From patchwork Thu Oct 25 21:10:59 2018 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Adham Abozaeid X-Patchwork-Id: 10656511 X-Patchwork-Delegate: Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5CBEA1751 for ; Thu, 25 Oct 2018 21:11:05 +0000 (UTC) Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4F1B42C648 for ; Thu, 25 Oct 2018 21:11:05 +0000 (UTC) Received: by (Postfix, from userid 486) id 436D42C650; Thu, 25 Oct 2018 21:11:05 +0000 (UTC) X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.3.1 (2010-03-16) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-7.9 required=2.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID,MAILING_LIST_MULTI,RCVD_IN_DNSWL_HI autolearn=ham version=3.3.1 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5E30C2C648 for ; Thu, 25 Oct 2018 21:11:04 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S1726787AbeJZFpU (ORCPT ); Fri, 26 Oct 2018 01:45:20 -0400 Received: from ([]:15306 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1726610AbeJZFpU (ORCPT ); Fri, 26 Oct 2018 01:45:20 -0400 X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="5.54,425,1534834800"; d="scan'208";a="22303981" Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA; 25 Oct 2018 14:11:01 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 14.3.352.0; Thu, 25 Oct 2018 14:11:01 -0700 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector1-microchiptechnology-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=iMj8O+TNq99cTW0lQ2bo6U1Gml9usaDrKqG3Vkg1ANA=; b=hFcNSRHuNo880rcRQlW3g2jOEWwHO28c3UgwR4iiY7l+p/45gm5siBUtdIt4++AOJqy3D4sGgXOeeLTy2AQL6+SFLKFiSF5zxJawKAqcRHe0P0ezT719cf4p0n5R/h/CVS1IaAqEvxSakC7e+YcqEatoVugKWnCEjb5l8PWUXqs= Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.1273.18; Thu, 25 Oct 2018 21:10:59 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::5cab:d918:f310:6f0e]) by ([fe80::5cab:d918:f310:6f0e%10]) with mapi id 15.20.1250.028; Thu, 25 Oct 2018 21:10:59 +0000 From: To: CC: , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH 1/4] staging: wilc1000: remove unused flags in handle_cfg_param() Thread-Topic: [PATCH 1/4] staging: wilc1000: remove unused flags in handle_cfg_param() Thread-Index: AQHUbKc6bbG734GyakGvGgjM+BTBxg== Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2018 21:10:59 +0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-originating-ip: [] x-clientproxiedby: (2603:10b6:a02:ee::43) To (2a01:111:e400:3c24::27) authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ); x-ms-exchange-messagesentrepresentingtype: 1 x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-microsoft-exchange-diagnostics: 1;DM2PR11MB0350;6:XV3M5sETOWXnOoO56UB9dX5VY4gHVUO/6vl7YqN+hjSRG524AEvaNVeCUcaHLQx6krZaEagT+j7eXWbcGRnAtJ/fFNsWVpqi/erlKB6vNtqlab9pWXZ/Q6Jf9b4roYufnPwd+CWQZ64JuoFf+Wc8M8DB1NcsQGDkvU/ofLDnhVsG/ox5ureyH3IgQFOr9MKmTK2t+qltuOwN3DZbdYW1YlXItpK/c9HZwKvs8otVc+5Mzt/yKpR2yvn//xNEi4kD/dwyxv4Cpnkcg3KVWvbAeMuZCAP4FIPzX32viAz/G7LrGHFNciBF/bVI3Gnm7K3TRDfoffB/0sDgzsKuNnmVoMHucf2FGW8nwrOiai9fgJFns3W1NMkJe42oO6/hsM6sUHLYruNRi40ofSCzKGedjkU/VQ/JVFcTYAhbRLAsapE4FX32J29NHaTiBinyfDpDpKWkSUDRXxRzUKd+Ro2nlQ==;5:NK+RUFRtrstR8152GvqhMKATsxRP14BScKYx5JK+tUeK4qtipspkY9Xds0gTWthOoBb/RItJGrwjjoszaFnc52Ow1oRYIhwzaIm6ZKT2d12ndn3xHMgV9qPm1joJj+NYibLkznAoNDIS3DSQ0BfHU5MbZJK87JcXxYu38xFYmRg=;7:RydcZdUwOLaojR8YCpufE0Xdw6pP0lEn/z8yO7RRQ96JtzRL95KU5oNZhD+0xnc047yMgtskjnaLg6WM6ul1+Y22FOC37Gi+gabzJ4xVnuvFr7t1T7n+l4slJKeZHfp24/m/L8YBkw1Eq1MKfRwK6g== x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: 8b5eb139-8159-460e-97aa-08d63abe5c53 x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(7020095)(4652040)(8989299)(4534185)(4627221)(201703031133081)(201702281549075)(8990200)(5600074)(711020)(2017052603328)(7153060)(7193020);SRVR:DM2PR11MB0350; x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: DM2PR11MB0350: x-ld-processed: 3f4057f3-b418-4d4e-ba84-d55b4e897d88,ExtAddr x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-exchange-antispam-report-test: UriScan:; x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-exchange-antispam-report-cfa-test: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:(6040522)(2401047)(5005006)(8121501046)(3231355)(944501410)(52105095)(3002001)(93006095)(93001095)(10201501046)(148016)(149066)(150057)(6041310)(20161123560045)(20161123564045)(20161123562045)(20161123558120)(201703131423095)(201702281528075)(20161123555045)(201703061421075)(201703061406153)(201708071742011)(7699051)(76991095);SRVR:DM2PR11MB0350;BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID:;SRVR:DM2PR11MB0350; x-forefront-prvs: 083691450C