_max_segment(io_tlb_nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT); + swiotlb_set_max_segment(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] << IO_TLB_SHIFT); return 0; cleanup4: - free_pages((unsigned long)io_tlb_list, get_order(io_tlb_nslabs * + free_pages((unsigned long)io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO], get_order(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] * sizeof(int))); - io_tlb_list = NULL; + io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO] = NULL; cleanup3: swiotlb_cleanup(); return -ENOMEM; @@ -400,23 +401,23 @@ swiotlb_late_init_with_tbl(char *tlb, unsigned long nslabs) void __init swiotlb_exit(void) { - if (!io_tlb_orig_addr) + if (!io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO]) return; if (late_alloc) { - free_pages((unsigned long)io_tlb_orig_addr, - get_order(io_tlb_nslabs * sizeof(phys_addr_t))); - free_pages((unsigned long)io_tlb_list, get_order(io_tlb_nslabs * - sizeof(int))); - free_pages((unsigned long)phys_to_virt(io_tlb_start), - get_order(io_tlb_nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT)); + free_pages((unsigned long)io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO], + get_order(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] * sizeof(phys_addr_t))); + free_pages((unsigned long)io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO], + get_order(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] * sizeof(int))); + free_pages((unsigned long)phys_to_virt(io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO]), + get_order(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] << IO_TLB_SHIFT)); } else { - memblock_free_late(__pa(io_tlb_orig_addr), - PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs * sizeof(phys_addr_t))); - memblock_free_late(__pa(io_tlb_list), - PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs * sizeof(int))); - memblock_free_late(io_tlb_start, - PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs << IO_TLB_SHIFT)); + memblock_free_late(__pa(io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO]), + PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] * sizeof(phys_addr_t))); + memblock_free_late(__pa(io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO]), + PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] * sizeof(int))); + memblock_free_late(io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO], + PAGE_ALIGN(io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] << IO_TLB_SHIFT)); } swiotlb_cleanup(); } @@ -465,7 +466,7 @@ phys_addr_t swiotlb_tbl_map_single(struct device *hwdev, phys_addr_t orig_addr, size_t mapping_size, size_t alloc_size, enum dma_data_direction dir, unsigned long attrs) { - dma_addr_t tbl_dma_addr = phys_to_dma_unencrypted(hwdev, io_tlb_start); + dma_addr_t tbl_dma_addr = phys_to_dma_unencrypted(hwdev, io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO]); unsigned long flags; phys_addr_t tlb_addr; unsigned int nslots, stride, index, wrap; @@ -475,7 +476,7 @@ phys_addr_t swiotlb_tbl_map_single(struct device *hwdev, phys_addr_t orig_addr, unsigned long max_slots; unsigned long tmp_io_tlb_used; - if (no_iotlb_memory) + if (no_iotlb_memory[SWIOTLB_LO]) panic("Can not allocate SWIOTLB buffer earlier and can't now provide you with the DMA bounce buffer"); if (mem_encrypt_active()) @@ -518,11 +519,11 @@ phys_addr_t swiotlb_tbl_map_single(struct device *hwdev, phys_addr_t orig_addr, */ spin_lock_irqsave(&io_tlb_lock, flags); - if (unlikely(nslots > io_tlb_nslabs - io_tlb_used)) + if (unlikely(nslots > io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] - io_tlb_used[SWIOTLB_LO])) goto not_found; - index = ALIGN(io_tlb_index, stride); - if (index >= io_tlb_nslabs) + index = ALIGN(io_tlb_index[SWIOTLB_LO], stride); + if (index >= io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO]) index = 0; wrap = index; @@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ phys_addr_t swiotlb_tbl_map_single(struct device *hwdev, phys_addr_t orig_addr, while (iommu_is_span_boundary(index, nslots, offset_slots, max_slots)) { index += stride; - if (index >= io_tlb_nslabs) + if (index >= io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO]) index = 0; if (index == wrap) goto not_found; @@ -541,39 +542,42 @@ phys_addr_t swiotlb_tbl_map_single(struct device *hwdev, phys_addr_t orig_addr, * contiguous buffers, we allocate the buffers from that slot * and mark the entries as '0' indicating unavailable. */ - if (io_tlb_list[index] >= nslots) { + if (io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO][index] >= nslots) { int count = 0; for (i = index; i < (int) (index + nslots); i++) - io_tlb_list[i] = 0; - for (i = index - 1; (OFFSET(i, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE) != IO_TLB_SEGSIZE - 1) && io_tlb_list[i]; i--) - io_tlb_list[i] = ++count; - tlb_addr = io_tlb_start + (index << IO_TLB_SHIFT); + io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO][i] = 