From patchwork Wed Aug 21 18:11:01 2024 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Jason Gunthorpe X-Patchwork-Id: 13771956 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id EE9901B3B1E; Wed, 21 Aug 2024 18:11:19 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=fail smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1724263882; cv=fail; b=odW/0LZoJVNqbTGb/+YrfOMXrbpmQows4i0xxwi69+EaQCuqHUE44ysJo/Qoh6isSsGngF0YeGClD6OQC6pAuYk3wawUe3YmPsLw/2frr7YOHPcC22KB82TU6jy0AAoZ8T3PdlgFY0655FjlkRnJEv9aoemK+BRRnYInPRkYyAU= ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1724263882; c=relaxed/simple; bh=L1G3aY3SFzQaMWD4/RhS/G3jsSpf47QkdgNgdzKTBHs=; h=From:To:Cc:Subject:Date:Message-ID:In-Reply-To:References: Content-Type:MIME-Version; b=nL46lq47joaS+bQ+And41l2b+eumOP761XJst0Gi2PcfDngzyIs+PfY4AUqxOsc+Q932lsa4h8F8IiNIwx7BbPUCtvllxazcA9oDB2E8WLt67/CrpLElkZG0KtGMGxLpqm09I56K6Jqif+UrW9x3GW/PSUlhnZHlCkc/A4kq4OQ= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2;; dmarc=pass (p=reject dis=none); spf=fail; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=A121P8Vh; arc=fail smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=reject dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=fail Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="A121P8Vh" ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector10001;; cv=none; b=wdotGlM/28nTaRgvGxd0lyWHftZkgeAoAtrvBG2wGVgYfNhnsZBYNlEQnteJZ1+WpA72TePD8KNGE87SC2tr0CewFsleFM/XkF8++t6xWh1rsRjiPrtPUgIAZh1CqOnQkeHVWOXpF2lLgvrDcZd5Fz7YoqTfcp6XNPm7fA+WqS65KqSoKIP6NX9gGC3kapwZUuPE3jEcdFqTjCYuCi7t1UGZWHpU3Xkwdydda7SiBdqD+YuqVQnEFKVj6+AXHHrapdCM7cse92T4O8GGa8wrFNzPzfRiOdNZxYoqfkiPQn+FYNgm7s/I0tQcUlmsfIqtrpn9oOkanIJvgVXGGEvnsQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector10001; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=QdLpZJk2bwMP0v6fNqM3lYHDyXfOw0sr/41ozrvhJeU=; b=fnfLyGJuN9F0nkzCi8XHOx3CFX3LUoakQn72rlKj1+WTL2uL02q7NCbD/SpQRTaZ6Z/dC6e4uTalBx9Fdzcu9Ud0uahUKzp71qIs3qDojVj8pAsuTYbNRoMCaQmB3OxPsyog0xyrG6nQQNUWVvA/4lPHWfo7HhdUwaJviehimpeGl0pqH2II4YG0oIv77+R9NP9syIR5fOHaex65bX2kWcQer6Weo0nonLikgdM+h1gFqHSqSKyDC/GNET5MKr5fC/KcqCQrULMuoV8pVnN55p61p1+KSwSTPnZjdF/9ECub6RnXDa4Sno3T9rNRx7JQQpqHi6kbuKKuqwHvSEBSIg== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=QdLpZJk2bwMP0v6fNqM3lYHDyXfOw0sr/41ozrvhJeU=; b=A121P8VhQZ7BjZPy/zaE8qBLfsBJ898raUxb2a9eubqPEniEgQYzo7IQNe1a1oKoyJpgyA/8EvOShVHsuqJP/RU8wzD/Vxo7uuNECD5WVfWwap097tBixvCt4vW56HfIJhf6FIYkLbZbxvK1xA8OLtNmTYLgnF32QMT+JuTO1xE8VfoXAvBu2L6IdHzJdMuG+swgCJwGpRMt5/nKi7ouzI77VTfu23hMRjjy6DJFChVo9bi/1SsE7F2PaXTutsv08wqPWYlyO3pNWPNGvZgC89XO+cquoQysH2t/pM7Gl3sSPfZyou76dna1kNa+cYBJeF1+wfPfu/qpEp1VnX6Mrg== Authentication-Results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10b6:610:145::10) by (2603:10b6:806:2bc::21) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.7897.17; Wed, 21 Aug 2024 18:11:09 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::8b63:dd80:c182:4ce8]) by ([fe80::8b63:dd80:c182:4ce8%3]) with mapi id 15.20.7875.023; Wed, 21 Aug 2024 18:11:08 +0000 From: Jason Gunthorpe To: Cc: Andy Gospodarek , Aron Silverton , Dan Williams , Daniel Vetter , Dave Jiang , David Ahern , Greg