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[net-next,4/4] selftests: drv-net: rss_ctx: add tests for RSS configuration and contexts

Message ID 20240620232902.1343834-5-kuba@kernel.org (mailing list archive)
State Superseded
Delegated to: Netdev Maintainers
Headers show
Series selftests: drv-net: rss_ctx: add tests for RSS contexts | expand


Context Check Description
netdev/series_format success Posting correctly formatted
netdev/tree_selection success Clearly marked for net-next
netdev/ynl success Generated files up to date; no warnings/errors; no diff in generated;
netdev/fixes_present success Fixes tag not required for -next series
netdev/header_inline success No static functions without inline keyword in header files
netdev/build_32bit success Errors and warnings before: 842 this patch: 842
netdev/build_tools success Errors and warnings before: 0 this patch: 0
netdev/cc_maintainers warning 3 maintainers not CCed: shuah@kernel.org petrm@nvidia.com linux-kselftest@vger.kernel.org
netdev/build_clang success Errors and warnings before: 849 this patch: 849
netdev/verify_signedoff success Signed-off-by tag matches author and committer
netdev/deprecated_api success None detected
netdev/check_selftest success No net selftest shell script
netdev/verify_fixes success No Fixes tag
netdev/build_allmodconfig_warn success Errors and warnings before: 854 this patch: 854
netdev/checkpatch warning WARNING: added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating?
netdev/build_clang_rust success No Rust files in patch. Skipping build
netdev/kdoc success Errors and warnings before: 0 this patch: 0
netdev/source_inline success Was 0 now: 0

Commit Message

Jakub Kicinski June 20, 2024, 11:29 p.m. UTC
Add tests focusing on indirection table configuration and
creating extra RSS contexts in drivers which support it.

  $ ./drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
  KTAP version 1
  ok 1 rss_ctx.test_rss_key_indir
  ok 2 rss_ctx.test_rss_context
  ok 3 rss_ctx.test_rss_context4
  # Increasing queue count 44 -> 66
  # Failed to create context 32, trying to test what we got
  ok 4 rss_ctx.test_rss_context32 # SKIP Tested only 31 contexts, wanted 32
  ok 5 rss_ctx.test_rss_context_overlap
  ok 6 rss_ctx.test_rss_context_overlap2
  # Totals: pass:5 fail:0 xfail:0 xpass:0 skip:1 error:0

Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <kuba@kernel.org>
 .../testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile |   1 +
 .../selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py       | 243 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py      |   7 +-
 tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py    |   5 +
 tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/utils.py   |   8 +-
 5 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py


David Wei June 21, 2024, 1:52 a.m. UTC | #1
On 2024-06-20 16:29, Jakub Kicinski wrote:
> Add tests focusing on indirection table configuration and
> creating extra RSS contexts in drivers which support it.
>   $ ./drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
>   KTAP version 1
>   1..6
>   ok 1 rss_ctx.test_rss_key_indir
>   ok 2 rss_ctx.test_rss_context
>   ok 3 rss_ctx.test_rss_context4
>   # Increasing queue count 44 -> 66
>   # Failed to create context 32, trying to test what we got
>   ok 4 rss_ctx.test_rss_context32 # SKIP Tested only 31 contexts, wanted 32
>   ok 5 rss_ctx.test_rss_context_overlap
>   ok 6 rss_ctx.test_rss_context_overlap2
>   # Totals: pass:5 fail:0 xfail:0 xpass:0 skip:1 error:0
> Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <kuba@kernel.org>
> ---
>  .../testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile |   1 +
>  .../selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py       | 243 ++++++++++++++++++
>  .../selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py      |   7 +-
>  tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py    |   5 +
>  tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/utils.py   |   8 +-
>  5 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100755 tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
> diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
> index 4933d045ab66..c9f2f48fc30f 100644
> --- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
> +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
> @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ TEST_PROGS = \
>  	hw_stats_l3_gre.sh \
>  	loopback.sh \
>  	pp_alloc_fail.py \
> +	rss_ctx.py \
>  	#
>  TEST_FILES := \
> diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
> new file mode 100755
> index 000000000000..74d2ca62083f
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python3
> +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
> +
> +import datetime
> +import random
> +from lib.py import ksft_run, ksft_pr, ksft_exit, ksft_eq, ksft_ge, ksft_lt
> +from lib.py import NetDrvEpEnv
> +from lib.py import NetdevFamily
> +from lib.py import KsftSkipEx
> +from lib.py import rand_port
> +from lib.py import ethtool, ip, GenerateTraffic, CmdExitFailure
> +
> +
> +def _rss_key_str(key):
> +    return ":".join(["{:02x}".format(x) for x in key])
> +
> +
> +def _rss_key_rand(length):
> +    return [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(length)]
> +
> +
> +def get_rss(cfg):
> +    return ethtool(f"-x {cfg.ifname}", json=True)[0]

At this point I think json=True can be the default.

