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[0/4] trace-cmd: Various updates

Message ID 20241011182752.357499-1-rostedt@goodmis.org (mailing list archive)
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Series trace-cmd: Various updates | expand


Steven Rostedt Oct. 11, 2024, 6:26 p.m. UTC
From: "Steven Rostedt (Google)" <rostedt@goodmis.org>

Various trace-cmd updates:

- Add a way to show "max_latency"

- Use tracefs_instances() helper function

- Use tracefs_filter_functions() helper function

Steven Rostedt (VMware) (4):
  trace-cmd list: Use tracefs_filter_functions()
  trace-cmd show: Add --max_latency
  trace-cmd list: Use tracefs_instances() to list instances
  trace-cmd stat: Use tracefs_instances() instead of walking them

 tracecmd/trace-list.c  | 54 ++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 tracecmd/trace-show.c  |  6 +++++
 tracecmd/trace-stat.c  | 26 ++++++++++----------
 tracecmd/trace-usage.c |  1 +
 4 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)