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[v2,08/15] opensm: Update documentation to describe torus-2QoS.

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Jim Schutt March 10, 2010, 6:06 p.m. UTC
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diff --git a/opensm/doc/current-routing.txt b/opensm/doc/current-routing.txt
index 1302860..78a2e01 100644
--- a/opensm/doc/current-routing.txt
+++ b/opensm/doc/current-routing.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 
 Current OpenSM Routing
-OpenSM offers five routing engines:
+OpenSM offers six routing engines:
 1.  Min Hop Algorithm - based on the minimum hops to each node where the
 path length is optimized.
@@ -28,6 +28,13 @@  two switches.  This provides deadlock free routes for hypercubes when
 the fabric is cabled as a hypercube and for meshes when cabled as a
 mesh (see details below).
+6. Torus-2QoS unicast routing algorithm - a DOR-based routing algorithm
+specialized for 2D/3D torus topologies.  Torus-2QoS provides deadlock-free
+routing while supporting two quality of service (QoS) levels.  In addition
+it is able to route around multiple failed fabric links or a single failed
+fabric switch without introducing deadlocks, and without changing path SL
+values granted before the failure.
 OpenSM provides an optional unicast routing cache (enabled by -A or
 --ucast_cache options). When enabled, unicast routing cache prevents
 routing recalculation (which is a heavy task in a large cluster) when
@@ -388,3 +395,261 @@  ports, one port on one end of the cable, and the other port on the
 other end, continuing along the mesh dimension.
 Use '-R dor' option to activate the DOR algorithm.
+Torus-2QoS Routing Algorithm
+Torus-2QoS is routing algorithm designed for large-scale 2D/3D torus fabrics.
+The torus-2QoS routing engine can provide the following functionality on
+a 2D/3D torus:
+- routing that is free of credit loops
+- two levels of QoS, assuming switches support 8 data VLs
+- ability to route around a single failed switch, and/or multiple failed
+    links, without
+    - introducing credit loops
+    - changing path SL values
+- very short run times, with good scaling properties as fabric size
+    increases
+Torus-2QoS is a DOR-based algorithm that avoids deadlocks that would otherwise
+occur in a torus using the concept of a dateline for each torus dimension.
+It encodes into a path SL which datelines the path crosses as follows:
+  sl = 0;
+  for (d = 0; d < torus_dimensions; d++)
+    /* path_crosses_dateline(d) returns 0 or 1 */
+    sl |= path_crosses_dateline(d) << d;
+For a 3D torus, that leaves one SL bit free, which torus-2QoS uses to
+implement two QoS levels.
+This is possible because torus-2QoS also makes use of the output port
+dependence of the switch SL2VL maps.  It computes in which torus coordinate
+direction each interswitch link "points", and writes SL2VL maps for such
+ports as follows:
+  for (sl = 0; sl < 16; sl ++)
+    /* cdir(port) reports which torus coordinate direction a switch port
+     * "points" in, and returns 0, 1, or 2 */
+    sl2vl(iport,oport,sl) = 0x1 & (sl >> cdir(oport));
+Thus torus-2QoS consumes 8 SL values (SL bits 0-2) and 2 VL values (VL bit 0)
+per QoS level to provide deadlock-free routing on a 3D torus.
+Torus-2QoS routes around link failure by "taking the long way around" any
+1D ring interrupted by a link failure.  For example, consider the 2D 6x5
+torus below, where switches are denoted by [+a-zA-Z]:
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   4  --+----+----+----+----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   3  --+----+----+----D----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   2  --+----+----I----r----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   1  --m----S----n----T----o----p--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+ y=0  --+----+----+----+----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+      x=0    1    2    3    4    5
+For a pristine fabric the path from S to D would be S-n-T-r-d.  In the
+event that either link S-n or n-T has failed, torus-2QoS would use the path
+S-m-p-o-T-r-D.  Note that it can do this without changing the path SL
+value; once the 1D ring m-S-n-T-o-p-m has been broken by failure, path
+segments using it cannot contribute to deadlock, and the x-direction
+dateline (between, say, x=5 and x=0) can be ignored for path segments on
+that ring.
+One result of this is that torus-2QoS can route around many simultaneous
+link failures, as long as no 1D ring is broken into disjoint regions.  For
+example, if links n-T and T-o have both failed, that ring has been broken
+into two disjoint regions, T and o-p-m-S-n.  Torus-2QoS checks for such
+issues, reports if they are found, and refuses to route such fabrics.