> +
> +
> +def ethtool_create(cfg, act, opts):
> +    output = ethtool(f"{act} {cfg.ifname} {opts}").stdout
> +    # Output will be something like: "New RSS context is 1" or
> +    # "Added rule with ID 7", we want the integer from the end
> +    return int(output.split()[-1])
> +
> +
> +# Get Rx packet counts for all queues, as a simple list of integers
> +# if @prev is specified the prev counts will be subtracted
> +def _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=None):
> +    cfg.wait_hw_stats_settle()
> +    data = cfg.netdevnl.qstats_get({"ifindex": cfg.ifindex, "scope": ["queue"]}, dump=True)
> +    data = [x for x in data if x['queue-type'] == "rx"]
> +    max_q = max([x["queue-id"] for x in data])
> +    queue_stats = [0] * (max_q + 1)
> +    for q in data:
> +        queue_stats[q["queue-id"]] = q["rx-packets"]
> +        if prev and q["queue-id"] < len(prev):
> +            queue_stats[q["queue-id"]] -= prev[q["queue-id"]]
> +    return queue_stats
> +
> +
> +def test_rss_key_indir(cfg):
> +    """
> +    Test basics like updating the main RSS key and indirection table.
> +    """
> +    data = get_rss(cfg)
> +    want_keys = ['rss-hash-key', 'rss-hash-function', 'rss-indirection-table']
> +    for k in want_keys:
> +        if k not in data:
> +            raise KsftFailEx("ethtool results missing key: " + k)
> +        if not data[k]:
> +            raise KsftFailEx(f"ethtool results empty for '{k}': {data[k]}")
> +
> +    key_len = len(data['rss-hash-key'])
> +
> +    # Set the key
> +    key = _rss_key_rand(key_len)
> +    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} hkey " + _rss_key_str(key))
> +
> +    data = get_rss(cfg)
> +    ksft_eq(key, data['rss-hash-key'])
> +
> +    # Set the indirection table
> +    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
> +    data = get_rss(cfg)
> +    ksft_eq(0, min(data['rss-indirection-table']))
> +    ksft_eq(1, max(data['rss-indirection-table']))
> +
> +    # Check we only get traffic on the first 2 queues
> +    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> +    GenerateTraffic(cfg).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> +    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> +    # 2 queues, 20k packets, must be at least 5k per queue
> +    ksft_ge(cnts[0], 5000, "traffic on main context (1/2): " + str(cnts))
> +    ksft_ge(cnts[1], 5000, "traffic on main context (2/2): " + str(cnts))
> +    # The other queues should be unused
> +    ksft_eq(sum(cnts[2:]), 0, "traffic on unused queues: " + str(cnts))
> +
> +    # Restore, and check traffic gets spread again
> +    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
> +
> +    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> +    GenerateTraffic(cfg).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> +    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> +    # First two queues get less traffic than all the rest
> +    ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:]), sum(cnts[:2]), "traffic distributed: " + str(cnts))

Do you need to check the number of queues? If it's 3 then would this
check potentially fail?

> +
> +
> +def test_rss_context(cfg, ctx_cnt=1):
> +    """
> +    Test separating traffic into RSS contexts.
> +    The queues will be allocated 2 for each context:
> +     ctx0  ctx1  ctx2  ctx3
> +    [0 1] [2 3] [4 5] [6 7] ...
> +    """
> +
> +    requested_ctx_cnt = ctx_cnt
> +
> +    # Try to allocate more queues when necessary
> +    qcnt = len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg))
> +    if qcnt >= 2 + 2 * ctx_cnt:
> +        qcnt = None
> +    else:
> +        try:
> +            ksft_pr(f"Increasing queue count {qcnt} -> {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
> +            ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
> +        except:
> +            raise KsftSkipEx("Not enough queues for the test")
> +
> +    ntuple = []
> +    ctx_id = []
> +    ports = []
> +    try:
> +        # Use queues 0 and 1 for normal traffic
> +        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
> +
> +        for i in range(ctx_cnt):
> +            try:
> +                ctx_id.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new"))
> +            except CmdExitFailure:
> +                # try to carry on and skip at the end
> +                if i == 0:
> +                    raise
> +                ksft_pr(f"Failed to create context {i + 1}, trying to test what we got")
> +                ctx_cnt = i
> +                break
> +
> +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id[i]} start {2 + i * 2} equal 2")
> +
> +            ports.append(rand_port())
> +            flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {ports[i]} context {ctx_id[i]}"
> +            ntuple.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow))
> +
> +        for i in range(ctx_cnt):
> +            cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> +            GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=ports[i]).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> +            cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> +
> +            ksft_lt(sum(cnts[ :2]), 10000, "traffic on main context:" + str(cnts))

What if the host is getting significant traffic during the test?

> +            ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2+i*2:4+i*2]), 20000, f"traffic on context {i}: " + str(cnts))

Is this exactly 20000?

> +            ksft_eq(sum(cnts[2:2+i*2] + cnts[4+i*2:]), 0, "traffic on other contexts: " + str(cnts))
> +    finally:
> +        for nid in ntuple:
> +            ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {nid}")
> +        for cid in ctx_id:
> +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {cid} delete")
> +        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
> +        if qcnt:
> +            ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {qcnt}")
> +
> +    if requested_ctx_cnt != ctx_cnt:
> +        raise KsftSkipEx(f"Tested only {ctx_cnt} contexts, wanted {requested_ctx_cnt}")
> +
> +
> +def test_rss_context4(cfg):
> +    test_rss_context(cfg, 4)
> +
> +
> +def test_rss_context32(cfg):
> +    test_rss_context(cfg, 32)
> +
> +
> +def test_rss_context_overlap(cfg, other_ctx=0):
> +    """
> +    Test contexts overlapping with each other.
> +    Use 4 queues for the main context, but only queues 2 and 3 for context 1.
> +    """
> +    ctx_id = None
> +    ntuple = None
> +    if other_ctx == 0:
> +        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 4")

What if the queue count < 4?

> +    else:
> +        other_ctx = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new")
> +        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {other_ctx} equal 4")
> +
> +    try:
> +        ctx_id = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new")
> +        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} start 2 equal 2")
> +
> +        port = rand_port()
> +        if other_ctx:
> +            flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {port} context {other_ctx}"
> +            ntuple = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
> +
> +        # Test the main context
> +        cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> +        GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=port).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> +        cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> +
> +        ksft_ge(sum(cnts[ :4]), 20000, "traffic on main context: " + str(cnts))
> +        ksft_ge(sum(cnts[ :2]),  7000, "traffic on main context (1/2): " + str(cnts))
> +        ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:4]),  7000, "traffic on main context (2/2): " + str(cnts))
> +        if other_ctx == 0:
> +            ksft_eq(sum(cnts[4: ]),     0, "traffic on other queues: " + str(cnts))
> +
> +        # Now create a rule for context 1 and make sure traffic goes to a subset
> +        if other_ctx:
> +            ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple}")
> +        flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {port} context {ctx_id}"
> +        ntuple = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
> +
> +        cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> +        GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=port).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> +        cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> +
> +        ksft_lt(sum(cnts[ :2]),  7000, "traffic on main context: " + str(cnts))
> +        ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:4]), 20000, "traffic on extra context: " + str(cnts))
> +        if other_ctx == 0:
> +            ksft_eq(sum(cnts[4: ]),     0, "traffic on other queues: " + str(cnts))
> +    finally:
> +        if ntuple:
> +            ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple}")
> +        if ctx_id:
> +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} delete")
> +        if other_ctx == 0:
> +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
> +        else:
> +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {other_ctx} delete")
> +
> +
> +def test_rss_context_overlap2(cfg):
> +    test_rss_context_overlap(cfg, True)

Add a test case for other_ctx=0?

