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[RFC,v2,0/2] ufs: introduce callbacks to get command information

Message ID cover.1593657314.git.kwmad.kim@samsung.com (mailing list archive)
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Series ufs: introduce callbacks to get command information | expand


Kiwoong Kim July 2, 2020, 2:38 a.m. UTC
Some SoC specific might need command history for
various reasons, such as stacking command contexts
in system memory to check for debugging in the future
or scaling some DVFS knobs to boost IO throughput.

What you would do with the information could be
variant per SoC vendor.

Kiwoong Kim (2):
  ufs: introduce a callback to get info of command completion
  exynos-ufs: implement dbg_register_dump and compl_xfer_req

 drivers/scsi/ufs/Kconfig          |  14 +++
 drivers/scsi/ufs/Makefile         |   2 +-
 drivers/scsi/ufs/ufs-exynos-dbg.c | 202 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/scsi/ufs/ufs-exynos-if.h  |  17 ++++
 drivers/scsi/ufs/ufs-exynos.c     |  63 +++++++++++-
 drivers/scsi/ufs/ufs-exynos.h     |  13 +++
 drivers/scsi/ufs/ufshcd.c         |   2 +
 drivers/scsi/ufs/ufshcd.h         |   8 ++
 8 files changed, 318 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/scsi/ufs/ufs-exynos-dbg.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/scsi/ufs/ufs-exynos-if.h


Stanley Chu July 2, 2020, 2:49 a.m. UTC | #1
Hi Kiwoong,

On Thu, 2020-07-02 at 11:38 +0900, Kiwoong Kim wrote:
> Some SoC specific might need command history for
> various reasons, such as stacking command contexts
> in system memory to check for debugging in the future
> or scaling some DVFS knobs to boost IO throughput.
> What you would do with the information could be
> variant per SoC vendor.
> Kiwoong Kim (2):
>   ufs: introduce a callback to get info of command completion
>   exynos-ufs: implement dbg_register_dump and compl_xfer_req

Thanks for the update!

Would you please elaborate the change log in cover letter for easier
review in the future?

Stanley Chu
Kiwoong Kim July 2, 2020, 2:55 a.m. UTC | #2
> Hi Kiwoong,
> On Thu, 2020-07-02 at 11:38 +0900, Kiwoong Kim wrote:
> > Some SoC specific might need command history for various reasons, such
> > as stacking command contexts in system memory to check for debugging
> > in the future or scaling some DVFS knobs to boost IO throughput.
> >
> > What you would do with the information could be variant per SoC
> > vendor.
> >
> > Kiwoong Kim (2):
> >   ufs: introduce a callback to get info of command completion
> >   exynos-ufs: implement dbg_register_dump and compl_xfer_req
> Thanks for the update!
> Would you please elaborate the change log in cover letter for easier
> review in the future?
> Thanks,
> Stanley Chu

I'll keep in mind.

Kiwoong Kim