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[GIT,PULL] arm64: defconfig: hisilicon config updates for v5.8

Message ID 5EBE4217.6000900@hisilicon.com (mailing list archive)
State Mainlined, archived
Commit 528443e32a3d53000d30bb8be04a382b04e57470
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Series [GIT,PULL] arm64: defconfig: hisilicon config updates for v5.8 | expand


git://github.com/hisilicon/linux-hisi.git tags/hisi-arm64-defconfig-for-5.8


Wei Xu May 15, 2020, 7:17 a.m. UTC
Hi ARM-SoC team,

Please consider to pull the following changes.

Best Regards,


The following changes since commit 8f3d9f354286745c751374f5f1fcafee6b3f3136:

  Linux 5.7-rc1 (2020-04-12 12:35:55 -0700)

are available in the Git repository at:

  git://github.com/hisilicon/linux-hisi.git tags/hisi-arm64-defconfig-for-5.8

for you to fetch changes up to 528443e32a3d53000d30bb8be04a382b04e57470:

  arm64: defconfig: Enable UACCE/PCI PASID/SEC2/HPRE configs (2020-05-15 09:29:47 +0800)

ARM64: hisilicon: defconfig updates for 5.8

- Enable PCI PASID as built-in module and UACCE/SEC2/HPRE as
  loadable modules to support UACCE use case for the D06CS board

Zhou Wang (1):
      arm64: defconfig: Enable UACCE/PCI PASID/SEC2/HPRE configs

 arch/arm64/configs/defconfig | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)