> +
> +
> +def main() -> None:
> +    with NetDrvEpEnv(__file__, nsim_test=False) as cfg:
> +        cfg.netdevnl = NetdevFamily()
> +
> +        ksft_run([test_rss_key_indir, test_rss_context, test_rss_context4,
> +                  test_rss_context32, test_rss_context_overlap,
> +                  test_rss_context_overlap2],
> +                 args=(cfg, ))
> +    ksft_exit()
> +
> +
> +if __name__ == "__main__":
> +    main()
> diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py
> index ae60c438f6c2..1de62977433b 100644
> --- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py
> +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py
> @@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ import time
>  from lib.py import ksft_pr, cmd, ip, rand_port, wait_port_listen
>  class GenerateTraffic:
> -    def __init__(self, env):
> +    def __init__(self, env, port=None):
>          env.require_cmd("iperf3", remote=True)
>          self.env = env
> -        port = rand_port()
> -        self._iperf_server = cmd(f"iperf3 -s -p {port}", background=True)
> +        if port is None:
> +            port = rand_port()
> +        self._iperf_server = cmd(f"iperf3 -s -1 -p {port}", background=True)
>          wait_port_listen(port)
>          time.sleep(0.1)
>          self._iperf_client = cmd(f"iperf3 -c {env.addr} -P 16 -p {port} -t 86400",
> diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py b/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py
> index 4769b4eb1ea1..91648c5baf40 100644
> --- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py
> +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py
> @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ KSFT_RESULT_ALL = True
>          _fail("Check failed", a, "<", b, comment)
> +def ksft_lt(a, b, comment=""):
> +    if a > b:
> +        _fail("Check failed", a, ">", b, comment)
> +
> +
>  class ksft_raises:
>      def __init__(self, expected_type):
>          self.exception = None
> diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/utils.py b/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/utils.py
> index bf8b5e4d9bac..b3ee57a650ae 100644
> --- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/utils.py
> +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/utils.py
> @@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ import subprocess
>  import time
> +class CmdExitFailure(Exception):
> +    pass
> +
> +
>  class cmd:
>      def __init__(self, comm, shell=True, fail=True, ns=None, background=False, host=None, timeout=5):
>          if ns:
> @@ -42,8 +46,8 @@ import time
>          if self.proc.returncode != 0 and fail:
>              if len(stderr) > 0 and stderr[-1] == "\n":
>                  stderr = stderr[:-1]
> -            raise Exception("Command failed: %s\nSTDOUT: %s\nSTDERR: %s" %
> -                            (self.proc.args, stdout, stderr))
> +            raise CmdExitFailure("Command failed: %s\nSTDOUT: %s\nSTDERR: %s" %
> +                                 (self.proc.args, stdout, stderr))
>  class bkg(cmd):
Jakub Kicinski June 21, 2024, 2:26 a.m. UTC | #2
On Thu, 20 Jun 2024 18:52:21 -0700 David Wei wrote:
> On 2024-06-20 16:29, Jakub Kicinski wrote:
> > +def get_rss(cfg):
> > +    return ethtool(f"-x {cfg.ifname}", json=True)[0]  
> At this point I think json=True can be the default.

for ethtool specifically I'm constantly annoyed by how many sub-commands
don't support JSON. I don't think we'll win much, and the grand plan
is to have a netlink API for all of this, and switch to YNL calls.

> > +    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> > +    GenerateTraffic(cfg).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> > +    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> > +    # First two queues get less traffic than all the rest
> > +    ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:]), sum(cnts[:2]), "traffic distributed: " + str(cnts))  
> Do you need to check the number of queues? If it's 3 then would this
> check potentially fail?

Yeah, I lazy'd out, because ethtool -l doesn't support JSON! Ugh.
At least on my machine. I'll add the check base on qstat, like I did
in one of the later tests.

> > +        for i in range(ctx_cnt):
> > +            cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> > +            GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=ports[i]).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> > +            cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> > +
> > +            ksft_lt(sum(cnts[ :2]), 10000, "traffic on main context:" + str(cnts))  
> What if the host is getting significant traffic during the test?

Then IDK how to write a reasonable RSS test :) Hopefully 10k compared
to the 20k of iperf is pretty safe, but we'll find out...

> > +            ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2+i*2:4+i*2]), 20000, f"traffic on context {i}: " + str(cnts))  
> Is this exactly 20000?

Not sure I follow but ge means >=, iperf will probably do some more
before we manage to stop it.

> > +
> > +def test_rss_context_overlap2(cfg):
> > +    test_rss_context_overlap(cfg, True)  
> Add a test case for other_ctx=0?

