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[v2,0/5] Refactor the APIs for tracing options

Message ID 20210405142107.507711-1-y.karadz@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
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Series Refactor the APIs for tracing options | expand


Yordan Karadzhov April 5, 2021, 2:21 p.m. UTC
Yordan Karadzhov (VMware) (5):
  libtracefs: Fix issues with tracefs_option_id()
  libtracefs: Modify the arguments of tracefs_option_is_set()
  libtracefs: Encapsulate "struct tracefs_options_mask"
  libtracefs: Option's bit masks to be owned by the instance
  libtracefs: Rename tracefs_option_is_set()

 Documentation/libtracefs-option-get.txt |  4 +-
 include/tracefs-local.h                 | 10 +++++
 include/tracefs.h                       | 11 ++---
 src/tracefs-instance.c                  | 14 +++++++
 src/tracefs-tools.c                     | 56 +++++++++----------------
 5 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)