Kroah-Hartman , Christoph Hellwig , Itay Avraham , Jiri Pirko , Jakub Kicinski , Leonid Bloch , Leon Romanovsky ,,, Saeed Mahameed Subject: [PATCH v3 09/10] fwctl/cxl: Add driver for CXL mailbox for handling CXL features commands (RFC) Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:11:01 -0300 Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10b6:408:fb::10) To (2603:10b6:610:145::10) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CH3PR12MB7763:EE_|SA1PR12MB7199:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 15990304-603b-420a-6199-08dcc20c9efd X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;ARA:13230040|366016|7416014|376014|1800799024; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: f0Ve92lnhxgtTL97m/uB3DicjAl7EJYDINNGRksh01EE2yrfnO19zUMBpSWjAbNKV9crXlNIqwVrpQTSR6JMmoA0AyRgS3nI6lduZ0NlP5qQEFW5nX4RYffMSicdtzB0K3BNIv4eGrreWRcyH3XGSNOu7hjzYQZxsxV3iIZBIC2v0l4xsMXi9TAPl54NpgSTQPYnQqOFU4NjMf0X46CKC1n/hOM2PzcGiNTIW8wJdlkYSMJY0aat8aYjxZ3OOSGjGTgezwEdpe7QOCZP1uNAQBialzj+Kh4ZVKo+2efKG6uMl3sZqzVf2v7CAfOEaOux+zw1X7w/btthIIFYbb1uo+Ewscrapm858jlPR048oQU5PZzvDiZQD3m8c0LZjrTefucyysKZ6NnkBmk/gNh2a3fs7LIVNeyYogPzeA3Me+XClhMyBRJmDeZkVYF0TVDiORqVWh8icDm8+D0dk6Nxal8xWT66t9Iw6P/vGlHEtDfzSRWxj7zYhLCgNDEIm2AqtD4IUoewNX8c/7Jt1w+3bAlZfHkpECzzcG5RPxDHhIUGgk1Q8wVLo4f5ktm9jnu3DZPckyi2lWEQUEunN0wfK+RQ8VOy9bm/CeJGTkxLN4J7oOtuq0fAj1P0koujdox3KlCbPnuJz+lpzevBmXlWbmJtPUlgc9hUQPcL7LLN11HtkO0BXQ0YXG3vCiGM2lCJRlQC0tMS6CvQ46a56bTerfPqOPsVOgV0GBrWDIynYLY8kA94uORggMJQMe8aU3vkdnvsZ6h5/QxauPyR3sqn2lU8RuNI6lNuAqXdEHfQt75LCTOpKLiTYFjTCAJxboIDIOsBTZcOdsWJ6ErMZg/mh6U1Sh2lCHd/feEVQWtvOVyWkc7KSLlOsFpofqQWAYGDz5qTQJB8dkvGiK3JLtvq8kgPNF/CPY+eoM0J7KOIdB8vi4ZROqRnRXbd3lf7232vQ/LYrQ/VdH5tnjCyEpHCGcPKMuGvGUY2cmbtiSKcrG1E4t4FqFinN7ubyzA+/wH/aL6Gezee7Qn0vdxvljjfjoVDf9OciPBQrrTC8FsWaegjT2/0TLV47IlYIuwCd1BcXExNKD0nHxfdmpeT1dTp8AsZDYTF9e3f4+rwHpWUBD/cbVXyDTUiwK3bG0qDglA1MfHZDs+EJTKMgfChlQ0rybCQcsvPijPjLfGiUHZKsio31hBn8mPGIHGvuNPVi2SWuGK3m9K9fVQgapbdm1eHasLGm6g8Ess/6MiEN4pQ/GKxRYxBXr3BrHbUTNdJeae+qOGC9OzHJ5H6CzLdfIfPCf5iG4pcs5FtvzCPZ16qNdkVbLx7viByXDLZxDuW0rJhTBXybD5UVsbRsMpCUaw9Gg== X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;;PTR:;CAT:NONE;SFS:(13230040)(366016)(7416014)(376014)(1800799024);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: VLWsmnclC+ybcx4mUGPPbUrdSN20IW3DdpOhCjpTkAx4a98whUmkq4EsZiPWb38SrJT1YYEJtZ7gPJx4c9XEHGG21k+iR2tsottwf7GhKE4BgAeyGq9QvFhHaUC9Tg+jJYUwlp0rsOCViYxt3Nn4dJBUjm7vl95JJqvpj05oI1nuHImaEbBj5LRDZaTK3+DzSvAq0L2TQOjG+3P0LOaxhl3INJ5LVaqkf+oVpdmDTY4LN/+VLARkodYhWHasqNEsrkYuZnOhGpdKE6p+RYkmT0Rm5rurZv1nqVd32UkEwUkt9FbTdD3hxGhU27CzkAUWZElbeAxMUOUpVX+oob+vzlfvLuXEIt91QXMMTYz1t5sx99DKsz1jNLdhntJyA8eByqt7l+jzdylzLGWXoGya8ezRk/s8vH1nJiYHaQUl0uWfkThXwCEtV6HclmnuU7ZRwGLzilG7EwBQPqWN0z2E+SioKLoAaDDiXRi7mCmCYb4RR+noFdj3wQvXawPwvQXTq1tYz1pjkz0YOI34O1vmib0tm00pV9DmK0twg3MRY2a7ZAuDgL+RZmEwa5iXhcW/sOoXux8pOKEYVY6/dK5Xlf7VUwoanmIa3kv8V8Xkbsr77tSRL5vvW2T2pFxh35+jXmRZL37igmeOn4bZsVSFblPESjAUD+GIgznYsWqJ/IEeMox0PmL2z6fk+DepWxtHqf6Y98sKYGHi3ZA7PEhDClsQVnbunDrao7z+lGwb3QTeba6G8gYs1dTlwGCo+Cn6DIfvFcvw0EZVWgaUglUKlxlIywdx5f36hMHewiYOLNKY1Oz9G2jl4IvIbke7E6qJcvxGsvOdbBBQUHWgqojPnw0zCWcKQcK7Jh10NJpwEe4p4fOvR85qL2sGyttvMkh7gD31jZFtcBiZDbpaut9E0osTyKVSRMMaW4fc9UDwvXWpOrpWTlQIZDO5JxQ32ai1DrA5Qye/dVnQjzPVZ+eDGWpm8FhIgETq3+5L8CkoedBQzTaUZfAQbKHIoyr1DJWTtjjX0v/he+cMjzx34s+D9pMM4InZrVMDeXiqOS1TaDY2v+RXa8MJKg7gAiac02nVJohU1S+3QBCmGBpBt/fS6RrY1kwopBDjACQQ61J9r45coJYAKy68N5AkR7Fet5LZfLqJ9QRdogMUkqbod8deXj1waO4E+sRfgrI4pC90PlCVvbySJeiGs3aP9a/uteoOgAjHB3VirJAHULuJLbd08660GiJW4ud52A4LoDTyWNL+bLGOu/sXeQiMqr/4JEqeBotkMcj+tOEupx3eU5m2moi77V8jVuj2hyATpipRM8OMG7jnm4/9CB6Gn5GFE+/0r8sh36rEQa0/Yq7F2Vq2bOOWuUHORU+hN+Cu+Tlo7MQF7Fhs8CWS8ozzFyMHW44iaLaxKk2fUR5aVT24WTzO8GRVtniZxAQ45w1xf3gXL1ZzoOeSgKnR7PJN7ciig3dHFX4ZKs0b+OaZYyGU9HO4OZ3wzpDmJBSahFP/ROp7r7RM12xvZlPaU6OcXR8JUeWadh8LB4E81OrA/zIEf6Bn1i9uRPm+8sSNvONleIpkrRsYRp2x3FUrI0CdjUWvw4A4 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 15990304-603b-420a-6199-08dcc20c9efd X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 21 Aug 2024 18:11:04.4761 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 43083d15-7273-40c1-b7db-39efd9ccc17a X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: KxbTS1GkfO98pSnqxtttc/wO0fyx8np2OUZ3tGkKepSuL5PiAbQkSPzCtHWjEOS4 X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: SA1PR12MB7199 From: Dave Jiang Add an fwctl (auxiliary bus) driver to allow sending of CXL feature commands from userspace through as ioctls. Create a driver skeleton for initial setup. FWCTL_INFO will return the commands supported by the fwctl char device as a bitmap of enable commands. fwctl provides a fwctl_ops->fw_rpc() callback in order to issue ioctls to a device. FWCTL_RPC will start by supporting the CXL feature commands: Get Supported Features, Get Feature, and Set Feature. FWCTL_RPC provides 'enum fwctl_rpc_scope' parameter where it indicates the security scope of the call. The Get Supported Features and Get Feature calls can be executed with the scope of FWCTL_RPC_DEBUG_READ_ONLY. The Set Feature call is gated by the effects of the feature reported by Get Supported Features call for the specific feature. Add a software command through FWCTL_RPC in order for the user to retrieve information about the commands that are supported. In this instance only 3 commands are supported: Get Supported Features, Get Feature, and Set Feature. The expected flow of operation is to send the call first with 0 set to the n_commands parameter to indicate query of total commands available. And then a second call provides the number of commands to retrieve with the appropriate amount of memory allocated to store information about the commands. Link: Signed-off-by: Dave Jiang Signed-off-by: Jason Gunthorpe --- MAINTAINERS | 7 + drivers/fwctl/Kconfig | 9 ++ drivers/fwctl/Makefile | 1 + drivers/fwctl/cxl/Makefile | 4 + drivers/fwctl/cxl/cxl.c | 274 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ include/linux/cxl/mailbox.h | 104 ++++++++++++++ include/uapi/fwctl/cxl.h | 94 +++++++++++++ include/uapi/fwctl/fwctl.h | 1 + 8 files changed, 494 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/fwctl/cxl/Makefile create mode 100644 drivers/fwctl/cxl/cxl.c create mode 100644 include/uapi/fwctl/cxl.h diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index d7d12adc521be1..9933c67303f0ab 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -9257,6 +9257,13 @@ L: S: Maintained F: drivers/fwctl/mlx5/ +FWCTL CXL DRIVER +M: Dave Jiang +R: Dan Williams +L: +S: Maintained +F: drivers/fwctl/cxl/ + GALAXYCORE GC0308 CAMERA SENSOR DRIVER M: Sebastian Reichel L: diff --git a/drivers/fwctl/Kconfig b/drivers/fwctl/Kconfig index e5ee2d46d43126..e49903a9d0d34f 100644 --- a/drivers/fwctl/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/fwctl/Kconfig @@ -19,5 +19,14 @@ config FWCTL_MLX5 This will allow configuration and debug tools to work out of the box on mainstream kernel. + If you don't know what to do here, say N. + +config FWCTL_CXL + tristate "CXL fwctl driver" + depends on CXL_BUS + help + CXLCTL provides interface for the user process to access user allowed + mailbox commands for CXL device. + If you don't know what to do here, say N. endif diff --git a/drivers/fwctl/Makefile b/drivers/fwctl/Makefile index 1c535f694d7fe4..bd356e6f2e5af1 100644 --- a/drivers/fwctl/Makefile +++ b/drivers/fwctl/Makefile @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 obj-$(CONFIG_FWCTL) += fwctl.o obj-$(CONFIG_FWCTL_MLX5) += mlx5/ +obj-$(CONFIG_FWCTL_CXL) += cxl/ fwctl-y += main.o diff --git a/drivers/fwctl/cxl/Makefile b/drivers/fwctl/cxl/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000000000..62319452157272 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/fwctl/cxl/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +obj-$(CONFIG_FWCTL_CXL) += cxl_fwctl.o + +cxl_fwctl-y += cxl.o diff --git a/drivers/fwctl/cxl/cxl.c b/drivers/fwctl/cxl/cxl.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000000000..8836a806763f54 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/fwctl/cxl/cxl.c @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only +/* + * Copyright (c) 2024, Intel Corporation + */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +struct cxlctl_uctx { + struct fwctl_uctx uctx; + u32 uctx_caps; + u32 uctx_uid; +}; + +struct cxlctl_dev { + struct fwctl_device fwctl; + struct cxl_mailbox *mbox; +}; + +DEFINE_FREE(cxlctl, struct cxlctl_dev *, if (_T) fwctl_put(&_T->fwctl)) + +static int cxlctl_open_uctx(struct fwctl_uctx *uctx) +{ + struct cxlctl_uctx *cxlctl_uctx = + container_of(uctx, struct cxlctl_uctx, uctx); + + cxlctl_uctx->uctx_caps = BIT(FWCTL_CXL_QUERY_COMMANDS) | + BIT(FWCTL_CXL_SEND_COMMAND); + + return 0; +} + +static void cxlctl_close_uctx(struct fwctl_uctx *uctx) +{ +} + +static void *cxlctl_info(struct fwctl_uctx *uctx, size_t *length) +{ + struct cxlctl_uctx *cxlctl_uctx = + container_of(uctx, struct cxlctl_uctx, uctx); + struct fwctl_info_cxl *info; + + info = kzalloc(sizeof(*info), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!info) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + info->uctx_caps = cxlctl_uctx->uctx_caps; + + return info; +} + +static bool cxlctl_validate_set_features(struct cxl_mailbox *cxl_mbox, + const struct fwctl_cxl_command *send_cmd, + enum fwctl_rpc_scope scope) +{ + struct cxl_feat_entry *feat; + bool found = false; + uuid_t uuid; + u16 mask; + + if (send_cmd->in.size < sizeof(struct set_feature_input)) + return false; + + if (copy_from_user(&uuid, u64_to_user_ptr(send_cmd->in.payload), + sizeof(uuid))) + return