x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM;SFS:(10009020)(396003)(366004)(136003)(346002)(39860400002)(376002)(199004)(189003)(386003)(11346002)(6506007)(2900100001)(14444005)(3846002)(6116002)(71200400001)(446003)(68736007)(36756003)(81166006)(5250100002)(81156014)(2906002)(2616005)(476003)(4326008)(71190400001)(1076002)(5660300001)(52116002)(105586002)(86362001)(8676002)(256004)(478600001)(76176011)(66066001)(99286004)(26005)(53936002)(102836004)(6512007)(54906003)(2351001)(2501003)(316002)(25786009)(97736004)(106356001)(551544002)(72206003)(6436002)(4744004)(5640700003)(6916009)(14454004)(305945005)(186003)(107886003)(8936002)(6486002)(7736002)(486006);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101;SCL:1;SRVR:DM2PR11MB0350;;FPR:;SPF:None;LANG:en;PTR:InfoNoRecords;A:1;MX:1; received-spf: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: V3+joJh+MvpdHKqGkZsmtFUERmcDXbTL2PDZy6L4EGb5Z3xw0AExEuxR1Yil4U/CiGPnzFd9+i3GY2J0mm2XzUEELtSa8lGjlvrDvKcXFLTKGu+4umj0w5Z9BmyJTe2cuIBdz20PKCN57KB1fEbuO8iYunjlrhiTsmiw2eF61nCxALk7/HI94F0DnRMQZ3enPZ8JT0CsIduMHKPpbcZJslDd2FNkCYuP3Oo80qUMQaJDRPh4K4KnIjx9cI8kYjr9pcbFN/dCB1wYzBEv+yh/vssnWa5QFB+s7v2gnyEYz1AERnQ2RqPLVn7E7RbqVyasr7gdttBvqhbvjgXb3kn1419Tvc5BzXhuw4KEXXTsml0= spamdiagnosticoutput: 1:99 spamdiagnosticmetadata: NSPM MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 8b5eb139-8159-460e-97aa-08d63abe5c53 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 25 Oct 2018 21:10:59.2367 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 3f4057f3-b418-4d4e-ba84-d55b4e897d88 X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: DM2PR11MB0350 X-OriginatorOrg: Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: X-Virus-Scanned: ClamAV using ClamSMTP handle_cfg_param() receives a bit map that describes what to be changed. Some of these bits flags aren't referred to from elsewhere and can be removed. Signed-off-by: Adham Abozaeid --- drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.c | 216 ---------------------- drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.h | 29 --- drivers/staging/wilc1000/wilc_wlan_if.h | 9 - 3 files changed, 254 deletions(-) mode change 100644 => 100755 drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.c mode change 100644 => 100755 drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.h mode change 100644 => 100755 drivers/staging/wilc1000/wilc_wlan_if.h diff --git a/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.c b/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.c old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index 01db8999335e..1a1ac5e936a7 --- a/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.c +++ b/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.c @@ -374,64 +374,6 @@ static void handle_cfg_param(struct work_struct *work) mutex_lock(&hif_drv->cfg_values_lock); - if (param->flag & BSS_TYPE) { - u8 bss_type = param->bss_type; - - if (bss_type < 6) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_BSS_TYPE; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->bss_type; - wid_list[i].type = WID_CHAR; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(char); - hif_drv->cfg_values.bss_type = bss_type; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "check value 6 over\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } - if (param->flag & AUTH_TYPE) { - u8 auth_type = param->auth_type; - - if (auth_type == 1 || auth_type == 2 || auth_type == 5) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_AUTH_TYPE; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->auth_type; - wid_list[i].type = WID_CHAR; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(char); - hif_drv->cfg_values.auth_type = auth_type; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Impossible value\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } - if (param->flag & AUTHEN_TIMEOUT) { - if (param->auth_timeout > 0) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_AUTH_TIMEOUT; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->auth_timeout; - wid_list[i].type = WID_SHORT; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(u16); - hif_drv->cfg_values.auth_timeout = param->auth_timeout; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Range(1 ~ 65535) over\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } - if (param->flag & POWER_MANAGEMENT) { - u8 pm_mode = param->power_mgmt_mode; - - if (pm_mode < 5) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_POWER_MANAGEMENT; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->power_mgmt_mode; - wid_list[i].type = WID_CHAR; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(char); - hif_drv->cfg_values.power_mgmt_mode = pm_mode; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Invalid