From patchwork Mon Jan 18 16:57:21 2021 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: "Badel, Laurent" X-Patchwork-Id: 12027799 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-10.8 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID,DKIM_VALID_AU,HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS,INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI,SPF_HELO_NONE,SPF_PASS autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 174A0C433E6 for ; Mon, 18 Jan 2021 16:58:45 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id CBF5B22C9C for ; Mon, 18 Jan 2021 16:58:44 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S2405504AbhARQ6n (ORCPT ); Mon, 18 Jan 2021 11:58:43 -0500 Received: from ([]:10400 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S2405961AbhARQ6P (ORCPT ); Mon, 18 Jan 2021 11:58:15 -0500 Received: from ( []) by IMSVA (Postfix) with ESMTP id AD3F78C163; Mon, 18 Jan 2021 11:57:24 -0500 (EST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=eaton-s2020-01; t=1610989044; bh=tudSffqi+DEpkH2dRu6jDhwaPwHeAVQ+5cZ8x2pjlv4=; h=From:To:Date; b=pOm00GjC9frejoE8NEeC8HdXZstiyXKNTCgiI1mz9W9QpLjjwCzJ2Pptji2K/5vny +h7w0r1QxylxxQkzbtqCzyVT+TlBYgDeE/RXBojMclZ74idZCFIQIuy90J9Ea73kTA PAKaR/UvbYWEaH0ctQgHxubbbo8F/hWCwu/jJP3KhgMhuXHgPXCCcV+Assi6HOHICi 1cXaArPFebCQrdD93vMTVdPnvNEkYW1y9X/kr9RtDHfAvUsEvDC7At8HWcwgkKlGzI L0Bj3NbWg0h0ZAh2s7cxM+G/uYnFh6joLkt4YWEM/ld11GCK+oa08kWsgvbjbDO3vF lZlE5WiYyp9yw== Received: from ( []) by IMSVA (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9215B8C162; Mon, 18 Jan 2021 11:57:24 -0500 (EST) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS; Mon, 18 Jan 2021 11:57:24 -0500 (EST) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 14.3.487.0; Mon, 18 Jan 2021 11:57:24 -0500 Received: from USSTCSEXHET02.NAPA.AD.ETN.COM ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 14.3.487.0; Mon, 18 Jan 2021 11:57:23 -0500 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.1.1591.10; Mon, 18 Jan 2021 11:57:02 -0500 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=F7s+S/Nkp3plsyxipq1yAUMVtV5mQcUnAYjrrcamJL8fBuTUGAwTwlWT30eAGn1z/rrpAhSdYHuPLU0H4IbE1SMG4hbghpxz0bqceLy8TihvDu0TKYaoe1rrzIwk00Hfnz9kG6QQO3j9LgqqM6DeE8T1fSUHE725tvvEgnF56S3ptkd3Z/lvkpc95G4tm9Zzb4exwMMz2dSTeUSOQZNK4eA6yRpnQJdKmgguEbczfPU10Oi8Q3nuOn9NX53JYU4lMvDCnnXItZNQJrQs429hrGZ+IHKyaKbSPkgSnl/LK6wxsJyLMj64WcpXqfS74HG18fDLSwsXDcOm9FEM4tC+HA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=hSHJ5ScGLwxUVoW65yZIj0bEuR0WgISHW2bf7fD6j0c=; b=EszyloeJEMmFrNkQFgCcxVkM627/r8I4QWCjso1k+JjK5qqS75SnApdpD1IV9/qH2waFb+LrWt/8NPV5AxUbnMS0JPiUXnBxZNWgkHiVX59nDgwfUiGsOyglrFEET10Q6FKQ9F7rkh7qJ4PsJd4wzgoDYtNcCfvoXLYVwViY/FYIACgQ2hdBGIB26b3Fptg/xqa6JTaQ/jOhoTGhKAcmmqB5XiBJLSk0ySk/TfbfbD1aUQxlu0zHU+tQtqSKskNZlhEawwl84lmCEaCWDjk6vADpuzMFC5eQuQfHecJ7kLc3pyXTuZTzrev/Lxzz8BZ2hfVvufPwNIpkhjX8+Zctaw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector1-Eaton-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=hSHJ5ScGLwxUVoW65yZIj0bEuR0WgISHW2bf7fD6j0c=; b=UmsXHaRlIsAnr6UXpdSod8g5ypAHCo4TLZMLSmdQtDVZI7gE5YJXhIAeLh9W64KJLfxnO99sLJyAkpRw+uwvmaFuEyjNf38EhnV4+Qifc7WAiyy2oLB2+HeGlsMW2iMCwFhBU+P0gzZBwFQ30AyXALP2VyvdBgTjyPuxVUM7UxQ= Received: from (2603:10b6:303:71::6) by (2603:10b6:301:1b::18) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.3763.11; Mon, 18 Jan 2021 16:57:21 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::950b:b237:60e4:d30]) by ([fe80::950b:b237:60e4:d30%7]) with mapi id 15.20.3763.014; Mon, 18 Jan 2021 16:57:21 +0000 From: "Badel, Laurent" To: "Badel, Laurent" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" Subject: [PATCH v4 net-next 0/5] net: phy: Fix SMSC LAN87xx external reset Thread-Topic: [PATCH v4 net-next 0/5] net: phy: Fix SMSC LAN87xx external reset Thread-Index: Adbtun6FqUuZJJF1QZurTznkrBttxA== Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 16:57:21 +0000 Message-ID: Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: authentication-results:; 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The issue occurs because the FEC driver turns off the reference clock for power saving reasons [2], which doesn't work out well with LAN87xx PHYs which require a running REF_CLK during the power-up sequence. As a result, the PHYs occasionally (and unpredictably) fail to establish a stable link and require a hardware reset to work reliably. As previously noted [3], the solution in [1] integrates poorly with the PHY abstraction layer, and it also performs many unnecessary resets. This patch series suggests a simpler solution to this problem, namely to hold the PHY in reset during the time between the PHY driver probe and the first opening of the FEC driver. To illustrate why this is sufficient, below is a representation of the PHY RST and REF_CLK status at relevant time points (note that RST signal is active-low for LAN87xx): 1. During system boot when the PHY is probed: RST 111111111111111111111000001111111111111 CLK 000011111111111111111111111111111000000 REF_CLK is enabled during fec_probe(), and there is a short reset pulse due to mdiobus_register_gpiod() which calls gpiod_get_optional() with the GPIOD_OUT_LOW flag, which sets the initial value to 0. The reset is deasserted by phy_device_register() shortly after. After that, the PHY runs without clock until the FEC is opened, which causes the unstable link issue. 