false; + + for (int i = 0; i < cxl_mbox->num_features; i++) { + feat = &cxl_mbox->entries[i]; + if (uuid_equal(&uuid, &feat->uuid)) { + found = true; + break; + } + } + + if (!found) + return false; + + /* Currently no user background command support */ + if (feat->effects & CXL_CMD_BACKGROUND) + return false; + + mask = CXL_CMD_CONFIG_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE | + CXL_CMD_DATA_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE | + CXL_CMD_POLICY_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE | + CXL_CMD_LOG_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE; + if (feat->effects & mask && scope >= FWCTL_RPC_DEBUG_WRITE) + return true; + + /* These effects supported for all scope */ + if ((feat->effects & CXL_CMD_CONFIG_CHANGE_COLD_RESET || + feat->effects & CXL_CMD_CONFIG_CHANGE_CONV_RESET) && + scope >= FWCTL_RPC_DEBUG_READ_ONLY) + return true; + + return false; +} + +static bool cxlctl_validate_hw_cmds(struct cxl_mailbox *cxl_mbox, + const struct fwctl_cxl_command *send_cmd, + enum fwctl_rpc_scope scope) +{ + struct cxl_mem_command *cmd; + + /* + * Only supporting feature commands. + */ + if (!cxl_mbox->num_features) + return false; + + cmd = cxl_get_mem_command(send_cmd->id); + if (!cmd) + return false; + + if (test_bit(cmd->, cxl_mbox->enabled_cmds)) + return false; + + if (test_bit(cmd->, cxl_mbox->exclusive_cmds)) + return false; + + switch (cmd->opcode) { + case CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_SUPPORTED_FEATURES: + case CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_FEATURE: + if (scope >= FWCTL_RPC_DEBUG_READ_ONLY) + return true; + break; + case CXL_MBOX_OP_SET_FEATURE: + return cxlctl_validate_set_features(cxl_mbox, send_cmd, scope); + default: + return false; + }; + + return false; +} + +static bool cxlctl_validate_query_commands(struct fwctl_rpc_cxl *rpc_in) +{ + int cmds; + + if (rpc_in->payload_size < sizeof(rpc_in->query)) + return false; + + cmds = rpc_in->query.n_commands; + if (cmds) { + int cmds_size = rpc_in->payload_size - sizeof(rpc_in->query); + + if (cmds != cmds_size / sizeof(struct cxl_command_info)) + return false; + } + + return true; +} + +static bool cxlctl_validate_rpc(struct fwctl_uctx *uctx, + struct fwctl_rpc_cxl *rpc_in, + enum fwctl_rpc_scope scope) +{ + struct cxlctl_dev *cxlctl = + container_of(uctx->fwctl, struct cxlctl_dev, fwctl); + + switch (rpc_in->rpc_cmd) { + case FWCTL_CXL_QUERY_COMMANDS: + return cxlctl_validate_query_commands(rpc_in); + + case FWCTL_CXL_SEND_COMMAND: + return cxlctl_validate_hw_cmds(cxlctl->mbox, + &rpc_in->send_cmd, scope); + + default: + return false; + } +} + +static void *send_cxl_command(struct cxl_mailbox *cxl_mbox, + struct fwctl_cxl_command *send_cmd, + size_t *out_len) +{ + struct cxl_mbox_cmd mbox_cmd; + int rc; + + rc = cxl_fwctl_send_cmd(cxl_mbox, send_cmd, &mbox_cmd, out_len); + if (rc) + return ERR_PTR(rc); + + *out_len = mbox_cmd.size_out; + + return mbox_cmd.payload_out; +} + +static void *cxlctl_fw_rpc(struct fwctl_uctx *uctx, enum fwctl_rpc_scope scope, + void *in, size_t in_len, size_t *out_len) +{ + struct cxlctl_dev *cxlctl = + container_of(uctx->fwctl, struct cxlctl_dev, fwctl); + struct cxl_mailbox *cxl_mbox = cxlctl->mbox; + struct fwctl_rpc_cxl *rpc_in = in; + + if (!cxlctl_validate_rpc(uctx, rpc_in, scope)) + return ERR_PTR(-EPERM); + + switch (rpc_in->rpc_cmd) { + case FWCTL_CXL_QUERY_COMMANDS: + return cxl_query_cmd_from_fwctl(cxl_mbox, &rpc_in->query, + out_len); + + case FWCTL_CXL_SEND_COMMAND: + return send_cxl_command(cxl_mbox, &rpc_in->send_cmd, out_len); + + default: + return ERR_PTR(-EOPNOTSUPP); + } +} + +static const struct fwctl_ops cxlctl_ops = { + .device_type = FWCTL_DEVICE_TYPE_CXL, + .uctx_size = sizeof(struct cxlctl_uctx), + .open_uctx = cxlctl_open_uctx, + .close_uctx = cxlctl_close_uctx, + .info = cxlctl_info, + .fw_rpc = cxlctl_fw_rpc, +}; + +static int cxlctl_probe(struct auxiliary_device *adev, + const struct auxiliary_device_id *id) +{ + struct cxl_mailbox *mbox = container_of(adev, struct cxl_mailbox, adev); + struct cxlctl_dev *cxlctl __free(cxlctl) = + fwctl_alloc_device(mbox->host, &cxlctl_ops, + struct cxlctl_dev, fwctl); + int rc; + + if (!cxlctl) + return -ENOMEM; + + cxlctl->mbox = mbox; + + rc = fwctl_register(&cxlctl->fwctl); + if (rc) + return rc; + + auxiliary_set_drvdata(adev, no_free_ptr(cxlctl)); + + return 0; +} + +static void cxlctl_remove(struct auxiliary_device *adev) +{ + struct cxlctl_dev *ctldev __free(cxlctl) = auxiliary_get_drvdata(adev); + + fwctl_unregister(&ctldev->fwctl); +} + +static const struct auxiliary_device_id cxlctl_id_table[] = { + { .name = "CXL.fwctl", }, + {}, +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(auxiliary, cxlctl_id_table); + +static struct auxiliary_driver cxlctl_driver = { + .name = "cxl_fwctl", + .probe = cxlctl_probe, + .remove = cxlctl_remove, + .id_table = cxlctl_id_table, +}; + +module_auxiliary_driver(cxlctl_driver); + +MODULE_IMPORT_NS(CXL); +MODULE_IMPORT_NS(FWCTL); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("CXL fwctl driver"); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Intel Corporation"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/include/linux/cxl/mailbox.h b/include/linux/cxl/mailbox.h index 570864239b8f14..13b5bb6e5bc310 100644 --- a/include/linux/cxl/mailbox.h +++ b/include/linux/cxl/mailbox.h @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ #define __CXL_MBOX_H__ #include +#include #include /** @@ -68,4 +69,107 @@ struct cxl_mailbox { struct cxl_feat_entry *entries; }; +enum cxl_opcode { + CXL_MBOX_OP_INVALID = 0x0000, + CXL_MBOX_OP_RAW = CXL_MBOX_OP_INVALID, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_EVENT_RECORD = 0x0100, + CXL_MBOX_OP_CLEAR_EVENT_RECORD = 0x0101, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_EVT_INT_POLICY = 0x0102, + CXL_MBOX_OP_SET_EVT_INT_POLICY = 0x0103, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_FW_INFO = 0x0200, + CXL_MBOX_OP_TRANSFER_FW = 0x0201, + CXL_MBOX_OP_ACTIVATE_FW = 0x0202, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_TIMESTAMP = 0x0300, + CXL_MBOX_OP_SET_TIMESTAMP = 0x0301, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_SUPPORTED_LOGS = 0x0400, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_LOG = 