power mode\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } if (param->flag & RETRY_SHORT) { u16 retry_limit = param->short_retry_limit; @@ -492,160 +434,6 @@ static void handle_cfg_param(struct work_struct *work) } i++; } - if (param->flag & PREAMBLE) { - u16 preamble_type = param->preamble_type; - - if (param->preamble_type < 3) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_PREAMBLE; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->preamble_type; - wid_list[i].type = WID_CHAR; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(char); - hif_drv->cfg_values.preamble_type = preamble_type; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Preamble Range(0~2) over\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } - if (param->flag & SHORT_SLOT_ALLOWED) { - u8 slot_allowed = param->short_slot_allowed; - - if (slot_allowed < 2) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_SHORT_SLOT_ALLOWED; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->short_slot_allowed; - wid_list[i].type = WID_CHAR; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(char); - hif_drv->cfg_values.short_slot_allowed = slot_allowed; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Short slot(2) over\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } - if (param->flag & TXOP_PROT_DISABLE) { - u8 prot_disabled = param->txop_prot_disabled; - - if (param->txop_prot_disabled < 2) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_11N_TXOP_PROT_DISABLE; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->txop_prot_disabled; - wid_list[i].type = WID_CHAR; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(char); - hif_drv->cfg_values.txop_prot_disabled = prot_disabled; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "TXOP prot disable\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } - if (param->flag & BEACON_INTERVAL) { - u16 beacon_interval = param->beacon_interval; - - if (beacon_interval > 0) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_BEACON_INTERVAL; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->beacon_interval; - wid_list[i].type = WID_SHORT; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(u16); - hif_drv->cfg_values.beacon_interval = beacon_interval; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Beacon interval(1~65535)fail\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } - if (param->flag & DTIM_PERIOD) { - if (param->dtim_period > 0 && param->dtim_period < 256) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_DTIM_PERIOD; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->dtim_period; - wid_list[i].type = WID_CHAR; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(char); - hif_drv->cfg_values.dtim_period = param->dtim_period; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "DTIM range(1~255) fail\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } - if (param->flag & SITE_SURVEY) { - enum site_survey enabled = param->site_survey_enabled; - - if (enabled < 3) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_SITE_SURVEY; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->site_survey_enabled; - wid_list[i].type = WID_CHAR; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(char); - hif_drv->cfg_values.site_survey_enabled = enabled; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Site survey disable\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } - if (param->flag & SITE_SURVEY_SCAN_TIME) { - u16 scan_time = param->site_survey_scan_time; - - if (scan_time > 0) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_SITE_SURVEY_SCAN_TIME; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->site_survey_scan_time; - wid_list[i].type = WID_SHORT; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(u16); - hif_drv->cfg_values.site_survey_scan_time = scan_time; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Site scan time(1~65535) over\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } - if (param->flag & ACTIVE_SCANTIME) { - u16 active_scan_time = param->active_scan_time; - - if (active_scan_time > 0) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->active_scan_time; - wid_list[i].type = WID_SHORT; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(u16); - hif_drv->cfg_values.active_scan_time = active_scan_time; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Active time(1~65535) over\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } - if (param->flag & PASSIVE_SCANTIME) { - u16 time = param->passive_scan_time; - - if (time > 0) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->passive_scan_time; - wid_list[i].type = WID_SHORT; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(u16); - hif_drv->cfg_values.passive_scan_time = time; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Passive time(1~65535) over\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } - if (param->flag & CURRENT_TX_RATE) { - enum current_tx_rate curr_tx_rate = param->curr_tx_rate; - - if (curr_tx_rate == AUTORATE || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_1 || - curr_tx_rate == MBPS_2 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_5_5 || - curr_tx_rate == MBPS_11 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_6 || - curr_tx_rate == MBPS_9 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_12 || - curr_tx_rate == MBPS_18 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_24 || - curr_tx_rate == MBPS_36 || curr_tx_rate == MBPS_48 || - curr_tx_rate == MBPS_54) { - wid_list[i].id = WID_CURRENT_TX_RATE; - wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)&curr_tx_rate; - wid_list[i].type = WID_SHORT; - wid_list[i].size = sizeof(u16); - hif_drv->cfg_values.curr_tx_rate = (u8)curr_tx_rate; - } else { - netdev_err(vif->ndev, "out of TX rate\n"); - goto unlock; - } - i++; - } ret = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, SET_CFG, wid_list, i, wilc_get_vif_idx(vif)); @@ -3372,11 +3160,7 @@ int wilc_init(struct net_device *dev, struct host_if_drv **hif_drv_handler) mutex_lock(&hif_drv->cfg_values_lock); hif_drv->hif_state = HOST_IF_IDLE; - hif_drv->cfg_values.site_survey_enabled = SITE_SURVEY_OFF; hif_drv->cfg_values.scan_source = DEFAULT_SCAN; - hif_drv->cfg_values.active_scan_time = ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME; - hif_drv->cfg_values.passive_scan_time = PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME; - hif_drv->cfg_values.curr_tx_rate = AUTORATE; hif_drv->p2p_timeout = 0; diff --git a/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.h b/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.h old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index 33fb7318734b..5f894fe7c896 --- a/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.h +++ b/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.h @@ -103,26 +103,11 @@ enum current_tx_rate { struct cfg_param_attr { u32 flag; u8 ht_enable; - u8 bss_type; - u8 auth_type; - u16 auth_timeout; - u8 power_mgmt_mode; u16 short_retry_limit; u16 long_retry_limit; u16 frag_threshold; u16 rts_threshold; - u16 preamble_type; - u8 short_slot_allowed; - u8 txop_prot_disabled; - u16 beacon_interval; - u16 dtim_period; - enum site_survey site_survey_enabled; - u16 site_survey_scan_time; u8 scan_source; - u16 active_scan_time; - u16 passive_scan_time; - enum current_tx_rate curr_tx_rate; - }; enum cfg_param { @@ -130,20 +115,6 @@ enum cfg_param { RETRY_LONG = BIT(1), FRAG_THRESHOLD = BIT(2), RTS_THRESHOLD = BIT(3), - BSS_TYPE = BIT(4), - AUTH_TYPE = BIT(5), - AUTHEN_TIMEOUT = BIT(6), - POWER_MANAGEMENT = BIT(7), - PREAMBLE = BIT(8), - SHORT_SLOT_ALLOWED = BIT(9), - TXOP_PROT_DISABLE = BIT(10), - BEACON_INTERVAL = BIT(11), - DTIM_PERIOD = BIT(12), - SITE_SURVEY = BIT(13), - SITE_SURVEY_SCAN_TIME = BIT(14), - ACTIVE_SCANTIME = BIT(15), - PASSIVE_SCANTIME = BIT(16), - CURRENT_TX_RATE = BIT(17), HT_ENABLE = BIT(18), }; diff --git a/drivers/staging/wilc1000/wilc_wlan_if.h b/drivers/staging/wilc1000/wilc_wlan_if.h old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index ce2066b74287..4f258bf6a48d --- a/drivers/staging/wilc1000/wilc_wlan_if.h +++ b/drivers/staging/wilc1000/wilc_wlan_if.h @@ -698,13 +698,8 @@ enum { WID_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT = 0x1003, WID_BEACON_INTERVAL = 0x1006, WID_MEMORY_ACCESS_16BIT = 0x1008, - WID_RX_SENSE = 0x100B, - WID_ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME = 0x100C, - WID_PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME = 0x100D, - WID_SITE_SURVEY_SCAN_TIME = 0x100E, WID_JOIN_START_TIMEOUT = 0x100F, - WID_AUTH_TIMEOUT = 0x1010, WID_ASOC_TIMEOUT = 0x1011, WID_11I_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT = 0x1012, WID_EAPOL_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 0x1013, @@ -739,11 +734,8 @@ enum { WID_HW_RX_COUNT = 0x2015, WID_MEMORY_ADDRESS = 0x201E, WID_MEMORY_ACCESS_32BIT = 0x201F, - WID_RF_REG_VAL = 0x2021, /* NMAC Integer WID list */ - WID_11N_PHY_ACTIVE_REG_VAL = 0x2080, - /* Custom Integer WID list */ WID_GET_INACTIVE_TIME = 0x2084, WID_SET_OPERATION_MODE = 0X2086, @@ -764,7 +756,6 @@ enum { WID_SUPP_PASSWORD = 0x3011, WID_SITE_SURVEY_RESULTS = 0x3012, WID_RX_POWER_LEVEL = 0x3013, - WID_DEL_ALL_RX_BA = 0x3014, WID_SET_STA_MAC_INACTIVE_TIME = 0x3017, WID_ADD_WEP_KEY = 0x3019, WID_REMOVE_WEP_KEY = 0x301A,