context 0 (i.e. the main one) will get tested when called directly.
Annoyingly ethtool userspace is a bit picky about using context 0
as an id on the command line, hence the special handling in the test.
Willem de Bruijn June 23, 2024, 8:03 a.m. UTC | #3
Jakub Kicinski wrote:
> Add tests focusing on indirection table configuration and
> creating extra RSS contexts in drivers which support it.
>   $ ./drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
>   KTAP version 1
>   1..6
>   ok 1 rss_ctx.test_rss_key_indir
>   ok 2 rss_ctx.test_rss_context
>   ok 3 rss_ctx.test_rss_context4
>   # Increasing queue count 44 -> 66
>   # Failed to create context 32, trying to test what we got
>   ok 4 rss_ctx.test_rss_context32 # SKIP Tested only 31 contexts, wanted 32
>   ok 5 rss_ctx.test_rss_context_overlap
>   ok 6 rss_ctx.test_rss_context_overlap2
>   # Totals: pass:5 fail:0 xfail:0 xpass:0 skip:1 error:0
> Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <kuba@kernel.org>
> ---
>  .../testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile |   1 +
>  .../selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py       | 243 ++++++++++++++++++
>  .../selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py      |   7 +-
>  tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py    |   5 +
>  tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/utils.py   |   8 +-
>  5 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100755 tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
> diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
> index 4933d045ab66..c9f2f48fc30f 100644
> --- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
> +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
> @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ TEST_PROGS = \
>  	hw_stats_l3_gre.sh \
>  	loopback.sh \
>  	pp_alloc_fail.py \
> +	rss_ctx.py \
>  	#
>  TEST_FILES := \
> diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
> new file mode 100755
> index 000000000000..74d2ca62083f
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python3
> +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
> +
> +import datetime
> +import random
> +from lib.py import ksft_run, ksft_pr, ksft_exit, ksft_eq, ksft_ge, ksft_lt
> +from lib.py import NetDrvEpEnv
> +from lib.py import NetdevFamily
> +from lib.py import KsftSkipEx
> +from lib.py import rand_port
> +from lib.py import ethtool, ip, GenerateTraffic, CmdExitFailure
> +
> +
> +def _rss_key_str(key):
> +    return ":".join(["{:02x}".format(x) for x in key])
> +
> +
> +def _rss_key_rand(length):
> +    return [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(length)]
> +
> +
> +def get_rss(cfg):
> +    return ethtool(f"-x {cfg.ifname}", json=True)[0]
> +
> +
> +def ethtool_create(cfg, act, opts):
> +    output = ethtool(f"{act} {cfg.ifname} {opts}").stdout
> +    # Output will be something like: "New RSS context is 1" or
> +    # "Added rule with ID 7", we want the integer from the end
> +    return int(output.split()[-1])
> +
> +
> +# Get Rx packet counts for all queues, as a simple list of integers
> +# if @prev is specified the prev counts will be subtracted
> +def _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=None):
> +    cfg.wait_hw_stats_settle()
> +    data = cfg.netdevnl.qstats_get({"ifindex": cfg.ifindex, "scope": ["queue"]}, dump=True)
> +    data = [x for x in data if x['queue-type'] == "rx"]
> +    max_q = max([x["queue-id"] for x in data])
> +    queue_stats = [0] * (max_q + 1)
> +    for q in data:
> +        queue_stats[q["queue-id"]] = q["rx-packets"]
> +        if prev and q["queue-id"] < len(prev):
> +            queue_stats[q["queue-id"]] -= prev[q["queue-id"]]
> +    return queue_stats
> +
> +
> +def test_rss_key_indir(cfg):
> +    """
> +    Test basics like updating the main RSS key and indirection table.
> +    """
> +    data = get_rss(cfg)
> +    want_keys = ['rss-hash-key', 'rss-hash-function', 'rss-indirection-table']
> +    for k in want_keys:
> +        if k not in data:
> +            raise KsftFailEx("ethtool results missing key: " + k)
> +        if not data[k]:
> +            raise KsftFailEx(f"ethtool results empty for '{k}': {data[k]}")

No point in printing data[k]?

> +
> +    key_len = len(data['rss-hash-key'])
> +
> +    # Set the key
> +    key = _rss_key_rand(key_len)
> +    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} hkey " + _rss_key_str(key))

Probably too paranoid, but in case failure is only for some randomized
input, is the key logged on error?

> +
> +    data = get_rss(cfg)
> +    ksft_eq(key, data['rss-hash-key'])
> +
> +    # Set the indirection table
> +    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
> +    data = get_rss(cfg)
> +    ksft_eq(0, min(data['rss-indirection-table']))
> +    ksft_eq(1, max(data['rss-indirection-table']))
> +
> +    # Check we only get traffic on the first 2 queues
> +    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> +    GenerateTraffic(cfg).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> +    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> +    # 2 queues, 20k packets, must be at least 5k per queue
> +    ksft_ge(cnts[0], 5000, "traffic on main context (1/2): " + str(cnts))
> +    ksft_ge(cnts[1], 5000, "traffic on main context (2/2): " + str(cnts))
> +    # The other queues should be unused
> +    ksft_eq(sum(cnts[2:]), 0, "traffic on unused queues: " + str(cnts))
> +
> +    # Restore, and check traffic gets spread again
> +    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")

Consider save and restore state at the start of the test, in case
default is overridden at boot.

Not important, but this also repeats some of toeplitz.sh. That has not
been integrated into net-drv, and the .c and .sh code is more verbose
than this python code. Perhaps can be replaced entirely eventually.

> +
> +    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> +    GenerateTraffic(cfg).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> +    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> +    # First two queues get less traffic than all the rest
> +    ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:]), sum(cnts[:2]), "traffic distributed: " + str(cnts))
> +
> +
> +def test_rss_context(cfg, ctx_cnt=1):
> +    """
> +    Test separating traffic into RSS contexts.
> +    The queues will be allocated 2 for each context:
> +     ctx0  ctx1  ctx2  ctx3
> +    [0 1] [2 3] [4 5] [6 7] ...
> +    """
> +
> +    requested_ctx_cnt = ctx_cnt
> +
> +    # Try to allocate more queues when necessary
> +    qcnt = len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg))
> +    if qcnt >= 2 + 2 * ctx_cnt:
> +        qcnt = None
> +    else:
> +        try:
> +            ksft_pr(f"Increasing queue count {qcnt} -> {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
> +            ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
> +        except:
> +            raise KsftSkipEx("Not enough queues for the test")
> +
> +    ntuple = []
> +    ctx_id = []
> +    ports = []
> +    try:
> +        # Use queues 0 and 1 for normal traffic
> +        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
> +
> +        for i in range(ctx_cnt):
> +            try:
> +                ctx_id.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new"))
> +            except CmdExitFailure:
> +                # try to carry on and skip at the end
> +                if i == 0:
> +                    raise
> +                ksft_pr(f"Failed to create context {i + 1}, trying to test what we got")
> +                ctx_cnt = i
> +                break
> +
> +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id[i]} start {2 + i * 2} equal 2")
> +
> +            ports.append(rand_port())
> +            flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {ports[i]} context {ctx_id[i]}"
> +            ntuple.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow))

Need to test feature ('-k') ntuple and skip test otherwise or set?

