diff mbox series

[bpf-next,02/10] selftests/xsk: add timeout for Tx thread

Message ID 20230809124343.12957-3-magnus.karlsson@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
State Changes Requested
Delegated to: BPF
Headers show
Series seltests/xsk: various improvements to xskxceiver | expand


Context Check Description
netdev/series_format success Posting correctly formatted
netdev/tree_selection success Clearly marked for bpf-next
netdev/fixes_present success Fixes tag not required for -next series
netdev/header_inline success No static functions without inline keyword in header files
netdev/build_32bit success Errors and warnings before: 9 this patch: 9
netdev/cc_maintainers warning 5 maintainers not CCed: shuah@kernel.org yonghong.song@linux.dev mykolal@fb.com linux-kselftest@vger.kernel.org jonathan.lemon@gmail.com
netdev/build_clang success Errors and warnings before: 9 this patch: 9
netdev/verify_signedoff success Signed-off-by tag matches author and committer
netdev/deprecated_api success None detected
netdev/check_selftest success No net selftest shell script
netdev/verify_fixes success No Fixes tag
netdev/build_allmodconfig_warn success Errors and warnings before: 9 this patch: 9
netdev/checkpatch warning + ksft_print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Transmission loop timed out\n", __func__); WARNING: line length of 94 exceeds 80 columns
netdev/kdoc success Errors and warnings before: 0 this patch: 0
netdev/source_inline success Was 0 now: 0
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-PR success PR summary
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-1 success Logs for ShellCheck
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-2 success Logs for build for aarch64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-4 success Logs for build for x86_64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-5 success Logs for build for x86_64 with llvm-16
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-6 success Logs for set-matrix
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-3 success Logs for build for s390x with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-7 success Logs for test_maps on aarch64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-9 success Logs for test_maps on x86_64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-10 success Logs for test_maps on x86_64 with llvm-16
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-11 success Logs for test_progs on aarch64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-13 success Logs for test_progs on x86_64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-14 success Logs for test_progs on x86_64 with llvm-16
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-15 success Logs for test_progs_no_alu32 on aarch64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-17 success Logs for test_progs_no_alu32 on x86_64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-18 success Logs for test_progs_no_alu32 on x86_64 with llvm-16
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-19 success Logs for test_progs_no_alu32_parallel on aarch64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-20 success Logs for test_progs_no_alu32_parallel on x86_64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-21 success Logs for test_progs_no_alu32_parallel on x86_64 with llvm-16
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-22 success Logs for test_progs_parallel on aarch64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-23 success Logs for test_progs_parallel on x86_64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-24 success Logs for test_progs_parallel on x86_64 with llvm-16
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-25 success Logs for test_verifier on aarch64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-27 success Logs for test_verifier on x86_64 with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-28 success Logs for test_verifier on x86_64 with llvm-16
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-29 success Logs for veristat
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-26 success Logs for test_verifier on s390x with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-8 success Logs for test_maps on s390x with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-12 fail Logs for test_progs on s390x with gcc
bpf/vmtest-bpf-next-VM_Test-16 success Logs for test_progs_no_alu32 on s390x with gcc

Commit Message

Magnus Karlsson Aug. 9, 2023, 12:43 p.m. UTC
From: Magnus Karlsson <magnus.karlsson@intel.com>

Add a timeout for the transmission thread. If packets are not
completed properly, for some reason, the test harness would previously
get stuck forever in a while loop. But with this patch, this timeout
will trigger, flag the test as a failure, and continue with the next

Signed-off-by: Magnus Karlsson <magnus.karlsson@intel.com>
 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.c | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.c b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.c
index c595c0b65417..514fe994e02b 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.c
@@ -1216,10 +1216,29 @@  static int __send_pkts(struct ifobject *ifobject, struct pollfd *fds, bool timeo
-static void wait_for_tx_completion(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk)
+static int wait_for_tx_completion(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk)
-	while (xsk->outstanding_tx)
+	struct timeval tv_end, tv_now, tv_timeout = {THREAD_TMOUT, 0};
+	int ret;
+	ret = gettimeofday(&tv_now, NULL);
+	if (ret)
+		exit_with_error(errno);
+	timeradd(&tv_now, &tv_timeout, &tv_end);
+	while (xsk->outstanding_tx) {
+		ret = gettimeofday(&tv_now, NULL);
+		if (ret)
+			exit_with_error(errno);
+		if (timercmp(&tv_now, &tv_end, >)) {
+			ksft_print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Transmission loop timed out\n", __func__);
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		}
 		complete_pkts(xsk, BATCH_SIZE);
+	}
+	return TEST_PASS;
 static int send_pkts(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobject)
@@ -1242,8 +1261,7 @@  static int send_pkts(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobject)
 			return ret;
-	wait_for_tx_completion(ifobject->xsk);
-	return TEST_PASS;
+	return wait_for_tx_completion(ifobject->xsk);
 static int get_xsk_stats(struct xsk_socket *xsk, struct xdp_statistics *stats)