Series |
net: extend the type of netdev_features_t to bitmap
[RFCv6,net-next,00/19] net: extend the type of netdev_features_t to bitmap
[RFCv6,net-next,01/19] net: introduce operation helpers for netdev features
[RFCv6,net-next,02/19] net: replace general features macroes with global netdev_features variables
[RFCv6,net-next,03/19] net: replace multiple feature bits with netdev features array
[RFCv6,net-next,04/19] net: sfc: replace const features initialization with netdev features array
[RFCv6,net-next,05/19] net: simplify the netdev features expression
[RFCv6,net-next,06/19] net: adjust variables definition for netdev_features_t
[RFCv6,net-next,07/19] net: use netdev_feature_add helpers
[RFCv6,net-next,08/19] net: use netdev_features_or helpers
[RFCv6,net-next,09/19] net: use netdev_features_xor helpers
[RFCv6,net-next,10/19] net: use netdev_feature_del helpers
[RFCv6,net-next,11/19] net: use netdev_features_andnot helpers
[RFCv6,net-next,12/19] net: use netdev_feature_test helpers
[RFCv6,net-next,13/19] net: use netdev_features_intersects helpers
[RFCv6,net-next,14/19] net: use netdev_features_and helpers
[RFCv6,net-next,15/19] net: use netdev_features_subset helpers
[RFCv6,net-next,16/19] net: use netdev_features_equal helpers
[RFCv6,net-next,17/19] net: use netdev_features_copy helpers
[RFCv6,net-next,18/19] net: use netdev_xxx_features helpers
[RFCv6,net-next,19/19] net: redefine the prototype of netdev_features_t