diff mbox series

[RFC,v7,net-next,06/13] pinctrl: ocelot: add ability to be used in a non-mmio configuration

Message ID 20220307021208.2406741-7-colin.foster@in-advantage.com
State Not Applicable
Headers show
Series add support for VSC7512 control over SPI | expand

Commit Message

Colin Foster March 7, 2022, 2:12 a.m. UTC
There are a few Ocelot chips that contain pinctrl logic, but can be
controlled externally. Specifically the VSC7511, 7512, 7513 and 7514. In
the externally controlled configurations these registers are not

Add support for these non-memory-mapped configurations.

Signed-off-by: Colin Foster <colin.foster@in-advantage.com>
 drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-ocelot.c | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-ocelot.c b/drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-ocelot.c
index b6ad3ffb4596..e327bf00d447 100644
--- a/drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-ocelot.c
+++ b/drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-ocelot.c
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ 
 #include <linux/platform_device.h>
 #include <linux/regmap.h>
 #include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <soc/mscc/ocelot.h>
 #include "core.h"
 #include "pinconf.h"
@@ -1123,6 +1124,9 @@  static int lan966x_pinmux_set_mux(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
 	return 0;
+#if defined(REG)
+#undef REG
 #define REG(r, info, p) ((r) * (info)->stride + (4 * ((p) / 32)))
 static int ocelot_gpio_set_direction(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
@@ -1805,6 +1809,7 @@  static int ocelot_pinctrl_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
 	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
 	struct ocelot_pinctrl *info;
 	struct regmap *pincfg;
+	struct resource *res;
 	void __iomem *base;
 	int ret;
 	struct regmap_config regmap_config = {
@@ -1819,16 +1824,28 @@  static int ocelot_pinctrl_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
 	info->desc = (struct pinctrl_desc *)device_get_match_data(dev);
-	base = devm_ioremap_resource(dev,
-			platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0));
-	if (IS_ERR(base))
-		return PTR_ERR(base);
+	base = devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource(pdev, 0, NULL);
+	if (IS_ERR(base)) {
+		/*
+		 * Fall back to using IORESOURCE_REG, which is possible in an
+		 * MFD configuration
+		 */
+		res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_REG, 0);
+		if (!res) {
+			dev_err(dev, "Failed to get resource\n");
+			return -ENODEV;
+		}
-	info->stride = 1 + (info->desc->npins - 1) / 32;
+		info->map = ocelot_get_regmap_from_resource(dev, res);
+	} else {
+		regmap_config.max_register =
+			OCELOT_GPIO_SD_MAP * info->stride + 15 * 4;
-	regmap_config.max_register = OCELOT_GPIO_SD_MAP * info->stride + 15 * 4;
+		info->map = devm_regmap_init_mmio(dev, base, &regmap_config);
+	}
+	info->stride = 1 + (info->desc->npins - 1) / 32;
-	info->map = devm_regmap_init_mmio(dev, base, &regmap_config);
 	if (IS_ERR(info->map)) {
 		dev_err(dev, "Failed to create regmap\n");
 		return PTR_ERR(info->map);