0; + for (i = index - 1; + (OFFSET(i, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE) != IO_TLB_SEGSIZE - 1) && + io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO][i]; + i--) + io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO][i] = ++count; + tlb_addr = io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO] + (index << IO_TLB_SHIFT); /* * Update the indices to avoid searching in the next * round. */ - io_tlb_index = ((index + nslots) < io_tlb_nslabs + io_tlb_index[SWIOTLB_LO] = ((index + nslots) < io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO] ? (index + nslots) : 0); goto found; } index += stride; - if (index >= io_tlb_nslabs) + if (index >= io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO]) index = 0; } while (index != wrap); not_found: - tmp_io_tlb_used = io_tlb_used; + tmp_io_tlb_used = io_tlb_used[SWIOTLB_LO]; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io_tlb_lock, flags); if (!(attrs & DMA_ATTR_NO_WARN) && printk_ratelimit()) dev_warn(hwdev, "swiotlb buffer is full (sz: %zd bytes), total %lu (slots), used %lu (slots)\n", - alloc_size, io_tlb_nslabs, tmp_io_tlb_used); + alloc_size, io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO], tmp_io_tlb_used); return (phys_addr_t)DMA_MAPPING_ERROR; found: - io_tlb_used += nslots; + io_tlb_used[SWIOTLB_LO] += nslots; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io_tlb_lock, flags); /* @@ -582,7 +586,7 @@ phys_addr_t swiotlb_tbl_map_single(struct device *hwdev, phys_addr_t orig_addr, * needed. */ for (i = 0; i < nslots; i++) - io_tlb_orig_addr[index+i] = orig_addr + (i << IO_TLB_SHIFT); + io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO][index+i] = orig_addr + (i << IO_TLB_SHIFT); if (!(attrs & DMA_ATTR_SKIP_CPU_SYNC) && (dir == DMA_TO_DEVICE || dir == DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL)) swiotlb_bounce(orig_addr, tlb_addr, mapping_size, DMA_TO_DEVICE); @@ -599,8 +603,8 @@ void swiotlb_tbl_unmap_single(struct device *hwdev, phys_addr_t tlb_addr, { unsigned long flags; int i, count, nslots = ALIGN(alloc_size, 1 << IO_TLB_SHIFT) >> IO_TLB_SHIFT; - int index = (tlb_addr - io_tlb_start) >> IO_TLB_SHIFT; - phys_addr_t orig_addr = io_tlb_orig_addr[index]; + int index = (tlb_addr - io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO]) >> IO_TLB_SHIFT; + phys_addr_t orig_addr = io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO][index]; /* * First, sync the memory before unmapping the entry @@ -619,23 +623,26 @@ void swiotlb_tbl_unmap_single(struct device *hwdev, phys_addr_t tlb_addr, spin_lock_irqsave(&io_tlb_lock, flags); { count = ((index + nslots) < ALIGN(index + 1, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE) ? - io_tlb_list[index + nslots] : 0); + io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO][index + nslots] : 0); /* * Step 1: return the slots to the free list, merging the * slots with superceeding slots */ for (i = index + nslots - 1; i >= index; i--) { - io_tlb_list[i] = ++count; - io_tlb_orig_addr[i] = INVALID_PHYS_ADDR; + io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO][i] = ++count; + io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO][i] = INVALID_PHYS_ADDR; } /* * Step 2: merge the returned slots with the preceding slots, * if available (non zero) */ - for (i = index - 1; (OFFSET(i, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE) != IO_TLB_SEGSIZE -1) && io_tlb_list[i]; i--) - io_tlb_list[i] = ++count; + for (i = index - 1; + (OFFSET(i, IO_TLB_SEGSIZE) != IO_TLB_SEGSIZE - 1) && + io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO][i]; + i--) + io_tlb_list[SWIOTLB_LO][i] = ++count; - io_tlb_used -= nslots; + io_tlb_used[SWIOTLB_LO] -= nslots; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io_tlb_lock, flags); } @@ -644,8 +651,8 @@ void swiotlb_tbl_sync_single(struct device *hwdev, phys_addr_t tlb_addr, size_t size, enum dma_data_direction dir, enum dma_sync_target target) { - int index = (tlb_addr - io_tlb_start) >> IO_TLB_SHIFT; - phys_addr_t orig_addr = io_tlb_orig_addr[index]; + int index = (tlb_addr - io_tlb_start[SWIOTLB_LO]) >> IO_TLB_SHIFT; + phys_addr_t orig_addr = io_tlb_orig_addr[SWIOTLB_LO][index]; if (orig_addr == INVALID_PHYS_ADDR) return; @@ -716,7 +723,7 @@ bool is_swiotlb_active(void) * When SWIOTLB is initialized, even if io_tlb_start points to physical * address zero, io_tlb_end surely doesn't. */ - return io_tlb_end != 0; + return io_tlb_end[SWIOTLB_LO] != 0; } #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_FS @@ -726,8 +733,8 @@ static int __init swiotlb_create_debugfs(void) struct dentry *root; root = debugfs_create_dir("swiotlb", NULL); - debugfs_create_ulong("io_tlb_nslabs", 0400, root, &io_tlb_nslabs); - debugfs_create_ulong("io_tlb_used", 0400, root, &io_tlb_used); + debugfs_create_ulong("io_tlb_nslabs", 0400, root, &io_tlb_nslabs[SWIOTLB_LO]); + debugfs_create_ulong("io_tlb_used", 0400, root, &io_tlb_used[SWIOTLB_LO]); return 0; }