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[wireless,3/3] wifi: wilc1000: document SRCU usage instead of SRCU

Message ID 20240528-wilc_revert_srcu_to_rcu-v1-3-bce096e0798c@bootlin.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Commit 596c195680dceb34e6b994ff5571331d5dba8299
Delegated to: Kalle Valo
Headers show
Series wifi: wilc1000: revert SRCU to RCU conversion series | expand

Commit Message

Alexis Lothoré (eBPF Foundation) May 28, 2024, 2:20 p.m. UTC
Commit f236464f1db7 ("wifi: wilc1000: convert list management to RCU")
attempted to convert SRCU to RCU usage, assuming it was not really needed.
The runtime issues that arose after merging it showed that there are code
paths involving sleeping functions, and removing those would need some
heavier driver rework.

Add some documentation about SRCU need to make sure that any future
developer do not miss some use cases if tempted to convert back again to

Signed-off-by: Alexis Lothoré <alexis.lothore@bootlin.com>
 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/netdev.h | 7 +++++++
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/netdev.h b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/netdev.h
index 5937d6d45695..fde8610a9c84 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/netdev.h
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/netdev.h
@@ -220,6 +220,13 @@  struct wilc {
 	/* protect vif list */
 	struct mutex vif_mutex;
+	/* Sleepable RCU struct to manipulate vif list. Sleepable version is
+	 * needed over the classic RCU version because the driver's current
+	 * design involves some sleeping code while manipulating a vif
+	 * retrieved from vif list (so in a SRCU critical section), like:
+	 * - sending commands to the chip, using info from retrieved vif
+	 * - registering a new monitoring net device
+	 */
 	struct srcu_struct srcu;
 	u8 open_ifcs;