new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+/* lifted from u-boot */
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Renesas Solutions Corp.
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+//#include <config.h>
+//#include <asm/macro.h>
+/* Global Timer */
+#define GLOBAL_TIMER_BASE_ADDR (0xF0000200)
+#define MERAM_BASE (0xE5580000)
+/* GIC */
+#define GIC_BASE (0xF0000100)
+#define ICCICR (GIC_BASE + 0x000)
+#define ICCPMR (GIC_BASE + 0x004)
+/* Secure control register */
+#define LIFEC_SEC_SRC (0xE6110008)
+/* RWDT */
+#define RWDT_BASE (0xE6020000)
+#define RWTCSRA0 (RWDT_BASE + 0x04)
+#define RWTCSRB0 (RWDT_BASE + 0x08)
+/* HPB Semaphore Control Registers */
+#define HPBSCR_BASE (0xE6000000)
+#define HPBCTRL0 (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1010)
+#define HPBCTRL1 (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1014)
+#define HPBCTRL2 (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1018)
+#define CCCR (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x101C)
+#define HPBCTRL4 (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1024)
+#define HPBCTRL5 (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1028)
+#define HPBCTRL6 (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1030)
+#define MPSRC (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1600)
+#define MPACCTL (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1604)
+#define SMGPIOSRC (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1820)
+#define SMGPIOERR (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1824)
+#define SMGPIOTIME (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1628)
+#define SMGPIOCNT (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x182C)
+#define SMCMT2SRC (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1840)
+#define SMCMT2ERR (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1844)
+#define SMCMT2TIME (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1648)
+#define SMCMT2CNT (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x184C)
+#define SMCPGSRC (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1850)
+#define SMCPGERR (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1854)
+#define SMCPGTIME (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1658)
+#define SMCPGCNT (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x185C)
+#define SMSYSCSRC (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1870)
+#define SMSYSCERR (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1874)
+#define SMSYSCTIME (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x1678)
+#define SMSYSCCNT (HPBSCR_BASE + 0x187C)
+#define SBSC1_BASE (0xFE400000)
+#define SDCR0A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0008)
+#define SDCR1A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x000C)
+#define SDPCRA (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0010)
+#define SDCR0SA (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0018)
+#define SDCR1SA (SBSC1_BASE + 0x001C)
+#define RTCSRA (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0020)
+#define RTCORA (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0028)
