diff mbox series

[4/8] add helper replace_binop()

Message ID 20201127164950.41517-5-luc.vanoostenryck@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State Mainlined, archived
Headers show
Series factorization of distributive operations | expand

Commit Message

Luc Van Oostenryck Nov. 27, 2020, 4:49 p.m. UTC
Add an helper to replace a binop OP(a, b) and taking care to
drop the usage of the previous operands.

Signed-off-by: Luc Van Oostenryck <luc.vanoostenryck@gmail.com>
 simplify.c | 17 +++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/simplify.c b/simplify.c
index 24b3dcb52428..046bf02c6d36 100644
--- a/simplify.c
+++ b/simplify.c
@@ -497,6 +497,23 @@  static inline int replace_binop_value(struct instruction *insn, int op, long lon
 	return REPEAT_CSE;
+// replace binop's opcode and values
+// @insn: the instruction to be replaced
+// @op: the instruction's new opcode
+// @return: REPEAT_CSE
+static inline int replace_binop(struct instruction *insn, int op, pseudo_t *pa, pseudo_t a, pseudo_t *pb, pseudo_t b)
+	pseudo_t olda = *pa;
+	pseudo_t oldb = *pb;
+	insn->opcode = op;
+	use_pseudo(insn, a, pa);
+	use_pseudo(insn, b, pb);
+	remove_usage(olda, pa);
+	remove_usage(oldb, pb);
+	return REPEAT_CSE;
 // replace the opcode of an instruction
 // @return: REPEAT_CSE