2. At first opening of the FEC: RST 111111111111111111111111111100000111111 CLK 000000000011111111111111111111111111111 After REF_CLK is enabled, phy_reset_after_clk_enable() causes a short reset pulse. Reset is needed here because the PHY was running without clock before. 3. At closing of the FEC driver: RST 111110000000000000000000000000000000000 CLK 111111111111000000000000000000000000000 FEC first disconnects the PHY, which asserts the reset, and then disables the clock. 4. At subsequent openings of the FEC: RST 000000000000000011111111111110000011111 CLK 000000000011111111111111111111111111111 FEC first enables the clock, then connects to the PHY which releases the reset. Here the second reset pulse (phy_reset_after_clk_enable()) is unnecessary, because REF_CLK is already running when the reset is first deasserted. This illustrates that the only place where the extra reset pulse is actually needed, is at the first opening of the FEC driver, and the reason it is needed in the first place, is because the PHY has been running without clock after it was probed. Extensive testing with LAN8720 confirmed that the REF_CLK can be disabled without problems as long as the PHY is either in reset or in power-down mode (which is relevant for suspend-to-ram as well). Therefore, instead of relying on extra calls to phy_reset_after_clk_enable(), the issue addressed by commit [1] can be simply fixed by keeping the PHY in reset when exiting from phy_probe(). In this way the PHY will always be in reset or power-down whenever the REF_CLK is turned off. This should not cause issues, since as per the PAL documentation any driver that has business with the PHY should at least call phy_attach(), which will deassert the reset in due time. Therefore this fix probably works equally well for any PHY, but out of caution the patch uses the existing PHY_RST_AFTER_CLK_EN driver flag (which it renames), to implement the fix only for LAN87xx PHYs. Previous versions: This is the 4th version of the series; below is a short description of the previous versions. v1: The solution in [1] has the unfortunate side-effect of breaking the PHY interrupt system due to the hardware reset erasing the interrupt mask of the PHY. Patch series v1 suggested performing the extra reset before the PHY is configured, by moving the call to phy_reset_after_clk_enable() from the FEC into phy_init_hw() instead. The patch was re-examined after finding an issue during resume from suspend, where the PHY also seemed to require a hardware reset to work properly. Further investigation showed that this is in fact due to another peculiarity of the LAN87xx, which also erase their interrupt mask upon software reset (which is done by phy_init_hw() on resuming from suspend-to-ram), and is thus a separate issue that will be addressed in a separate patch. v2: During this time the kernel had moved on and 2 new commits rendered the v1 fix unnecessary: [3] allows the extra PHY reset to still be performed from the FEC, but before the interrupt mask is configured, thereby fixing the above interrupt mask issue. [4] allows LAN87xx to take control of the REF_CLK directly, preventing the FEC from disabling it and thus circumventing the entire REF_CLK issue. Patch v2 proposed to fix 2 potential issues with the solution from [4], namely that (i) failing to set the PHY "clocks" DT property would silently break the system (because FEC succeeds in disabling the REF_CLK, yet the extra reset has been removed), and (ii) keeping the REF_CLK enabled defeated the power-saving purpose of commit [2]. The present patch fixes (i), and leaves it up to the user to use the power-friendly clock management of [2] (leave the DT clocks property unset), or keep the REF_CLK always enabled (set the clocks property). It also simplifies the code by removing all calls to phy_reset_after_clk_enable() and related code, and the function phy_reset_after_clk_enable() altogether. v3: The same content as v4, except that splitting of the patches has been amended to make sure that the PHY works correctly after every successive patch. Tests: against net-next (5.11-rc3) with LAN8720 and LAN8742 and iMX283 SoC. Unfortunately unable to test LAN8740 which has a different form factor. References: [1] commit 1b0a83ac04e3 ("net: fec: add phy_reset_after_clk_enable() support") [2] commit e8fcfcd5684a ("net: fec: optimize the clock management to save power") [3] commit 64a632da538a ("net: fec: Fix phy_device lookup for phy_reset_after_clk_enable()") [4] commit bedd8d78aba3 ("net: phy: smsc: LAN8710/20: add phy refclk in support") Laurent Badel (5): net: phy: Add PHY_RST_AFTER_PROBE flag net: phy: net: phy: Hold SMSC LAN87xx in reset after probe net: fec: Remove PHY reset in fec_main.c net: phy: Remove phy_reset_after_clk_enable() net: phy: Remove PHY_RST_AFTER_CLK_EN flag drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec_main.c | 40 ----------------------- drivers/net/phy/phy_device.c | 26 +-------------- drivers/net/phy/smsc.c | 4 +-- include/linux/phy.h | 3 +- 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)