+#define RTCORHA (SBSC1_BASE + 0x002C)
+#define RTCORSA (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0030)
+#define RTCORSHA (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0034)
+#define SDWCRC0A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0040)
+#define SDWCRC1A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0044)
+#define SDWCR00A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0048)
+#define SDWCR01A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x004C)
+#define SDWCR10A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0050)
+#define SDWCR11A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0054)
+#define SDPDCR0A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0058)
+#define SDWCR2A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0060)
+#define SDWCRC2A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0064)
+#define ZQCCRA (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0068)
+#define SDMRACR0A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0084)
+#define SDMRTMPCRA (SBSC1_BASE + 0x008C)
+#define SDMRTMPMSKA (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0094)
+#define SDGENCNTA (SBSC1_BASE + 0x009C)
+#define SDDRVCR0A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x00B4)
+#define SDPTDIVCR0A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x00F0)
+#define SDPTDIVCR1A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x00F4)
+#define SDPTDIVCR2A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x00F8)
+#define SDPTCR0A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0100)
+#define SDPTCR1A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0104)
+#define SDPTCR2A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0108)
+#define SDPTCR3A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x010C)
+#define DLLCNT0A (SBSC1_BASE + 0x0354)
+#define SDMRA1 (0xFE500000)
+#define SDMRA2 (0xFE5C0000)
+#define SDMRA3 (0xFE504000)
+#define SBSC2_BASE (0xFB400000)
+#define SDCR0B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0008)
+#define SDCR1B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x000C)
+#define SDPCRB (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0010)
+#define SDCR0SB (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0018)
+#define SDCR1SB (SBSC2_BASE + 0x001C)
+#define RTCSRB (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0020)
+#define RTCORB (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0028)
+#define RTCORHB (SBSC2_BASE + 0x002C)
+#define RTCORSB (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0030)
+#define RTCORSHB (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0034)
+#define SDWCRC0B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0040)
+#define SDWCRC1B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0044)
+#define SDWCR00B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0048)
+#define SDWCR01B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x004C)
+#define SDWCR10B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0050)
+#define SDWCR11B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0054)