+Handling a failed switch under DOR requires introducing into a path at
+least one turn that would be otherwise "illegal", i.e. not allowed by DOR
+rules.  Torus-2QoS will introduce such a turn as close as possible to the
+failed switch in order to route around it.
+In the above example, suppose switch T has failed, and consider the path
+from S to D.  Torus-2QoS will produce the path S-n-I-r-D, rather than the
+S-n-T-r-D path for a pristine torus, by introducing an early turn at n.
+For traffic arriving at switch I from n, normal DOR rules will generate an
+illegal turn in the path from S to D at I, and a legal turn at r.
+Torus-2QoS will also use the input port dependence of SL2VL maps to set VL
+bit 1 (which would be otherwise unused) for y-x, z-x, and z-y turns, i.e.,
+those turns that are illegal under DOR.  This causes the first hop after
+any such turn to use a separate set of VL values, and prevents deadlock in
+the presence of a single failed switch.
+For any given path, only the hops after a turn that is illegal under DOR
+can contribute to a credit loop that leads to deadlock.  So in the example
+above with failed switch T, the location of the illegal turn at I in the
+path from S to D requires that any credit loop caused by that turn must
+encircle the failed switch at T.  Thus the second and later hops after the
+illegal turn at I (i.e., hop r-D) cannot contribute to a credit loop
+because they cannot be used to construct a loop encircling T.  The hop I-r
+uses a separate VL, so it cannot contribute to a credit loop encircling T.
+Extending this argument shows that in addition to being capable of routing
+around a single switch failure without introducing deadlock, torus-2QoS can
+also route around multiple failed switches on the condition they are
+adjacent in the last dimension routed by DOR.  For example, consider the
+following case on a 6x6 2D torus:
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   5  --+----+----+----+----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   4  --+----+----+----D----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   3  --+----+----I----u----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   2  --+----+----q----R----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   1  --m----S----n----T----o----p--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+ y=0  --+----+----+----+----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+      x=0    1    2    3    4    5
+Suppose switches T and R have failed, and consider the path from S to D.
+Torus-2QoS will generate the path S-n-q-I-u-D, with an illegal turn at
+switch I, and with hop I-u using a VL with bit 1 set.
+As a further example, consider a case that torus-2QoS cannot route without
+deadlock: two failed switches adjacent in a dimension that is not the last
+dimension routed by DOR; here the failed switches are O and T:
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   5  --+----+----+----+----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   4  --+----+----+----+----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   3  --+----+----+----+----D----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   2  --+----+----I----q----r----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   1  --m----S----n----O----T----p--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+ y=0  --+----+----+----+----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+      x=0    1    2    3    4    5
+In a pristine fabric, torus-2QoS would generate the path from S to D as
+S-n-O-T-r-D.  With failed switches O and T, torus-2QoS will generate the
+path S-n-I-q-r-D, with illegal turn at switch I, and with hop I-q using a
+VL with bit 1 set.  In contrast to the earlier examples, the second hop
+after the illegal turn, q-r, can be used to construct a credit loop
+encircling the failed switches.
+Since torus-2QoS uses all four available SL bits, and the three data VL
+bits that are typically available in current switches, there is no way
+to use SL/VL values to separate multicast traffic from unicast traffic.
+Thus, torus-2QoS must generate multicast routing such that credit loops
+cannot arise from a combination of multicast and unicast path segments.
+It turns out that it is possible to construct spanning trees for multicast
+routing that have that property.  For the 2D 6x5 torus example above, here
+is the full-fabric spanning tree that torus-2QoS will construct, where "x"
+is the root switch and each "+" is a non-root switch:
+   4    +    +    +    +    +    +
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   3    +    +    +    +    +    +
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   2    +----+----+----x----+----+
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   1    +    +    +    +    +    +
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+ y=0    +    +    +    +    +    +
+      x=0    1    2    3    4    5
+For multicast traffic routed from root to tip, every turn in the above
+spanning tree is a legal DOR turn.
+For traffic routed from tip to root, and some traffic routed through the
+root, turns are not legal DOR turns.  However, to construct a credit loop,
+the union of multicast routing on this spanning tree with DOR unicast
+routing can only provide 3 of the 4 turns needed for the loop.