> +
> +        for i in range(ctx_cnt):
> +            cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> +            GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=ports[i]).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> +            cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> +
> +            ksft_lt(sum(cnts[ :2]), 10000, "traffic on main context:" + str(cnts))
> +            ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2+i*2:4+i*2]), 20000, f"traffic on context {i}: " + str(cnts))
> +            ksft_eq(sum(cnts[2:2+i*2] + cnts[4+i*2:]), 0, "traffic on other contexts: " + str(cnts))
> +    finally:
> +        for nid in ntuple:
> +            ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {nid}")
> +        for cid in ctx_id:
> +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {cid} delete")
> +        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
> +        if qcnt:
> +            ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {qcnt}")
> +
> +    if requested_ctx_cnt != ctx_cnt:
> +        raise KsftSkipEx(f"Tested only {ctx_cnt} contexts, wanted {requested_ctx_cnt}")
> +
> +
> +def test_rss_context4(cfg):
> +    test_rss_context(cfg, 4)
> +
> +
> +def test_rss_context32(cfg):
> +    test_rss_context(cfg, 32)
> +
> +
> +def test_rss_context_overlap(cfg, other_ctx=0):
> +    """
> +    Test contexts overlapping with each other.
> +    Use 4 queues for the main context, but only queues 2 and 3 for context 1.
> +    """
> +    ctx_id = None
> +    ntuple = None
> +    if other_ctx == 0:
> +        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 4")
> +    else:
> +        other_ctx = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new")
> +        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {other_ctx} equal 4")
> +
> +    try:
> +        ctx_id = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new")
> +        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} start 2 equal 2")
> +
> +        port = rand_port()
> +        if other_ctx:
> +            flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {port} context {other_ctx}"
> +            ntuple = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
> +
> +        # Test the main context
> +        cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> +        GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=port).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> +        cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> +
> +        ksft_ge(sum(cnts[ :4]), 20000, "traffic on main context: " + str(cnts))
> +        ksft_ge(sum(cnts[ :2]),  7000, "traffic on main context (1/2): " + str(cnts))
> +        ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:4]),  7000, "traffic on main context (2/2): " + str(cnts))
> +        if other_ctx == 0:
> +            ksft_eq(sum(cnts[4: ]),     0, "traffic on other queues: " + str(cnts))
> +
> +        # Now create a rule for context 1 and make sure traffic goes to a subset
> +        if other_ctx:
> +            ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple}")
> +        flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {port} context {ctx_id}"
> +        ntuple = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
> +
> +        cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> +        GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=port).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> +        cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> +
> +        ksft_lt(sum(cnts[ :2]),  7000, "traffic on main context: " + str(cnts))
> +        ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:4]), 20000, "traffic on extra context: " + str(cnts))
> +        if other_ctx == 0:
> +            ksft_eq(sum(cnts[4: ]),     0, "traffic on other queues: " + str(cnts))
> +    finally:
> +        if ntuple:
> +            ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple}")
> +        if ctx_id:
> +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} delete")
> +        if other_ctx == 0:
> +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
> +        else:
> +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {other_ctx} delete")
> +
> +
> +def test_rss_context_overlap2(cfg):
> +    test_rss_context_overlap(cfg, True)
> +
> +
> +def main() -> None:
> +    with NetDrvEpEnv(__file__, nsim_test=False) as cfg:
> +        cfg.netdevnl = NetdevFamily()
> +
> +        ksft_run([test_rss_key_indir, test_rss_context, test_rss_context4,
> +                  test_rss_context32, test_rss_context_overlap,
> +                  test_rss_context_overlap2],
> +                 args=(cfg, ))
> +    ksft_exit()
> +
> +
> +if __name__ == "__main__":
> +    main()
> diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py
> index ae60c438f6c2..1de62977433b 100644
> --- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py
> +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py
> @@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ import time
>  from lib.py import ksft_pr, cmd, ip, rand_port, wait_port_listen
Edward Cree June 24, 2024, 12:55 p.m. UTC | #4
On 21/06/2024 00:29, Jakub Kicinski wrote:
> Add tests focusing on indirection table configuration and
> creating extra RSS contexts in drivers which support it.
>   $ ./drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
>   KTAP version 1
>   1..6
>   ok 1 rss_ctx.test_rss_key_indir
>   ok 2 rss_ctx.test_rss_context
>   ok 3 rss_ctx.test_rss_context4
>   # Increasing queue count 44 -> 66
>   # Failed to create context 32, trying to test what we got
>   ok 4 rss_ctx.test_rss_context32 # SKIP Tested only 31 contexts, wanted 32
>   ok 5 rss_ctx.test_rss_context_overlap
>   ok 6 rss_ctx.test_rss_context_overlap2
>   # Totals: pass:5 fail:0 xfail:0 xpass:0 skip:1 error:0
> Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <kuba@kernel.org>
> ---
> +def test_rss_context(cfg, ctx_cnt=1):
> +    """
> +    Test separating traffic into RSS contexts.
> +    The queues will be allocated 2 for each context:
> +     ctx0  ctx1  ctx2  ctx3
> +    [0 1] [2 3] [4 5] [6 7] ...
> +    """
> +
> +    requested_ctx_cnt = ctx_cnt
> +
> +    # Try to allocate more queues when necessary
> +    qcnt = len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg))
> +    if qcnt >= 2 + 2 * ctx_cnt:
> +        qcnt = None
> +    else:
> +        try:
> +            ksft_pr(f"Increasing queue count {qcnt} -> {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
> +            ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
> +        except:
> +            raise KsftSkipEx("Not enough queues for the test")
> +
> +    ntuple = []
> +    ctx_id = []
> +    ports = []
> +    try:
> +        # Use queues 0 and 1 for normal traffic
> +        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
> +
> +        for i in range(ctx_cnt):
> +            try:
> +                ctx_id.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new"))
> +            except CmdExitFailure:
> +                # try to carry on and skip at the end
> +                if i == 0:
> +                    raise
> +                ksft_pr(f"Failed to create context {i + 1}, trying to test what we got")
> +                ctx_cnt = i
> +                break
> +
> +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id[i]} start {2 + i * 2} equal 2")

Is it worth also testing the single command
    f"ethtool -X {cfg.ifname} context new start {2 + i * 2} equal 2"
 as that will exercise the kernel & driver slightly differently to
 first creating a context and then configuring it?


> diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py b/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py
> index 4769b4eb1ea1..91648c5baf40 100644
> --- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py
> +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py
> @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ KSFT_RESULT_ALL = True
>          _fail("Check failed", a, "<", b, comment)
> +def ksft_lt(a, b, comment=""):
> +    if a > b:
> +        _fail("Check failed", a, ">", b, comment)

AFAICT this implements 'le' (less-or-equal), not 'lt' (less than) as
 the name implies.

Apart from that these tests LGTM as far as they go.  One thing that I
 notice *isn't* tested here, that I generally make a point of testing,
 is: add a bunch of contexts (and ntuple filters), remove some of
 them, then run your traffic and make sure that the ones you left
 intact still work (and that the deleted ones are actually gone).
Also wonder if it's worth adding tests for 'ethtool -x ... context N'?
 You have it for context 0 in test_rss_key_indir(), but on custom
 contexts it can exercise different code in the kernel.

Jakub Kicinski June 24, 2024, 2:50 p.m. UTC | #5
On Sun, 23 Jun 2024 04:03:49 -0400 Willem de Bruijn wrote:
> > +def test_rss_key_indir(cfg):
> > +    """
> > +    Test basics like updating the main RSS key and indirection table.
> > +    """
> > +    data = get_rss(cfg)
> > +    want_keys = ['rss-hash-key', 'rss-hash-function', 'rss-indirection-table']
> > +    for k in want_keys:
> > +        if k not in data:
> > +            raise KsftFailEx("ethtool results missing key: " + k)
> > +        if not data[k]:
> > +            raise KsftFailEx(f"ethtool results empty for '{k}': {data[k]}")  
> No point in printing data[k]?

It can be one of many things which evaluate to False: None, False, [],

> > +
> > +    key_len = len(data['rss-hash-key'])
> > +
> > +    # Set the key
> > +    key = _rss_key_rand(key_len)
> > +    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} hkey " + _rss_key_str(key))  
> Probably too paranoid, but in case failure is only for some randomized
> input, is the key logged on error?

Will add!

> > +    data = get_rss(cfg)
> > +    ksft_eq(key, data['rss-hash-key'])
> > +
> > +    # Set the indirection table
> > +    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
> > +    data = get_rss(cfg)
> > +    ksft_eq(0, min(data['rss-indirection-table']))
> > +    ksft_eq(1, max(data['rss-indirection-table']))
> > +
> > +    # Check we only get traffic on the first 2 queues
> > +    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
> > +    GenerateTraffic(cfg).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
> > +    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
> > +    # 2 queues, 20k packets, must be at least 5k per queue
> > +    ksft_ge(cnts[0], 5000, "traffic on main context (1/2): " + str(cnts))
> > +    ksft_ge(cnts[1], 5000, "traffic on main context (2/2): " + str(cnts))
> > +    # The other queues should be unused
> > +    ksft_eq(sum(cnts[2:]), 0, "traffic on unused queues: " + str(cnts))
> > +
> > +    # Restore, and check traffic gets spread again
> > +    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")  
> Consider save and restore state at the start of the test, in case
> default is overridden at boot.
> Not important, but this also repeats some of toeplitz.sh. That has not
> been integrated into net-drv, and the .c and .sh code is more verbose
> than this python code. Perhaps can be replaced entirely eventually.

Agreed, I went with "default" because there seems to be no ethtool
support for setting exact indir table :(  I deferred exact restore
until we have YNL support for setting, which should be soon.

> > +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id[i]} start {2 + i * 2} equal 2")
> > +
> > +            ports.append(rand_port())
> > +            flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {ports[i]} context {ctx_id[i]}"
> > +            ntuple.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow))  
> Need to test feature ('-k') ntuple and skip test otherwise or set?

Will do!
Jakub Kicinski June 24, 2024, 2:54 p.m. UTC | #6
On Mon, 24 Jun 2024 13:55:34 +0100 Edward Cree wrote:
> > +    try:
> > +        # Use queues 0 and 1 for normal traffic
> > +        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
> > +
> > +        for i in range(ctx_cnt):
> > +            try:
> > +                ctx_id.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new"))
> > +            except CmdExitFailure:
> > +                # try to carry on and skip at the end
> > +                if i == 0:
> > +                    raise
> > +                ksft_pr(f"Failed to create context {i + 1}, trying to test what we got")
> > +                ctx_cnt = i
> > +                break
> > +
> > +            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id[i]} start {2 + i * 2} equal 2")  
> Is it worth also testing the single command
>     f"ethtool -X {cfg.ifname} context new start {2 + i * 2} equal 2"
>  as that will exercise the kernel & driver slightly differently to
>  first creating a context and then configuring it?

Will add!

> > diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py b/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py
> > index 4769b4eb1ea1..91648c5baf40 100644
> > --- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py
> > +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py
> > @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ KSFT_RESULT_ALL = True
> >          _fail("Check failed", a, "<", b, comment)
> >  
> >  
> > +def ksft_lt(a, b, comment=""):
> > +    if a > b:
> > +        _fail("Check failed", a, ">", b, comment)  
> AFAICT this implements 'le' (less-or-equal), not 'lt' (less than) as
>  the name implies.

Good catch!