+#define SDPDCR0B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0058)
+#define SDWCR2B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0060)
+#define SDWCRC2B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0064)
+#define ZQCCRB (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0068)
+#define SDMRACR0B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0084)
+#define SDMRTMPCRB (SBSC2_BASE + 0x008C)
+#define SDMRTMPMSKB (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0094)
+#define SDGENCNTB (SBSC2_BASE + 0x009C)
+#define DPHYCNT0B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x00A0)
+#define DPHYCNT1B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x00A4)
+#define DPHYCNT2B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x00A8)
+#define SDDRVCR0B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x00B4)
+#define SDPTDIVCR0B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x00F0)
+#define SDPTDIVCR1B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x00F4)
+#define SDPTDIVCR2B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x00F8)
+#define SDPTCR0B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0100)
+#define SDPTCR1B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0104)
+#define SDPTCR2B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0108)
+#define SDPTCR3B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x010C)
+#define DLLCNT0B (SBSC2_BASE + 0x0354)
+#define SDMRB1 (0xFB500000)
+#define SDMRB2 (0xFB5C0000)
+#define SDMRB3 (0xFB504000)
+#define CPG_BASE (0xE6150000)
+#define FRQCRA (CPG_BASE + 0x0000)
+#define FRQCRB (CPG_BASE + 0x0004)
+#define FRQCRD (CPG_BASE + 0x00E4)
+#define VCLKCR1 (CPG_BASE + 0x0008)
+#define VCLKCR2 (CPG_BASE + 0x000C)
+#define VCLKCR3 (CPG_BASE + 0x001C)
+#define ZBCKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0010)
+#define FLCKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0014)
+#define SD0CKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0074)
+#define SD1CKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0078)
+#define SD2CKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x007C)
+#define FSIACKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0018)
+#define FSIBCKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0090)
+#define PLL1CR (CPG_BASE + 0x0028)
+#define PLL2CR (CPG_BASE + 0x002C)
+#define SUBCKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0080)
+#define SPUACKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0084)
+#define SPUVCKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0094)
+#define MSUCKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0088)
+#define HSICKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x008C)
+#define FSIBCKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0090)
+#define MFCK1CR (CPG_BASE + 0x0098)
+#define MFCK2CR (CPG_BASE + 0x009C)
+#define DSITCKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0060)
+#define DSI0PCKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0064)
+#define DSI1PCKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0068)
+#define DSI0PHYCR (CPG_BASE + 0x006C)
+#define DSI1PHYCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0070)
