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[rdma-next,5/7] RDMA/mlx5: Align cap check of mkc page size to device specification

Message ID 0fd33ea9d5f22c9c026285ed3e7cf7a19466738c.1741875692.git.leon@kernel.org (mailing list archive)
State New
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Series Batch of mlx5_ib fixes | expand

Commit Message

Leon Romanovsky March 13, 2025, 2:29 p.m. UTC
From: Michael Guralnik <michaelgur@nvidia.com>

Align the caps checked when using the log_page_size 6th bit in the mkey
context to the PRM definition. The upper and lower bounds are set by
max/min caps and modifying of the 6th bit by UMR is allowed only when a
specific UMR cap is set.
Current implementation falsely assumes all page sizes up-to 2^63 are
supported when the UMR cap is set. In case the upper bound cap is lower
than 63, this might result a FW syndrome on mkey creation.

Previous cap enforcement is still correct for all current HW, FW and
driver combinations. However, this patch aligns the code to be spec
compliant in the general case.

Signed-off-by: Michael Guralnik <michaelgur@nvidia.com>
Reviewed-by: Yishai Hadas <yishaih@nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Leon Romanovsky <leonro@nvidia.com>
 drivers/infiniband/hw/mlx5/mlx5_ib.h | 23 +++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/infiniband/hw/mlx5/mlx5_ib.h b/drivers/infiniband/hw/mlx5/mlx5_ib.h
index ace2df3e1d9f..a6ef052c4344 100644
--- a/drivers/infiniband/hw/mlx5/mlx5_ib.h
+++ b/drivers/infiniband/hw/mlx5/mlx5_ib.h
@@ -1753,10 +1753,25 @@  static __always_inline unsigned long
 mlx5_umem_mkc_find_best_pgsz(struct mlx5_ib_dev *dev, struct ib_umem *umem,
 			     u64 iova)
-	int page_size_bits =
-		MLX5_CAP_GEN_2(dev->mdev, umr_log_entity_size_5) ? 6 : 5;
-	unsigned long bitmap =
-		__mlx5_log_page_size_to_bitmap(page_size_bits, 0);
+	unsigned int max_log_size, max_log_size_cap, min_log_size;
+	unsigned long bitmap;
+	max_log_size_cap =
+		MLX5_CAP_GEN_2(dev->mdev, max_mkey_log_entity_size_mtt) ?
+			MLX5_CAP_GEN_2(dev->mdev,
+				       max_mkey_log_entity_size_mtt) :
+			31;
+	max_log_size = MLX5_CAP_GEN_2(dev->mdev, umr_log_entity_size_5) ?
+			       max_log_size_cap :
+			       min(max_log_size_cap, 31);
+	min_log_size =
+		MLX5_CAP_GEN_2(dev->mdev, log_min_mkey_entity_size) ?
+			MLX5_CAP_GEN_2(dev->mdev, log_min_mkey_entity_size) :
+	bitmap = GENMASK_ULL(max_log_size, min_log_size);
 	return ib_umem_find_best_pgsz(umem, bitmap, iova);