diff mbox

[v12,4/4] ARM: dts: Exynos5420: Add device nodes for TMU blocks

Message ID 1387433222-7893-1-git-send-email-ch.naveen@samsung.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Commit Message

Naveen Krishna Chatradhi Dec. 19, 2013, 6:07 a.m. UTC
Exynos5420 SoC has per core thermal management unit.
5 TMU channels 4 for CPUs and 5th for GPU.

This patch adds the device tree nodes to the DT device list.

Nodes carry the misplaced second base address and the second
clock to access the misplaced base address.

Signed-off-by: Leela Krishna Amudala <l.krishna@samsung.com>
Signed-off-by: Naveen Krishna Chatradhi <ch.naveen@samsung.com>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Bresticker <abrestic@chromium.org>
Changes since v11:
  changed the secondary clock name to "tmu_triminfo_apbif"
from "tmu_apbif_triminfo"

Changes since previous version:
1. used lables instead of comment lines
2. pass the same clock as trimfo_apbif clock for TMU channel 2

 arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5420.dtsi |   40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+)


Tomasz Figa Dec. 19, 2013, 11:39 a.m. UTC | #1
Hi Naveen,

On Thursday 19 of December 2013 11:37:02 Naveen Krishna Chatradhi wrote:
> Exynos5420 SoC has per core thermal management unit.
> 5 TMU channels 4 for CPUs and 5th for GPU.
> This patch adds the device tree nodes to the DT device list.
> Nodes carry the misplaced second base address and the second
> clock to access the misplaced base address.
>  		samsung,power-domain = <&gsc_pd>;
>  	};
> +
> +	tmu_cpu0:tmu@10060000 {

CodingStyle: Missing space after colon.
+ all the nodes below.

Since it's just a minor fixup, I think you could just reply to this
thread with corrected version of this single patch instead of
respinning the whole series.

Best regards,

> +		compatible = "samsung,exynos5420-tmu";
> +		reg = <0x10060000 0x100>;
> +		interrupts = <0 65 0>;
> +		clocks = <&clock 318>;
> +		clock-names = "tmu_apbif";
> +	};
> +
> +	tmu_cpu1:tmu@10064000 {
> +		compatible = "samsung,exynos5420-tmu";
> +		reg = <0x10064000 0x100>;
> +		interrupts = <0 183 0>;
> +		clocks = <&clock 318>;
> +		clock-names = "tmu_apbif";
> +	};
> +
> +	tmu_cpu2:tmu@10068000 {
> +		compatible = "samsung,exynos5420-tmu-ext-triminfo";
> +		reg = <0x10068000 0x100>, <0x1006c000 0x4>;
> +		interrupts = <0 184 0>;
> +		clocks = <&clock 318>, <&clock 318>;
> +		clock-names = "tmu_apbif", "tmu_triminfo_apbif";
> +	};
> +
> +	tmu_cpu3:tmu@1006c000 {
> +		compatible = "samsung,exynos5420-tmu-ext-triminfo";
> +		reg = <0x1006c000 0x100>, <0x100a0000 0x4>;
> +		interrupts = <0 185 0>;
> +		clocks = <&clock 318>, <&clock 319>;
> +		clock-names = "tmu_apbif", "tmu_triminfo_apbif";
> +	};
> +
> +	tmu_gpu:tmu@100a0000 {
> +		compatible = "samsung,exynos5420-tmu-ext-triminfo";
> +		reg = <0x100a0000 0x100>, <0x10068000 0x4>;
> +		interrupts = <0 215 0>;
> +		clocks = <&clock 319>, <&clock 318>;
> +		clock-names = "tmu_apbif", "tmu_triminfo_apbif";
> +	};
>  };

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diff mbox


diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5420.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5420.dtsi
index b1fa334..c62cde6 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5420.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5420.dtsi
@@ -402,4 +402,44 @@ 
 		clock-names = "gscl";
 		samsung,power-domain = <&gsc_pd>;
+	tmu_cpu0:tmu@10060000 {
+		compatible = "samsung,exynos5420-tmu";
+		reg = <0x10060000 0x100>;
+		interrupts = <0 65 0>;
+		clocks = <&clock 318>;
+		clock-names = "tmu_apbif";
+	};
+	tmu_cpu1:tmu@10064000 {
+		compatible = "samsung,exynos5420-tmu";
+		reg = <0x10064000 0x100>;
+		interrupts = <0 183 0>;
+		clocks = <&clock 318>;
+		clock-names = "tmu_apbif";
+	};
+	tmu_cpu2:tmu@10068000 {
+		compatible = "samsung,exynos5420-tmu-ext-triminfo";
+		reg = <0x10068000 0x100>, <0x1006c000 0x4>;
+		interrupts = <0 184 0>;
+		clocks = <&clock 318>, <&clock 318>;
+		clock-names = "tmu_apbif", "tmu_triminfo_apbif";
+	};
+	tmu_cpu3:tmu@1006c000 {
+		compatible = "samsung,exynos5420-tmu-ext-triminfo";
+		reg = <0x1006c000 0x100>, <0x100a0000 0x4>;
+		interrupts = <0 185 0>;
+		clocks = <&clock 318>, <&clock 319>;
+		clock-names = "tmu_apbif", "tmu_triminfo_apbif";
+	};
+	tmu_gpu:tmu@100a0000 {
+		compatible = "samsung,exynos5420-tmu-ext-triminfo";
+		reg = <0x100a0000 0x100>, <0x10068000 0x4>;
+		interrupts = <0 215 0>;
+		clocks = <&clock 319>, <&clock 318>;
+		clock-names = "tmu_apbif", "tmu_triminfo_apbif";
+	};