+#define DVFSCR0 (CPG_BASE + 0x0058)
+#define DVFSCR1 (CPG_BASE + 0x005C)
+#define DVFSCR2 (CPG_BASE + 0x0170)
+#define DVFSCR3 (CPG_BASE + 0x0174)
+#define DVFSCR4 (CPG_BASE + 0x0178)
+#define DVFSCR5 (CPG_BASE + 0x017C)
+#define MPMODE (CPG_BASE + 0x00CC)
+#define RTSTBCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0020)
+#define SYSTBCR (CPG_BASE + 0x0024)
+#define PLLECR (CPG_BASE + 0x00D0)
+#define PLL0CR (CPG_BASE + 0x00D8)
+#define PLL1CR (CPG_BASE + 0x0028)
+#define PLL2CR (CPG_BASE + 0x002C)
+#define PLL3CR (CPG_BASE + 0x00DC)
+#define PLL0STPCR (CPG_BASE + 0x00F0)
+#define PLL1STPCR (CPG_BASE + 0x00C8)
+#define PLL2STPCR (CPG_BASE + 0x00F8)
+#define PLL3STPCR (CPG_BASE + 0x00FC)
+#define MSTPSR0 (CPG_BASE + 0x0030)
+#define MSTPSR1 (CPG_BASE + 0x0038)
+#define MSTPSR2 (CPG_BASE + 0x0040)
+#define MSTPSR3 (CPG_BASE + 0x0048)
+#define MSTPSR4 (CPG_BASE + 0x004C)
+#define MSTPSR5 (CPG_BASE + 0x003C)
+#define RMSTPCR0 (CPG_BASE + 0x0110)
+#define RMSTPCR1 (CPG_BASE + 0x0114)
+#define RMSTPCR2 (CPG_BASE + 0x0118)
+#define RMSTPCR3 (CPG_BASE + 0x011C)
+#define RMSTPCR4 (CPG_BASE + 0x0120)
+#define RMSTPCR5 (CPG_BASE + 0x0124)
+#define SMSTPCR0 (CPG_BASE + 0x0130)
+#define SMSTPCR1 (CPG_BASE + 0x0134)
+#define SMSTPCR2 (CPG_BASE + 0x0138)
+#define SMSTPCR3 (CPG_BASE + 0x013C)
+#define SMSTPCR4 (CPG_BASE + 0x0140)
+#define SMSTPCR5 (CPG_BASE + 0x0144)
+#define CPGXXCR4 (CPG_BASE + 0x0150)
+#define SRCR0 (CPG_BASE + 0x80A0)
+#define SRCR1 (CPG_BASE + 0x80A8)
+#define SRCR2 (CPG_BASE + 0x80B0)
+#define SRCR3 (CPG_BASE + 0x80A8)
+#define SRCR4 (CPG_BASE + 0x80BC)
+#define SRCR5 (CPG_BASE + 0x80C4)
+#define ASTAT (CPG_BASE + 0x8054)
+#define CKSCR (CPG_BASE + 0x00C0)
+#define VREFCR (CPG_BASE + 0x00EC)
+#define WUPCR (CPG_BASE + 0x1010)
+#define SRESCR (CPG_BASE + 0x1018)
+#define PCLKCR (CPG_BASE + 0x1020)
+/* BSC */
+#define BSC_BASE (0xFEC10000)
+#define CS0BCR (BSC_BASE + 0x04)
+#define CS2BCR (BSC_BASE + 0x08)
+#define CS4BCR (BSC_BASE + 0x10)
+#define CS5ABCR (BSC_BASE + 0x14)
+#define CS5BBCR (BSC_BASE + 0x18)
+#define CS6ABCR (BSC_BASE + 0x1c)
+#define CS6BBCR (BSC_BASE + 0x20)
+#define CS0WCR (BSC_BASE + 0x24)
+#define CS2WCR (BSC_BASE + 0x28)
+#define CS4WCR (BSC_BASE + 0x30)
+#define CS5AWCR (BSC_BASE + 0x34)
+#define CS5BWCR (BSC_BASE + 0x38)
+#define CS6AWCR (BSC_BASE + 0x3C)
+#define CS6BWCR (BSC_BASE + 0x40)
+/* SCIF */
+#define SCIF0_BASE (0xE6C40000)
+#define SCIF1_BASE (0xE6C50000)
+#define SCIF2_BASE (0xE6C60000)
+#define SCIF3_BASE (0xE6C70000)
+#define SCIF4_BASE (0xE6C80000)
+#define SCIF5_BASE (0xE6CB0000)
+#define SCIF6_BASE (0xE6CC0000)
+#define SCIF7_BASE (0xE6CD0000)
+/* loop until a value was compare */
+.macro cmp_loop, addr, data, cmp
+ ldr r0, =\addr
+ ldr r1, =\data
+ ldr r2, =\cmp
+ ldr r3, [r0, #0]
+ and r3, r1, r3
+ cmp r2, r3
+ bne 2b
+/* read value from addr, and calc OR with data */
+.macro or_write32, addr, data
+ ldr r4, =\addr
+ ldr r5, =\data
+ ldr r6, [r4]
+ orr r5, r6, r5
+ str r5, [r4]
+/* read value from addr, and calc AND with data */
+.macro and_write32, addr, data
+ ldr r4, 1f
+ ldr r5, 2f
+ ldr r6, [r4]
+ and r5, r6, r5