0x0401, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_LOG_CAPS = 0x0402, + CXL_MBOX_OP_CLEAR_LOG = 0x0403, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_SUP_LOG_SUBLIST = 0x0405, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = 0x0500, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_FEATURE = 0x0501, + CXL_MBOX_OP_SET_FEATURE = 0x0502, + CXL_MBOX_OP_IDENTIFY = 0x4000, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_PARTITION_INFO = 0x4100, + CXL_MBOX_OP_SET_PARTITION_INFO = 0x4101, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_LSA = 0x4102, + CXL_MBOX_OP_SET_LSA = 0x4103, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_HEALTH_INFO = 0x4200, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_ALERT_CONFIG = 0x4201, + CXL_MBOX_OP_SET_ALERT_CONFIG = 0x4202, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_SHUTDOWN_STATE = 0x4203, + CXL_MBOX_OP_SET_SHUTDOWN_STATE = 0x4204, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_POISON = 0x4300, + CXL_MBOX_OP_INJECT_POISON = 0x4301, + CXL_MBOX_OP_CLEAR_POISON = 0x4302, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_SCAN_MEDIA_CAPS = 0x4303, + CXL_MBOX_OP_SCAN_MEDIA = 0x4304, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_SCAN_MEDIA = 0x4305, + CXL_MBOX_OP_SANITIZE = 0x4400, + CXL_MBOX_OP_SECURE_ERASE = 0x4401, + CXL_MBOX_OP_GET_SECURITY_STATE = 0x4500, + CXL_MBOX_OP_SET_PASSPHRASE = 0x4501, + CXL_MBOX_OP_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE = 0x4502, + CXL_MBOX_OP_UNLOCK = 0x4503, + CXL_MBOX_OP_FREEZE_SECURITY = 0x4504, + CXL_MBOX_OP_PASSPHRASE_SECURE_ERASE = 0x4505, + CXL_MBOX_OP_MAX = 0x10000 +}; + +#define CXL_CMD_CONFIG_CHANGE_COLD_RESET BIT(0) +#define CXL_CMD_CONFIG_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE BIT(1) +#define CXL_CMD_DATA_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE BIT(2) +#define CXL_CMD_POLICY_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE BIT(3) +#define CXL_CMD_LOG_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE BIT(4) +#define CXL_CMD_SECURITY_STATE_CHANGE BIT(5) +#define CXL_CMD_BACKGROUND BIT(6) +#define CXL_CMD_BGCMD_ABORT_SUPPORTED BIT(7) +#define CXL_CMD_CONFIG_CHANGE_CONV_RESET (BIT(9) | BIT(10)) +#define CXL_CMD_CONFIG_CHANGE_CXL_RESET (BIT(9) | BIT(11)) + +struct cxl_feat_entry { + uuid_t uuid; + __le16 id; + __le16 get_feat_size; + __le16 set_feat_size; + __le32 flags; + u8 get_feat_ver; + u8 set_feat_ver; + __le16 effects; + u8 reserved[18]; +} __packed; + +/** + * struct cxl_mem_command - Driver representation of a memory device command + * @info: Command information as it exists for the UAPI + * @opcode: The actual bits used for the mailbox protocol + * @flags: Set of flags effecting driver behavior. + * + * * %CXL_CMD_FLAG_FORCE_ENABLE: In cases of error, commands with this flag + * will be enabled by the driver regardless of what hardware may have + * advertised. + * + * The cxl_mem_command is the driver's internal representation of commands that + * are supported by the driver. Some of these commands may not be supported by + * the hardware. The driver will use @info to validate the fields passed in by + * the user then submit the @opcode to the hardware. + * + * See