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[v2,0/7] mpi3mr: Few Enhancements and minor fixes

Message ID 20240307150825.7613-1-ranjan.kumar@broadcom.com (mailing list archive)
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Series mpi3mr: Few Enhancements and minor fixes | expand


Chandrakanth Patil March 7, 2024, 3:08 p.m. UTC
Few Enhancements and minor fixes of mpi3mr driver.

Changes since v1:
- Updated Function name to mpi3mr_refresh_tgtdevs and 
changed logical condition
- Updated the patch headline .
- Reverted the SCSIIOSTATUSREPLY change as it was
unintentionally removed.

Ranjan Kumar (7):
  mpi3mr: Block devices are not removed from OS even vd's are offlined
  mpi3mr: Set MPI request flags appropriately
  mpi3mr: Clear controller-wide flag that is used to  block IOCTLS for
    the unresponsive controller
  mpi3mr: Set the WriteSame Divert Capability in the IOCInit MPI Request
  mpi3mr: Debug ability improvements
  mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to revision 31
  mpi3mr: driver version upgrade to

 drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_cnfg.h      |  3 +++
 drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_image.h     | 20 ++++----------
 drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_ioc.h       | 20 ++++++++------
 drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_transport.h |  2 +-
 drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr.h              | 12 ++++++---
 drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_app.c          | 21 ++++++++++-----
 drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_fw.c           | 32 +++++++++++++++--------
 drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_os.c           | 12 ++++-----
 8 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)