+ str r5, [r4]
+ b 3f
+1: .long \addr
+2: .long \data
+ /* revert mask rom cache settings; no effect */
+ //mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
+ //and r2, r2, #~(0x1800)
+ //mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
+ ldr r0, =MERAM_BASE
+ mov r1, #0x0
+ str r1, [r0]
+ mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 5
+ ands r0, r0, #0xF
+ beq lowlevel_init__
+ b wait_interrupt
+ .pool
+ .align 4
+ ldr r1, =ICCICR
+ mov r2, #0x0
+ str r2, [r1]
+ mov r2, #0xF0
+ ldr r1, =ICCPMR
+ str r2, [r1]
+ ldr r1, =ICCICR
+ mov r2, #0x1
+ str r2, [r1]
+ wfi
+ ldr r2, [r1, #0xC]
+ str r2, [r1, #0x10]
+ ldr r0, =MERAM_BASE
+ ldr r2, [r0]
+ cmp r2, #0
+ movne pc, r2
+ b wait_loop
+ .pool
+ .align 4
+#if 1
+ mov r0, #0x200000
+ subs r0, r0, #1
+ bne loop0
+ EW RWTCSRA0, 0xA507
+ .pool
+ /* revert mask ROM settings; no observable effect */
+ ED 0xe6050018, 0xe3a1a111 /* PORT24CR */
+ ED SUBCKCR, 0x8080
+ //and_write32 LIFEC_SEC_SRC, 0xFFFFFFE7 /* old u-boot */
+ and_write32 LIFEC_SEC_SRC, 0xFFFF7FFF /* u-boot upstream */
+ and_write32 SMSTPCR3,0xFFFF7FFF
+ and_write32 SRCR3, 0xFFFF7FFF
+ and_write32 SMSTPCR2,0xFFFBFFFF
+ and_write32 SRCR2, 0xFFFBFFFF
+ ED PLLECR, 0x00000000
+ cmp_loop PLLECR, 0x00000F00, 0x00000000
+ cmp_loop FRQCRB, 0x80000000, 0x00000000
+ ED PLL0CR, 0x2D000000
+ ED PLL1CR, 0x17100000
+ ED FRQCRB, 0x96235880
+ cmp_loop FRQCRB, 0x80000000, 0x00000000
+ ED FLCKCR, 0x0000000B
+ and_write32 SMSTPCR0, 0xFFFFFFFD
+ and_write32 SRCR0, 0xFFFFFFFD
+ ED SMGPIOTIME, 0x00000514
+ ED SMCMT2TIME, 0x00000514
+ ED SMCPGTIME, 0x00000514
+ ED SMSYSCTIME, 0x00000514
+ ED DVFSCR4, 0x00092000
+ ED DVFSCR5, 0x000000DC
+ ED PLLECR, 0x00000000
+ cmp_loop PLLECR, 0x00000F00, 0x00000000
+ ED FRQCRA, 0x0012453C
+ //ED FRQCRB, 0x80331350
+ ED FRQCRB, 0x80431350 /* u-boot upstream */
+ cmp_loop FRQCRB, 0x80000000, 0x00000000
+ ED FRQCRD, 0x00000B0B
+ cmp_loop FRQCRD, 0x80000000, 0x00000000
+ ED PCLKCR, 0x00000003
+ ED VCLKCR1, 0x0000012F
+ ED VCLKCR2, 0x00000119
+ ED VCLKCR3, 0x00000119
+ ED ZBCKCR, 0x00000002
+ //ED ZBCKCR, 0x00000003 /* higher BSC clock divider */
+ ED FLCKCR, 0x00000005
+ ED SD0CKCR, 0x00000080
+ ED SD1CKCR, 0x00000080
+ ED SD2CKCR, 0x00000080
+ ED FSIACKCR, 0x0000003F
+ ED FSIBCKCR, 0x0000003F
+ ED SUBCKCR, 0x00000080
+ ED SPUACKCR, 0x0000000B
+ ED SPUVCKCR, 0x0000000B
+ ED MSUCKCR, 0x0000013F
+ ED HSICKCR, 0x00000080
+ ED MFCK1CR, 0x0000003F
+ ED MFCK2CR, 0x0000003F
+ ED DSITCKCR, 0x00000107
+ ED DSI0PCKCR, 0x00000313
+ ED DSI1PCKCR, 0x0000130D
+ ED DSI0PHYCR, 0x2A800E0E
+ ED PLL0CR, 0x1E000000
+ ED PLL0CR, 0x2D000000
+ ED PLL1CR, 0x17100000
+ ED PLL2CR, 0x27000080
+ ED PLL3CR, 0x1D000000
+ ED PLL0STPCR, 0x00080000
+ ED PLL1STPCR, 0x000120C0
+ ED PLL2STPCR, 0x00012000
+ ED PLL3STPCR, 0x00000030
+ ED PLLECR, 0x0000000B
+ cmp_loop PLLECR, 0x00000B00, 0x00000B00
+ ED DVFSCR3, 0x000120F0
+ ED MPMODE, 0x00000020
+ ED VREFCR, 0x0000028A
+ ED RMSTPCR0, 0xE4628087
+ ED RMSTPCR4, 0x00800D3D
+ ED SMSTPCR2, 0x00000000
+ ED SRCR2, 0x00040000
+ and_write32 PLLECR, 0xFFFFFFF7
+ cmp_loop PLLECR, 0x00000800, 0x00000000
+ /* set SBSC operational */
+ ED HPBCTRL6, 0x00000001