+In addition, if none of the above spanning tree branches crosses a dateline
+used for unicast credit loop avoidance on a torus, and if multicast traffic
+is confined to SL 0 or SL 8 (recall that torus-2QoS uses SL bit 3 to
+differentiate QoS level), then multicast traffic also cannot contribute to
+the "ring" credit loops that are otherwise possible in a torus.
+Torus-2QoS uses these ideas to create a master spanning tree.  Every
+multicast group spanning tree will be constructed as a subset of the master
+tree, with the same root as the master tree.
+Such multicast group spanning trees will in general not be optimal for
+groups which are a subset of the full fabric. However, this compromise must
+be made to enable support for two QoS levels on a torus while preventing
+credit loops.
+In the presence of link or switch failures that result in a fabric for
+which torus-2QoS can generate credit-loop-free unicast routes, it is also
+possible to generate a master spanning tree for multicast that retains the
+required properties.  For example, consider that same 2D 6x5 torus, with
+the link from (2,2) to (3,2) failed.  Torus-2QoS will generate the following
+master spanning tree:
+   4    +    +    +    +    +    +
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   3    +    +    +    +    +    +
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   2  --+----+----+    x----+----+--
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   1    +    +    +    +    +    +
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+ y=0    +    +    +    +    +    +
+      x=0    1    2    3    4    5
+Two things are notable about this master spanning tree.  First, assuming
+the x dateline was between x=5 and x=0, this spanning tree has a branch
+that crosses the dateline.  However, just as for unicast, crossing a
+dateline on a 1D ring (here, the ring for y=2) that is broken by a failure
+cannot contribute to a torus credit loop.
+Second, this spanning tree is no longer optimal even for multicast groups
+that encompass the entire fabric.  That, unfortunately, is a compromise that
+must be made to retain the other desirable properties of torus-2QoS routing.
+In the event that a single switch fails, torus-2QoS will generate a master
+spanning tree that has no "extra" turns by appropriately selecting a root
+switch.  In the 2D 6x5 torus example, assume now that the switch at (3,2),
+i.e. the root for a pristine fabric, fails.  Torus-2QoS will generate the
+following master spanning tree for that case:
+                       |
+   4    +    +    +    +    +    +
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+   3    +    +    +    +    +    +
+        |    |    |         |    |
+   2    +    +    +         +    +
+        |    |    |         |    |
+   1    +----+----x----+----+----+
+        |    |    |    |    |    |
+ y=0    +    +    +    +    +    +
+                       |
+      x=0    1    2    3    4    5
+Assuming the y dateline was between y=4 and y=0, this spanning tree has
+a branch that crosses a dateline.  However, again this cannot contribute
+to credit loops as it occurs on a 1D ring (the ring for x=3) that is
+broken by a failure, as in the above example.
+Due to the use made by torus-2QoS of SLs and VLs, QoS configuration should
+only employ SL values 0 and 8, for both multicast and unicast.  Also,
+SL to VL map configuration must be under the complete control of torus-2QoS,
+so any user-supplied configuration must and will be ignored.
diff --git a/opensm/man/opensm.8.in b/opensm/man/opensm.8.in
index 7aca8f9..a0d2ccc 100644
--- a/opensm/man/opensm.8.in
+++ b/opensm/man/opensm.8.in
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@  compiling opensm with -DROUTER_EXP which has been obsoleted.
-OpenSM now offers five routing engines:
+OpenSM now offers six routing engines:
 1.  Min Hop Algorithm - based on the minimum hops to each node where the
 path length is optimized.
@@ -667,6 +667,13 @@  two switches.  This provides deadlock free routes for hypercubes when
 the fabric is cabled as a hypercube and for meshes when cabled as a
 mesh (see details below).
+6. Torus-2QoS unicast routing algorithm - a DOR-based routing algorithm
+specialized for 2D/3D torus topologies.  Torus-2QoS provides deadlock-free
+routing while supporting two quality of service (QoS) levels.  In addition
+it is able to route around multiple failed fabric links or a single failed
+fabric switch without introducing deadlocks, and without changing path SL
+values granted before the failure.
 OpenSM also supports a file method which
 can load routes from a table. See \'Modular Routing Engine\' for more
 information on this.