Show patches with: Series = RDMA/rxe: On-Demand Paging on SoftRoCE       |   7 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[RFC,7/7] RDMA/rxe: Add support for the traditional Atomic operations with ODP RDMA/rxe: On-Demand Paging on SoftRoCE - - - --- 2022-09-07 Daisuke Matsuda RFC
[RFC,6/7] RDMA/rxe: Add support for Send/Recv/Write/Read operations with ODP RDMA/rxe: On-Demand Paging on SoftRoCE - - - --- 2022-09-07 Daisuke Matsuda RFC
[RFC,5/7] RDMA/rxe: Allow registering MRs for On-Demand Paging RDMA/rxe: On-Demand Paging on SoftRoCE - - - --- 2022-09-07 Daisuke Matsuda RFC
[RFC,4/7] RDMA/rxe: Add page invalidation support RDMA/rxe: On-Demand Paging on SoftRoCE - - - --- 2022-09-07 Daisuke Matsuda RFC
[RFC,3/7] RDMA/rxe: Cleanup code for responder Atomic operations RDMA/rxe: On-Demand Paging on SoftRoCE - - - --- 2022-09-07 Daisuke Matsuda RFC
[RFC,2/7] RDMA/rxe: Convert the triple tasklets to workqueues RDMA/rxe: On-Demand Paging on SoftRoCE - - - --- 2022-09-07 Daisuke Matsuda RFC
[RFC,1/7] IB/mlx5: Change ib_umem_odp_map_dma_single_page() to retain umem_mutex RDMA/rxe: On-Demand Paging on SoftRoCE - - - --- 2022-09-07 Daisuke Matsuda RFC