new file mode 100755
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
+FNR == 1 {
+ FC++;
+# (1) Build a mapping to associate object files with built-in module names.
+# The first file argument is used as input (modules.builtin.objs).
+FC == 1 {
+ sub(/:/, "");
+ mod = $1;
+ sub(/([^/]*\/)+/, "", mod);
+ sub(/\.o$/, "", mod);
+ gsub(/-/, "_", mod);
+ if (NF > 1) {
+ for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) {
+ if ($i in mods)
+ mods[$i] = mods[$i] " " mod;
+ else
+ mods[$i] = mod;
+ }
+ } else
+ mods[$1] = mod;
+ next;
+# (2) Determine the load address for each section.
+# The second file argument is used as input (
+# Since some AWK implementations cannot handle large integers, we strip of the
+# first 4 hex digits from the address. This is safe because the kernel space
+# is not large enough for addresses to extend into those digits.
+FC == 2 && /^\./ && NF > 2 {
+ if (type)
+ delete sect_addend[type];
+ if ($1 ~ /percpu/)
+ next;
+ raw_addr = $2;
+ addr_prefix = "^" substr($2, 1, 6);
+ sub(addr_prefix, "0x", $2);
+ base = strtonum($2);
+ type = $1;
+ anchor = 0;
+ sect_base[type] = base;
+ next;
+!type {
+ next;
+# (3) We need to determine the base address of the section so that ranges can
+# be expressed based on offsets from the base address. This accomodates the
+# kernel sections getting loaded at different addresses than what is recorded
+# in
+# At runtime, we will need to determine the base address of each section we are
+# interested in. We do that by recording the offset of the first symbol in the
+# section. Once we know the address of this symbol in the running kernel, we
+# can calculate the base address of the section.
+# If possible, we use an explicit anchor symbol (sym = .) listed at the base
+# address (offset 0).
+# If there is no such symbol, we record the first symbol in the section along
+# with its offset.
+# We also determine the offset of the first member in the section in case the
+# final linking inserts some content between the start of the section and the
+# first member. I.e. in that case, will list the first member at
+# a non-zero offset whereas will list it at offset 0. We record
+# the addend so we can apply it when processing (next).
+FC == 2 && !anchor && raw_addr == $1 && $3 == "=" && $4 == "." {
+ anchor = sprintf("%s %08x-%08x = %s", type, 0, 0, $2);
+ sect_anchor[type] = anchor;
+ next;
+FC == 2 && !anchor && $1 ~ /^0x/ && $2 !~ /^0x/ && NF <= 4 {
+ sub(addr_prefix, "0x", $1);
+ addr = strtonum($1) - base;
+ anchor = sprintf("%s %08x-%08x = %s", type, addr, addr, $2);
+ sect_anchor[type] = anchor;
+ next;
+FC == 2 && base && /^ \./ && $1 == type && NF == 4 {
+ sub(addr_prefix, "0x", $2);
+ addr = strtonum($2);
+ sect_addend[type] = addr - base;
+ if (anchor) {
+ base = 0;
+ type = 0;
+ }
+ next;
+# (4) Collect offset ranges (relative to the section base address) for built-in
+# modules.
+FC == 3 && /^ \./ && NF == 4 && $3 != "0x0" {
+ type = $1;
+ if (!(type in sect_addend))
+ next;
+ sub(addr_prefix, "0x", $2);
+ addr = strtonum($2) + sect_addend[type];
+ if ($4 in mods)
+ mod = mods[$4];
+ else
+ mod = "";
+ if (mod == mod_name)
+ next;
+ if (mod_name) {
+ idx = mod_start + sect_base[type] + sect_addend[type];
+ entries[idx] = sprintf("%s %08x-%08x %s", type, mod_start, addr, mod_name);
+ count[type]++;
+ }
+ mod_name = mod;
+ mod_start = addr;
+END {
+ for (type in count) {
+ if (type in sect_anchor)
+ entries[sect_base[type]] = sect_anchor[type];
+ }
+ n = asorti(entries, indices);
+ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+ print entries[indices[i]];