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[v1,0/2] Fix an mmap exploit and remove push in i40iw

Message ID 20201124235102.1745-1-shiraz.saleem@intel.com (mailing list archive)
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Series Fix an mmap exploit and remove push in i40iw | expand


Shiraz Saleem Nov. 24, 2020, 11:51 p.m. UTC
i40iw_mmap is vulnerable to an mmap exploit due to its manipulation on
vma->vm_pgoff done for the push feature, and its subsequent use in
remap_pfn_range without validation.

Patch #1 fixes the mmap exploit in i40iw_mmap and can be backported to stable if acceptable.

Patch #2 removes the push feature from the driver

* Add missing cc and reported by tags in Patch #1

Shiraz Saleem (2):
  RDMA/i40iw: Address an mmap handler exploit in i40iw
  RDMA/i40iw: Remove push code from i40iw

 drivers/infiniband/hw/i40iw/i40iw.h        |    1 -
 drivers/infiniband/hw/i40iw/i40iw_ctrl.c   |   52 +------------
 drivers/infiniband/hw/i40iw/i40iw_d.h      |   35 +++-----
 drivers/infiniband/hw/i40iw/i40iw_main.c   |    5 -
 drivers/infiniband/hw/i40iw/i40iw_status.h |    1 -
 drivers/infiniband/hw/i40iw/i40iw_type.h   |   18 ----
 drivers/infiniband/hw/i40iw/i40iw_uk.c     |   41 +--------
 drivers/infiniband/hw/i40iw/i40iw_user.h   |    8 --
 drivers/infiniband/hw/i40iw/i40iw_verbs.c  |  123 ++--------------------------
 9 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 259 deletions(-)