> Apart from that these tests LGTM as far as they go.  One thing that I
>  notice *isn't* tested here, that I generally make a point of testing,
>  is: add a bunch of contexts (and ntuple filters), remove some of
>  them, then run your traffic and make sure that the ones you left
>  intact still work (and that the deleted ones are actually gone).

Good idea, will add.

> Also wonder if it's worth adding tests for 'ethtool -x ... context N'?
>  You have it for context 0 in test_rss_key_indir(), but on custom
>  contexts it can exercise different code in the kernel.

Good point, in my head I deferred all "context N read" tests until we
have dump, but the simple read test should be added here.
Jakub Kicinski June 24, 2024, 4:02 p.m. UTC | #7
On Mon, 24 Jun 2024 07:50:35 -0700 Jakub Kicinski wrote:
> > > +    key_len = len(data['rss-hash-key'])
> > > +
> > > +    # Set the key
> > > +    key = _rss_key_rand(key_len)
> > > +    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} hkey " + _rss_key_str(key))    
> > 
> > Probably too paranoid, but in case failure is only for some randomized
> > input, is the key logged on error?  
> Will add!

I take that back, if ethtool() -> tool() -> cmd() fails we'll throw 
and exception which already includes the command as well as stdout
and stderr. So we'll see in the logs what the key was.
diff mbox series


diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
index 4933d045ab66..c9f2f48fc30f 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/Makefile
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@  TEST_PROGS = \
 	hw_stats_l3_gre.sh \
 	loopback.sh \
 	pp_alloc_fail.py \
+	rss_ctx.py \
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..74d2ca62083f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ 
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+import datetime
+import random
+from lib.py import ksft_run, ksft_pr, ksft_exit, ksft_eq, ksft_ge, ksft_lt
+from lib.py import NetDrvEpEnv
+from lib.py import NetdevFamily
+from lib.py import KsftSkipEx
+from lib.py import rand_port
+from lib.py import ethtool, ip, GenerateTraffic, CmdExitFailure
+def _rss_key_str(key):
+    return ":".join(["{:02x}".format(x) for x in key])
+def _rss_key_rand(length):
+    return [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(length)]
+def get_rss(cfg):
+    return ethtool(f"-x {cfg.ifname}", json=True)[0]
+def ethtool_create(cfg, act, opts):
+    output = ethtool(f"{act} {cfg.ifname} {opts}").stdout
+    # Output will be something like: "New RSS context is 1" or
+    # "Added rule with ID 7", we want the integer from the end
+    return int(output.split()[-1])
+# Get Rx packet counts for all queues, as a simple list of integers
+# if @prev is specified the prev counts will be subtracted
+def _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=None):
+    cfg.wait_hw_stats_settle()
+    data = cfg.netdevnl.qstats_get({"ifindex": cfg.ifindex, "scope": ["queue"]}, dump=True)
+    data = [x for x in data if x['queue-type'] == "rx"]
+    max_q = max([x["queue-id"] for x in data])
+    queue_stats = [0] * (max_q + 1)
+    for q in data:
+        queue_stats[q["queue-id"]] = q["rx-packets"]
+        if prev and q["queue-id"] < len(prev):
+            queue_stats[q["queue-id"]] -= prev[q["queue-id"]]
+    return queue_stats
+def test_rss_key_indir(cfg):
+    """
+    Test basics like updating the main RSS key and indirection table.
+    """
+    data = get_rss(cfg)
+    want_keys = ['rss-hash-key', 'rss-hash-function', 'rss-indirection-table']
+    for k in want_keys:
+        if k not in data:
+            raise KsftFailEx("ethtool results missing key: " + k)
+        if not data[k]:
+            raise KsftFailEx(f"ethtool results empty for '{k}': {data[k]}")
+    key_len = len(data['rss-hash-key'])
+    # Set the key
+    key = _rss_key_rand(key_len)
+    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} hkey " + _rss_key_str(key))
+    data = get_rss(cfg)
+    ksft_eq(key, data['rss-hash-key'])
+    # Set the indirection table
+    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
+    data = get_rss(cfg)
+    ksft_eq(0, min(data['rss-indirection-table']))
+    ksft_eq(1, max(data['rss-indirection-table']))
+    # Check we only get traffic on the first 2 queues
+    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
+    GenerateTraffic(cfg).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
+    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
+    # 2 queues, 20k packets, must be at least 5k per queue
+    ksft_ge(cnts[0], 5000, "traffic on main context (1/2): " + str(cnts))
+    ksft_ge(cnts[1], 5000, "traffic on main context (2/2): " + str(cnts))
+    # The other queues should be unused
+    ksft_eq(sum(cnts[2:]), 0, "traffic on unused queues: " + str(cnts))
+    # Restore, and check traffic gets spread again
+    ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
+    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
+    GenerateTraffic(cfg).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
+    cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
+    # First two queues get less traffic than all the rest
+    ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:]), sum(cnts[:2]), "traffic distributed: " + str(cnts))
+def test_rss_context(cfg, ctx_cnt=1):
+    """
+    Test separating traffic into RSS contexts.
+    The queues will be allocated 2 for each context:
+     ctx0  ctx1  ctx2  ctx3
+    [0 1] [2 3] [4 5] [6 7] ...
+    """
+    requested_ctx_cnt = ctx_cnt
+    # Try to allocate more queues when necessary
+    qcnt = len(_get_rx_cnts(cfg))
+    if qcnt >= 2 + 2 * ctx_cnt:
+        qcnt = None
+    else:
+        try:
+            ksft_pr(f"Increasing queue count {qcnt} -> {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
+            ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {2 + 2 * ctx_cnt}")
+        except:
+            raise KsftSkipEx("Not enough queues for the test")
+    ntuple = []
+    ctx_id = []
+    ports = []
+    try:
+        # Use queues 0 and 1 for normal traffic
+        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 2")
+        for i in range(ctx_cnt):
+            try:
+                ctx_id.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new"))
+            except CmdExitFailure:
+                # try to carry on and skip at the end
+                if i == 0:
+                    raise
+                ksft_pr(f"Failed to create context {i + 1}, trying to test what we got")
+                ctx_cnt = i
+                break
+            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id[i]} start {2 + i * 2} equal 2")
+            ports.append(rand_port())
+            flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {ports[i]} context {ctx_id[i]}"
+            ntuple.append(ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow))
+        for i in range(ctx_cnt):
+            cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
+            GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=ports[i]).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
+            cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
+            ksft_lt(sum(cnts[ :2]), 10000, "traffic on main context:" + str(cnts))
+            ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2+i*2:4+i*2]), 20000, f"traffic on context {i}: " + str(cnts))
+            ksft_eq(sum(cnts[2:2+i*2] + cnts[4+i*2:]), 0, "traffic on other contexts: " + str(cnts))
+    finally:
+        for nid in ntuple:
+            ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {nid}")
+        for cid in ctx_id:
+            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {cid} delete")
+        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
+        if qcnt:
+            ethtool(f"-L {cfg.ifname} combined {qcnt}")
+    if requested_ctx_cnt != ctx_cnt:
+        raise KsftSkipEx(f"Tested only {ctx_cnt} contexts, wanted {requested_ctx_cnt}")
+def test_rss_context4(cfg):
+    test_rss_context(cfg, 4)
+def test_rss_context32(cfg):
+    test_rss_context(cfg, 32)
+def test_rss_context_overlap(cfg, other_ctx=0):
+    """
+    Test contexts overlapping with each other.
+    Use 4 queues for the main context, but only queues 2 and 3 for context 1.
+    """
+    ctx_id = None
+    ntuple = None
+    if other_ctx == 0:
+        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} equal 4")
+    else:
+        other_ctx = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new")
+        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {other_ctx} equal 4")
+    try:
+        ctx_id = ethtool_create(cfg, "-X", "context new")
+        ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} start 2 equal 2")
+        port = rand_port()
+        if other_ctx:
+            flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {port} context {other_ctx}"
+            ntuple = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
+        # Test the main context
+        cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
+        GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=port).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
+        cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
+        ksft_ge(sum(cnts[ :4]), 20000, "traffic on main context: " + str(cnts))
+        ksft_ge(sum(cnts[ :2]),  7000, "traffic on main context (1/2): " + str(cnts))
+        ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:4]),  7000, "traffic on main context (2/2): " + str(cnts))
+        if other_ctx == 0:
+            ksft_eq(sum(cnts[4: ]),     0, "traffic on other queues: " + str(cnts))
+        # Now create a rule for context 1 and make sure traffic goes to a subset
+        if other_ctx:
+            ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple}")
+        flow = f"flow-type tcp{cfg.addr_ipver} dst-port {port} context {ctx_id}"
+        ntuple = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
+        cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg)
+        GenerateTraffic(cfg, port=port).wait_pkts_and_stop(20000)
+        cnts = _get_rx_cnts(cfg, prev=cnts)
+        ksft_lt(sum(cnts[ :2]),  7000, "traffic on main context: " + str(cnts))
+        ksft_ge(sum(cnts[2:4]), 20000, "traffic on extra context: " + str(cnts))
+        if other_ctx == 0:
+            ksft_eq(sum(cnts[4: ]),     0, "traffic on other queues: " + str(cnts))
+    finally:
+        if ntuple:
+            ethtool(f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple}")
+        if ctx_id:
+            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {ctx_id} delete")
+        if other_ctx == 0:
+            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} default")
+        else:
+            ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} context {other_ctx} delete")
+def test_rss_context_overlap2(cfg):
+    test_rss_context_overlap(cfg, True)
+def main() -> None:
+    with NetDrvEpEnv(__file__, nsim_test=False) as cfg:
+        cfg.netdevnl = NetdevFamily()
+        ksft_run([test_rss_key_indir, test_rss_context, test_rss_context4,
+                  test_rss_context32, test_rss_context_overlap,
+                  test_rss_context_overlap2],
+                 args=(cfg, ))
+    ksft_exit()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py
index ae60c438f6c2..1de62977433b 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/lib/py/load.py
@@ -5,13 +5,14 @@  import time
 from lib.py import ksft_pr, cmd, ip, rand_port, wait_port_listen
 class GenerateTraffic:
-    def __init__(self, env):
+    def __init__(self, env, port=None):
         env.require_cmd("iperf3", remote=True)
         self.env = env
-        port = rand_port()
-        self._iperf_server = cmd(f"iperf3 -s -p {port}", background=True)
+        if port is None:
+            port = rand_port()
+        self._iperf_server = cmd(f"iperf3 -s -1 -p {port}", background=True)
         self._iperf_client = cmd(f"iperf3 -c {env.addr} -P 16 -p {port} -t 86400",
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py b/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py
index 4769b4eb1ea1..91648c5baf40 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/ksft.py
@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@  KSFT_RESULT_ALL = True
         _fail("Check failed", a, "<", b, comment)
+def ksft_lt(a, b, comment=""):
+    if a > b:
+        _fail("Check failed", a, ">", b, comment)
 class ksft_raises:
     def __init__(self, expected_type):
         self.exception = None
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/utils.py b/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/utils.py
index bf8b5e4d9bac..b3ee57a650ae 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/utils.py
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/lib/py/utils.py
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@  import subprocess
 import time
+class CmdExitFailure(Exception):
+    pass
 class cmd:
     def __init__(self, comm, shell=True, fail=True, ns=None, background=False, host=None, timeout=5):
         if ns:
@@ -42,8 +46,8 @@  import time
         if self.proc.returncode != 0 and fail:
             if len(stderr) > 0 and stderr[-1] == "\n":
                 stderr = stderr[:-1]
-            raise Exception("Command failed: %s\nSTDOUT: %s\nSTDERR: %s" %
-                            (self.proc.args, stdout, stderr))
+            raise CmdExitFailure("Command failed: %s\nSTDOUT: %s\nSTDERR: %s" %
+                                 (self.proc.args, stdout, stderr))
 class bkg(cmd):