struct cxl_command_info. + */ +struct cxl_mem_command { + struct cxl_command_info info; + enum cxl_opcode opcode; + u32 flags; +#define CXL_CMD_FLAG_FORCE_ENABLE BIT(0) +}; + +struct cxl_mem_command *cxl_get_mem_command(u32 id); +int cxl_fwctl_send_cmd(struct cxl_mailbox *cxl_mbox, + struct fwctl_cxl_command *fwctl_cmd, + struct cxl_mbox_cmd *mbox_cmd, + size_t *out_len); +void *cxl_query_cmd_from_fwctl(struct cxl_mailbox *cxl_mbox, + struct cxl_mem_query_commands *q, + size_t *out_len); + #endif diff --git a/include/uapi/fwctl/cxl.h b/include/uapi/fwctl/cxl.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000000000..a3a96195f6da4c --- /dev/null +++ b/include/uapi/fwctl/cxl.h @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2024, Intel Corporation + * + * These are definitions for the mailbox command interface of CXL subsystem. + */ +#ifndef _UAPI_FWCTL_CXL_H_ +#define _UAPI_FWCTL_CXL_H_ + +#include + +enum fwctl_cxl_commands { + FWCTL_CXL_QUERY_COMMANDS = 0, + FWCTL_CXL_SEND_COMMAND, +}; + +/** + * struct fwctl_info_cxl - ioctl(FWCTL_INFO) out_device_data + * @uctx_caps: The command capabilities driver accepts. + * + * Return basic information about the FW interface available. + */ +struct fwctl_info_cxl { + __u32 uctx_caps; +}; + +/* + * CXL spec r3.1 Table 8-101 Set Feature Input Payload + */ +struct set_feature_input { + __u8 uuid[16]; + __u32 flags; + __u16 offset; + __u8 version; + __u8 reserved[9]; + __u8 data[]; +} __packed; + +/** + * struct cxl_send_command - Send a command to a memory device. + * @id: The command to send to the memory device. This must be one of the + * commands returned by the query command. + * @flags: Flags for the command (input). + * @raw: Special fields for raw commands + * @raw.opcode: Opcode passed to hardware when using the RAW command. + * @raw.rsvd: Must be zero. + * @rsvd: Must be zero. + * @retval: Return value from the memory device (output). + * @in: Parameters associated with input payload. + * @in.size: Size of the payload to provide to the device (input). + * @in.rsvd: Must be zero. + * @in.payload: Pointer to memory for payload input, payload is little endian. + * + * Output payload is defined with 'struct fwctl_rpc' and is the hardware output + */ +struct fwctl_cxl_command { + __u32 id; + __u32 flags; + union { + struct { + __u16 opcode; + __u16 rsvd; + } raw; + __u32 rsvd; + }; + + struct { + __u32 size; + __u32 rsvd; + __u64 payload; + } in; +}; + +/** + * struct fwctl_rpc_cxl - ioctl(FWCTL_RPC) input + */ +struct fwctl_rpc_cxl { + __u32 rpc_cmd; + __u32 payload_size; + __u32 version; + __u32 rsvd; + union { + struct cxl_mem_query_commands query; + struct fwctl_cxl_command send_cmd; + }; +}; + +struct fwctl_rpc_cxl_out { + __u32 retval; + __u32 rsvd; + __u8 payload[]; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/include/uapi/fwctl/fwctl.h b/include/uapi/fwctl/fwctl.h index f9b27fb5c1618c..4e4d30104667c7 100644 --- a/include/uapi/fwctl/fwctl.h +++ b/include/uapi/fwctl/fwctl.h @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ enum { enum fwctl_device_type { FWCTL_DEVICE_TYPE_ERROR = 0, FWCTL_DEVICE_TYPE_MLX5 = 1, + FWCTL_DEVICE_TYPE_CXL = 2, }; /**