+ cmp_loop HPBCTRL6, 0x00000001, 0x00000001
+ /* set SBSC operating frequency */
+ ED FRQCRD, 0x00001414
+ cmp_loop FRQCRD, 0x80000000, 0x00000000
+ ED PLL3CR, 0x1D000000
+ or_write32 PLLECR, 0x00000008
+ cmp_loop PLLECR, 0x00000800, 0x00000800
+ /* enable DLL oscillation in DDRPHY */
+ or_write32 DLLCNT0A, 0x00000002
+ //ED DLLCNT0A, 0x00030001 /* DLL osc. always on */
+ /* wait >= 100 ns */
+ ED SDGENCNTA, 0x00000005
+ //ED SDGENCNTA, 0x0000000A
+ cmp_loop SDGENCNTA, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000
+ /* target LPDDR2 device settings */
+ ED SDCR0A, 0xACC90159
+ ED SDCR1A, 0x00010059
+ ED SDWCRC0A, 0x50874114
+ //ED SDWCRC0A, 0x50FF7337 /* maximum relax */
+ ED SDWCRC1A, 0x33199B37
+ //ED SDWCRC1A, 0x7F3FFF7F /* maximum relax */
+ ED SDWCRC2A, 0x008F2313
+ //ED SDWCRC2A, 0x00FFFFFF /* maximum relax */
+ ED SDWCR00A, 0x31020707
+ //ED SDWCR00A, 0x71F3CF7F /* maximum relax */
+ ED SDWCR01A, 0x0017040A
+ //ED SDWCR01A, 0x001F070F /* maximum relax */
+ ED SDWCR10A, 0x31020707
+ //ED SDWCR10A, 0x71F3CF7F /* maximum relax */
+ ED SDWCR11A, 0x0017040A
+ //ED SDWCR11A, 0x001F070F /* maximum relax */
+ //ED SDDRVCR0A, 0x05555555
+ ED SDDRVCR0A, 0x055557ff /* u-boot upstream */
+ //ED SDDRVCR0A, 0x0FFFFFFF /* maximum drivability */
+ ED SDWCR2A, 0x30000000
+ /* drive CKE high */
+ or_write32 SDPCRA, 0x00000080
+ cmp_loop SDPCRA, 0x00000080, 0x00000080
+ /* wait >= 200 us */
+ ED SDGENCNTA, 0x00002710
+ //ED SDGENCNTA, 0x00004E20
+ cmp_loop SDGENCNTA, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000
+ /* issue reset command to LPDDR2 device */
+ ED SDMRACR0A, 0x0000003F
+ ED SDMRA1, 0x00000000
+ /* wait >= 10 (or 1) us (docs inconsistent) */
+ ED SDGENCNTA, 0x000001F4
+ //ED SDGENCNTA, 0x000003E8
+ cmp_loop SDGENCNTA, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000
+ /* MRW ZS initialization calibration command */
+ ED SDMRACR0A, 0x0000FF0A
+ ED SDMRA3, 0x00000000
+ /* wait >= 1 us */
+ ED SDGENCNTA, 0x00000032
+ //ED SDGENCNTA, 0x00000064
+ cmp_loop SDGENCNTA, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000
+ /* specify operating mode in LPDDR2 */
+ ED SDMRACR0A, 0x00002201
+ ED SDMRA1, 0x00000000
+ ED SDMRACR0A, 0x00000402
+ ED SDMRA1, 0x00000000
+ //ED SDMRACR0A, 0x00000403
+ ED SDMRACR0A, 0x00000203 /* upstream u-boot */
+ ED SDMRA1, 0x00000000
+ /* initialize DDR interface */
+ ED SDMRA2, 0x00000000
+ /* temperature sensor control */
+ ED SDMRTMPCRA, 0x88800004
+ ED SDMRTMPMSKA,0x00000004
+ /* auto-refreshing control */
+ ED RTCORA, 0xA55A0032
+ //ED RTCORA, 0xA55A0012 /* max refresh */
+ ED RTCORHA, 0xA55A000C
+ //ED RTCORHA, 0xA55A0006 /* max refresh */
+ ED RTCSRA, 0xA55A2048
+ //ED RTCSRA, 0xA55A200C /* max refresh */
+ //ED RTCSRA, 0xa55a0048 /* TMPEN = 0 */
+ or_write32 SDCR0A, 0x00000800
+ or_write32 SDCR1A, 0x00000400
+ /* auto ZQ calibration control */
+ ED ZQCCRA, 0xFFF20000
+ //ED ZQCCRA, 0x7FF30000 /* max calib */
+ or_write32 DLLCNT0B, 0x00000002
+ ED SDGENCNTB, 0x00000005
+ //ED SDGENCNTB, 0x0000000A
+ cmp_loop SDGENCNTB, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000
+ ED SDCR0B, 0xACC90159
+ ED SDCR1B, 0x00010059
+ ED SDWCRC0B, 0x50874114
+ //ED SDWCRC0B, 0x50FF7337 /* maximum relax */
+ ED SDWCRC1B, 0x33199B37
+ //ED SDWCRC1B, 0x7F3FFF7F /* maximum relax */
+ ED SDWCRC2B, 0x008F2313
+ ED SDWCR00B, 0x31020707
+ ED SDWCR01B, 0x0017040A
+ ED SDWCR10B, 0x31020707
+ ED SDWCR11B, 0x0017040A
+ //ED SDDRVCR0B, 0x05555555
+ ED SDDRVCR0B, 0x055557ff /* upstream u-boot */
+ ED SDWCR2B, 0x30000000
+ or_write32 SDPCRB, 0x00000080
+ cmp_loop SDPCRB, 0x00000080, 0x00000080
+ ED SDGENCNTB, 0x00002710
+ //ED SDGENCNTB, 0x00004E20
+ cmp_loop SDGENCNTB, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000
+ ED SDMRACR0B, 0x0000003F
+ /* upstream u-boot writes to SDMRA1A for both SBSC 1 and 2; doesn't
+ seem to make a lot of sense... */
+ ED SDMRB1, 0x00000000
+ //ED SDMRA1, 0x00000000
+ ED SDGENCNTB, 0x000001F4
+ //ED SDGENCNTB, 0x000003E8
+ cmp_loop SDGENCNTB, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000
+ ED SDMRACR0B, 0x0000FF0A
+ ED SDMRB3, 0x00000000
+ ED SDGENCNTB, 0x00000032
+ //ED SDGENCNTB, 0x00000064
+ cmp_loop SDGENCNTB, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000
+ ED SDMRACR0B, 0x00002201
+ ED SDMRB1, 0x00000000
+ ED SDMRACR0B, 0x00000402
+ ED SDMRB1, 0x00000000
+ //ED SDMRACR0B, 0x00000403
+ ED SDMRACR0B, 0x00000203 /* upstream u-boot */
+ ED SDMRB1, 0x00000000
+ ED SDMRB2, 0x00000000
+ ED SDMRTMPCRB, 0x88800004
+ ED SDMRTMPMSKB, 0x00000004
+ ED RTCORB, 0xA55A0032
+ ED RTCORHB, 0xA55A000C
+ ED RTCSRB, 0xA55A2048
+ or_write32 SDCR0B, 0x00000800
+ or_write32 SDCR1B, 0x00000400
+ ED ZQCCRB, 0xFFF20000
+ or_write32 SDPDCR0B, 0x00030000
+ ED DPHYCNT1B, 0xA5390000
+ ED DPHYCNT0B, 0x00001200
+ ED DPHYCNT1B, 0x07CE0000
+ ED DPHYCNT0B, 0x00001247
+ cmp_loop DPHYCNT2B, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x07CE0000
+ and_write32 SDPDCR0B, 0xFFFCFFFF
+ ED FRQCRD, 0x00000B0B
+ cmp_loop FRQCRD, 0x80000000, 0x00000000
+ ED CPGXXCR4, 0xfffffffc
+ b 1f
+ .pool
+ .align 4
+#define CS0BCR_D (0x06C00400)
+#define CS4BCR_D (0x16C90400)
+#define CS0WCR_D (0x55062C42)
+#define CS4WCR_D (0x1e071dc3)
+#define CMNCR_BROMMD0 (1 << 21)
+#define CMNCR_BROMMD1 (1 << 22)
+#define VCLKCR1_D (0x27)
+#define SMSTPCR1_CMT0 (1 << 24)
+#define SMSTPCR1_I2C0 (1 << 16)
+#define SMSTPCR3_USB (1 << 22)
+#define SMSTPCR3_I2C1 (1 << 23)
+#define PORT32CR (0xE6051020)
+#define PORT33CR (0xE6051021)
+#define PORT34CR (0xE6051022)
+#define PORT35CR (0xE6051023)
+#if 1
+#if 0
+ ldr r0, 1f
+ ldr r1, [r0]
+ orr r1, r1, #CMNCR_BROMMD
+ str r1, [r0]
+ b 2f
+1: .word CMNCR
+#if 1
+ and_write32 SMSTPCR1, ~(SMSTPCR1_CMT0|SMSTPCR1_I2C0)
+ and_write32 SRCR1, ~(SMSTPCR1_CMT0|SMSTPCR1_I2C0)
+ and_write32 SMSTPCR3, ~(SMSTPCR3_USB|SMSTPCR3_I2C1)
+ and_write32 SRCR3, ~(SMSTPCR3_USB|SMSTPCR3_I2C1)
+ //and_write32 SMSTPCR3, ~(SMSTPCR3_I2C1)
+ //and_write32 SRCR3, ~(SMSTPCR3_I2C1)
+ //or_write32 SMSTPCR3, 0x100 /* stop eMMC */
+#if 1
+ /* Setup SCIF4 / workaround */
+ EB PORT32CR, 0x12
+ EB PORT33CR, 0x22
+ EB PORT34CR, 0x12
+ EB PORT35CR, 0x22
@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
#define MEMORY_START 0x40000000
#include "mach/head-mackerel.txt"
+#elif defined(CONFIG_MACH_KZM9G)
+#include "mach/head-kzm9g.txt"
+#include "mach/head-kzm9g.txt"
#error "unsupported board."